/// <summary>
        /// Adds an object to DC at parent location.
        /// The objects content is specified by a sequence of strings where each string
        /// consists of a pair of attribute name and value.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="parentDN">The DN of parent.</param>
        /// <param name="attributes">All attributes of model object.</param>
        public ModelResult Add(string parentDN, params string[] attributes)
            ModelObject parent = TryFindObject(parentDN);

            if (parent == null)
                return(new ModelResult(ResultCode.NoSuchObject, "cannot find '{0}'", parentDN));

            ModelObject obj = new ModelObject();

            obj.dc = this;

            foreach (string line in attributes)
                string   attr, valueString;
                string[] splits = line.Split(new char[] { ':' }, 2);
                if (splits == null || splits.Length != 2)
                    return(new ModelResult(ResultCode.InvalidAttributeSyntax));
                attr        = splits[0].Trim();
                valueString = splits[1].Trim();
                ModelObject attrObj;

                if (!TryGetAttribute(splits[0], out attrObj))
                    return(new ModelResult(ResultCode.NoSuchAttribute, attr));

                AttributeContext parsingContext = GetAttributeContext(attr);
                obj[attr] = parsingContext.Parse(valueString);

                if (Checks.HasDiagnostics)
                    return(new ModelResult(ResultCode.InvalidAttributeSyntax, Checks.GetAndClearDiagnostics()));
            string rdnName = GetRDNAttributeName(obj);

            if (rdnName != null)
                string rdn = (string)obj[rdnName];
                if (parent.childs.ContainsKey(rdn))
                    return(new ModelResult(ResultCode.EntryAlreadyExists));
                AddChild(parent, obj);
                Consistency.Check(new Sequence <ModelObject>(obj));
            if (Checks.HasDiagnostics)
                return(new ModelResult(ResultCode.ConstraintViolation, Checks.GetAndClearDiagnostics()));
        /// <summary>
        /// Adds a set of object definitions to the schema. The format of the schema
        /// is a sequence of lines where objects are separated by empty lines.
        /// Each line of an object definition is a pair of an attribute display name and an
        /// attribute value, separated by ':'. Takes care of "bootstrapping" the contents of
        /// the schema, resolving cyclic dependencies between attribute definitions and objects. 
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="schema">The schema, represented as explained above.</param>
        /// <param name="valueSubstitution">A substitution of strings which should be applied to each value in the 
        /// schema. For example, may map '&lt;rootdomaindn&gt;' as used in schemas to represent the root name of the 
        /// current DC to an actual value</param>
        /// <param name="serverVersion">Specify the OS version of the server</param>
        /// <returns>Result of the Load Schema method.</returns>
        public ModelResult LoadSchema(IEnumerable<string> schema, Map<string, string> valueSubstitution, OSVersion serverVersion)
            SequenceContainer<ModelObject> newObjects = new SequenceContainer<ModelObject>();
            UnresolvedSyntax unresolvedSyntax = new UnresolvedSyntax();

            #region Pass 1: read in objects resolving only builtin attributes
            // We need this phase for bootstrapping, as we don't have the
            // attributes available which are used in the objects. Thus
            // in this phase, we just parse attribute values of a certain set
            // of builting attributes which are required to get attribute syntax
            // definitions.
            ModelObject tempobj = null;
            ModelObject obj = null;
            foreach (string rawLine in schema)
                string line = (rawLine == null)?null:rawLine.Trim();

                if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(line))
                    // Object ends here
                    if (obj != null)
                        if (obj[StandardNames.attributeID] == null && obj[StandardNames.governsId] == null)
                            if (obj.attributes.Count == 1)
                                // If the server is Windows 2000
                                if (serverVersion == OSVersion.WinSvr2000)
                                    string attr = obj.attributes.Keys.ElementAt(0);

                                    if (tempobj.attributes.Keys.Contains(attr))
                                    newObjects.RemoveAt(newObjects.Count - 1);
                                Checks.Fail("attributeId/governsId is mandatory for each object {0}.", obj[StandardNames.cn]);
                        else if (obj[StandardNames.attributeID] != null)
                        else if (obj[StandardNames.governsId] != null)
                            // This is a class definition. Fill in class map.
                        tempobj = obj;
                        obj = null;
                    if (obj == null)
                        obj = new ModelObject();
                    obj.dc = this;

                    string attr, valueString;
                    string[] splits = line.Split(new char[] { ':' }, 2);

                    if (splits == null || splits.Length != 2)
                        Checks.Fail("invalid schema line '{0}'", line);
                    attr = splits[0].Trim().ToLower();
                    valueString = Substitute(valueSubstitution, splits[1].Trim());
                    AttributeContext parsingContext;

                    if (!builtinAttributeSyntax.TryGetValue(attr, out parsingContext))
                        parsingContext = new AttributeContext(this, attr, unresolvedSyntax);
                    obj[attr] = parsingContext.Parse(valueString);

            #region Pass 2: resolve syntax of all new objects
            // As we have now attribute definitions which map to the syntax, we can parse
            // All values in the new objects.
            foreach (ModelObject newObj in newObjects)
                foreach (string attr in newObj.attributes.Keys)
                    AttributeContext parsingContext = GetAttributeContext(attr);
                    Value value = newObj[attr];

                    if (value.Syntax is UnresolvedSyntax)
                        newObj[attr] = parsingContext.Parse((string)value);
                            parsingContext.syntax == value.Syntax,
                            "bultin syntax assignment of '{0}' must match syntax declared in schema", 

            #region Pass 3: add objects
            // Now all definitions are complete. Add them to schema replica root.
            foreach (ModelObject newObj in newObjects)
                AddChild(schemaReplica.root, newObj);

            #region Pass 4: check consistency
            // The tree is finally setup. Now check for consistency

            if (Checks.HasDiagnostics)
                return new ModelResult(ResultCode.ConstraintViolation, Checks.GetAndClearLog(), Checks.GetAndClearDiagnostics());
                //return Result.Success;
                ModelResult tempRes = new ModelResult(ResultCode.Success);
                tempRes.logMessage = Checks.GetAndClearLog();
                return tempRes;
