Ejemplo n.º 1
        /// <summary>
        /// Initializes a new instance of the OxcropsClient class.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="mapiContext">The Mapi Context</param>
        public OxcropsClient(MapiContext mapiContext)
            if (mapiContext == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("mapiContext should not be null");

            this.MapiContext = mapiContext;
            this.site        = mapiContext.TestSite;

            switch (mapiContext.TransportSequence.ToLower())
            case "mapi_http":
                this.mapiHttpAdapter = new MapiHttpAdapter(this.site);

            case "ncacn_ip_tcp":
            case "ncacn_http":
                this.rpcAdapter = new RpcAdapter(this.site);

                this.site.Assert.Fail("TransportSeq \"{0}\" is not supported by the test suite.");
Ejemplo n.º 2
        /// <summary>
        /// Get default RPC CALL Context
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="site">The instance of ITestSite</param>
        /// <returns>RPC CALL Context</returns>
        public static MapiContext GetDefaultRpcContext(ITestSite site)
            MapiContext mapiContext = new MapiContext
                AuthenLevel       = uint.Parse(Common.GetConfigurationPropertyValue("RpcAuthenticationLevel", site)),
                AuthenService     = uint.Parse(Common.GetConfigurationPropertyValue("RpcAuthenticationService", site)),
                TransportSequence = Common.GetConfigurationPropertyValue("TransportSeq", site),
                SpnFormat         = Common.GetConfigurationPropertyValue("ServiceSpnFormat", site)

            if (mapiContext.TransportSequence.ToLower() == "ncacn_http")
                bool rpchUseSsl;
                if (!bool.TryParse(Common.GetConfigurationPropertyValue("RpchUseSsl", site), out rpchUseSsl))
                    site.Assert.Fail("Value of 'RpchUseSsl' property is invalid.");

                mapiContext.RpchUseSsl     = rpchUseSsl;
                mapiContext.RpchAuthScheme = Common.GetConfigurationPropertyValue("RpchAuthScheme", site);
                if (mapiContext.RpchAuthScheme.ToLower() != "basic" && mapiContext.RpchAuthScheme.ToLower() != "ntlm")
                    site.Assert.Fail("Value of 'RpchAuthScheme' property is invalid.");

            mapiContext.SetUuid         = bool.Parse(Common.GetConfigurationPropertyValue("SetUuid", site));
            mapiContext.TestSite        = site;
            mapiContext.EXServerVersion = new ushort[3] {
                0, 0, 0
            mapiContext.AutoRedirect = true;
            mapiContext.CodePageId   = null;

        /// <summary>
        /// Initializes a new instance of the OxcropsClient class.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="mapiContext">The Mapi Context</param>
        public OxcropsClient(MapiContext mapiContext)
            if (mapiContext == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("mapiContext should not be null");

            this.MapiContext = mapiContext;
            this.site = mapiContext.TestSite;

            switch (mapiContext.TransportSequence.ToLower())
                case "mapi_http":
                    this.mapiHttpAdapter = new MapiHttpAdapter(this.site);
                case "ncacn_ip_tcp":
                case "ncacn_http":
                    this.rpcAdapter = new RpcAdapter(this.site);
                    this.site.Assert.Fail("TransportSeq \"{0}\" is not supported by the test suite.");
        /// <summary>
        /// Get default RPC CALL Context
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="site">The instance of ITestSite</param>
        /// <returns>RPC CALL Context</returns>
        public static MapiContext GetDefaultRpcContext(ITestSite site)
            MapiContext mapiContext = new MapiContext
                AuthenLevel = uint.Parse(Common.GetConfigurationPropertyValue("RpcAuthenticationLevel", site)),
                AuthenService = uint.Parse(Common.GetConfigurationPropertyValue("RpcAuthenticationService", site)),
                TransportSequence = Common.GetConfigurationPropertyValue("TransportSeq", site),
                SpnFormat = Common.GetConfigurationPropertyValue("ServiceSpnFormat", site)
            if (mapiContext.TransportSequence.ToLower() == "ncacn_http")
                bool rpchUseSsl;
                if (!bool.TryParse(Common.GetConfigurationPropertyValue("RpchUseSsl", site), out rpchUseSsl))
                    site.Assert.Fail("Value of 'RpchUseSsl' property is invalid.");

                mapiContext.RpchUseSsl = rpchUseSsl;
                mapiContext.RpchAuthScheme = Common.GetConfigurationPropertyValue("RpchAuthScheme", site);
                if (mapiContext.RpchAuthScheme.ToLower() != "basic" && mapiContext.RpchAuthScheme.ToLower() != "ntlm")
                    site.Assert.Fail("Value of 'RpchAuthScheme' property is invalid.");

            mapiContext.SetUuid = bool.Parse(Common.GetConfigurationPropertyValue("SetUuid", site));
            mapiContext.TestSite = site;
            mapiContext.EXServerVersion = new ushort[3] { 0, 0, 0 };
            mapiContext.AutoRedirect = true;
            mapiContext.CodePageId = null;

            return mapiContext;
Ejemplo n.º 5
        /// <summary>
        /// It establishes a new Session Context with the server by calling native methods.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="server">The server name.</param>
        /// <param name="domain">The domain the server is deployed</param>
        /// <param name="userName">The domain account name.</param>
        /// <param name="userDN">User's distinguished name (DN).</param>
        /// <param name="password">>user Password.</param>
        /// <param name="userSpn">User's SPN.</param>
        /// <param name="mapiContext">The default parameters for rpc call, such as authentication level, authentication method, whether to compress request.</param>
        /// <param name="options">proxy attribute</param>
        /// <returns>n success, the server MUST return a unique value to be used as a CXH. This unique value serves as the CXH for the client</returns>
        public IntPtr Connect(string server, string domain, string userName, string userDN, string password, string userSpn, MapiContext mapiContext, string options)
            // The default parameter for out session handle.
            IntPtr pcxh = IntPtr.Zero;

            // CreateIdentity

            uint status = NativeMethods.BindToServer(server, mapiContext.AuthenLevel, mapiContext.AuthenService, mapiContext.TransportSequence.ToLower(), mapiContext.RpchUseSsl, mapiContext.RpchAuthScheme, userSpn, options, mapiContext.SetUuid);

            if (status != 0)
                throw new Exception("Could not create binding handle with server");

            this.bindingHandle = NativeMethods.GetBindHandle();

            int waitTime      = int.Parse(Common.GetConfigurationPropertyValue("WaitTime", this.site));
            int maxRetryCount = int.Parse(Common.GetConfigurationPropertyValue("ConnectRetryCount", this.site));

            int retryCount = 0;

                status = this.Connect_Internal(ref pcxh, userDN, ref mapiContext);
                if (status >= 1700 && status <= 1799)
                    // If status is between 1700 and 1799, try to connect again.

                    if (retryCount > 0)
                        this.site.Log.Add(LogEntryKind.Comment, "Can't connect to RPC server, will try to connect the server again. Current retry number is {0}.", retryCount);
            }while (retryCount < maxRetryCount);

            if (status != 0)
                string errorCodeHexString   = "0x" + status.ToString("X8");
                string errorCodeMeaning     = GetErrorCodeMeaning(errorCodeHexString);
                string errorCodeDescription = string.Empty;
                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(errorCodeMeaning))
                    errorCodeDescription = string.Format("Error code '{0}' is not defined in protocol MS-OXCRPC. The error message is: {1}", errorCodeHexString, (new Win32Exception((int)status)).ToString());
                    errorCodeDescription = string.Format("Error code '{0}' is defined in protocol MS-OXCRPC as: {1}", errorCodeHexString, errorCodeMeaning);

                this.site.Assert.Fail("Connect method returned an error: {0}. {1}", errorCodeHexString, errorCodeDescription);

Ejemplo n.º 6
        /// <summary>
        /// The Connect method establishes a new Session Context with the server.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="pcxh">On success, the server MUST return a unique value to be used as a CXH. This unique value serves as the CXH for the client.</param>
        /// <param name="userDN">User's distinguished name (DN).</param>
        /// <param name="mapiContext">RPC call context</param>
        /// <returns>If the method succeeds, the return value is 0.
        /// If the method fails, the return value is an implementation-specific error code or one of the protocol-defined error codes.</returns>
        private uint Connect_Internal(ref IntPtr pcxh, string userDN, ref MapiContext mapiContext)
            #region Parameters for RPC connect operation.
            // For ordinary client calls this value MUST be 0x00000000.
            uint flags = 0x00000000;

            // The connection modulus is a client derived 32-bit hash value of the DN passed in field szUserDN and can be used by the server to decide
            // which public folder replica to use when accessing public folder information when more than one replica of a folder exists.
            // The hash can be used to distribute client access across replicas in a deterministic way for load balancing.
            uint conMod = 3741814581;

            // This field is reserved. A client MUST pass a value of 0x00000000.
            uint limit = 0;

            // The code page in which text data SHOULD be sent if Unicode format is not requested by the client on subsequent calls using this Session Context.
            uint cpid = 0x000004E4;
            if (mapiContext.CodePageId != null)
                cpid = mapiContext.CodePageId.Value;

            // The local ID for everything other than sorting.
            uint lcidString = 0x00000409;

            // The local ID for sorting.
            uint lcidSort = 0x00000409;

            // This value is used to link the Session Context created by this call with an existing Session Context on the server.
            // If no session linking is requested, this value will be 0xFFFFFFFF.
            uint licxrLink = 0xFFFFFFFF;

            // The client MUST pass a value of 0x01.
            ushort canConvertCodePages = 0x01;

            // The server returns the number of milliseconds that a client SHOULD wait between polling the server for event information.
            uint cmsPollsMax = 0;

            // The server returns the number of times a client SHOULD retry future RPC calls using the CXH returned in this call.
            // This is for client RPC calls that fail with RPC status code RPC_S_SERVER_TOO_BUSY.
            // This is a suggested retry count for the client and SHOULD NOT be enforced by the server.
            uint retry = 0;

            // The server returns the number of milliseconds a client SHOULD wait before retrying a failed RPC call.
            // If any future RPC call to the server using the CXH returned in this call fails with RPC status code RPC_S_SERVER_TOO_BUSY,
            // it SHOULD wait the number of milliseconds specified in this output parameter before retrying the call.
            // The number of times a client SHOULD retry is returned in parameter pcRetry.
            // This is a suggested delay for the client and SHOULD NOT be enforced by the server.
            uint cmsRetryDelay = 0;

            // The server returns a session index value that is associated with the CXH returned from this call.
            // This value in conjunction with the session creation time stamp value returned in pulTimeStamp will be passed to a subsequent EcDoConnectEx call,
            // if the client wants to link two Session Contexts. The server MUST NOT assign two active Session Contexts the same session index value.
            // The server is free to return any 16-bit value for the session index.
            ushort cxr = 0;

            // The server returns the distinguished name (DN) of the server.
            UIntPtr pszDNPrefix;

            // The server returns the display name of the server.
            UIntPtr pszDisplayName;

            ushort[] rgwClientVersion = new ushort[3];
            ushort[] rgwServerVersion = new ushort[3] {
                0, 0, 0
            ushort[] rgwBestVersion = new ushort[3];

            // The client passes the client protocol version the server SHOULD use to determine what protocol functionality the client supports.
            // For more information about how version numbers are interpreted from the wire data, see section 3.1.9.[MS-OXCMSG]
            rgwClientVersion[0] = 0x000c;
            rgwClientVersion[1] = 0x183e;
            rgwClientVersion[2] = 0x03e8;

            // On input, this parameter and parameter ulIcxrLink are used for linking the Session Context created by this call with an existing Session Context.
            // If the ulIcxrLink parameter is not 0xFFFFFFFF, the client MUST pass in the pulTimeStamp value returned from the server on a previous call to
            // EcDoConnectEx (see the ulIcxrLink and piCxr parameters for more details).
            uint timeStamp = 0;

            // This parameter contains an auxiliary payload buffer. The auxiliary payload buffer is prefixed by an RPC_HEADER_EXT structure.
            // Information stored in this header determines how to interpret the data following the header.
            // The length of the auxiliary payload buffer that includes the RPC_HEADER_EXT header is contained in parameter cbAuxIn.
            byte[] payloadBufferAuxIn = null;

            // On input, this parameter contains the length of the auxiliary payload buffer passed in the rgbAuxIn parameter.
            // The server MUST fail with error code ecRpcFormat if the request buffer is larger than 0x00001008 bytes in size.
            uint auxinLength = 0;

            // 0x1008: Set the max size of the rgbAuxOut
            byte[] rgbAuxOut = new byte[RpcAdapter.PcbAuxOut];

            // 0x1008: Set the max size of the cbAuxOut
            uint auxOutLength = RpcAdapter.PcbAuxOut;

            uint returnValue = 0;
                // Connect to server.
                returnValue = NativeMethods.EcDoConnectEx(
                    ref pcxh,
                    out cmsPollsMax,
                    out retry,
                    out cmsRetryDelay,
                    out cxr,
                    out pszDNPrefix,
                    out pszDisplayName,
                    ref timeStamp,
                    ref auxOutLength);

                if (returnValue != 0)
                    this.site.Log.Add(LogEntryKind.Comment, "EcDoConnectEx returns error code {0}. Refers to [MS-OXCDATA] section 2.4 for more information.", returnValue);

                Array.Copy(rgwServerVersion, mapiContext.EXServerVersion, 3);
            catch (SEHException e)
                returnValue = RpcExceptionCode(e);

                this.site.Log.Add(LogEntryKind.Comment, "EcDoConnectEx throws exception, system error code is {0}, the error message is: {1}", returnValue, (new Win32Exception((int)returnValue)).ToString());

Ejemplo n.º 7
        /// <summary>
        /// It establishes a new Session Context with the server by calling native methods.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="server">The server name.</param>
        /// <param name="domain">The domain the server is deployed</param>
        /// <param name="userName">The domain account name.</param>
        /// <param name="userDN">User's distinguished name (DN).</param>
        /// <param name="password">>user Password.</param>
        /// <param name="userSpn">User's SPN.</param>
        /// <param name="mapiContext">The default parameters for rpc call, such as authentication level, authentication method, whether to compress request.</param>
        /// <param name="options">proxy attribute</param>
        /// <returns>n success, the server MUST return a unique value to be used as a CXH. This unique value serves as the CXH for the client</returns>
        public IntPtr Connect(string server, string domain, string userName, string userDN, string password, string userSpn, MapiContext mapiContext, string options)
            // The default parameter for out session handle.
            IntPtr pcxh = IntPtr.Zero;

            // CreateIdentity

            uint status = NativeMethods.BindToServer(server, mapiContext.AuthenLevel, mapiContext.AuthenService, mapiContext.TransportSequence.ToLower(), mapiContext.RpchUseSsl, mapiContext.RpchAuthScheme, userSpn, options, mapiContext.SetUuid);
            if (status != 0)
                throw new Exception("Could not create binding handle with server");

            this.bindingHandle = NativeMethods.GetBindHandle();

            int waitTime = int.Parse(Common.GetConfigurationPropertyValue("WaitTime", this.site));
            int maxRetryCount = int.Parse(Common.GetConfigurationPropertyValue("ConnectRetryCount", this.site));

            int retryCount = 0;
                status = this.Connect_Internal(ref pcxh, userDN, ref mapiContext);
                if (status >= 1700 && status <= 1799)
                    // If status is between 1700 and 1799, try to connect again.

                    if (retryCount > 0)
                        this.site.Log.Add(LogEntryKind.Comment, "Can't connect to RPC server, will try to connect the server again. Current retry number is {0}.", retryCount);
            while (retryCount < maxRetryCount);

            if (status != 0)
                string errorCodeHexString = "0x" + status.ToString("X8");
                string errorCodeMeaning = GetErrorCodeMeaning(errorCodeHexString);
                string errorCodeDescription = string.Empty;
                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(errorCodeMeaning))
                    errorCodeDescription = string.Format("Error code '{0}' is not defined in protocol MS-OXCRPC. The error message is: {1}", errorCodeHexString, (new Win32Exception((int)status)).ToString());
                    errorCodeDescription = string.Format("Error code '{0}' is defined in protocol MS-OXCRPC as: {1}", errorCodeHexString, errorCodeMeaning);

                this.site.Assert.Fail("Connect method returned an error: {0}. {1}", errorCodeHexString, errorCodeDescription);

            return pcxh;
Ejemplo n.º 8
        /// <summary>
        /// The Connect method establishes a new Session Context with the server.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="pcxh">On success, the server MUST return a unique value to be used as a CXH. This unique value serves as the CXH for the client.</param>
        /// <param name="userDN">User's distinguished name (DN).</param>
        /// <param name="mapiContext">RPC call context</param>
        /// <returns>If the method succeeds, the return value is 0. 
        /// If the method fails, the return value is an implementation-specific error code or one of the protocol-defined error codes.</returns>
        private uint Connect_Internal(ref IntPtr pcxh, string userDN, ref MapiContext mapiContext)
            #region Parameters for RPC connect operation.
            // For ordinary client calls this value MUST be 0x00000000.
            uint flags = 0x00000000;

            // The connection modulus is a client derived 32-bit hash value of the DN passed in field szUserDN and can be used by the server to decide 
            // which public folder replica to use when accessing public folder information when more than one replica of a folder exists. 
            // The hash can be used to distribute client access across replicas in a deterministic way for load balancing.
            uint conMod = 3741814581;

            // This field is reserved. A client MUST pass a value of 0x00000000.
            uint limit = 0;

            // The code page in which text data SHOULD be sent if Unicode format is not requested by the client on subsequent calls using this Session Context.
            uint cpid = 0x000004E4;
            if (mapiContext.CodePageId != null)
                cpid = mapiContext.CodePageId.Value;

            // The local ID for everything other than sorting.
            uint lcidString = 0x00000409;

            // The local ID for sorting.
            uint lcidSort = 0x00000409;

            // This value is used to link the Session Context created by this call with an existing Session Context on the server. 
            // If no session linking is requested, this value will be 0xFFFFFFFF.
            uint licxrLink = 0xFFFFFFFF;

            // The client MUST pass a value of 0x01.
            ushort canConvertCodePages = 0x01;

            // The server returns the number of milliseconds that a client SHOULD wait between polling the server for event information.
            uint cmsPollsMax = 0;

            // The server returns the number of times a client SHOULD retry future RPC calls using the CXH returned in this call. 
            // This is for client RPC calls that fail with RPC status code RPC_S_SERVER_TOO_BUSY. 
            // This is a suggested retry count for the client and SHOULD NOT be enforced by the server.
            uint retry = 0;

            // The server returns the number of milliseconds a client SHOULD wait before retrying a failed RPC call. 
            // If any future RPC call to the server using the CXH returned in this call fails with RPC status code RPC_S_SERVER_TOO_BUSY, 
            // it SHOULD wait the number of milliseconds specified in this output parameter before retrying the call. 
            // The number of times a client SHOULD retry is returned in parameter pcRetry. 
            // This is a suggested delay for the client and SHOULD NOT be enforced by the server.
            uint cmsRetryDelay = 0;

            // The server returns a session index value that is associated with the CXH returned from this call. 
            // This value in conjunction with the session creation time stamp value returned in pulTimeStamp will be passed to a subsequent EcDoConnectEx call, 
            // if the client wants to link two Session Contexts. The server MUST NOT assign two active Session Contexts the same session index value. 
            // The server is free to return any 16-bit value for the session index.
            ushort cxr = 0;

            // The server returns the distinguished name (DN) of the server.
            UIntPtr pszDNPrefix;

            // The server returns the display name of the server.
            UIntPtr pszDisplayName;

            ushort[] rgwClientVersion = new ushort[3];
            ushort[] rgwServerVersion = new ushort[3] { 0, 0, 0 };
            ushort[] rgwBestVersion = new ushort[3];

            // The client passes the client protocol version the server SHOULD use to determine what protocol functionality the client supports. 
            // For more information about how version numbers are interpreted from the wire data, see section 3.1.9.[MS-OXCMSG]
            rgwClientVersion[0] = 0x000c;
            rgwClientVersion[1] = 0x183e;
            rgwClientVersion[2] = 0x03e8;

            // On input, this parameter and parameter ulIcxrLink are used for linking the Session Context created by this call with an existing Session Context. 
            // If the ulIcxrLink parameter is not 0xFFFFFFFF, the client MUST pass in the pulTimeStamp value returned from the server on a previous call to 
            // EcDoConnectEx (see the ulIcxrLink and piCxr parameters for more details).
            uint timeStamp = 0;

            // This parameter contains an auxiliary payload buffer. The auxiliary payload buffer is prefixed by an RPC_HEADER_EXT structure. 
            // Information stored in this header determines how to interpret the data following the header. 
            // The length of the auxiliary payload buffer that includes the RPC_HEADER_EXT header is contained in parameter cbAuxIn.
            byte[] payloadBufferAuxIn = null;

            // On input, this parameter contains the length of the auxiliary payload buffer passed in the rgbAuxIn parameter. 
            // The server MUST fail with error code ecRpcFormat if the request buffer is larger than 0x00001008 bytes in size.
            uint auxinLength = 0;

            // 0x1008: Set the max size of the rgbAuxOut
            byte[] rgbAuxOut = new byte[RpcAdapter.PcbAuxOut];

            // 0x1008: Set the max size of the cbAuxOut
            uint auxOutLength = RpcAdapter.PcbAuxOut;

            uint returnValue = 0;
                // Connect to server.
                returnValue = NativeMethods.EcDoConnectEx(
                        ref pcxh,
                        out cmsPollsMax,
                        out retry,
                        out cmsRetryDelay,
                        out cxr,
                        out pszDNPrefix,
                        out pszDisplayName,
                        ref timeStamp,
                        ref auxOutLength);

                if (returnValue != 0)
                    this.site.Log.Add(LogEntryKind.Comment, "EcDoConnectEx returns error code {0}. Refers to [MS-OXCDATA] section 2.4 for more information.", returnValue);

                Array.Copy(rgwServerVersion, mapiContext.EXServerVersion, 3);
            catch (SEHException e)
                returnValue = RpcExceptionCode(e);

                this.site.Log.Add(LogEntryKind.Comment, "EcDoConnectEx throws exception, system error code is {0}, the error message is: {1}", returnValue, (new Win32Exception((int)returnValue)).ToString());

            return returnValue;