Ejemplo n.º 1
 internal MDbgDebuggerVar(string variableName, CorValue corValue)
     // corValue can be null meaning that the variable is not available
     m_name = variableName;
     m_corValue = corValue;
Ejemplo n.º 2
Archivo: Eval.cs Proyecto: Orvid/Cosmos
        public void NewParameterizedObject(CorFunction managedFunction, CorType[] argumentTypes, CorValue[] arguments)
            ICorDebugType[] types = null;
            int typesLength = 0;
            ICorDebugValue[] values = null;
            int valuesLength = 0;
            ICorDebugEval2 eval2 = (ICorDebugEval2) m_eval;

            if (argumentTypes != null)
                types = new ICorDebugType[argumentTypes.Length];
                for (int i = 0; i < argumentTypes.Length; i++)
                    types[i] = argumentTypes[i].m_type;
                typesLength = types.Length;
            if (arguments != null)
                values = new ICorDebugValue[arguments.Length];
                for (int i = 0; i < arguments.Length; i++)
                    values[i] = arguments[i].m_val;
                valuesLength = values.Length;
            eval2.NewParameterizedObject(managedFunction.m_function, (uint)typesLength, types, (uint)valuesLength, values);
Ejemplo n.º 3
 /// <summary>
 /// Creates a new instance of the MDbgValue Object.
 /// This constructor is public so that applications can use this class to print values (CorValue).
 /// CorValue's can be returned for example by funceval(CorEval.Result).
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="process">The Process that will own the Value.</param>
 /// <param name="value">The CorValue that this MDbgValue will start with.</param>
 public MDbgValue(MDbgProcess process, CorValue value)
     // value can be null, but we should always know what process we are
     // looking at.
     Debug.Assert(process != null);
     Initialize(process, null, value);
Ejemplo n.º 4
		public void Reload ()
			if (loader != null) {
				// Obsolete value, get a new one
				CorValue v = loader ();
				version = CorDebuggerSession.EvaluationTimestamp;
				if (v != null)
					val = v;
Ejemplo n.º 5
 public void CallFunction(CorFunction managedFunction, CorValue[] arguments)
     ICorDebugValue[] values = null;
         values = new ICorDebugValue[arguments.Length];
         for(int i=0;i<arguments.Length;i++)
             values[i] = arguments[i].m_val;
                         (uint) (arguments==null?0:arguments.Length),
		internal CorHandleValue GetHandle (CorValue val)
			CorHandleValue handleVal = null;
			if (!handles.TryGetValue (val.Address, out handleVal)) {
				handleVal = val.CastToHandleValue ();
				if (handleVal == null)
					// Create a handle
					CorReferenceValue refVal = val.CastToReferenceValue ();
					CorHeapValue heapVal = refVal.Dereference ().CastToHeapValue ();
					handleVal = heapVal.CreateHandle (CorDebugHandleType.HANDLE_STRONG);
				handles.Add (val.Address, handleVal);	
			return handleVal;
Ejemplo n.º 7
 /// <summary>
 /// Sets the EvalResult to the specified CorValue
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="evalValue">What value to set the Result to.</param>
 /// <returns>Returns true on success else false.</returns>
 public bool SetEvalResult(CorValue evalValue)
     if( evalValue==null )
         throw new ArgumentException();
     this["$result"].Value = evalValue;
     return true;
		public CorValRef (ValueLoader loader)
			this.val = loader ();
			this.loader = loader;
			this.version = CorDebuggerSession.EvaluationTimestamp;
		public CorValRef (CorValue val)
			this.val = val;
			this.version = CorDebuggerSession.EvaluationTimestamp;
Ejemplo n.º 10
 private void Unbox(ref CorValue value)
     CorBoxValue boxVal = value.CastToBoxValue();
     if (boxVal != null)
         value = boxVal.GetObject();
Ejemplo n.º 11
        private object getValue(CorValue value)
            var rv = value.CastToReferenceValue();
            if (rv != null)
                if (rv.IsNull)
                    _typename = rv.ExactType.Type;
                    return null;
                return getValue(rv.Dereference());
            var bv = value.CastToBoxValue();
            if (bv != null)
                return getValue(bv.GetObject());

            /*_type_map = { 'System.Boolean': ELEMENT_TYPE_BOOLEAN,
              'System.SByte'  : ELEMENT_TYPE_I1, 'System.Byte'   : ELEMENT_TYPE_U1,
              'System.Int16'  : ELEMENT_TYPE_I2, 'System.UInt16' : ELEMENT_TYPE_U2,
              'System.Int32'  : ELEMENT_TYPE_I4, 'System.UInt32' : ELEMENT_TYPE_U4,
              'System.IntPtr' : ELEMENT_TYPE_I,  'System.UIntPtr': ELEMENT_TYPE_U,
              'System.Int64'  : ELEMENT_TYPE_I8, 'System.UInt64' : ELEMENT_TYPE_U8,
              'System.Single' : ELEMENT_TYPE_R4, 'System.Double' : ELEMENT_TYPE_R8,
              'System.Char'   : ELEMENT_TYPE_CHAR, }*/

            var typeMap = new List<KeyValuePair<CorElementType, string>>();
            typeMap.AddRange(new KeyValuePair<CorElementType, string>[]
                                     new KeyValuePair<CorElementType, string>(CorElementType.ELEMENT_TYPE_BOOLEAN, "System.Boolean"),
                                     new KeyValuePair<CorElementType, string>(CorElementType.ELEMENT_TYPE_I1, "System.SByte"),
                                     new KeyValuePair<CorElementType, string>(CorElementType.ELEMENT_TYPE_U1, "System.Byte"),
                                     new KeyValuePair<CorElementType, string>(CorElementType.ELEMENT_TYPE_I2, "System.Int16"),
                                     new KeyValuePair<CorElementType, string>(CorElementType.ELEMENT_TYPE_U2, "System.UInt16"),
                                     new KeyValuePair<CorElementType, string>(CorElementType.ELEMENT_TYPE_I4, "System.Int32"),
                                     new KeyValuePair<CorElementType, string>(CorElementType.ELEMENT_TYPE_U4, "System.UInt32"),
                                     new KeyValuePair<CorElementType, string>(CorElementType.ELEMENT_TYPE_I, "System.IntPtr"),
                                     new KeyValuePair<CorElementType, string>(CorElementType.ELEMENT_TYPE_U, "System.UIntPtr"),
                                     new KeyValuePair<CorElementType, string>(CorElementType.ELEMENT_TYPE_I8, "System.Int64"),
                                     new KeyValuePair<CorElementType, string>(CorElementType.ELEMENT_TYPE_U8, "System.UInt64"),
                                     new KeyValuePair<CorElementType, string>(CorElementType.ELEMENT_TYPE_R4, "System.Single"),
                                     new KeyValuePair<CorElementType, string>(CorElementType.ELEMENT_TYPE_R8, "System.Double"),
                                     new KeyValuePair<CorElementType, string>(CorElementType.ELEMENT_TYPE_CHAR, "System.Char")

            if (typeMap.Exists(t => t.Key.Equals(value.Type)))
                return value.CastToGenericValue().GetValue();
            else if (value.Type == CorElementType.ELEMENT_TYPE_STRING)
                return value.CastToStringValue().String;
            else if (value.Type == CorElementType.ELEMENT_TYPE_VALUETYPE)
                var typeValue = value.ExactType.Type;
                if (typeMap.Exists(t => t.Value.Equals(_typename)))
                    var gv = value.CastToGenericValue();
                    return gv.UnsafeGetValueAsType(typeMap.Find(t => t.Value.Equals(_typename)).Key);
                    return value.CastToObjectValue();
            else if (new CorElementType[] {CorElementType.ELEMENT_TYPE_CLASS, CorElementType.ELEMENT_TYPE_OBJECT}.Contains(value.Type))
                return new object(); //value.CastToObjectValue();
                return "Unknown";
Ejemplo n.º 12
 private void Initialize(MDbgProcess process, string name, CorValue value)
     m_process = process;
     m_name = name;
     m_corValue = value;
Ejemplo n.º 13
        /// <summary>
        /// Recursively dereference the input value until we finally find a non-dereferenceable
        /// value.  Along the way, optionally build up a "ptr string" that shows the addresses
        /// we dereference, separated by "->".
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="value">Value to dereference</param>
        /// <param name="ptrStringBuilder">StringBuilder if caller wants us to generate
        /// a "ptr string" (in which case we'll stick it there).  If caller doesn't want
        /// a ptr string, this can be null</param>
        /// <returns>CorValue we arrive at after dereferencing as many times as we can</returns>
        private CorValue Dereference(CorValue value, StringBuilder ptrStringBuilder)
            while (true)
                CorReferenceValue rv = value.CastToReferenceValue();
                if (rv == null)
                    break; // not a reference

                if (ptrStringBuilder != null)
                    if (ptrStringBuilder.Length > 0)
                    ptrStringBuilder.Append("0x" + rv.Value.ToString("X", System.Globalization.CultureInfo.CurrentUICulture));

                // Bail as soon as we hit a reference to NULL
                if (rv.IsNull)
                    return null;    // reference to null

                CorValue newValue = null;
                    newValue = rv.Dereference();
                catch (COMException ce)
                    // Check for any errors that are expected
                    if (ce.ErrorCode != (int)HResult.CORDBG_E_VALUE_POINTS_TO_FUNCTION)
                        throw;  // some other error

                if (newValue == null)
                    break;  // couldn't dereference the reference (eg. void*)

                value = newValue;
            return value;
Ejemplo n.º 14
		public CorValue RuntimeInvoke (CorFunction function, CorType[] typeArgs, CorValue thisObj, CorValue[] arguments)
			return Session.RuntimeInvoke (this, function, typeArgs, thisObj, arguments);
Ejemplo n.º 15
        private string MakePtrString(CorValue value)
            StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();

            while (true)
                CorReferenceValue rv = value.CastToReferenceValue();
                if (rv == null)
                    break; // not a reference

                if (sb.Length > 0)
                sb.Append("0x" + rv.Value.ToString("X", System.Globalization.CultureInfo.CurrentUICulture));

                CorValue newValue = null;
                    newValue = rv.Dereference();
                catch (COMException ce)
                    if (ce.ErrorCode != (int)HResult.CORDBG_E_BAD_REFERENCE_VALUE)
                        throw;  // some other error

                if (newValue == null)
                    break;  // couldn't dereference the reference (eg. void* or invalid ref)

                value = newValue;

            return sb.ToString();
Ejemplo n.º 16
        private CorValue Dereference(CorValue value)
            while (true)
                CorReferenceValue rv = value.CastToReferenceValue();
                if (rv == null)
                    break; // not a reference

                if (rv.IsNull)
                    return null;    // reference to null

                CorValue newValue = rv.Dereference();
                if (newValue == null)
                    break;  // couldn't dereference the reference (eg. void*)

                value = newValue;
            return value;
Ejemplo n.º 17
		public CorValue RuntimeInvoke (CorEvaluationContext ctx, CorFunction function, CorType[] typeArgs, CorValue thisObj, CorValue[] arguments)
			if (!ctx.Thread.ActiveChain.IsManaged)
				throw new EvaluatorException ("Cannot evaluate expression because the thread is stopped in native code.");

			CorValue[] args;
			if (thisObj == null)
				args = arguments;
			else {
				args = new CorValue[arguments.Length + 1];
				args[0] = thisObj;
				arguments.CopyTo (args, 1);

			CorMethodCall mc = new CorMethodCall ();
			CorValue exception = null;
			CorEval eval = ctx.Eval;

			EvalEventHandler completeHandler = delegate (object o, CorEvalEventArgs eargs) {
				OnEndEvaluating ();
				mc.DoneEvent.Set ();
				eargs.Continue = false;

			EvalEventHandler exceptionHandler = delegate (object o, CorEvalEventArgs eargs) {
				OnEndEvaluating ();
				exception = eargs.Eval.Result;
				mc.DoneEvent.Set ();
				eargs.Continue = false;

			process.OnEvalComplete += completeHandler;
			process.OnEvalException += exceptionHandler;

			mc.OnInvoke = delegate {
				if (function.GetMethodInfo (this).Name == ".ctor")
					eval.NewParameterizedObject (function, typeArgs, args);
					eval.CallParameterizedFunction (function, typeArgs, args);
				process.SetAllThreadsDebugState (CorDebugThreadState.THREAD_SUSPEND, ctx.Thread);
				ClearEvalStatus ();
				OnStartEvaluating ();
				process.Continue (false);
			mc.OnAbort = delegate {
				eval.Abort ();
			mc.OnGetDescription = delegate {
				System.Reflection.MethodInfo met = function.GetMethodInfo (ctx.Session);
				if (met != null)
					return met.Name;
					return "<Unknown>";

			try {
				ObjectAdapter.AsyncExecute (mc, ctx.Options.EvaluationTimeout);
			finally {
				process.OnEvalComplete -= completeHandler;
				process.OnEvalException -= exceptionHandler;

			if (exception != null) {
/*				ValueReference<CorValue, CorType> msg = ctx.Adapter.GetMember (ctx, val, "Message");
				if (msg != null) {
					string s = msg.ObjectValue as string;
					mc.ExceptionMessage = s;
					mc.ExceptionMessage = "Evaluation failed.";*/
				CorValRef vref = new CorValRef (exception);
				throw new EvaluatorException ("Evaluation failed: " + ObjectAdapter.GetValueTypeName (ctx, vref));

			return eval.Result;
Ejemplo n.º 18
 /// <summary>
 /// Creates a new instance of the MDbgValue Object.
 /// This constructor is public so that applications can use this class to print values (CorValue).
 /// CorValue's can be returned for example by funceval(CorEval.Result).
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="process">The Process that will own the Value.</param>
 /// <param name="name">The name of the variable.</param>
 /// <param name="value">The CorValue that this MDbgValue will start with.</param>
 public MDbgValue(MDbgProcess process, string name, CorValue value)
     Debug.Assert(process != null && name != null);
     // corValue can be null for native variables in MC++
     Initialize(process, name, value);