/// <summary>
        /// Encrypt a byte array. 
        /// Many data in NRPC struct is required to be encrypted.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="isAesNegotiated">
        /// Is AES negotiated during secure channel setup. 
        /// If AES is not negotiated, use RC4 to encrypt.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="sessionKey">
        /// Session key.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="buffer">
        /// Buffer to encrypt.
        /// </param>
        /// <returns>
        /// Encrypted buffer.
        /// </returns>
        /// <exception cref="ArgumentNullException">
        /// Thrown when sessionKey or buffer is null.
        /// </exception>
        /// <exception cref="ArgumentException">
        /// Thrown when session key length is incorrect.
        /// </exception>
        public static byte[] EncryptBuffer(
            bool isAesNegotiated,
            byte[] sessionKey,
            byte[] buffer)
            if (sessionKey == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("sessionKey");
            if (buffer == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("buffer");
            if (sessionKey.Length != NETLOGON_SESSION_KEY_LENGTH)
                throw new ArgumentException("Session key length is incorrect.", "sessionKey");

            if (isAesNegotiated)
                using (BCryptAlgorithm aes = new BCryptAlgorithm("AES"))
                    aes.Mode = BCryptCipherMode.CFB;
                    aes.Key = sessionKey;
                    aes.IV = new byte[aes.BlockSize];
                    return aes.Encrypt(buffer);
                using (RC4 rc4 = RC4.Create())
                    rc4.Key = sessionKey;
                    return rc4.CreateEncryptor().TransformFinalBlock(buffer, 0, buffer.Length);
        /// <summary>
        /// initial netlogon signature token when AES is negotiated
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sequenceNumber">sequence number</param>
        /// <param name="sessionKey">session key</param>
        /// <param name="requestConfidentiality">confidentiality is required or not</param>
        /// <param name="isClientSideOutbound">Is client side outbound message.</param>
        /// <param name="securityBuffers">
        /// Security buffers, contains input plain-text; output cipher-text and signature.
        /// </param>
        private static void InitialNetlogonSignatureTokenWhenAesIsNegotiated(
            ref ulong sequenceNumber,
            byte[] sessionKey,
            bool requestConfidentiality,
            bool isClientSideOutbound,
            SecurityBuffer[] securityBuffers)
            byte[] plainText;
            byte[] cipherText;
            byte[] token;
            NL_AUTH_SHA2_SIGNATURE nlAuthSha2Sign = new NL_AUTH_SHA2_SIGNATURE();

            //The SignatureAlgorithm first byte MUST be set to 0x13,
            //and the second byte MUST be set to 0x00.
            nlAuthSha2Sign.SignatureAlgorithm =

            if (requestConfidentiality)
                //If the Confidentiality option (section 3.3.1) is
                //requested from the application, then the SealAlgorithm
                //first byte MUST be set to 0x1A, the second byte MUST
                //be set to 0x00, and the Confounder MUST be filled with
                //cryptographically random data.
                nlAuthSha2Sign.SealAlgorithm =
                nlAuthSha2Sign.Confounder = GenerateNonce(NL_AUTH_SIGNATURE_CONFOUNDER_LENGTH);
                //If the Confidentiality option (section 3.3.1) is not
                //requested, then the SealAlgorithm MUST be filled with
                //two bytes of 0xff, and the Confounder is not included in the token.
                nlAuthSha2Sign.SealAlgorithm =
                nlAuthSha2Sign.Confounder = null;

            //The Pad MUST be filled with 0xff bytes.
            nlAuthSha2Sign.Pad = NL_AUTH_SHA2_SIGNATURE_Pad_Values.V1;

            //The Flags MUST be filled with 0x00 bytes.
            nlAuthSha2Sign.Flags = Flags_Values.V1;

            //The SequenceNumber MUST be computed using the following algorithm.
            nlAuthSha2Sign.SequenceNumber = ComputeCopySequenceNumber(sequenceNumber, isClientSideOutbound);

            //The ClientSequenceNumber MUST be incremented by 1.
            sequenceNumber += 1;

            //Compute signature
            plainText = ConcatenateSecurityBuffersForChecksum(securityBuffers);
            nlAuthSha2Sign.Checksum = ComputeSignatureWhenAesIsNegotiated(

            //If the Confidentiality option is requested, the data and the Confounder
            //field MUST be encrypted. If AES is negotiated then the server MUST use
            //the AES-128 algorithm using the SessionKey with an initialization
            //vector constructed by concatenating the sequence number with
            //itself twice (thus getting 16 bytes of data)
            if (requestConfidentiality)
                byte[] aesEncryptionKey = ComputeEncryptionKeyWhenAesIsNegotiated(sessionKey);

                using (BCryptAlgorithm aes = new BCryptAlgorithm("AES"))
                    aes.Mode = BCryptCipherMode.CFB;
                    aes.Key = aesEncryptionKey;
                    aes.IV = ArrayUtility.ConcatenateArrays(
                    nlAuthSha2Sign.Confounder = aes.Encrypt(nlAuthSha2Sign.Confounder);

                    plainText = SspiUtility.ConcatenateReadWriteSecurityBuffers(
                    cipherText = aes.Encrypt(plainText);

                SspiUtility.UpdateSecurityBuffers(securityBuffers, SecurityBufferType.Data, cipherText);
                cipherText = null;

            //The SequenceNumber MUST be encrypted.
            //If AES is negotiated, then the server MUST use the AES-128
            //algorithm using the SessionKey with an initialization vector
            //constructed by concatenating the first 8 bytes of the
            //checksum with itself twice (thus getting 16 bytes of data)
            using (BCryptAlgorithm aes = new BCryptAlgorithm("AES"))
                aes.Mode = BCryptCipherMode.CFB;
                aes.Key = sessionKey;
                aes.IV = ArrayUtility.ConcatenateArrays(
                    nlAuthSha2Sign.Checksum, // Checksum is only 8 bytes
                nlAuthSha2Sign.SequenceNumber = aes.Encrypt(nlAuthSha2Sign.SequenceNumber);

            nlAuthSha2Sign.Dummy = GenerateNonce(NL_AUTH_SHA2_SIGNATURE_DUMMY_LENGTH); // 24 == size of dummy

            token = TypeMarshal.ToBytes(nlAuthSha2Sign);
            SspiUtility.UpdateSecurityBuffers(securityBuffers, SecurityBufferType.Token, token);
        /// <summary>
        /// Compute the Netlogon Credential.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="algorithm">
        /// Algorithm to compute the Netlogon authenticator. 
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="input">
        /// A byte array that contains the input.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="sessionKey">
        /// Session Key.
        /// </param>
        /// <returns>Netlogon Credential</returns>
        /// <exception cref="ArgumentNullException">
        /// Thrown when input or sessionKey parameter 
        /// passed to the method is null.
        /// </exception>
        /// <exception cref="ArgumentException">
        /// Thrown when computation algorithm is not supported. 
        /// Thrown when session key length is incorrect.
        /// </exception>
        public static byte[] ComputeNetlogonCredential(
            NrpcComputeNetlogonCredentialAlgorithm algorithm,
            byte[] input,
            byte[] sessionKey)
            if (input == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("input");
            if (sessionKey == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("sessionKey");
            if (sessionKey.Length != NETLOGON_SESSION_KEY_LENGTH)
                throw new ArgumentException("Session key length is incorrect.", "sessionKey");

            byte[] credential;

            switch (algorithm)
                case NrpcComputeNetlogonCredentialAlgorithm.AES128:
                    //ComputeNetlogonCredential(Input, Sk, Output)
                    //SET IV = 0
                    //CALL AesEncrypt(Input, Sk, IV, Output)

                    using (BCryptAlgorithm aes = new BCryptAlgorithm("AES"))
                        aes.Mode = BCryptCipherMode.CFB;
                        aes.Key = sessionKey;
                        aes.IV = new byte[aes.BlockSize]; //AES128's IV is 128 bits.
                        credential = aes.Encrypt(input);


                case NrpcComputeNetlogonCredentialAlgorithm.DESECB:
                    //ComputeNetlogonCredential(Input, Sk, Output)
                    //SET k1 to bytes(0, 6, Sk)
                    //CALL InitLMKey(k1, k3)
                    //SET k2 to bytes(7, 13, Sk)
                    //CALL InitLMKey(k2, k4)
                    //CALL DES_ECB(Input, k3, &output1)
                    //CALL DES_ECB(output1, k4, &output2)
                    //SET Output to output2

                    byte[] k1 = ArrayUtility.SubArray(sessionKey, 0, 7);
                    byte[] k2 = ArrayUtility.SubArray(sessionKey, 7, 7);

                    using (DES des = DES.Create())
                        des.Mode = CipherMode.ECB;
                        des.Padding = PaddingMode.None;

                        des.Key = InitLMKey(k1);
                        byte[] output1 = des.CreateEncryptor().TransformFinalBlock(input, 0, input.Length);

                        des.Key = InitLMKey(k2);
                        byte[] output2 = des.CreateEncryptor().TransformFinalBlock(output1, 0, output1.Length);

                        credential = output2;


                    throw new ArgumentException(
                        "Specified netlogon credential computation algorithm is not valid.",

            return credential;
        private static byte[] Encrypt(ulong sessionId, Smb2CryptoInfo cryptoInfo, Smb2Role role, Smb2Packet originalPacket)
            Packet_Header header;
            if (originalPacket is Smb2SinglePacket)
                header = (originalPacket as Smb2SinglePacket).Header;
                header = (originalPacket as Smb2CompoundPacket).Packets[0].Header;

            // Encrypt all messages after session setup if global encryption enabled.
            // Encrypt all messages after tree connect if global encryption disabled but share encryption enabled.
            if (header.Command != Smb2Command.NEGOTIATE
             && header.Command != Smb2Command.SESSION_SETUP
             && (cryptoInfo.EnableSessionEncryption
                 || (cryptoInfo.EnableTreeEncryption.Contains(header.TreeId)
                     && header.Command != Smb2Command.TREE_CONNECT
                using (var bcrypt = new BCryptAlgorithm("AES"))
                    byte[] originalBinary = originalPacket.ToBytes();
                    Transform_Header transformHeader = new Transform_Header
                        ProtocolId = Smb2Consts.ProtocolIdInTransformHeader,
                        OriginalMessageSize = (uint)originalBinary.Length,
                        SessionId = sessionId,
                        Signature = new byte[16]

                    if (cryptoInfo.Dialect == DialectRevision.Smb311)
                        transformHeader.Flags = TransformHeaderFlags.Encrypted;
                        transformHeader.EncryptionAlgorithm = EncryptionAlgorithm.ENCRYPTION_AES128_CCM;

                    byte[] tag;

                    int nonceLength = 0;
                    BCryptCipherMode mode = BCryptCipherMode.NotAvailable;
                    GetCryptoParams(cryptoInfo, CryptoOperationType.Encrypt, out mode, out nonceLength);
                    bcrypt.Mode = mode;
                    bcrypt.Key = role == Smb2Role.Server ? cryptoInfo.ServerOutKey : cryptoInfo.ServerInKey;
                    // The reserved field (5 bytes for CCM, 4 bytes for GCM) must be set to zero.
                    byte[] nonce = new byte[16];
                    Buffer.BlockCopy(Guid.NewGuid().ToByteArray(), 0, nonce, 0, nonceLength);
                    transformHeader.Nonce = new Guid(nonce);

                    byte[] output = bcrypt.Encrypt(
                        // Use the fields including and after Nonce field as auth data
                        // Signature is 16 bytes in length
                        out tag);
                    transformHeader.Signature = tag;
                    return Smb2Utility.MarshalStructure(transformHeader).Concat(output).ToArray();

            // Return null if the message is not required to be encrypted.
            return null;