Ejemplo n.º 1
        /// <summary>
        /// Proxies the incoming request to the upstream server, and the response back to our client.
        /// </summary>
        /// <remarks>
        /// In what follows, as well as throughout in Reverse Proxy, we consider
        /// the following picture as illustrative of the Proxy.
        /// <code>
        ///      +-------------------+
        ///      |  Upstream server  +
        ///      +-------------------+
        ///            ▲       |
        ///        (b) |       | (c)
        ///            |       ▼
        ///      +-------------------+
        ///      |      Proxy        +
        ///      +-------------------+
        ///            ▲       |
        ///        (a) |       | (d)
        ///            |       ▼
        ///      +-------------------+
        ///      | Downstream client +
        ///      +-------------------+
        /// </code>
        /// (a) and (b) show the *request* path, going *upstream* from the client to the target.
        /// (c) and (d) show the *response* path, going *downstream* from the target back to the client.
        /// </remarks>
        /// <param name="longCancellation">This should be linked to a client disconnect notification like <see cref="HttpContext.RequestAborted"/>
        /// to avoid leaking long running requests.</param>
        public Task ProxyAsync(
            HttpContext context,
            string destinationPrefix,
            Transforms transforms,
            IProxyHttpClientFactory httpClientFactory,
            ProxyTelemetryContext proxyTelemetryContext,
            CancellationToken shortCancellation,
            CancellationToken longCancellation)
            Contracts.CheckValue(context, nameof(context));
            Contracts.CheckValue(destinationPrefix, nameof(destinationPrefix));
            Contracts.CheckValue(transforms, nameof(transforms));
            Contracts.CheckValue(httpClientFactory, nameof(httpClientFactory));

            // :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
            // :: Step 1: Create outgoing HttpRequestMessage
            var upgradeFeature = context.Features.Get <IHttpUpgradeFeature>();
            var isUpgrade      = upgradeFeature?.IsUpgradableRequest ?? false;
            // Default to HTTP/1.1 for proxying upgradable requests. This is already the default as of .NET Core 3.1
            // Otherwise request HTTP/2 and let HttpClient fallback to HTTP/1.1 if it cannot establish HTTP/2 with the target.
            // This is done without extra round-trips thanks to ALPN. We can detect a downgrade after calling HttpClient.SendAsync
            // (see Step 3 below). TBD how this will change when HTTP/3 is supported.
            var version = isUpgrade ? ProtocolHelper.Http11Version : ProtocolHelper.Http2Version;

            var request = CreateRequestMessage(context, destinationPrefix, version, transforms.RequestTransforms);

            if (isUpgrade)
                return(UpgradableProxyAsync(context, upgradeFeature, request, transforms, httpClientFactory.CreateUpgradableClient(), proxyTelemetryContext, shortCancellation, longCancellation));
                return(NormalProxyAsync(context, request, transforms, httpClientFactory.CreateNormalClient(), proxyTelemetryContext, shortCancellation, longCancellation));
Ejemplo n.º 2
        /// <summary>
        /// Proxies the incoming request to the upstream server, and the response back to our client.
        /// </summary>
        /// <remarks>
        /// In what follows, as well as throughout in Reverse Proxy, we consider
        /// the following picture as illustrative of the Proxy.
        /// <code>
        ///      +-------------------+
        ///      |  Upstream server  +
        ///      +-------------------+
        ///            ▲       |
        ///        (b) |       | (c)
        ///            |       ▼
        ///      +-------------------+
        ///      |      Proxy        +
        ///      +-------------------+
        ///            ▲       |
        ///        (a) |       | (d)
        ///            |       ▼
        ///      +-------------------+
        ///      | Downstream client +
        ///      +-------------------+
        /// </code>
        /// (a) and (b) show the *request* path, going *upstream* from the client to the target.
        /// (c) and (d) show the *response* path, going *downstream* from the target back to the client.
        /// </remarks>
        /// <param name="longCancellation">This should be linked to a client disconnect notification like <see cref="HttpContext.RequestAborted"/>
        /// to avoid leaking long running requests.</param>
        public Task ProxyAsync(
            HttpContext context,
            Uri targetUri,
            IProxyHttpClientFactory httpClientFactory,
            ProxyTelemetryContext proxyTelemetryContext,
            CancellationToken shortCancellation,
            CancellationToken longCancellation)
            Contracts.CheckValue(context, nameof(context));
            Contracts.CheckValue(targetUri, nameof(targetUri));
            Contracts.CheckValue(httpClientFactory, nameof(httpClientFactory));

            var upgradeFeature = context.Features.Get <IHttpUpgradeFeature>();

            if (upgradeFeature == null || !upgradeFeature.IsUpgradableRequest)
                return(NormalProxyAsync(context, targetUri, httpClientFactory.CreateNormalClient(), proxyTelemetryContext, shortCancellation, longCancellation));
                return(UpgradableProxyAsync(context, upgradeFeature, targetUri, httpClientFactory.CreateUpgradableClient(), proxyTelemetryContext, shortCancellation, longCancellation));
Ejemplo n.º 3
        /// <summary>
        /// Proxies the incoming request to the upstream server, and the response back to our client.
        /// </summary>
        /// <remarks>
        /// In what follows, as well as throughout in Reverse Proxy, we consider
        /// the following picture as illustrative of the Proxy.
        /// <code>
        ///      +-------------------+
        ///      |  Upstream server  +
        ///      +-------------------+
        ///            ▲       |
        ///        (b) |       | (c)
        ///            |       ▼
        ///      +-------------------+
        ///      |      Proxy        +
        ///      +-------------------+
        ///            ▲       |
        ///        (a) |       | (d)
        ///            |       ▼
        ///      +-------------------+
        ///      | Downstream client +
        ///      +-------------------+
        /// </code>
        /// (a) and (b) show the *request* path, going *upstream* from the client to the target.
        /// (c) and (d) show the *response* path, going *downstream* from the target back to the client.
        /// </remarks>
        /// <param name="longCancellation">This should be linked to a client disconnect notification like <see cref="HttpContext.RequestAborted"/>
        /// to avoid leaking long running requests.</param>
        public Task ProxyAsync(
            HttpContext context,
            string destinationPrefix,
            Transforms transforms,
            IProxyHttpClientFactory httpClientFactory,
            ProxyTelemetryContext proxyTelemetryContext,
            CancellationToken shortCancellation,
            CancellationToken longCancellation)
            _ = context ?? throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(context));
            _ = destinationPrefix ?? throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(destinationPrefix));
            _ = transforms ?? throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(transforms));
            _ = httpClientFactory ?? throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(httpClientFactory));

            // :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
            // :: Step 1: Create outgoing HttpRequestMessage
            var upgradeFeature = context.Features.Get <IHttpUpgradeFeature>();
            var isUpgrade      = (upgradeFeature?.IsUpgradableRequest ?? false)
                                 // Mitigate https://github.com/microsoft/reverse-proxy/issues/255, IIS considers all requests upgradeable.
                                 && string.Equals("WebSocket", context.Request.Headers[HeaderNames.Upgrade], StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase);
            // Default to HTTP/1.1 for proxying upgradeable requests. This is already the default as of .NET Core 3.1
            // Otherwise request HTTP/2 and let HttpClient fallback to HTTP/1.1 if it cannot establish HTTP/2 with the target.
            // This is done without extra round-trips thanks to ALPN. We can detect a downgrade after calling HttpClient.SendAsync
            // (see Step 3 below). TBD how this will change when HTTP/3 is supported.
            var version = isUpgrade ? ProtocolHelper.Http11Version : ProtocolHelper.Http2Version;

            var request = CreateRequestMessage(context, destinationPrefix, version, transforms.RequestTransforms);

            if (isUpgrade)
                return(UpgradableProxyAsync(context, upgradeFeature, request, transforms, httpClientFactory.CreateClient(), proxyTelemetryContext, shortCancellation, longCancellation));
                return(NormalProxyAsync(context, request, transforms, httpClientFactory.CreateClient(), proxyTelemetryContext, shortCancellation, longCancellation));
Ejemplo n.º 4
        /// <summary>
        /// Proxies an upgradable request to the upstream server, treating the upgraded stream as an opaque duplex channel.
        /// </summary>
        /// <remarks>
        /// Upgradable request proxying comprises the following steps:
        ///    (1)  Create outgoing HttpRequestMessage
        ///    (2)  Copy request headers                                              Downstream ---► Proxy ---► Upstream
        ///    (3)  Send the outgoing request using HttpMessageInvoker                Downstream ---► Proxy ---► Upstream
        ///    (4)  Copy response status line                                         Downstream ◄--- Proxy ◄--- Upstream
        ///    (5)  Copy response headers                                             Downstream ◄--- Proxy ◄--- Upstream
        ///       Scenario A: upgrade with upstream worked (got 101 response)
        ///          (A-6)  Upgrade downstream channel (also sends response headers)  Downstream ◄--- Proxy ◄--- Upstream
        ///          (A-7)  Copy duplex streams                                       Downstream ◄--► Proxy ◄--► Upstream
        ///       ---- or ----
        ///       Scenario B: upgrade with upstream failed (got non-101 response)
        ///          (B-6)  Send response headers                                     Downstream ◄--- Proxy ◄--- Upstream
        ///          (B-7)  Copy response body                                        Downstream ◄--- Proxy ◄--- Upstream
        /// This takes care of WebSockets as well as any other upgradable protocol.
        /// </remarks>
        private async Task UpgradableProxyAsync(
            HttpContext context,
            IHttpUpgradeFeature upgradeFeature,
            Uri targetUri,
            HttpMessageInvoker httpClient,
            ProxyTelemetryContext proxyTelemetryContext,
            CancellationToken shortCancellation,
            CancellationToken longCancellation)
            Contracts.CheckValue(context, nameof(context));
            Contracts.CheckValue(upgradeFeature, nameof(upgradeFeature));
            Contracts.CheckValue(targetUri, nameof(targetUri));
            Contracts.CheckValue(httpClient, nameof(httpClient));

            // :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
            // :: Step 1: Create outgoing HttpRequestMessage
            var upstreamRequest = new HttpRequestMessage(HttpUtilities.GetHttpMethod(context.Request.Method), targetUri)
                // Default to HTTP/1.1 for proxying upgradable requests. This is already the default as of .NET Core 3.1
                Version = new Version(1, 1),

            // :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
            // :: Step 2: Copy request headers Downstream --► Proxy --► Upstream
            CopyHeadersToUpstream(context, upstreamRequest);

            // :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
            // :: Step 3: Send the outgoing request using HttpMessageInvoker
            var upstreamResponse = await httpClient.SendAsync(upstreamRequest, shortCancellation);

            var upgraded = upstreamResponse.StatusCode == HttpStatusCode.SwitchingProtocols && upstreamResponse.Content != null;

            // :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
            // :: Step 4: Copy response status line Downstream ◄-- Proxy ◄-- Upstream
            context.Response.StatusCode = (int)upstreamResponse.StatusCode;
            context.Features.Get <IHttpResponseFeature>().ReasonPhrase = upstreamResponse.ReasonPhrase;

            // :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
            // :: Step 5: Copy response headers Downstream ◄-- Proxy ◄-- Upstream
            CopyHeadersToDownstream(upstreamResponse, context.Response.Headers);

            if (!upgraded)
                // :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
                // :: Step B-6: Send response headers Downstream ◄-- Proxy ◄-- Upstream
                // This is important to avoid any extra delays in sending response headers
                // e.g. if the upstream server is slow to provide its response body.
                await context.Response.StartAsync(shortCancellation);

                // :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
                // :: Step B-7: Copy response body Downstream ◄-- Proxy ◄-- Upstream
                await CopyBodyDownstreamAsync(upstreamResponse.Content, context.Response.Body, proxyTelemetryContext, longCancellation);


            // :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
            // :: Step A-6: Upgrade the downstream channel. This will send all response headers too.
            using var downstreamStream = await upgradeFeature.UpgradeAsync();

            // :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
            // :: Step A-7: Copy duplex streams
            var upstreamStream = await upstreamResponse.Content.ReadAsStreamAsync();

            var upstreamCopier = new StreamCopier(
                new StreamCopyTelemetryContext(
                    direction: "upstream",
                    backendId: proxyTelemetryContext.BackendId,
                    routeId: proxyTelemetryContext.RouteId,
                    destinationId: proxyTelemetryContext.DestinationId));
            var upstreamTask = upstreamCopier.CopyAsync(downstreamStream, upstreamStream, longCancellation);

            var downstreamCopier = new StreamCopier(
                new StreamCopyTelemetryContext(
                    direction: "downstream",
                    backendId: proxyTelemetryContext.BackendId,
                    routeId: proxyTelemetryContext.RouteId,
                    destinationId: proxyTelemetryContext.DestinationId));
            var downstreamTask = downstreamCopier.CopyAsync(upstreamStream, downstreamStream, longCancellation);

            await Task.WhenAll(upstreamTask, downstreamTask);
Ejemplo n.º 5
        /// <summary>
        /// Proxies a normal (i.e. non-upgradable) request to the upstream server, and the response back to our client.
        /// </summary>
        /// <remarks>
        /// Normal proxying comprises the following steps:
        ///    (0) Disable ASP .NET Core limits for streaming requests
        ///    (1) Create outgoing HttpRequestMessage
        ///    (2) Setup copy of request body (background)             Downstream --► Proxy --► Upstream
        ///    (3) Copy request headers                                Downstream --► Proxy --► Upstream
        ///    (4) Send the outgoing request using HttpMessageInvoker  Downstream --► Proxy --► Upstream
        ///    (5) Copy response status line                           Downstream ◄-- Proxy ◄-- Upstream
        ///    (6) Copy response headers                               Downstream ◄-- Proxy ◄-- Upstream
        ///    (7) Copy response body                                  Downstream ◄-- Proxy ◄-- Upstream
        ///    (8) Copy response trailer headers and finish response   Downstream ◄-- Proxy ◄-- Upstream
        ///    (9) Wait for completion of step 2: copying request body Downstream --► Proxy --► Upstream
        /// ASP .NET Core (Kestrel) will finally send response trailers (if any)
        /// after we complete the steps above and relinquish control.
        /// </remarks>
        private async Task NormalProxyAsync(
            HttpContext context,
            Uri targetUri,
            HttpMessageInvoker httpClient,
            ProxyTelemetryContext proxyTelemetryContext,
            CancellationToken shortCancellation,
            CancellationToken longCancellation)
            Contracts.CheckValue(context, nameof(context));
            Contracts.CheckValue(targetUri, nameof(targetUri));
            Contracts.CheckValue(httpClient, nameof(httpClient));

            // :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
            // :: Step 0: Disable ASP .NET Core limits for streaming requests
            var isIncomingHttp2 = ProtocolHelper.IsHttp2(context.Request.Protocol);

            // NOTE: We heuristically assume gRPC-looking requests may require streaming semantics.
            // See https://github.com/microsoft/reverse-proxy/issues/118 for design discussion.
            var isStreamingRequest = isIncomingHttp2 && ProtocolHelper.IsGrpcContentType(context.Request.ContentType);

            if (isStreamingRequest)

            // :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
            // :: Step 1: Create outgoing HttpRequestMessage
            var upstreamRequest = new HttpRequestMessage(HttpUtilities.GetHttpMethod(context.Request.Method), targetUri)
                // We request HTTP/2, but HttpClient will fallback to HTTP/1.1 if it cannot establish HTTP/2 with the target.
                // This is done without extra round-trips thanks to ALPN. We can detect a downgrade after calling HttpClient.SendAsync
                // (see Step 3 below). TBD how this will change when HTTP/3 is supported.
                Version = Http2Version,

            // :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
            // :: Step 2: Setup copy of request body (background) Downstream --► Proxy --► Upstream
            // Note that we must do this before step (3) because step (3) may also add headers to the HttpContent that we set up here.
            var bodyToUpstreamContent = SetupCopyBodyUpstream(context.Request.Body, upstreamRequest, in proxyTelemetryContext, isStreamingRequest, longCancellation);

            // :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
            // :: Step 3: Copy request headers Downstream --► Proxy --► Upstream
            CopyHeadersToUpstream(context, upstreamRequest);

            // :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
            // :: Step 4: Send the outgoing request using HttpClient
            ////this.logger.LogInformation($"   Starting Proxy --> upstream request");
            var upstreamResponse = await httpClient.SendAsync(upstreamRequest, shortCancellation);

            // Detect connection downgrade, which may be problematic for e.g. gRPC.
            if (isIncomingHttp2 && upstreamResponse.Version.Major != 2)
                // TODO: Do something on connection downgrade...

            // Assert that, if we are proxying content upstream, it must have started by now
            // (since HttpClient.SendAsync has already completed asynchronously).
            // If this check fails, there is a coding defect which would otherwise
            // cause us to wait forever in step 9, so fail fast here.
            if (bodyToUpstreamContent != null && !bodyToUpstreamContent.Started)
                // TODO: bodyToUpstreamContent is never null. HttpClient might would not need to read the body in some scenarios, such as an early auth failure with Expect: 100-continue.
                throw new InvalidOperationException("Proxying the downstream request body to the upstream server hasn't started. This is a coding defect.");

            // :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
            // :: Step 5: Copy response status line Downstream ◄-- Proxy ◄-- Upstream
            ////this.logger.LogInformation($"   Setting downstream <-- Proxy status: {(int)upstreamResponse.StatusCode} {upstreamResponse.ReasonPhrase}");
            context.Response.StatusCode = (int)upstreamResponse.StatusCode;
            context.Features.Get <IHttpResponseFeature>().ReasonPhrase = upstreamResponse.ReasonPhrase;

            // :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
            // :: Step 6: Copy response headers Downstream ◄-- Proxy ◄-- Upstream
            CopyHeadersToDownstream(upstreamResponse, context.Response.Headers);

            // NOTE: it may *seem* wise to call `context.Response.StartAsync()` at this point
            // since it looks like we are ready to send back response headers
            // (and this might help reduce extra delays while we wait to receive the body from upstream).
            // HOWEVER, this would produce the wrong result if it turns out that there is no content
            // from the upstream -- instead of sending headers and terminating the stream at once,
            // we would send headers thinking a body may be coming, and there is none.
            // This is problematic on gRPC connections when the upstream server encounters an error,
            // in which case it immediately returns the response headers and trailing headers, but no content,
            // and clients misbehave if the initial headers response does not indicate stream end.

            // TODO: Some of the tasks in steps (7) - (9) may go unobserved depending on what fails first. Needs more consideration.

            // :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
            // :: Step 7: Copy response body Downstream ◄-- Proxy ◄-- Upstream
            await CopyBodyDownstreamAsync(upstreamResponse.Content, context.Response.Body, proxyTelemetryContext, longCancellation);

            // :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
            // :: Step 8: Copy response trailer headers and finish response Downstream ◄-- Proxy ◄-- Upstream
            CopyTrailingHeadersToDownstream(upstreamResponse, context);

            if (isStreamingRequest)
                // NOTE: We must call `CompleteAsync` so that Kestrel will flush all bytes to the client.
                // In the case where there was no response body,
                // this is also when headers and trailing headers are sent to the client.
                // Without this, the client might wait forever waiting for response bytes,
                // while we might wait forever waiting for request bytes,
                // leading to a stuck connection and no way to make progress.
                await context.Response.CompleteAsync();

            // :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
            // :: Step 9: Wait for completion of step 2: copying request body Downstream --► Proxy --► Upstream
            if (bodyToUpstreamContent != null)
                ////this.logger.LogInformation($"   Waiting for downstream --> Proxy --> upstream body proxying to complete");
                await bodyToUpstreamContent.ConsumptionTask;
Ejemplo n.º 6
        /// <summary>
        /// Proxies an upgradable request to the upstream server, treating the upgraded stream as an opaque duplex channel.
        /// </summary>
        /// <remarks>
        /// Upgradable request proxying comprises the following steps:
        ///    (1)  Create outgoing HttpRequestMessage
        ///    (2)  Copy request headers                                              Downstream ---► Proxy ---► Upstream
        ///    (3)  Send the outgoing request using HttpMessageInvoker                Downstream ---► Proxy ---► Upstream
        ///    (4)  Copy response status line                                         Downstream ◄--- Proxy ◄--- Upstream
        ///    (5)  Copy response headers                                             Downstream ◄--- Proxy ◄--- Upstream
        ///       Scenario A: upgrade with upstream worked (got 101 response)
        ///          (A-6)  Upgrade downstream channel (also sends response headers)  Downstream ◄--- Proxy ◄--- Upstream
        ///          (A-7)  Copy duplex streams                                       Downstream ◄--► Proxy ◄--► Upstream
        ///       ---- or ----
        ///       Scenario B: upgrade with upstream failed (got non-101 response)
        ///          (B-6)  Send response headers                                     Downstream ◄--- Proxy ◄--- Upstream
        ///          (B-7)  Copy response body                                        Downstream ◄--- Proxy ◄--- Upstream
        /// This takes care of WebSockets as well as any other upgradable protocol.
        /// </remarks>
        private async Task UpgradableProxyAsync(
            HttpContext context,
            IHttpUpgradeFeature upgradeFeature,
            HttpRequestMessage upstreamRequest,
            Transforms transforms,
            HttpMessageInvoker httpClient,
            ProxyTelemetryContext proxyTelemetryContext,
            CancellationToken shortCancellation,
            CancellationToken longCancellation)
            _ = context ?? throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(context));
            _ = upgradeFeature ?? throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(upgradeFeature));
            _ = upstreamRequest ?? throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(upstreamRequest));
            _ = httpClient ?? throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(httpClient));

            // :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
            // :: Step 2: Copy request headers Downstream --► Proxy --► Upstream
            CopyHeadersToUpstream(context, upstreamRequest, transforms.CopyRequestHeaders, transforms.RequestHeaderTransforms);

            // :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
            // :: Step 3: Send the outgoing request using HttpMessageInvoker
            var upstreamResponse = await httpClient.SendAsync(upstreamRequest, shortCancellation);

            var upgraded = upstreamResponse.StatusCode == HttpStatusCode.SwitchingProtocols && upstreamResponse.Content != null;

            // :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
            // :: Step 4: Copy response status line Downstream ◄-- Proxy ◄-- Upstream
            context.Response.StatusCode = (int)upstreamResponse.StatusCode;
            context.Features.Get <IHttpResponseFeature>().ReasonPhrase = upstreamResponse.ReasonPhrase;

            // :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
            // :: Step 5: Copy response headers Downstream ◄-- Proxy ◄-- Upstream
            CopyHeadersToDownstream(upstreamResponse, context, transforms.ResponseHeaderTransforms);

            if (!upgraded)
                // :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
                // :: Step B-6: Send response headers Downstream ◄-- Proxy ◄-- Upstream
                // This is important to avoid any extra delays in sending response headers
                // e.g. if the upstream server is slow to provide its response body.
                await context.Response.StartAsync(shortCancellation);

                // :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
                // :: Step B-7: Copy response body Downstream ◄-- Proxy ◄-- Upstream
                await CopyBodyDownstreamAsync(upstreamResponse.Content, context.Response.Body, proxyTelemetryContext, longCancellation);


            // :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
            // :: Step A-6: Upgrade the downstream channel. This will send all response headers too.
            using var downstreamStream = await upgradeFeature.UpgradeAsync();

            // :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
            // :: Step A-7: Copy duplex streams
            var upstreamStream = await upstreamResponse.Content.ReadAsStreamAsync();

            var upstreamCopier = new StreamCopier(
                new StreamCopyTelemetryContext(
                    direction: "upstream",
                    clusterId: proxyTelemetryContext.ClusterId,
                    routeId: proxyTelemetryContext.RouteId,
                    destinationId: proxyTelemetryContext.DestinationId));
            var upstreamTask = upstreamCopier.CopyAsync(downstreamStream, upstreamStream, longCancellation);

            var downstreamCopier = new StreamCopier(
                new StreamCopyTelemetryContext(
                    direction: "downstream",
                    clusterId: proxyTelemetryContext.ClusterId,
                    routeId: proxyTelemetryContext.RouteId,
                    destinationId: proxyTelemetryContext.DestinationId));
            var downstreamTask = downstreamCopier.CopyAsync(upstreamStream, downstreamStream, longCancellation);

            await Task.WhenAll(upstreamTask, downstreamTask);
Ejemplo n.º 7
        /// <summary>
        /// Proxies the incoming request to the destination server, and the response back to our client.
        /// </summary>
        /// <remarks>
        /// In what follows, as well as throughout in Reverse Proxy, we consider
        /// the following picture as illustrative of the Proxy.
        /// <code>
        ///      +-------------------+
        ///      |  Destination      +
        ///      +-------------------+
        ///            ▲       |
        ///        (b) |       | (c)
        ///            |       ▼
        ///      +-------------------+
        ///      |      Proxy        +
        ///      +-------------------+
        ///            ▲       |
        ///        (a) |       | (d)
        ///            |       ▼
        ///      +-------------------+
        ///      | Client            +
        ///      +-------------------+
        /// </code>
        /// (a) and (b) show the *request* path, going from the client to the target.
        /// (c) and (d) show the *response* path, going from the destination back to the client.
        /// Normal proxying comprises the following steps:
        ///    (0) Disable ASP .NET Core limits for streaming requests
        ///    (1) Create outgoing HttpRequestMessage
        ///    (2) Setup copy of request body (background)             Client --► Proxy --► Destination
        ///    (3) Copy request headers                                Client --► Proxy --► Destination
        ///    (4) Send the outgoing request using HttpMessageInvoker  Client --► Proxy --► Destination
        ///    (5) Copy response status line                           Client ◄-- Proxy ◄-- Destination
        ///    (6) Copy response headers                               Client ◄-- Proxy ◄-- Destination
        ///    (7-A) Check for a 101 upgrade response, this takes care of WebSockets as well as any other upgradeable protocol.
        ///        (7-A-1)  Upgrade client channel                     Client ◄--- Proxy ◄--- Destination
        ///        (7-A-2)  Copy duplex streams and return             Client ◄--► Proxy ◄--► Destination
        ///    (7-B) Copy (normal) response body                       Client ◄-- Proxy ◄-- Destination
        ///    (8) Copy response trailer headers and finish response   Client ◄-- Proxy ◄-- Destination
        ///    (9) Wait for completion of step 2: copying request body Client --► Proxy --► Destination
        /// ASP .NET Core (Kestrel) will finally send response trailers (if any)
        /// after we complete the steps above and relinquish control.
        /// </remarks>
        /// <param name="longCancellation">This should be linked to a client disconnect notification like <see cref="HttpContext.RequestAborted"/>
        /// to avoid leaking long running requests.</param>
        public async Task ProxyAsync(
            HttpContext context,
            string destinationPrefix,
            HttpMessageInvoker httpClient,
            RequestProxyOptions proxyOptions,
            ProxyTelemetryContext proxyTelemetryContext)
            _ = context ?? throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(context));
            _ = destinationPrefix ?? throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(destinationPrefix));
            _ = httpClient ?? throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(httpClient));
            _ = proxyOptions ?? throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(proxyOptions));
            var requestAborted = context.RequestAborted;

            // :: Step 1: Create outgoing HttpRequestMessage
            var upgradeFeature   = context.Features.Get <IHttpUpgradeFeature>();
            var isUpgradeRequest = (upgradeFeature?.IsUpgradableRequest ?? false)
                                   // Mitigate https://github.com/microsoft/reverse-proxy/issues/255, IIS considers all requests upgradeable.
                                   && string.Equals("WebSocket", context.Request.Headers[HeaderNames.Upgrade], StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase);

            var destinationRequest = CreateRequestMessage(context, destinationPrefix, isUpgradeRequest, proxyOptions.Transforms.RequestTransforms);

            var isClientHttp2 = ProtocolHelper.IsHttp2(context.Request.Protocol);

            // NOTE: We heuristically assume gRPC-looking requests may require streaming semantics.
            // See https://github.com/microsoft/reverse-proxy/issues/118 for design discussion.
            var isStreamingRequest = isClientHttp2 && ProtocolHelper.IsGrpcContentType(context.Request.ContentType);

            // :: Step 2: Setup copy of request body (background) Client --► Proxy --► Destination
            // Note that we must do this before step (3) because step (3) may also add headers to the HttpContent that we set up here.
            var requestContent = SetupRequestBodyCopy(context.Request, destinationRequest, in proxyTelemetryContext, isStreamingRequest, requestAborted);

            // :: Step 3: Copy request headers Client --► Proxy --► Destination
            CopyRequestHeaders(context, destinationRequest, proxyOptions.Transforms);

            // :: Step 4: Send the outgoing request using HttpClient
            HttpResponseMessage destinationResponse;
            var requestTimeoutSource = CancellationTokenSource.CreateLinkedTokenSource(requestAborted);

            var requestTimeoutToken = requestTimeoutSource.Token;

                destinationResponse = await httpClient.SendAsync(destinationRequest, requestTimeoutToken);
            catch (OperationCanceledException canceledException)
                if (!requestAborted.IsCancellationRequested && requestTimeoutToken.IsCancellationRequested)
                    ReportProxyError(context, ProxyError.RequestTimedOut, canceledException);
                    context.Response.StatusCode = StatusCodes.Status504GatewayTimeout;

                ReportProxyError(context, ProxyError.RequestCanceled, canceledException);
                context.Response.StatusCode = StatusCodes.Status502BadGateway;
            catch (Exception requestException)
                await HandleRequestFailureAsync(context, requestContent, requestException);


            // Detect connection downgrade, which may be problematic for e.g. gRPC.
            if (isClientHttp2 && destinationResponse.Version.Major != 2)
                // TODO: Do something on connection downgrade...

            // Assert that, if we are proxying content to the destination, it must have started by now
            // (since HttpClient.SendAsync has already completed asynchronously).
            // If this check fails, there is a coding defect which would otherwise
            // cause us to wait forever in step 9, so fail fast here.
            if (requestContent != null && !requestContent.Started)
                // TODO: HttpClient might not need to read the body in some scenarios, such as an early auth failure with Expect: 100-continue.
                throw new InvalidOperationException("Proxying the Client request body to the Destination server hasn't started. This is a coding defect.");

            // :: Step 5: Copy response status line Client ◄-- Proxy ◄-- Destination
            // :: Step 6: Copy response headers Client ◄-- Proxy ◄-- Destination
            CopyResponseStatusAndHeaders(destinationResponse, context, proxyOptions.Transforms.ResponseHeaderTransforms);

            // :: Step 7-A: Check for a 101 upgrade response, this takes care of WebSockets as well as any other upgradeable protocol.
            if (destinationResponse.StatusCode == HttpStatusCode.SwitchingProtocols)
                await HandleUpgradedResponse(context, upgradeFeature, destinationResponse, proxyTelemetryContext, requestAborted);


            // NOTE: it may *seem* wise to call `context.Response.StartAsync()` at this point
            // since it looks like we are ready to send back response headers
            // (and this might help reduce extra delays while we wait to receive the body from the destination).
            // HOWEVER, this would produce the wrong result if it turns out that there is no content
            // from the destination -- instead of sending headers and terminating the stream at once,
            // we would send headers thinking a body may be coming, and there is none.
            // This is problematic on gRPC connections when the destination server encounters an error,
            // in which case it immediately returns the response headers and trailing headers, but no content,
            // and clients misbehave if the initial headers response does not indicate stream end.

            // :: Step 7-B: Copy response body Client ◄-- Proxy ◄-- Destination
            var(responseBodyCopyResult, responseBodyException) = await CopyResponseBodyAsync(destinationResponse.Content, context.Response.Body, proxyTelemetryContext, requestAborted);

            if (responseBodyCopyResult != StreamCopyResult.Success)
                await HandleResponseBodyErrorAsync(context, requestContent, responseBodyCopyResult, responseBodyException);


            // :: Step 8: Copy response trailer headers and finish response Client ◄-- Proxy ◄-- Destination
            CopyResponseTrailingHeaders(destinationResponse, context, proxyOptions.Transforms.ResponseTrailerTransforms);

            if (isStreamingRequest)
                // NOTE: We must call `CompleteAsync` so that Kestrel will flush all bytes to the client.
                // In the case where there was no response body,
                // this is also when headers and trailing headers are sent to the client.
                // Without this, the client might wait forever waiting for response bytes,
                // while we might wait forever waiting for request bytes,
                // leading to a stuck connection and no way to make progress.
                await context.Response.CompleteAsync();

            // :: Step 9: Wait for completion of step 2: copying request body Client --► Proxy --► Destination
            if (requestContent != null)
                var(requestBodyCopyResult, requestBodyException) = await requestContent.ConsumptionTask;

                if (requestBodyCopyResult != StreamCopyResult.Success)
                    // The response succeeded. If there was a request body error then it was probably because the client or destination decided
                    // to cancel it. Report as low severity.

                    var error = requestBodyCopyResult switch
                        StreamCopyResult.InputError => ProxyError.RequestBodyClient,
                        StreamCopyResult.OutputError => ProxyError.RequestBodyDestination,
                        StreamCopyResult.Canceled => ProxyError.RequestBodyCanceled,
                        _ => throw new NotImplementedException(requestBodyCopyResult.ToString())
                    ReportProxyError(context, error, requestBodyException);