Ejemplo n.º 1
		public EvaluatedObjectContext(DkmVisualizedExpression expr, DkmVisualizedExpression callback_expr): base(expr, callback_expr)
			DkmEvaluationResult eval = null;
			if (expr_.TagValue == DkmVisualizedExpression.Tag.ChildVisualizedExpression)
				eval = ((DkmChildVisualizedExpression)expr_).EvaluationResult;
				eval = DefaultEE.DefaultEval(expr_, true);
			eval_ = (DkmSuccessEvaluationResult)eval;

			// @NOTE: Pretty sure this is reliable
			is_pointer_ = eval_.Type.Contains('*');

			string fullname = Utility.GetExpressionFullName(expr_);
			// Remove any trailing format specifiers.
			int comma = fullname.IndexOf(',');
			if(comma != -1)
				fullname = fullname.Substring(0, comma);
            string base_expr_stub_ = String.Format(
			ptr_expr_stub_ = is_pointer_ ?
				base_expr_stub_ : String.Format("(&{0})", base_expr_stub_);
Ejemplo n.º 2
        DkmClrValue IDkmClrResultProvider.GetClrValue(DkmSuccessEvaluationResult evaluationResult)
                var dataItem = evaluationResult.GetDataItem<EvalResultDataItem>();
                if (dataItem == null)
                    return null;

                return dataItem.Value;
            catch (Exception e) when (ExpressionEvaluatorFatalError.CrashIfFailFastEnabled(e))
                throw ExceptionUtilities.Unreachable;
Ejemplo n.º 3
        DkmClrValue IDkmClrResultProvider.GetClrValue(DkmSuccessEvaluationResult evaluationResult)
                var dataItem = evaluationResult.GetDataItem<EvalResultDataItem>();
                if (dataItem == null)
                    // We don't know about this result.  Call next implementation
                    return evaluationResult.GetClrValue();

                return dataItem.Value;
            catch (Exception e) when (ExpressionEvaluatorFatalError.CrashIfFailFastEnabled(e))
                throw ExceptionUtilities.Unreachable;
        public static DkmSuccessEvaluationResult Create(DkmInspectionContext InspectionContext, DkmStackWalkFrame StackFrame, string Name, string FullName, DkmEvaluationResultFlags Flags, string Value, string EditableValue, string Type, DkmEvaluationResultCategory Category, DkmEvaluationResultAccessType Access, DkmEvaluationResultStorageType StorageType, DkmEvaluationResultTypeModifierFlags TypeModifierFlags, DkmDataAddress Address, ReadOnlyCollection<DkmCustomUIVisualizerInfo> CustomUIVisualizers, ReadOnlyCollection<DkmModuleInstance> ExternalModules, DkmDataItem DataItem)
            DkmSuccessEvaluationResult result = new DkmSuccessEvaluationResult
                InspectionContext = InspectionContext,
                Name = Name,
                FullName = FullName,
                Flags = Flags,
                Value = Value,
                Type = Type,
                Category = Category,
                EditableValue = EditableValue,
                CustomUIVisualizers = CustomUIVisualizers

            if (DataItem != null)
                result.SetDataItem(DkmDataCreationDisposition.CreateNew, DataItem);

            return result;
Ejemplo n.º 5
/*		public override DkmChildVisualizedExpression GetMostDerived()
			foreach (var child in MemberExpressions)
				var eval = child.Value.EvaluationResult as DkmSuccessEvaluationResult;
				if (eval != null && eval.Category == DkmEvaluationResultCategory.MostDerivedClass)
					return child.Value;

			return null;
		private void EvaluateChildren()
			MemberExpressions = new Dictionary<string, DkmChildVisualizedExpression>();

			// @TODO: Am assuming that if expr_ is a child expression, it would be more
			// efficient to use its EvaluationResult property instead of invoking the default
			// evaluator again. However, doing this results in using child UObject expressions which
			// have been generated using the custom visualization (since ! specifier is not recursive).
			// We really don't want this since we just want the default expansion so we can navigate
			// through the members and bases of the class.
			// Problem is, don't know how to communicate to the 'UseDefaultEvaluationBehavior'
			// implementation to use a default expansion in this particular case. Setting the data
			// item on expr_ before calling GetItemsCallback doesn't work, since the expression that
			// gets passed through is not actually expr_, but a root visualized expression that was
			// created by the EE when visualizing the parent, which we don't have access to.

			// As it is, now that we inline the default expansion alongside the addition of the
			// 'UE4 Properties' child, this does seem to work. However, not obvious there is any
			// performance improvement, also not 100% sure it's safe to use the stored evaluation.
			DkmEvaluationResult uobj_eval = null;
			if (expr_.TagValue == DkmVisualizedExpression.Tag.ChildVisualizedExpression)
				uobj_eval = ((DkmChildVisualizedExpression)expr_).EvaluationResult;
				uobj_eval = DefaultEE.DefaultEval(callback_expr_, true);
			eval_ = (DkmSuccessEvaluationResult)uobj_eval;

			DkmEvaluationResult[] children;
			DkmEvaluationResultEnumContext enum_context;
				callback_expr_.GetChildrenCallback(uobj_eval, 0, callback_expr_.InspectionContext, out children, out enum_context);
				// @NOTE: Assuming count will not be large here!!
				callback_expr_.GetItemsCallback(enum_context, 0, enum_context.Count, out children);

			uint idx = 0;
			foreach (var child_eval in children)
				if (child_eval.TagValue == DkmEvaluationResult.Tag.SuccessResult)
					var success_eval = child_eval as DkmSuccessEvaluationResult;
					Debug.Assert(success_eval != null);

					DkmExpressionValueHome home;
					if(success_eval.Address != null)
						home = DkmPointerValueHome.Create(success_eval.Address.Value);
						home = DkmFakeValueHome.Create(0);
					DkmChildVisualizedExpression child = DkmChildVisualizedExpression.Create(
					MemberExpressions[child_eval.Name] = child;

Ejemplo n.º 6
 DkmClrValue IDkmClrResultProvider.GetClrValue(DkmSuccessEvaluationResult successResult)
     return successResult.GetClrValue();
Ejemplo n.º 7
		// Assumes already confirmed that we are dealing with a pointer
		protected bool IsPointerNull(DkmSuccessEvaluationResult eval)
			return eval.Address.Value == 0;
Ejemplo n.º 8
		protected bool IsPointer(DkmSuccessEvaluationResult eval)
			// @TODO: Confirm reliable. Alternative is to check for '*' within Type property.
			return eval.Flags.HasFlag(DkmEvaluationResultFlags.Address);