Ejemplo n.º 1
        void SatisfyConstraints()
            for (int i = 0; i < settings.ProjectionIterations; ++i)
                foreach (var level in constraints.Keys)
                    if (level > CurrentConstraintLevel)

                    foreach (var c in constraints[level])
                        // c.Project operates only on MSAGL nodes, so need to update the local FiNode.Centers
                        foreach (var v in c.Nodes)
                            ((FiNode)v.AlgorithmData).Center = v.Center;

                foreach (LockPosition l in settings.locks)
                    // again, project operates only on MSAGL nodes, we'll also update FiNode.PreviousPosition since we don't want any inertia in this case
                    foreach (var v in l.Nodes)
                        FiNode fiNode = v.AlgorithmData as FiNode;

                        // the locks should have had their AlgorithmData updated, but if (for some reason)
                        // the locks list is out of date we don't want to null ref here.
                        if (fiNode != null && v.AlgorithmData != null)