Token representing element or attribute name (prefix:name sequence)
Inheritance: IHtmlToken
Ejemplo n.º 1
        internal void OnScriptState(string scriptType, NameToken nameToken) {
            string scriptQualifiedName = _cs.GetSubstringAt(nameToken.QualifiedName.Start, nameToken.QualifiedName.Length);
            string endScript = string.Concat("</", scriptQualifiedName);

            ITextRange range = FindEndOfBlock(endScript, simpleSearch: true);
            ScriptBlockFound?.Invoke(this, new HtmlParserBlockRangeEventArgs(range, scriptType));
Ejemplo n.º 2
        internal void OnStyleState(NameToken nameToken) {
            string styleQualifiedName = _cs.GetSubstringAt(nameToken.QualifiedName.Start, nameToken.QualifiedName.Length);
            string endStyle = string.Concat("</", styleQualifiedName);

            // here is interesting and somewhat odd piece... <style> and <script> blocks are artifacts too.
            // However, they cannot be handled through preprocessor since they are regular markup elements. 
            // Worse still, <script runat="server"> is ASP.NET artifact... But since they are really 
            // markup elements, we'll have to deal with them here.
            var range = FindEndOfBlock(endStyle, simpleSearch: true);
            StyleBlockFound?.Invoke(this, new HtmlParserBlockRangeEventArgs(range, String.Empty));
Ejemplo n.º 3
        public ElementNode(ElementNode parent, int openAngleBracketPosition, NameToken nameToken, int maxEnd) {
            Parent = parent;

            if (nameToken.HasColon)
                StartTag = new TagNodeWithPrefix(this, openAngleBracketPosition, nameToken, maxEnd);
                StartTag = new TagNode(this, openAngleBracketPosition, nameToken, maxEnd);

            VirtualEnd = maxEnd;
            Properties = new PropertyDictionary();
Ejemplo n.º 4
        public TagNode(ElementNode parent, int openAngleBracketPosition, NameToken nameToken, int maxEnd) {
            NameToken = nameToken;

            _name = nameToken.HasName() ? parent.GetText(nameToken.NameRange) : String.Empty;

            _start = openAngleBracketPosition;
            _end = maxEnd;

            IsClosed = false;
            IsShorthand = false;
Ejemplo n.º 5
        public override string ToString()
            if (NameToken != null && ValueToken != null)
                return(String.Format(CultureInfo.CurrentCulture, "{0} = {1}", NameToken.ToString(), ValueToken.ToString()));
            else if (NameToken != null)
            else if (ValueToken != null)

Ejemplo n.º 6
        public void Shift(int offset)
            if (NameToken != null)

            if (EqualsSign >= 0)
                EqualsSign += offset;

            if (ValueToken != null)
Ejemplo n.º 7
        public void ShiftStartingFrom(int start, int offset)
            if (NameToken != null && NameToken.Start >= start)
                Debug.Assert(!(start > NameToken.Start && start < NameToken.End), "Can't shift when start position is in the middle of a token");

            if (EqualsSign >= start)
                EqualsSign += offset;

            if (ValueToken != null)
                if (ValueToken.Start >= start)
                    var composite = ValueToken as CompositeAttributeValueToken;
                    if (composite != null)
                        composite.ShiftStartingFrom(start, offset);
                    else if (ValueToken.Start >= start)
                else if (ValueToken.Contains(start))
                    var expandable = ValueToken as IExpandableTextRange;

                    if (expandable != null)
                        expandable.Expand(0, offset);
Ejemplo n.º 8
 /// <summary>Begins element end tag processing. Called exclusively by tree builder.
 /// when it discovers &lt;/name sequence.</summary>
 internal void OpenEndTag(int position, NameToken nameToken, int maxEnd) {
     EndTag = new TagNode(this, position, nameToken, maxEnd);
Ejemplo n.º 9
 public TagNodeWithPrefix(ElementNode parent, int openAngleBracketPosition, NameToken nameToken, int maxEnd)
     : base(parent, openAngleBracketPosition, nameToken, maxEnd) {
     _prefix = nameToken.HasPrefix() ? parent.GetText(nameToken.PrefixRange) : String.Empty;
Ejemplo n.º 10
 public HtmlParserOpenTagEventArgs(int openAngleBracketPosition, NameToken nameToken, bool isDocType, bool isXmlPi) {
     NameToken = nameToken;
     OpenAngleBracketPosition = openAngleBracketPosition;
     IsDocType = isDocType;
     IsXmlPi = isXmlPi;
Ejemplo n.º 11
 public HtmlParserOpenTagEventArgs(int openAngleBracketPosition, NameToken nameToken)
     : this(openAngleBracketPosition, nameToken, false, false) {
Ejemplo n.º 12
        // Similar to GetNextToken but also handles namespaces
        // It is typically called when parser is entering start tag.
        // Note that we do not allow artifacts in names
        public NameToken GetNameToken(int tagEnd = Int32.MaxValue, bool artifactTag = false)
            // < at the end of file or missing tag name
            if (_cs.IsEndOfStream() || _cs.IsAtString() || _cs.IsWhiteSpace() || _cs.CurrentChar == '=' || _cs.CurrentChar == '/')

            int start    = _cs.Position;
            int colonPos = -1;

            // Technically namespace and name starts with ANSI letter or underscore. Subsequent characters
            // can include digits except if it is second character after leading underscore, i.e. _2 is illegal
            // and also all underscores are illegal. However, we'll leave validation to the validator and will
            // only handle : and = as separators

            while (!_cs.IsEndOfStream() && _cs.Position < tagEnd && !_cs.IsWhiteSpace() && _cs.CurrentChar != '=' && _cs.CurrentChar != '/')
                if (!artifactTag && _cs.IsAtTagDelimiter())

                if (colonPos < 0 && _cs.CurrentChar == ':')
                    colonPos = _cs.Position;


            bool hasPrefix = colonPos > start;
            bool hasName   = false;
            int  nameStart = -1;
            int  nameEnd   = -1;

            if (hasPrefix || colonPos >= 0)
                hasName = _cs.Position > colonPos + 1;
                if (hasName)
                    nameStart = colonPos + 1;
                    nameEnd   = _cs.Position;
                hasName = _cs.Position > start;
                if (hasName)
                    nameStart = start;
                    nameEnd   = _cs.Position;

            if (!hasPrefix && colonPos < 0 && !hasName)

            if (hasPrefix || colonPos >= 0)
                return(NameToken.Create(start, colonPos - start, colonPos, nameStart, nameEnd - nameStart));
                return(NameToken.Create(nameStart, nameEnd - nameStart));