Ejemplo n.º 1
 /// <summary>
 /// Set the parameters to match the moments of a mixture distribution.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="dist1">The first distribution</param>
 /// <param name="weight1">The first weight</param>
 /// <param name="dist2">The second distribution</param>
 /// <param name="weight2">The second weight</param>
 public void SetToSum(double weight1, Beta dist1, double weight2, Beta dist2)
     if (AllowImproperSum)
         SetTo(Gaussian.WeightedSum <Beta>(this, weight1, dist1, weight2, dist2));
     if (weight1 + weight2 == 0)
     else if (weight1 + weight2 < 0)
         throw new ArgumentException("weight1 (" + weight1 + ") + weight2 (" + weight2 + ") < 0");
     else if (weight1 == 0)
     else if (weight2 == 0)
     // if dist1 == dist2 then we must return dist1, with no roundoff error
     else if (dist1.Equals(dist2))
     else if (double.IsPositiveInfinity(weight1))
         if (double.IsPositiveInfinity(weight2))
             throw new ArgumentException("both weights are infinity");
     else if (double.IsPositiveInfinity(weight2))
         double minTrue, minFalse;
         if (dist1.IsPointMass)
             if (dist2.IsPointMass)
                 if (!dist1.Point.Equals(dist2.Point))
                     throw new AllZeroException("dist1.Point = " + dist1.Point + Environment.NewLine + "dist2.Point = " + dist2.Point);
                 Point = dist1.Point;
                 minTrue  = dist2.TrueCount;
                 minFalse = dist2.FalseCount;
         else if (dist2.IsPointMass)
             minTrue  = dist1.TrueCount;
             minFalse = dist1.FalseCount;
             minTrue  = System.Math.Min(dist1.TrueCount, dist2.TrueCount);
             minFalse = System.Math.Min(dist1.FalseCount, dist2.FalseCount);
         // algorithm: we choose the result to have the same mean and variance as the mixture
         // provided that all PseudoCounts are greater than the smallest PseudoCount in the mixture.
         // The result has the form (s*m,s*(1-m))  where the mean m is fixed and s satisfies
         // s*m >= min_i dist[i].TrueCount    i.e.   s >= minTrue/m
         // s*(1-m) >= min_i dist[i].FalseCount    i.e.   s >= minFalse/(1-m)
         // if weight2 < 0 then we want dist1[k] >= min(dist2[k],s*m[k])  i.e. s*m[k] <= dist1[k]  when dist1[k] < dist2[k]
         if (minTrue == 0 && minFalse == 0)
             TrueCount  = 0;
             FalseCount = 0;
             Beta   momentMatch = Gaussian.WeightedSum <Beta>(this, weight1, dist1, weight2, dist2);
             double mean        = momentMatch.GetMean();
             // minTrue > 0 and minFalse > 0 otherwise GetMean would have thrown an exception.
             Assert.IsTrue(minTrue > 0);
             Assert.IsTrue(minFalse > 0);
             double boundTrue  = minTrue / mean;
             double boundFalse = minFalse / (1 - mean);
             double bound;
             bool   boundViolated;
             if (weight1 > 0)
                 if (weight2 > 0)
                     bound         = System.Math.Max(boundTrue, boundFalse);
                     boundViolated = (momentMatch.TotalCount < bound);
                     bound = Double.PositiveInfinity;
                     if (dist1.TrueCount < dist2.TrueCount)
                         bound = boundTrue;
                     if (dist1.FalseCount < dist2.FalseCount)
                         bound = System.Math.Min(bound, boundFalse);
                     boundViolated = (momentMatch.TotalCount > bound);
                 // weight1 < 0
                 bound = Double.PositiveInfinity;
                 if (dist2.TrueCount < dist1.TrueCount)
                     bound = boundTrue;
                 if (dist2.FalseCount < dist1.FalseCount)
                     bound = System.Math.Min(bound, boundFalse);
                 boundViolated = (momentMatch.TotalCount > bound);
             if (boundViolated)
                 TrueCount  = bound * mean;
                 FalseCount = bound * (1 - mean);
Ejemplo n.º 2
        static void Main(string[] args)
            /********* arguments **********/
            string dataDir         = args[0];
            string datasetFilename = args[1];


            /************ data ************/
            string[] lines      = File.ReadAllLines(dataDir + datasetFilename);
            int      numSamples = lines.Length;

            double[] x0Data = new double[numSamples];
            double[] x1Data = new double[numSamples];
            bool[]   yData  = new bool[numSamples];

            for (int i = 0; i < numSamples; i++)
                string[] strArray    = lines[i].Split('|');
                double[] doubleArray = Array.ConvertAll <string, double>(strArray, Convert.ToDouble);

                x0Data[i] = doubleArray[0];
                x1Data[i] = doubleArray[1];

                if (doubleArray[2] == 1)
                    yData[i] = true;
                    yData[i] = false;

            /********* model setup **********/
            Range n = new Range(numSamples);

            M.Variable <bool>   y  = M.Variable.New <bool>();
            M.Variable <double> x0 = M.Variable.New <double>();
            M.Variable <double> x1 = M.Variable.New <double>();

            double variance = 1.0;

            M.Variable <double> x0c0Mean = M.Variable.GaussianFromMeanAndVariance(0, 10);
            M.Variable <double> x0c1Mean = M.Variable.GaussianFromMeanAndVariance(0, 10);
            M.Variable <double> x1c0Mean = M.Variable.GaussianFromMeanAndVariance(0, 10);
            M.Variable <double> x1c1Mean = M.Variable.GaussianFromMeanAndVariance(0, 10);

            // stores the product of all messages sent the means by the previous batches
            M.Variable <D.Gaussian> x0c0MeanMessage = M.Variable.Observed <D.Gaussian>(D.Gaussian.Uniform());
            M.Variable <D.Gaussian> x0c1MeanMessage = M.Variable.Observed <D.Gaussian>(D.Gaussian.Uniform());
            M.Variable <D.Gaussian> x1c0MeanMessage = M.Variable.Observed <D.Gaussian>(D.Gaussian.Uniform());
            M.Variable <D.Gaussian> x1c1MeanMessage = M.Variable.Observed <D.Gaussian>(D.Gaussian.Uniform());

            M.Variable.ConstrainEqualRandom(x0c0Mean, x0c0MeanMessage);
            M.Variable.ConstrainEqualRandom(x0c1Mean, x0c1MeanMessage);
            M.Variable.ConstrainEqualRandom(x1c0Mean, x1c0MeanMessage);
            M.Variable.ConstrainEqualRandom(x1c1Mean, x1c1MeanMessage);


            D.Gaussian x0c0MeanMarginal = D.Gaussian.Uniform();
            D.Gaussian x0c1MeanMarginal = D.Gaussian.Uniform();
            D.Gaussian x1c0MeanMarginal = D.Gaussian.Uniform();
            D.Gaussian x1c1MeanMarginal = D.Gaussian.Uniform();

            M.Variable <double> cPrior = M.Variable.Beta(1, 1);

            y = M.Variable.Bernoulli(cPrior);

            using (M.Variable.IfNot(y))
                x0.SetTo(M.Variable.GaussianFromMeanAndVariance(x0c0Mean, variance));
                x1.SetTo(M.Variable.GaussianFromMeanAndVariance(x1c0Mean, variance));
            using (M.Variable.If(y))
                x0.SetTo(M.Variable.GaussianFromMeanAndVariance(x0c1Mean, variance));
                x1.SetTo(M.Variable.GaussianFromMeanAndVariance(x1c1Mean, variance));

            /******* inference engine *******/
            M.InferenceEngine engine = new M.InferenceEngine(new A.ExpectationPropagation());
            engine.ShowProgress = false;
            // engine.ShowFactorGraph = true;

            // the less this is, the more important role the prior over the mean is contributing to the posterior.
            double k = 10.0;

            double[] x0c0Meannatural = { 0, 0 };
            double[] x0c1Meannatural = { 0, 0 };
            double[] x1c0Meannatural = { 0, 0 };
            double[] x1c1Meannatural = { 0, 0 };

            var results = new StringBuilder();


            for (int t = 0; t < numSamples; t++)
                x0c0MeanMessage.ObservedValue = D.Gaussian.Uniform();
                x0c1MeanMessage.ObservedValue = D.Gaussian.Uniform();
                x1c0MeanMessage.ObservedValue = D.Gaussian.Uniform();
                x1c1MeanMessage.ObservedValue = D.Gaussian.Uniform();

                x0.ObservedValue = x0Data[t];
                x1.ObservedValue = x1Data[t];
                y.ObservedValue  = yData[t];

                D.Gaussian x0c0MeanDataLikelihood = engine.Infer <D.Gaussian>(x0c0Mean, QueryTypes.MarginalDividedByPrior);
                D.Gaussian x0c1MeanDataLikelihood = engine.Infer <D.Gaussian>(x0c1Mean, QueryTypes.MarginalDividedByPrior);
                D.Gaussian x1c0MeanDataLikelihood = engine.Infer <D.Gaussian>(x1c0Mean, QueryTypes.MarginalDividedByPrior);
                D.Gaussian x1c1MeanDataLikelihood = engine.Infer <D.Gaussian>(x1c1Mean, QueryTypes.MarginalDividedByPrior);

                D.Beta postClass = engine.Infer <D.Beta>(cPrior);

                double x0c0Meanmb, x0c0Meanb;
                x0c0MeanDataLikelihood.GetNatural(out x0c0Meanmb, out x0c0Meanb);
                double x0c1Meanmb, x0c1Meanb;
                x0c1MeanDataLikelihood.GetNatural(out x0c1Meanmb, out x0c1Meanb);
                double x1c0Meanmb, x1c0Meanb;
                x1c0MeanDataLikelihood.GetNatural(out x1c0Meanmb, out x1c0Meanb);
                double x1c1Meanmb, x1c1Meanb;
                x1c1MeanDataLikelihood.GetNatural(out x1c1Meanmb, out x1c1Meanb);

                if (t > k)
                    x0c0Meannatural[0] = (x0c0Meannatural[0] + x0c0Meanmb) * (k / (k + 1));
                    x0c0Meannatural[1] = (x0c0Meannatural[1] + x0c0Meanb) * (k / (k + 1));
                    x0c1Meannatural[0] = (x0c1Meannatural[0] + x0c1Meanmb) * (k / (k + 1));
                    x0c1Meannatural[1] = (x0c1Meannatural[1] + x0c1Meanb) * (k / (k + 1));
                    x1c0Meannatural[0] = (x1c0Meannatural[0] + x1c0Meanmb) * (k / (k + 1));
                    x1c0Meannatural[1] = (x1c0Meannatural[1] + x1c0Meanb) * (k / (k + 1));
                    x1c1Meannatural[0] = (x1c1Meannatural[0] + x1c1Meanmb) * (k / (k + 1));
                    x1c1Meannatural[1] = (x1c1Meannatural[1] + x1c1Meanb) * (k / (k + 1));
                    x0c0Meannatural[0] = x0c0Meannatural[0] + x0c0Meanmb;
                    x0c0Meannatural[1] = x0c0Meannatural[1] + x0c0Meanb;
                    x0c1Meannatural[0] = x0c1Meannatural[0] + x0c1Meanmb;
                    x0c1Meannatural[1] = x0c1Meannatural[1] + x0c1Meanb;
                    x1c0Meannatural[0] = x1c0Meannatural[0] + x1c0Meanmb;
                    x1c0Meannatural[1] = x1c0Meannatural[1] + x1c0Meanb;
                    x1c1Meannatural[0] = x1c1Meannatural[0] + x1c1Meanmb;
                    x1c1Meannatural[1] = x1c1Meannatural[1] + x1c1Meanb;

                x0c0MeanMessage.ObservedValue = new D.Gaussian(x0c0Meannatural[0] / x0c0Meannatural[1], 1 / x0c0Meannatural[1]);
                x0c1MeanMessage.ObservedValue = new D.Gaussian(x0c1Meannatural[0] / x0c1Meannatural[1], 1 / x0c1Meannatural[1]);
                x1c0MeanMessage.ObservedValue = new D.Gaussian(x1c0Meannatural[0] / x1c0Meannatural[1], 1 / x1c0Meannatural[1]);
                x1c1MeanMessage.ObservedValue = new D.Gaussian(x1c1Meannatural[0] / x1c1Meannatural[1], 1 / x1c1Meannatural[1]);

                // these are the posterior distribution over the means
                x0c0MeanMarginal = engine.Infer <D.Gaussian>(x0c0Mean);
                x0c1MeanMarginal = engine.Infer <D.Gaussian>(x0c1Mean);
                x1c0MeanMarginal = engine.Infer <D.Gaussian>(x1c0Mean);
                x1c1MeanMarginal = engine.Infer <D.Gaussian>(x1c1Mean);

                var newLine = string.Format("{0}|{1}|{2}|{3}|{4}", postClass.GetMean(), x0c0MeanMarginal.GetMean(), x1c0MeanMarginal.GetMean(), x0c1MeanMarginal.GetMean(), x1c1MeanMarginal.GetMean());

            File.WriteAllText(dataDir + "results.csv", results.ToString());

            // using (M.Variable.ForEach(n))
            // {
            //     y[n] = M.Variable.Bernoulli(cPrior);

            //     using (M.Variable.IfNot(y[n]))
            //     {
            //         x0[n].SetTo(M.Variable.GaussianFromMeanAndVariance(x0c0Mean, variance));
            //         x1[n].SetTo(M.Variable.GaussianFromMeanAndVariance(x1c0Mean, variance));
            //     }
            //     using (M.Variable.If(y[n]))
            //     {
            //         x0[n].SetTo(M.Variable.GaussianFromMeanAndVariance(x0c1Mean, variance));
            //         x1[n].SetTo(M.Variable.GaussianFromMeanAndVariance(x1c1Mean, variance));
            //     }
            // }
            // /********************************/

            // /********* observations *********/
            // x0.ObservedValue = x0Data;
            // x1.ObservedValue = x1Data;
            // y.ObservedValue = yData;
            // /********************************/

            // /******* inference engine *******/
            // M.InferenceEngine engine = new M.InferenceEngine(new A.ExpectationPropagation());
            // engine.ShowProgress = false;
            // // engine.ShowFactorGraph = true;
            // /********************************/

            // /********** posteriors **********/
            // D.Gaussian postx0c0Mean = engine.Infer<D.Gaussian>(x0c0Mean);
            // D.Gaussian postx0c1Mean = engine.Infer<D.Gaussian>(x0c1Mean);
            // D.Gaussian postx1c0Mean = engine.Infer<D.Gaussian>(x1c0Mean);
            // D.Gaussian postx1c1Mean = engine.Infer<D.Gaussian>(x1c1Mean);
            // D.Beta postClass = engine.Infer<D.Beta>(cPrior);
            // /********************************/

            // /********** print outs **********/
            // Console.WriteLine("Posterior class: {0}", postClass);
            // Console.WriteLine("Posterior class0 means: {0} {1}", postx0c0Mean, postx1c0Mean);
            // Console.WriteLine("Posterior class1 means: {0} {1}", postx0c1Mean, postx1c1Mean);
            // /********************************/

            // /***** creating results.csv *****/
            // var results = new StringBuilder();
            // results.AppendLine("classPost|meanPost0|meanPost1");
            // var line = string.Format("{0}|{1}|{2}", 1-postClass.GetMean(), postx0c0Mean.GetMean(), postx1c0Mean.GetMean());
            // results.AppendLine(line.Replace(',', '.'));
            // line = string.Format("{0}|{1}|{2}", postClass.GetMean(), postx0c1Mean.GetMean(), postx1c1Mean.GetMean());
            // results.AppendLine(line.Replace(',', '.'));
            // File.WriteAllText(dataDir + "results.csv", results.ToString());
            // /*********************************/