private void HandleRstFrame(RstStreamFrame resetFrame, out Http2Stream stream)
            stream = GetStream(resetFrame.StreamId);

            //Spec 06 tells that impl MUST not answer with rst on rst to avoid loop.
            if (stream != null)
                Http2Logger.LogDebug("RST frame with code {0} for id {1}", resetFrame.StatusCode,
            //Do not signal an error because (06)
            //[RST_STREAM] frames can be received in this state for a short
            //period after a frame containing an END_STREAM flag is sent.
        private void SaveDataFrame(Http2Stream stream, DataFrame dataFrame)
            string originalPath = stream.Headers.GetValue(CommonHeaders.Path.ToLower());
            //If user sets the empty file in get command we return notFound webpage
            string fileName = string.IsNullOrEmpty(Path.GetFileName(originalPath)) ? Index : Path.GetFileName(originalPath);
            string path = Path.Combine(AssemblyPath, fileName);

               _fileHelper.SaveToFile(dataFrame.Data.Array, dataFrame.Data.Offset, dataFrame.Data.Count,
                                    path, stream.ReceivedDataAmount != 0);
            catch (IOException)
                Http2Logger.LogError("File is still downloading. Repeat request later");
                //stream.WriteDataFrame(new byte[0], true);

                //RST always has endstream flag

            stream.ReceivedDataAmount += dataFrame.FrameLength;

            if (dataFrame.IsEndStream)
                if (!stream.EndStreamSent)
                    //send terminator
                    stream.WriteDataFrame(new byte[0], true);
                    Http2Logger.LogConsole("Terminator was sent");
                Http2Logger.LogConsole("Bytes received " + stream.ReceivedDataAmount);
            #if DEBUG
                const string wayToServerRoot1 = @"..\..\..\..\Drop\Root";
                const string wayToServerRoot2 = @".\Root";
                var areFilesEqual = _fileHelper.CompareFiles(path, wayToServerRoot1 + originalPath) ||
                                    _fileHelper.CompareFiles(path, wayToServerRoot2 + originalPath);
                if (!areFilesEqual)
                    Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Red;
                    Http2Logger.LogError("Files are NOT EQUAL!");
                    Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Green;
                    Http2Logger.LogConsole("Files are EQUAL!");
                Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Gray;
        private void SaveDataFrame(Http2Stream stream, DataFrame dataFrame)
            string originalPath = stream.Headers.GetValue(CommonHeaders.Path.ToLower());
            //If user sets the empty file in get command we return notFound webpage
            string fileName = string.IsNullOrEmpty(Path.GetFileName(originalPath)) ? Index : Path.GetFileName(originalPath);
            string path = Path.Combine(AssemblyPath, fileName);

               _fileHelper.SaveToFile(dataFrame.Data.Array, dataFrame.Data.Offset, dataFrame.Data.Count,
                                    path, stream.ReceivedDataAmount != 0);
            catch (IOException)
                Http2Logger.LogError("File is still downloading. Repeat request later");


            stream.ReceivedDataAmount += dataFrame.FrameLength;

            if (dataFrame.IsEndStream)
                if (!stream.EndStreamSent)
                    //send terminator
                    stream.WriteDataFrame(new ArraySegment<byte>(new byte[0]), true);
                    Http2Logger.LogConsole("Terminator was sent");
                Http2Logger.LogConsole("Bytes received " + stream.ReceivedDataAmount);
        protected override void ProcessRequest(Http2Stream stream, Frame frame)
            //spec 09 ->  Response Header Fields
            //A single ":status" header field is defined that carries the HTTP
            //status code field (see [HTTP-p2], Section 6).  This header field MUST
            //be included in all responses, otherwise the response is malformed
            if (stream.Headers.GetValue(CommonHeaders.Status) == null)

            int code;
            if (!int.TryParse(stream.Headers.GetValue(CommonHeaders.Status), out code))
                stream.WriteRst(ResetStatusCode.ProtocolError);  //Got something strange in the status field

            //got some king of error
            if (code != StatusCode.Code200Ok)
                //Close server's stream
                stream.Dispose(ResetStatusCode.Cancel); //will dispose client's stream and close server's one.
            //Do nothing. Client may not process requests for now
        /// <summary>
        /// Overrides request processing logic.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="stream">The stream.</param>
        /// <param name="frame">The request header frame.</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        protected override void ProcessRequest(Http2Stream stream, Frame frame)
            //spec 09
            //  Request Header Fields

            //HTTP/2.0 defines a number of header fields starting with a colon ':'
            //character that carry information about the request target:

            //o  The ":method" header field includes the HTTP method ([HTTP-p2],
            //Section 4).

            //o  The ":scheme" header field includes the scheme portion of the
            //target URI ([RFC3986], Section 3.1).

            //o  The ":authority" header field includes the authority portion of
            //the target URI ([RFC3986], Section 3.2).

            //To ensure that the HTTP/1.1 request line can be reproduced
            //accurately, this header field MUST be omitted when translating
            //from an HTTP/1.1 request that has a request target in origin or
            //asterisk form (see [HTTP-p1], Section 5.3).  Clients that generate
            //HTTP/2.0 requests directly SHOULD instead omit the "Host" header
            //field.  An intermediary that converts a request to HTTP/1.1 MUST
            //create a "Host" header field if one is not present in a request by
            //copying the value of the ":authority" header field.

            //o  The ":path" header field includes the path and query parts of the
            //target URI (the "path-absolute" production from [RFC3986] and
            //optionally a '?' character followed by the "query" production, see
            //[RFC3986], Section 3.3 and [RFC3986], Section 3.4).  This field
            //MUST NOT be empty; URIs that do not contain a path component MUST
            //include a value of '/', unless the request is an OPTIONS in
            //asterisk form, in which case the ":path" header field MUST include

            //All HTTP/2.0 requests MUST include exactly one valid value for all of
            //these header fields, unless this is a CONNECT request (Section 8.3).
            //An HTTP request that omits mandatory header fields is malformed

            //Header field names that contain a colon are only valid in the
            //HTTP/2.0 context.  These are not HTTP header fields.  Implementations
            //MUST NOT generate header fields that start with a colon, but they
            //MUST ignore any header field that starts with a colon.  In
            //particular, header fields with names starting with a colon MUST NOT
            //be exposed as HTTP header fields.

            if (stream.Headers.GetValue(CommonHeaders.Method) == null
                || stream.Headers.GetValue(CommonHeaders.Path) == null
                || stream.Headers.GetValue(CommonHeaders.Scheme) == null
                || stream.Headers.GetValue(CommonHeaders.Authority) == null)

            Task.Factory.StartNew(async () =>
                    var context = new Http2OwinMessageContext(stream);
                    var contextEnv = context.OwinContext.Environment;

                    PushFunc pushDelegate = null;
                    pushDelegate = async pairs =>
                            var promisedStream = CreateStream();
                            //assume that we have already received endStream
                            promisedStream.EndStreamReceived = true;
                            stream.WritePushPromise(pairs, promisedStream.Id);

                            var headers = new HeadersList(pairs);

                            var http2MsgCtx = new Http2OwinMessageContext(promisedStream);
                            var http2PushCtx = http2MsgCtx.OwinContext;

                            http2PushCtx.Set(CommonOwinKeys.ServerPushFunc, pushDelegate);

                            //pass add info from parent to child context. This info can store
                            //reference table for example or something els that should be passed from
                            //client request into child push requests.
                            if (contextEnv.ContainsKey(CommonOwinKeys.AdditionalInfo))
                                http2PushCtx.Set(CommonOwinKeys.AdditionalInfo, contextEnv[CommonOwinKeys.AdditionalInfo]);

                            await _next(http2PushCtx);


                    context.OwinContext.Set(CommonOwinKeys.ServerPushFunc, pushDelegate);
                    context.OwinContext.Set(CommonOwinKeys.EnableServerPush, _isPushEnabled);

                    await _next(context.OwinContext);
                catch (Exception ex)
                    EndResponse(stream, ex);
 private void ValidateHeaders(Http2Stream stream)
     //spec 09 -> 8.1.3.  HTTP Header Fields
     //Header field names MUST be
     //converted to lowercase prior to their encoding in HTTP/2.0.  A
     //request or response containing uppercase header field names MUST be
     //treated as malformed (Section
     foreach (var header in stream.Headers)
         if (!_matcher.IsMatch(header.Key))
        private void HandleRstFrame(RstStreamFrame resetFrame, out Http2Stream stream)
            //spec 09
            //6.4.  RST_STREAM
            //RST_STREAM frames MUST be associated with a stream.  If a RST_STREAM
            //frame is received with a stream identifier of 0x0, the recipient MUST
            //treat this as a connection error (Section 5.4.1) of type
            if (resetFrame.StreamId == 0)
                throw new ProtocolError(ResetStatusCode.ProtocolError, "resetFrame with id = 0");

            stream = GetStream(resetFrame.StreamId);

            //09 -> 5.4.2.  Stream Error Handling
            //An endpoint MUST NOT send a RST_STREAM in response to an RST_STREAM
            //frame, to avoid looping.
            if (stream == null)

            Http2Logger.LogDebug("RST frame with code {0} for id {1}", resetFrame.StatusCode,
            //09 -> 5.1.  Stream States
            //WINDOW_UPDATE, PRIORITY, or RST_STREAM frames can be received in
            //this state for a short period after a DATA or HEADERS frame
            //containing an END_STREAM flag is sent.  Until the remote peer
            //receives and processes the frame bearing the END_STREAM flag, it
            //might send frame of any of these types.  Endpoints MUST ignore
            //WINDOW_UPDATE, PRIORITY, or RST_STREAM frames received in this
            //state, though endpoints MAY choose to treat frames that arrive a
            //significant time after sending END_STREAM as a connection error
            //(Section 5.4.1) of type PROTOCOL_ERROR.