Ejemplo n.º 1
 public PubRange(Pub.TextRange basedOnRange)
     : base(basedOnRange)
     m_nOffset   = basedOnRange.Start;
     m_nNumPages = RangeBasedOn.Application.ActiveDocument.Pages.Count;
Ejemplo n.º 2
        /// <summary>
        /// Converts Расписашка (*.db) database file with schedule to Microsoft Office Publisher 2010 (*.pub) file
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="inPath">full path to Расписашка (*.db) database file with schedule</param>
        /// <param name="outPath">full path to Публикация Publisher 2010 (*.pub) publication file with converted schedule</param>
        /// <param name="backWorker">BackgroundWorker for reporting progress</param>
        /// <returns>full path to converted Microsoft Office Publisher 2010 (*.pub) file</returns>
        private string convertDatabase(string inPath, string outPath, BackgroundWorker backWorker)
            string savePath = inPath.Substring(0, inPath.Length - 3) + ".pub";

            SQLiteConnection dbConnection = new SQLiteConnection("Data Source=" + inPath + ";Version=3");

            const string command = "SELECT names_1.name AS teacher_short, names_1.full_name AS teacher, lessons._id, lessons.day, lessons.number, names.name AS subject, names_2.name AS place, names_3.name AS type, lessons.weeks, lessons.kind_id AS type_id" +
                                   " FROM lessons, names, names names_1, names names_2, names names_3" +
                                   " WHERE lessons.name_id = names._id AND lessons.teacher_id = names_1._id AND lessons.place_id = names_2._id AND lessons.kind_id = names_3._id";
            SQLiteCommand    dbCommand = new SQLiteCommand(command, dbConnection);
            SQLiteDataReader dbReader  = dbCommand.ExecuteReader();

            Publisher.Application publisherApp = new Publisher.Application();
            publisherApp.ScreenUpdating = false;
            Publisher.Document document        = publisherApp.ActiveDocument;
            Publisher.Window   publisherWindow = publisherApp.ActiveWindow;
            //publisherWindow.Caption = "Schedule";
            //publisherWindow.WindowState = Publisher.PbWindowState.pbWindowStateMaximize;
            //publisherWindow.Visible = false;

            // Setup design
            document.PageSetup.PageWidth  = publisherApp.CentimetersToPoints(PAGE_A4_WIDTH);
            document.PageSetup.PageHeight = publisherApp.CentimetersToPoints(PAGE_A4_HEIGHT);

            //Publisher.Page page = document.Pages.Add(1, 0);
            Publisher.Page page = document.Pages[1];

            // Create tables
            Publisher.Shape[] shapes = new Publisher.Shape[10];
            Publisher.Table[] tables = new Publisher.Table[10];

            float[]  positionsX = { 0.5f, 10.25f, 20.0f, 0.5f, 10.25f, 0.5f, 10.25f, 20.0f, 0.5f, 10.25f };
            float[]  positionsY = { 0.5f, 0.5f, 0.5f, 5.6f, 5.6f, 10.75f, 10.75f, 10.75f, 15.85f, 15.85f };
            string[] weekDays   = { "Понедельник", "Вторник", "Среда", "Четверг", "Пятница" };

            for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++)
                Publisher.Shape shape = page.Shapes.AddTable(6, 5, publisherApp.CentimetersToPoints(positionsX[i]), publisherApp.CentimetersToPoints(positionsY[i]), publisherApp.CentimetersToPoints(9.25f), publisherApp.CentimetersToPoints(4.6f));
                Publisher.Table table = shape.Table;
                shapes[i] = shape;
                tables[i] = table;

                // Setup rows/cols sizes
                table.Columns[1].Width = publisherApp.CentimetersToPoints(0.425f);
                table.Columns[2].Width = publisherApp.CentimetersToPoints(0.425f);
                table.Columns[3].Width = publisherApp.CentimetersToPoints(3.625f);
                table.Columns[4].Width = publisherApp.CentimetersToPoints(1.375f);
                table.Columns[5].Width = publisherApp.CentimetersToPoints(3.4f);

                table.Rows[1].Height = publisherApp.CentimetersToPoints(0.63f);
                table.Rows[2].Height = publisherApp.CentimetersToPoints(0.62f);
                table.Rows[3].Height = publisherApp.CentimetersToPoints(0.62f);
                table.Rows[4].Height = publisherApp.CentimetersToPoints(0.62f);
                table.Rows[5].Height = publisherApp.CentimetersToPoints(0.62f);
                table.Rows[6].Height = publisherApp.CentimetersToPoints(1.45f);

                table.GrowToFitText = false;

                // Setup borders
                foreach (Publisher.Cell tcell in table.Cells)
                    tcell.BorderLeft.Weight   = 1.0f;
                    tcell.BorderTop.Weight    = 1.0f;
                    tcell.BorderRight.Weight  = 1.0f;
                    tcell.BorderBottom.Weight = 1.0f;

                Publisher.Cell cell = table.Rows[1].Cells[1];
                cell.VerticalTextAlignment = Publisher.PbVerticalTextAlignmentType.pbVerticalTextAlignmentCenter;
                cell.BorderLeft.Weight     = 1.0f;
                cell.BorderTop.Weight      = 1.0f;
                cell.BorderRight.Weight    = 1.0f;
                cell.BorderBottom.Weight   = 1.0f;

                Publisher.TextRange cellText = cell.TextRange;
                cellText.Text = weekDays[i % 5];
                cellText.ParagraphFormat.Alignment = Publisher.PbParagraphAlignmentType.pbParagraphAlignmentCenter;
                cellText.Font.Name   = "Arial";
                cellText.Font.Bold   = MsoTriState.msoTrue;
                cellText.Font.Italic = MsoTriState.msoTrue;
                //cellText.ParagraphFormat.SpaceAfter = 0.0f;
                //cellText.ParagraphFormat.LineSpacing = 1.0f;
                //cellText.ParagraphFormat.SpaceBefore = 0.0f;

                for (int j = 0; j < 5; j++)
                    cell = table.Rows[j + 2].Cells[2];
                    cell.VerticalTextAlignment = Publisher.PbVerticalTextAlignmentType.pbVerticalTextAlignmentCenter;
                    cellText = cell.TextRange;
                    cellText.ParagraphFormat.Alignment = Publisher.PbParagraphAlignmentType.pbParagraphAlignmentCenter;
                    cellText.Font.Name = "Arial";
                    cellText.Font.Bold = MsoTriState.msoTrue;
                    //cellText.ParagraphFormat.SpaceAfter = 0.0f;
                    //cellText.ParagraphFormat.LineSpacing = 1.0f;
                    //cellText.ParagraphFormat.SpaceBefore = 0.0f;
                    cellText.Text = (j + 1).ToString();

                backWorker.ReportProgress((int)(i / 10.0f * 75));

            // Fill data
            string subject, place, teacher_short;
            long   type_id;
            string week;
            long   day, number;
            int    index;
            int    counter = 0;

            while (dbReader.Read())
                subject       = (string)dbReader["subject"];
                place         = (string)dbReader["place"];
                teacher_short = (string)dbReader["teacher_short"];
                type_id       = (long)dbReader["type_id"];
                week          = (string)dbReader["weeks"];

                if (week == "a") // all: 1,2,3,...
                    day    = (long)dbReader["day"];
                    number = (long)dbReader["number"];

                    index = (int)day - 1;

                    tables[index].Rows[(int)number + 1].Cells[1].TextRange.Text = (type_id == 1 ? "+" : "");
                    tables[index].Rows[(int)number + 1].Cells[3].TextRange.Text = subject;
                    tables[index].Rows[(int)number + 1].Cells[4].TextRange.Text = place;
                    tables[index].Rows[(int)number + 1].Cells[5].TextRange.Text = teacher_short;

                    index = (int)day + 4;

                    tables[index].Rows[(int)number + 1].Cells[1].TextRange.Text = (type_id == 1 ? "+" : "");
                    tables[index].Rows[(int)number + 1].Cells[3].TextRange.Text = subject;
                    tables[index].Rows[(int)number + 1].Cells[4].TextRange.Text = place;
                    tables[index].Rows[(int)number + 1].Cells[5].TextRange.Text = teacher_short;
                else if (week == "e") // even: 2,4,6,...
                    day    = (long)dbReader["day"];
                    number = (long)dbReader["number"];

                    index = (int)day + 4;

                    tables[index].Rows[(int)number + 1].Cells[1].TextRange.Text = (type_id == 1 ? "+" : "");
                    tables[index].Rows[(int)number + 1].Cells[3].TextRange.Text = subject;
                    tables[index].Rows[(int)number + 1].Cells[4].TextRange.Text = place;
                    tables[index].Rows[(int)number + 1].Cells[5].TextRange.Text = teacher_short;
                else if (week == "o") // odd: 1,3,5,...
                    day    = (long)dbReader["day"];
                    number = (long)dbReader["number"];

                    index = (int)day - 1;

                    tables[index].Rows[(int)number + 1].Cells[1].TextRange.Text = (type_id == 1 ? "+" : "");
                    tables[index].Rows[(int)number + 1].Cells[3].TextRange.Text = subject;
                    tables[index].Rows[(int)number + 1].Cells[4].TextRange.Text = place;
                    tables[index].Rows[(int)number + 1].Cells[5].TextRange.Text = teacher_short;

                backWorker.ReportProgress((int)(++counter / (float)dbReader.StepCount * 24 + 75));

            publisherWindow.Caption     = "Schedule";
            publisherWindow.Visible     = true;
            publisherWindow.WindowState = Publisher.PbWindowState.pbWindowStateMaximize;
            publisherApp.ScreenUpdating = true;


            // Release all COM objects
