Ejemplo n.º 1
        } // end of Populate()

        /// <summary>
        /// Processes the history for current record.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="initialView">First history item structure</param>
        /// <param name="migratedHistory">No of history items already migrated</param>
        /// <returns>List of history items except first one</returns>
        private ArrayList ProcessHistory(Hashtable initialView, int migratedHistory)
            int       noOfHistory  = 0;
            ArrayList historyItems = new ArrayList();

                Logger.Write(LogSource.CQ, TraceLevel.Verbose, "Processing History for {0} : {1}", m_entityName, m_sourceId);

                // record all history items except the first one
                Hashtable        currentHistory = null;
                OAdHistoryFields cqHistFields   = CQWrapper.GetHistoryFields(m_CQEntity);
                int historyFldCount             = CQWrapper.HistoryFieldsCount(cqHistFields);
                for (int histFldIndex = 0; histFldIndex < historyFldCount; histFldIndex++)
                    object          ob           = (object)histFldIndex;
                    OAdHistoryField historyField = CQWrapper.HistoryFieldsItem(cqHistFields, ref ob);

                    int historyCount = CQWrapper.HistoryFieldHistoriesCount(historyField);
                    for (int histIndex = migratedHistory; histIndex < historyCount; histIndex++)
                        if (histIndex == 0)
                            // first history.. use the initial view to record history
                            currentHistory = initialView;
                            // create a new instance to record history
                            InMemoryHistoryItem imHistItem = new InMemoryHistoryItem();
                            currentHistory = imHistItem.UpdatedView;

                        object     obHistIndex  = (object)histIndex;
                        OAdHistory aHistory     = CQWrapper.HistoryFieldHistoriesItem(historyField, ref obHistIndex);
                        string[]   parsedString = CQWrapper.HistoryValue(aHistory).Split('\t');
                        Debug.Assert(parsedString != null && parsedString.Length >= 6);
                        string date     = parsedString[1];
                        string user     = parsedString[2];
                        string action   = parsedString[3];
                        string oldstate = parsedString[4];
                        string newstate = parsedString[5];

                        DateTime changedDate = DateTime.Parse(date, CultureInfo.CurrentCulture);

                        Logger.Write(LogSource.CQ, TraceLevel.Verbose, "History Item : [{0}] [{1}] [{2}] [{3}]",
                                     changedDate, user, oldstate, newstate);

                        string historyval = UtilityMethods.Format(CQResource.CQ_HISTORY_STRING, changedDate.ToString(CultureInfo.CurrentCulture),
                                                                  user, action, oldstate, newstate);
                        currentHistory.Add("History", historyval);
                        currentHistory.Add("user_name", user);
                        currentHistory.Add("Reason", action);

                        if (!String.Equals("N/A", newstate, StringComparison.Ordinal))
                            // add state only if state is valid
                            currentHistory.Add("State", newstate);
        } // end of ProcessHistory()