Ejemplo n.º 1
        //Serialize and deserialize sample data set represented as an object using Reflection
        //No explicit schema definition is required - schema of serialized objects is automatically built
        public void SerializeDeserializeObjectUsingReflection()
            Console.WriteLine("SERIALIZATION USING REFLECTION\n");
            Console.WriteLine("Serializing Sample Data Set...");

            //Create a new AvroSerializer instance and specify a custom serialization strategy AvroDataContractResolver
            //for serializing only properties attributed with DataContract/DateMember
            var avroSerializer = AvroSerializer.Create <SensorData>();

            //Create a Memory Stream buffer
            using (var buffer = new MemoryStream())
                //Create a data set using sample Class and struct
                var expected = new SensorData {
                    Value = new byte[] { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 }, Position = new Location {
                        Room = 243, Floor = 1

                //Serialize the data to the specified stream
                avroSerializer.Serialize(buffer, expected);

                Console.WriteLine("Deserializing Sample Data Set...");

                //Prepare the stream for deserializing the data
                buffer.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.Begin);

                //Deserialize data from the stream and cast it to the same type used for serialization
                var actual = avroSerializer.Deserialize(buffer);

                Console.WriteLine("Comparing Initial and Deserialized Data Sets...");

                //Finally, verify that deserialized data matches the original one
                bool isEqual = this.Equal(expected, actual);

                Console.WriteLine("Result of Data Set Identity Comparison is {0}", isEqual);
        //Serialize and deserialize sample data set represented as an object using Reflection
        //No explicit schema definition is required - schema of serialized objects is automatically built
        public void SerializeDeserializeObjectUsingReflection()

            Console.WriteLine("SERIALIZATION USING REFLECTION\n");
            Console.WriteLine("Serializing Sample Data Set...");

            //Create a new AvroSerializer instance and specify a custom serialization strategy AvroDataContractResolver
            //for serializing only properties attributed with DataContract/DateMember
            var avroSerializer = AvroSerializer.Create<SensorData>();

            //Create a Memory Stream buffer
            using (var buffer = new MemoryStream())
                //Create a data set using sample Class and struct 
                var expected = new SensorData { Value = new byte[] { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 }, Position = new Location { Room = 243, Floor = 1 } };

                //Serialize the data to the specified stream
                avroSerializer.Serialize(buffer, expected);

                Console.WriteLine("Deserializing Sample Data Set...");

                //Prepare the stream for deserializing the data
                buffer.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.Begin);

                //Deserialize data from the stream and cast it to the same type used for serialization
                var actual = avroSerializer.Deserialize(buffer);

                Console.WriteLine("Comparing Initial and Deserialized Data Sets...");

                //Finally, verify that deserialized data matches the original one
                bool isEqual = this.Equal(expected, actual);

                Console.WriteLine("Result of Data Set Identity Comparison is {0}" , isEqual);
        //Helper methods

        //Comparing two SensorData objects
        private bool Equal(SensorData left, SensorData right)
            return left.Position.Equals(right.Position) && left.Value.SequenceEqual(right.Value);
Ejemplo n.º 4
        //Helper methods

        //Comparing two SensorData objects
        private bool Equal(SensorData left, SensorData right)
            return(left.Position.Equals(right.Position) && left.Value.SequenceEqual(right.Value));