Ejemplo n.º 1
        //process incoming packet
        public static bool ProcessIncomingPacket(Bytes packet, IpHeader ipHeader)
            int offset = EthernetHeader.Size + IpHeader.Size; //14 byte ethernet header + 20 byte IP header

            VTable.Assert(offset == 34);

            UDPHeader udpHeader = new UDPHeader(packet, offset);

            DebugPrint("ProcessIncomingPacket: Received packet from address {0} port {1}\n",
                       ipHeader.srcAddress.ToString(), udpHeader.srcPort);
            UDP udp = GetUDPSession(udpHeader.dstPort);

            //now we check to see whether the udp session wants to packet
            //XXX review this logic...
            //todo: check if udp is bound to local IP that dest IP matches.
            //UDP header?
            if ((udp != null) &&
                ((udp.LocalAddress == IPv4.Any) ||
                 (udp.RemoteAddress == ipHeader.srcAddress && udp.RemotePort == udpHeader.srcPort) ||
                 (udp.RemotePort == 0)))
                offset += UDPHeader.Size;
                Bytes data = Bitter.SplitOff(ref packet, offset);
                //delete packet;

            DebugPrint("Received packe destined for inactive UDP port {0}" +
                       " source address {1} source port {2}\n",
                       udpHeader.dstPort, ipHeader.srcAddress.ToString(), udpHeader.srcPort);
            //delete  packet;
Ejemplo n.º 2
        //assume ethernet
        //we have to expose this for the DhcpClient
        //Once we move the Dhcp client into an app this can be hidden again
        public void WriteCompleteUDPHeader(Bytes header, Bytes data, int payloadLength)
            int totalLength = IpHeader.Size + UDPHeader.Size + payloadLength;
            //write ip header
            int offset = EthernetHeader.Size;

            int o = EthernetHeader.Size;

            DebugStub.Assert(payloadLength < 0xffff);

            header[o++] = 0x45;                               //default version 4, header_len 5
            header[o++] = 0;                                  //tos
            header[o++] = (byte)(((ushort)totalLength) >> 8); //total length of the ip header
            header[o++] = (byte)(((ushort)totalLength) & 0xff);
            header[o++] = (byte)(((ushort)0) >> 8);           //fragment id
            header[o++] = (byte)(((ushort)0) & 0xff);         //fragment id
            header[o++] = (byte)(((ushort)0) >> 8);           //fragment offset
            header[o++] = (byte)(((ushort)0) & 0xff);         //fragment offset
            header[o++] = 128;                                //default ttl
            header[o++] = 17;                                 // protocol ID --> udp
            header[o++] = 0;                                  //ipchecksum (fill it in later)
            header[o++] = 0;                                  //ipchecksum

            // set the ip addresses
            localIPAddress.CopyOut(header.Array, header.Start + o);
            o += IPv4.Length;

            remoteIPAddress.CopyOut(header.Array, header.Start + o);
            o += IPv4.Length;

            // calculate checksum
            ushort chk = IpHeader.CalculateChecksum(header, offset, IpHeader.Size);

            header[offset + 10] = (byte)(((ushort)chk) >> 8);
            header[offset + 11] = (byte)(((ushort)chk) & 0xff);

            //write the udp header
            header[o++] = (byte)(((ushort)localPort) >> 8);
            header[o++] = (byte)(((ushort)localPort) & 0xff);

            header[o++] = (byte)(((ushort)remotePort) >> 8);
            header[o++] = (byte)(((ushort)remotePort) & 0xff);

            ushort udpLength = (ushort)(UDPHeader.Size + payloadLength);

            header[o++] = (byte)(((ushort)udpLength) >> 8);
            header[o++] = (byte)(((ushort)udpLength) & 0xff);

            // udp checksum (forget for now)
            header[o++] = 0;
            header[o++] = 0;

            UDPHeader.SetUdpChecksum(header, data, EthernetHeader.Size, udpLength);