Ejemplo n.º 1
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates a bounding parallelogram on a curve segment
        /// We suppose here that the segment is convex or concave from start to end,
        /// that is the region bounded by the straight segment seg[start], seg[end] and the curve seg is convex
        /// </summary>
        internal static bool CreateParallelogramOnSubSeg(double start, double end, ICurve seg, ref Parallelogram box,
                                                         Point startPoint, Point endPoint)
            if (seg is CubicBezierSegment)
                return(CreateParallelogramOnSubSegOnBezierSeg(start, end, seg, ref box));

            Point tan1 = seg.Derivative(start);

            Point tan2     = seg.Derivative(end);
            Point tan2Perp = Point.P(-tan2.Y, tan2.X);

            Point p = endPoint - startPoint;

            double numerator   = p * tan2Perp;
            double denumerator = (tan1 * tan2Perp);
            double x;// = (p * tan2Perp) / (tan1 * tan2Perp);

            if (Math.Abs(numerator) < ApproximateComparer.DistanceEpsilon)
                x = 0;
            else if (Math.Abs(denumerator) < ApproximateComparer.DistanceEpsilon)
                //it is degenerated; adjacent sides are parallel, but
                //since p * tan2Perp is big it does not contain e
                x = numerator / denumerator;

            tan1 *= x;

            box = new Parallelogram(startPoint, tan1, endPoint - startPoint - tan1);
            if (!box.Contains(seg[end]))
                throw new InvalidOperationException();//"the box does not contain the end of the segment");

            double delta = (end - start) / 64;
            for (int i = 1; i < 64; i++)
                if (!box.Contains(seg[start + delta * i]))
Ejemplo n.º 2
        internal static bool CreateParallelogramOnSubSegOnBezierSeg(double start, double end, ICurve seg, ref Parallelogram box)
            CubicBezierSegment trimSeg = seg.Trim(start, end) as CubicBezierSegment;

            B     b = trimSeg.B;
            Point a = b(1) - b(0);

            box = new Parallelogram(b(0), a, b(3) - b(0));

            if (box.Contains(b(2)))

            box = new Parallelogram(b(3), b(2) - b(3), b(0) - b(3));

            if (box.Contains(b(1)))

        internal static bool CreateParallelogramOnSubSegOnBezierSeg(double start, double end, ICurve seg, ref Parallelogram box) {

            CubicBezierSegment trimSeg = seg.Trim(start, end) as CubicBezierSegment;

            B b = trimSeg.B;
            Point a = b(1) - b(0);

            box = new Parallelogram(b(0), a, b(3) - b(0));

            if (box.Contains(b(2)))
                return true;

            box = new Parallelogram(b(3), b(2) - b(3), b(0) - b(3));

            if (box.Contains(b(1)))
                return true;

            return false;
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates a bounding parallelogram on a curve segment
        /// We suppose here that the segment is convex or concave from start to end,
        /// that is the region bounded by the straight segment seg[start], seg[end] and the curve seg is convex
        /// </summary>
        internal static bool CreateParallelogramOnSubSeg(double start, double end, ICurve seg, ref Parallelogram box,  
            Point startPoint, Point endPoint) {

            if (seg is CubicBezierSegment)
                return CreateParallelogramOnSubSegOnBezierSeg(start, end, seg, ref box);

            Point tan1 = seg.Derivative(start);

            Point tan2 = seg.Derivative(end);
            Point tan2Perp = Point.P(-tan2.Y, tan2.X);


            Point p = endPoint - startPoint;

            double numerator = p * tan2Perp;
            double denumerator = (tan1 * tan2Perp);
            double x;// = (p * tan2Perp) / (tan1 * tan2Perp);
            if (Math.Abs(numerator) < ApproximateComparer.DistanceEpsilon)
                x = 0;
            else if (Math.Abs(denumerator) < ApproximateComparer.DistanceEpsilon) {
                //it is degenerated; adjacent sides are parallel, but 
                //since p * tan2Perp is big it does not contain e
                return false;
            } else x = numerator / denumerator;

            tan1 *= x;

            box = new Parallelogram(startPoint, tan1, endPoint - startPoint - tan1);
      if (!box.Contains(seg[end]))
        throw new InvalidOperationException();//"the box does not contain the end of the segment");

            double delta = (end - start) / 64;
            for (int i = 1; i < 64; i++) {
                if (!box.Contains(seg[start + delta * i])) 
                    return false;
            return true;
