Ejemplo n.º 1
        public static int DoAnnotate(string[] args)
            #region CodeContracts
            Contract.Requires(args != null);
            Contract.Requires(Contract.ForAll(0, args.Length, i => args[i] != null));
            Contract.Ensures(-1 <= Contract.Result <int>()); // we return 0 on success, -1 on failure
            #endregion CodeContracts

            // 1. parse the command line options
            Options options; String error;
            if (!Options.TryParseOptions(args, out options, out error))
                Output.WriteError("Can't parse the options");

            // 2. Create a compilation using Roslyn
            Task <Compilation> compilationAsync;
            Compilation        compilation;
            MSBuildWorkspace   workspace;
            Project            project;
            if (!RoslynInterface.TryCreateCompilation(options, out compilationAsync, out workspace, out project))
                Output.WriteError("Unable to create compilation");

            // 3. Read Clousot XML
            CCCheckOutput xml;
            if (!XmlDoc.TryReadXml(options.ClousotXML, out xml))
                Output.WriteError("Unable to read XML");

            compilation = compilationAsync.Result;

            // 4. Check for diagnostics in the solution
            Output.WritePhase("Checking whether the original project has errors");
            var existingDiagnostics = compilation.GetDiagnostics();
            if (existingDiagnostics.Where(diagnostic => diagnostic.Severity == DiagnosticSeverity.Error).Any())
                Output.WriteWarning("The original project has some errors");

            // 5. Annotate
            Output.WritePhase("Reading the Contracts from Clousot");
            var annotations = Parser.GetAnnotationDictionary(xml);

            Output.WritePhase("Applying the annotations to the source code");
            var newcomp = ApplyAnnotations(annotations, compilation, project, true);

            // 6. Pretty print result
            Output.WritePhase("Cleaning up the code");
            newcomp = UsingHelpers.CleanImports(project, newcomp);

            // 7. Write result to disk
            Output.WritePhase("Writing result back to disk");
            newcomp = Writer.WriteChanges(compilation, newcomp, options.Output == OutputOption.inplace);

            //CommentHelpers.WriteCommentsFile(xml, compilation, newcomp, options.GitRoot);
