Ejemplo n.º 1
        public static object match(object thisObj, VsaEngine engine, object regExp)
            string       string_obj = Convert.ToString(thisObj);
            RegExpObject regex_obj  = Convert.ToRegExp(regExp);
            bool         global     = regex_obj.global;

            if (!global)
                return(RegExpPrototype.exec(regex_obj, string_obj));

            MatchCollection md        = regex_obj.regex.Matches(string_obj);
            uint            n         = (uint)md.Count;
            Match           lastMatch = md [(int)(n - 1)];

            regex_obj.lastIndex = lastMatch.Index + 1;
            RegExpConstructor.UpdateLastMatch(lastMatch, string_obj);

            ArrayObject result = new ArrayObject();

            result.length = n;
            for (uint i = 0; i < n; i++)
                result.elems [i] = md [(int)i].Value;

Ejemplo n.º 2
        public static string replace(object thisObj, object regExp, object replacement)
            string string_obj = Convert.ToString(thisObj);

            if (!(regExp is RegExpObject))
                string match_str   = Convert.ToString(regExp);
                string replace_str = Convert.ToString(replacement);
                int    match_pos   = string_obj.IndexOf(match_str);

                if (match_pos == -1)

                return(String.Concat(string_obj.Substring(0, match_pos), replace_str,
                                     string_obj.Substring(match_pos + match_str.Length)));

            RegExpObject regex_obj = (RegExpObject)regExp;
            int          count     = regex_obj.global ? -1 : 1;

            if (!(replacement is ScriptFunction))
                return(regex_obj.regex.Replace(string_obj, Convert.ToString(replacement), count));

            ScriptFunction fun      = (ScriptFunction)replacement;
            MatchEvaluator wrap_fun = new MatchEvaluator(new ReplaceDelegate(fun, string_obj).Replace);

            return(regex_obj.regex.Replace(string_obj, wrap_fun, count));
        public static object match(object thisob, VsaEngine engine, object regExp)
            Match        match;
            string       input = Microsoft.JScript.Convert.ToString(thisob);
            RegExpObject obj2  = ToRegExpObject(regExp, engine);

            if (!obj2.globalInt)
                match = obj2.regex.Match(input);
                if (!match.Success)
                    obj2.lastIndexInt = 0;
                if (obj2.regExpConst != null)
                    obj2.lastIndexInt = obj2.regExpConst.UpdateConstructor(obj2.regex, match, input);
                    return(new RegExpMatch(obj2.regExpConst.arrayPrototype, obj2.regex, match, input));
                return(new RegExpMatch(engine.Globals.globalObject.originalRegExp.arrayPrototype, obj2.regex, match, input));
            MatchCollection matches = obj2.regex.Matches(input);

            if (matches.Count == 0)
                obj2.lastIndexInt = 0;
            match             = matches[matches.Count - 1];
            obj2.lastIndexInt = obj2.regExpConst.UpdateConstructor(obj2.regex, match, input);
            return(new RegExpMatch(obj2.regExpConst.arrayPrototype, obj2.regex, matches, input));
Ejemplo n.º 4
        public static string toString(object thisObj)
            SemanticAnalyser.assert_type(thisObj, typeof(RegExpObject));
            RegExpObject re = (RegExpObject)thisObj;

        private static string ReplaceWithRegExp(string thisob, RegExpObject regExpObject, object replacement)
            RegExpReplace  replace   = (replacement is ScriptFunction) ? ((RegExpReplace) new ReplaceUsingFunction(regExpObject.regex, (ScriptFunction)replacement, thisob)) : ((RegExpReplace) new Microsoft.JScript.ReplaceWithString(Microsoft.JScript.Convert.ToString(replacement)));
            MatchEvaluator evaluator = new MatchEvaluator(replace.Evaluate);
            string         str       = regExpObject.globalInt ? regExpObject.regex.Replace(thisob, evaluator) : regExpObject.regex.Replace(thisob, evaluator, 1);

            regExpObject.lastIndexInt = (replace.lastMatch == null) ? 0 : regExpObject.regExpConst.UpdateConstructor(regExpObject.regex, replace.lastMatch, thisob);
        public static RegExpObject compile(object thisob, object source, object flags)
            RegExpObject obj2 = thisob as RegExpObject;

            if (obj2 == null)
                throw new JScriptException(JSError.RegExpExpected);
            return(obj2.compile(((source == null) || (source is Missing)) ? "" : Microsoft.JScript.Convert.ToString(source), ((flags == null) || (flags is Missing)) ? "" : Microsoft.JScript.Convert.ToString(flags)));
        public static string toString(object thisob)
            RegExpObject obj2 = thisob as RegExpObject;

            if (obj2 == null)
                throw new JScriptException(JSError.RegExpExpected);
        public static String toString(Object thisob)
            RegExpObject regExpObject = thisob as RegExpObject;

            if (regExpObject == null)
                throw new JScriptException(JSError.RegExpExpected);
Ejemplo n.º 9
        public static object exec(object thisObj, object input)
            RegExpObject re  = Convert.ToRegExp(thisObj);
            string       str = null;

            if (input == null)
                RegExpConstructor ctr = RegExpConstructor.Ctr;
                str = Convert.ToString(ctr.GetField("$_").GetValue("$_"));
                str = Convert.ToString(input);
            bool global    = re.global;
            int  lastIndex = global ? (int)((double)re.lastIndex) : 0;
            bool success   = lastIndex >= 0 && lastIndex <= str.Length;

            Match md = null;

            if (success)
                md      = re.regex.Match(str, lastIndex);
                success = md.Success;

            if (!success)
                re.lastIndex = 0;

            int index    = md.Index;
            int endIndex = index + md.Length;

            if (global)
                re.lastIndex = endIndex;
            RegExpConstructor.UpdateLastMatch(md, str);

            GroupCollection caps   = md.Groups;
            uint            len    = (uint)caps.Count;
            RegExpMatch     result = new RegExpMatch();

            result.AddField("index", index);
            result.AddField("input", input);
            result.length = len;
            for (uint j = 0; j < len; j++)
                result.elems [j] = caps [(int)j].Value;

        public static RegExpObject compile(Object thisob, Object source, Object flags)
            RegExpObject regExpObject = thisob as RegExpObject;

            if (regExpObject == null)
                throw new JScriptException(JSError.RegExpExpected);
                       source == null || source is Missing ? "" : Convert.ToString(source),
                       flags == null || flags is Missing ? "" : Convert.ToString(flags)));
        public static bool test(Object thisob, Object input)
            RegExpObject regExpObject = thisob as RegExpObject;

            if (regExpObject == null)
                throw new JScriptException(JSError.RegExpExpected);
            if (input is Missing && !regExpObject.regExpConst.noExpando)
                input = regExpObject.regExpConst.input;
        public static int search(object thisob, VsaEngine engine, object regExp)
            string       input = Microsoft.JScript.Convert.ToString(thisob);
            RegExpObject obj2  = ToRegExpObject(regExp, engine);
            Match        match = obj2.regex.Match(input);

            if (!match.Success)
                obj2.lastIndexInt = 0;
            obj2.lastIndexInt = obj2.regExpConst.UpdateConstructor(obj2.regex, match, input);
Ejemplo n.º 13
        public static int search(Object thisob, VsaEngine engine, Object regExp)
            String       thisStr      = Convert.ToString(thisob);
            RegExpObject regExpObject = StringPrototype.ToRegExpObject(regExp, engine);
            Match        match        = regExpObject.regex.Match(thisStr);

            if (!match.Success)
                regExpObject.lastIndexInt = 0;
            regExpObject.lastIndexInt = regExpObject.regExpConst.UpdateConstructor(regExpObject.regex, match, thisStr);
        public static bool test(object thisob, object input)
            RegExpObject obj2 = thisob as RegExpObject;

            if (obj2 == null)
                throw new JScriptException(JSError.RegExpExpected);
            if ((input is Missing) && !obj2.regExpConst.noExpando)
                input = obj2.regExpConst.input;
Ejemplo n.º 15
        public static RegExpObject compile(object thisObj, object source, object flags)
            // Note: We always compile RegExp internals so all this method is useful for is for
            // changing the properties of the otherwise immutable RegExp objects.
            RegExpObject re       = Convert.ToRegExp(thisObj);
            string       flag_str = Convert.ToString(flags);

                          flag_str.IndexOfAny(new char [] { 'i' }) > -1,
                          flag_str.IndexOfAny(new char [] { 'g' }) > -1,
                          flag_str.IndexOfAny(new char [] { 'm' }) > -1);
Ejemplo n.º 16
        private static String ReplaceWithRegExp(String thisob, RegExpObject regExpObject, Object replacement)
            RegExpReplace replacer = replacement is ScriptFunction
          ? (RegExpReplace)(new ReplaceUsingFunction(regExpObject.regex, (ScriptFunction)replacement, thisob))
          : (RegExpReplace)(new ReplaceWithString(Convert.ToString(replacement)));
            MatchEvaluator matchEvaluator = new MatchEvaluator(replacer.Evaluate);
            String         newString      = regExpObject.globalInt
          ? regExpObject.regex.Replace(thisob, matchEvaluator)
          : regExpObject.regex.Replace(thisob, matchEvaluator, 1);

            regExpObject.lastIndexInt = replacer.lastMatch == null
          ? 0
          : regExpObject.regExpConst.UpdateConstructor(regExpObject.regex, replacer.lastMatch, thisob);
        internal override object Evaluate()
            if (VsaEngine.executeForJSEE)
                throw new JScriptException(JSError.NonSupportedInDebugger);
            RegExpObject obj2 = (RegExpObject)base.Globals.RegExpTable[this];

            if (obj2 == null)
                obj2 = (RegExpObject)base.Engine.GetOriginalRegExpConstructor().Construct(this.source, this.ignoreCase, this.global, this.multiline);
                base.Globals.RegExpTable[this] = obj2;
        public static string replace(object thisob, object regExp, object replacement)
            string       str          = Microsoft.JScript.Convert.ToString(thisob);
            RegExpObject regExpObject = regExp as RegExpObject;

            if (regExpObject != null)
                return(ReplaceWithRegExp(str, regExpObject, replacement));
            Regex regex = regExp as Regex;

            if (regex != null)
                return(ReplaceWithRegExp(str, new RegExpObject(regex), replacement));
            return(ReplaceWithString(str, Microsoft.JScript.Convert.ToString(regExp), Microsoft.JScript.Convert.ToString(replacement)));
Ejemplo n.º 19
        public static int search(object thisObj, VsaEngine engine, object regExp)
            string       string_obj = Convert.ToString(thisObj);
            RegExpObject regex_obj  = Convert.ToRegExp(regExp);
            Match        md         = regex_obj.regex.Match(string_obj);

            /* Note: Microsoft's implementation updates the lastIndex property of regex_obj here, but
             * ECMA-262,, NOTE 1 explicitely says not to do so. We do the ECMA-262 behavior. */
            if (md.Success)
Ejemplo n.º 20
        public static String replace(Object thisob, Object regExp, Object replacement)
            String       thisStr      = Convert.ToString(thisob);
            RegExpObject regExpObject = regExp as RegExpObject;

            if (regExpObject != null)
                return(StringPrototype.ReplaceWithRegExp(thisStr, regExpObject, replacement));
            Regex regex = regExp as Regex;

            if (regex != null)
                return(StringPrototype.ReplaceWithRegExp(thisStr, new RegExpObject(regex), replacement));
            return(StringPrototype.ReplaceWithString(thisStr, Convert.ToString(regExp), Convert.ToString(replacement)));
Ejemplo n.º 21
        private static ArrayObject SplitWithRegExp(String thisob, VsaEngine engine, RegExpObject regExpObject, uint limit)
            ArrayObject array = (ArrayObject)engine.GetOriginalArrayConstructor().Construct();
            Match       match = regExpObject.regex.Match(thisob);

            if (!match.Success)
                array.SetValueAtIndex(0, thisob);
                regExpObject.lastIndexInt = 0;

            Match lastMatch;
            int   prevIndex = 0;
            uint  i         = 0;

                int len = match.Index - prevIndex;
                if (len > 0)
                    array.SetValueAtIndex(i++, thisob.Substring(prevIndex, len));
                    if (limit > 0 && i >= limit)
                        regExpObject.lastIndexInt = regExpObject.regExpConst.UpdateConstructor(regExpObject.regex, match, thisob);

                prevIndex = match.Index + match.Length;
                lastMatch = match;
                match     = match.NextMatch();

            if (prevIndex < thisob.Length)
                array.SetValueAtIndex(i, thisob.Substring(prevIndex));
            regExpObject.lastIndexInt = regExpObject.regExpConst.UpdateConstructor(regExpObject.regex, lastMatch, thisob);

        private static RegExpObject ToRegExpObject(object regExp, VsaEngine engine)
            if ((regExp == null) || (regExp is Missing))
                return((RegExpObject)engine.GetOriginalRegExpConstructor().Construct("", false, false, false));
            RegExpObject obj2 = regExp as RegExpObject;

            if (obj2 != null)
            Regex regex = regExp as Regex;

            if (regex != null)
                return(new RegExpObject(regex));
            return((RegExpObject)engine.GetOriginalRegExpConstructor().Construct(Microsoft.JScript.Convert.ToString(regExp), false, false, false));
Ejemplo n.º 23
        private static RegExpObject ToRegExpObject(Object regExp, VsaEngine engine)
            if (regExp == null || regExp is Missing)
                return((RegExpObject)engine.GetOriginalRegExpConstructor().Construct("", false, false, false));
            RegExpObject result = regExp as RegExpObject;

            if (result != null)
            Regex regex = regExp as Regex;

            if (regex != null)
                return(new RegExpObject(regex));
            return((RegExpObject)engine.GetOriginalRegExpConstructor().Construct(Convert.ToString(regExp), false, false, false));
        private static ArrayObject SplitWithRegExp(string thisob, VsaEngine engine, RegExpObject regExpObject, uint limit)
            Match       match2;
            ArrayObject obj2  = engine.GetOriginalArrayConstructor().Construct();
            Match       match = regExpObject.regex.Match(thisob);

            if (!match.Success)
                obj2.SetValueAtIndex(0, thisob);
                regExpObject.lastIndexInt = 0;
            int  startIndex = 0;
            uint index      = 0;

                int length = match.Index - startIndex;
                if (length > 0)
                    obj2.SetValueAtIndex(index++, thisob.Substring(startIndex, length));
                    if ((limit > 0) && (index >= limit))
                        regExpObject.lastIndexInt = regExpObject.regExpConst.UpdateConstructor(regExpObject.regex, match, thisob);
                startIndex = match.Index + match.Length;
                match2     = match;
                match      = match.NextMatch();
            }while (match.Success);
            if (startIndex < thisob.Length)
                obj2.SetValueAtIndex(index, thisob.Substring(startIndex));
            regExpObject.lastIndexInt = regExpObject.regExpConst.UpdateConstructor(regExpObject.regex, match2, thisob);
        public static ArrayObject split(object thisob, VsaEngine engine, object separator, object limit)
            string str      = Microsoft.JScript.Convert.ToString(thisob);
            uint   maxValue = uint.MaxValue;

            if (((limit != null) && !(limit is Missing)) && (limit != DBNull.Value))
                double num2 = Microsoft.JScript.Convert.ToInteger(limit);
                if ((num2 >= 0.0) && (num2 < 4294967295))
                    maxValue = (uint)num2;
            if (maxValue == 0)
            if ((separator == null) || (separator is Missing))
                ArrayObject obj2 = engine.GetOriginalArrayConstructor().Construct();
                obj2.SetValueAtIndex(0, thisob);
            RegExpObject regExpObject = separator as RegExpObject;

            if (regExpObject != null)
                return(SplitWithRegExp(str, engine, regExpObject, maxValue));
            Regex regex = separator as Regex;

            if (regex != null)
                return(SplitWithRegExp(str, engine, new RegExpObject(regex), maxValue));
            return(SplitWithString(str, engine, Microsoft.JScript.Convert.ToString(separator), maxValue));
Ejemplo n.º 26
        public static ArrayObject split(Object thisob, VsaEngine engine, Object separator, Object limit)
            String thisStr    = Convert.ToString(thisob);
            uint   limitValue = UInt32.MaxValue;

            if (limit != null && !(limit is Missing) && limit != DBNull.Value)
                double lmt = Convert.ToInteger(limit);
                if (lmt >= 0 && lmt < UInt32.MaxValue)
                    limitValue = (uint)lmt;
            if (limitValue == 0)
            if (separator == null || separator is Missing)
                ArrayObject array = (ArrayObject)engine.GetOriginalArrayConstructor().Construct();
                array.SetValueAtIndex(0, thisob);
            RegExpObject regExpObject = separator as RegExpObject;

            if (regExpObject != null)
                return(StringPrototype.SplitWithRegExp(thisStr, engine, regExpObject, limitValue));
            Regex regex = separator as Regex;

            if (regex != null)
                return(StringPrototype.SplitWithRegExp(thisStr, engine, new RegExpObject(regex), limitValue));
            return(StringPrototype.SplitWithString(thisStr, engine, Convert.ToString(separator), limitValue));
Ejemplo n.º 27
        public static Object match(Object thisob, VsaEngine engine, Object regExp)
            String       thisStr      = Convert.ToString(thisob);
            RegExpObject regExpObject = StringPrototype.ToRegExpObject(regExp, engine);
            Match        match;

            if (!regExpObject.globalInt)
                match = regExpObject.regex.Match(thisStr);
                if (!match.Success)
                    regExpObject.lastIndexInt = 0;
                if (regExpObject.regExpConst != null)
                    regExpObject.lastIndexInt = regExpObject.regExpConst.UpdateConstructor(regExpObject.regex, match, thisStr);
                    return(new RegExpMatch(regExpObject.regExpConst.arrayPrototype, regExpObject.regex, match, thisStr));
                    return(new RegExpMatch(engine.Globals.globalObject.originalRegExp.arrayPrototype, regExpObject.regex, match, thisStr));
            MatchCollection matches = regExpObject.regex.Matches(thisStr);

            if (matches.Count == 0)
                regExpObject.lastIndexInt = 0;
            match = matches[matches.Count - 1];
            regExpObject.lastIndexInt = regExpObject.regExpConst.UpdateConstructor(regExpObject.regex, match, thisStr);
            return(new RegExpMatch(
                       regExpObject.regExpConst.arrayPrototype, regExpObject.regex, matches, thisStr));
Ejemplo n.º 28
        public static ArrayObject split(object thisObj, VsaEngine engine,
                                        object separator, object limit)
            string      string_obj = Convert.ToString(thisObj);
            int         length     = string_obj.Length;
            int         max_count  = (limit != null) ? Convert.ToInt32(limit) : -1;
            ArrayObject result     = new ArrayObject();

            if (separator == null)
                result.length          = (uint)1;
                result.elems [(uint)0] = string_obj;

            int  start_pos = 0;
            int  end_pos   = -1;
            int  match_len = 0;
            uint count     = 0;
            int  sep_len   = 0;

            if (!(separator is RegExpObject))
                string sep_str = Convert.ToString(separator);
                sep_len = sep_str.Length;

                if (string_obj.Length == 0)
                    if (sep_len > 0)
                        result.length          = (uint)1;
                        result.elems [(uint)0] = string_obj;


                while (end_pos != length && (max_count == -1 || count < max_count))
                    end_pos = (length != 0) ? string_obj.IndexOf(sep_str, start_pos) : length;
                    if (end_pos == -1)
                        end_pos = length;
                    else if (sep_len == 0)

                    match_len            = end_pos - start_pos;
                    result.elems [count] = string_obj.Substring(start_pos, match_len);

                    start_pos += match_len + sep_len;

                result.length = count;

            RegExpObject    sep_re = (RegExpObject)separator;
            MatchCollection md     = sep_re.regex.Matches(string_obj);
            uint            n      = (uint)md.Count;

            Match match = null;

            for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
                if (max_count != -1 && count >= max_count)

                match     = md [i];
                sep_len   = match.Length;
                end_pos   = match.Index;
                match_len = end_pos - start_pos;

                // The specification says that "ab".split(/a*/) is ["", "b"], but would
                // that would also mean that "abcdef".split(/./).length would not be 6.
                // I'm currently going with the Rhino behavior that seems to make more
                // sense.
                if (!(end_pos == 0 && sep_len == 0))
                    result.elems [count] = string_obj.Substring(start_pos, match_len);

                bool first_cap = true;
                foreach (Capture cap in match.Groups)
                    if (max_count != -1 && count >= max_count)

                    if (first_cap)
                        first_cap = false;

                    result.elems [count] = cap.Value;

                start_pos += match_len + sep_len;

            if (n > 0 && (max_count == -1 || count < max_count))
                sep_re.lastIndex = match.Index + match.Length;
                RegExpConstructor.UpdateLastMatch(match, string_obj);

                if (start_pos < length)
                    result.elems [count] = string_obj.Substring(start_pos);
            else if (n == 0)
                result.elems [(uint)0] = string_obj;

            result.length = count;
 private static string ReplaceWithRegExp(string thisob, RegExpObject regExpObject, object replacement)
     RegExpReplace replace = (replacement is ScriptFunction) ? ((RegExpReplace) new ReplaceUsingFunction(regExpObject.regex, (ScriptFunction) replacement, thisob)) : ((RegExpReplace) new Microsoft.JScript.ReplaceWithString(Microsoft.JScript.Convert.ToString(replacement)));
     MatchEvaluator evaluator = new MatchEvaluator(replace.Evaluate);
     string str = regExpObject.globalInt ? regExpObject.regex.Replace(thisob, evaluator) : regExpObject.regex.Replace(thisob, evaluator, 1);
     regExpObject.lastIndexInt = (replace.lastMatch == null) ? 0 : regExpObject.regExpConst.UpdateConstructor(regExpObject.regex, replace.lastMatch, thisob);
     return str;
Ejemplo n.º 30
        public Object Construct(string pattern, bool ignoreCase, bool global, bool multiLine)
            RegExpObject re = new RegExpObject(pattern, ignoreCase, global, multiLine);

      private static ArrayObject SplitWithRegExp(String thisob, VsaEngine engine, RegExpObject regExpObject, uint limit){
        ArrayObject array = (ArrayObject)engine.GetOriginalArrayConstructor().Construct();
        Match match = regExpObject.regex.Match(thisob);

        if (!match.Success){
          array.SetValueAtIndex(0, thisob);
          regExpObject.lastIndexInt = 0;
          return array;

        Match lastMatch;
        int prevIndex = 0;
        uint i = 0;

          int len = match.Index - prevIndex;
          if (len > 0)
            array.SetValueAtIndex(i++, thisob.Substring(prevIndex, len));
            if (limit > 0 && i >= limit){
              regExpObject.lastIndexInt = regExpObject.regExpConst.UpdateConstructor(regExpObject.regex, match, thisob);
              return array;

          prevIndex = match.Index + match.Length;
          lastMatch = match;
          match = match.NextMatch();

        if (prevIndex < thisob.Length)
          array.SetValueAtIndex(i, thisob.Substring(prevIndex));
        regExpObject.lastIndexInt = regExpObject.regExpConst.UpdateConstructor(regExpObject.regex, lastMatch, thisob);

        return array;
 private static String ReplaceWithRegExp(String thisob, RegExpObject regExpObject, Object replacement){
   RegExpReplace replacer = replacement is ScriptFunction
     ? (RegExpReplace)(new ReplaceUsingFunction(regExpObject.regex, (ScriptFunction)replacement, thisob))
     : (RegExpReplace)(new ReplaceWithString(Convert.ToString(replacement)));
   MatchEvaluator matchEvaluator = new MatchEvaluator(replacer.Evaluate);
   String newString = regExpObject.globalInt
     ? regExpObject.regex.Replace(thisob, matchEvaluator)
     : regExpObject.regex.Replace(thisob, matchEvaluator, 1);
   regExpObject.lastIndexInt = replacer.lastMatch == null
     ? 0
     : regExpObject.regExpConst.UpdateConstructor(regExpObject.regex, replacer.lastMatch, thisob);
   return newString;
 private static ArrayObject SplitWithRegExp(string thisob, VsaEngine engine, RegExpObject regExpObject, uint limit)
     Match match2;
     ArrayObject obj2 = engine.GetOriginalArrayConstructor().Construct();
     Match match = regExpObject.regex.Match(thisob);
     if (!match.Success)
         obj2.SetValueAtIndex(0, thisob);
         regExpObject.lastIndexInt = 0;
         return obj2;
     int startIndex = 0;
     uint index = 0;
         int length = match.Index - startIndex;
         if (length > 0)
             obj2.SetValueAtIndex(index++, thisob.Substring(startIndex, length));
             if ((limit > 0) && (index >= limit))
                 regExpObject.lastIndexInt = regExpObject.regExpConst.UpdateConstructor(regExpObject.regex, match, thisob);
                 return obj2;
         startIndex = match.Index + match.Length;
         match2 = match;
         match = match.NextMatch();
     while (match.Success);
     if (startIndex < thisob.Length)
         obj2.SetValueAtIndex(index, thisob.Substring(startIndex));
     regExpObject.lastIndexInt = regExpObject.regExpConst.UpdateConstructor(regExpObject.regex, match2, thisob);
     return obj2;
Ejemplo n.º 34
 public Object Construct(string pattern, bool ignoreCase, bool global, bool multiLine)
     RegExpObject re = new RegExpObject (pattern, ignoreCase, global, multiLine);
     return re;