Ejemplo n.º 1
 public static bool Compare(IndentBitmapData operand1, IndentBitmapData operand2)
     Debug.Assert(false); // There is no need to compare these
Ejemplo n.º 2
        private Bitmap CreateIndentBmp(Color backColor, Color foreColor, int xExtent, int xMid, int yExtent)
            var buttons       = HasButtons;
            var lines         = HasLines;
            var rootLines     = HasRootLines;
            var rootButtons   = HasRootButtons;
            var oddItemHeight = (yExtent & 1) == 1;
            int rows;
            int columns;

            if (lines)
                // The bitmap is laid out with one row for no/plus/minus buttons.
                // There are three columns for normal lines, with a fourth and
                // fifth added if root lines are also wanted.
                columns = (rootLines || rootButtons) ? 5 : 3;
                rows    = buttons ? 3 : 1;
            else if (buttons)
                // Layout in a column to facilitate the same calculations as
                // with the fuller bitmap.
                columns = 1;
                rows    = 2;

            if (lines && oddItemHeight)
                // in the odd item height case, we double the number of columns.  This is because there are two copies of each bitmap,
                // identical except dot pattern in the dotted line is reversed.  We paint these on alternating rows in the tree, to
                // keep the vertical lines looking good.
                columns *= 2;

            var buttonExtent = 0; // 1/2 the size of a button
            // yMid must be even for the indent bitmaps to draw correctly.  Horizontal gridlines occupy a pixel a the
            // bottom of each item, so take this into account.
            var yMid = ((yExtent / 2) + (HasHorizontalGridLines ? 0 : 1)) & ~1;

            if (buttons)
                buttonExtent = Math.Min(yMid, xMid) / 2;

            Bitmap   returnBmp       = null;
            Bitmap   bmp             = null;
            Graphics graphics        = null;
            Brush    backgroundBrush = null;
            Pen      linePen         = null;
            Pen      boxPen          = null;
            Brush    plusMinusBrush  = null;
            var      themeHandle     = IntPtr.Zero;
            var      data            = new IndentBitmapData();

                // themeHandle is not used when the tree expander is derived from VS theme.
                if (!UseVSThemeForTreeExpander)
                    // see if XP themes are available to draw the buttons.
                    themeHandle = OpenTheme(Handle, EnableExplorerTheme); // we've already asserted handle creation at this point

                data = GetIndentBitmapData(backColor, buttons && themeHandle == IntPtr.Zero, buttonExtent);

                var plusPath  = data.PlusPath;
                var minusPath = data.MinusPath;
                var boxPath   = data.BoxPath;

                bmp      = new Bitmap(columns * xExtent, rows * yExtent);
                graphics = Graphics.FromImage(bmp);

                // Fill using a transparent brush
                EnsureBrush(ref backgroundBrush, data.BackgroundColor);
                graphics.FillRectangle(backgroundBrush, 0, 0, bmp.Width, bmp.Height);
                graphics.CompositingMode = CompositingMode.SourceCopy;

                if (!lines)
                    // Draw the two buttons and get out
                    graphics.TranslateTransform(xMid, yMid);
                    EnsureBrush(ref plusMinusBrush, data.PlusMinusColor);
                    EnsurePen(ref boxPen, data.BoxColor);
                    if (UseVSThemeForTreeExpander)
                        DrawTreeExpanderPolygon(graphics, foreColor, data, false /*expanded*/);
                    else if (themeHandle != IntPtr.Zero)
                        DrawThemedButtonGlyph(themeHandle, graphics, data.BackgroundColor, buttonExtent, false /* expanded */);
                        if (plusPath != null)
                            graphics.FillPath(plusMinusBrush, plusPath);
                        if (boxPath != null)
                            graphics.DrawPath(boxPen, boxPath);

                    graphics.TranslateTransform(0, yExtent);

                    if (UseVSThemeForTreeExpander)
                        DrawTreeExpanderPolygon(graphics, foreColor, data, true /*expanded*/);
                    else if (themeHandle != IntPtr.Zero)
                        DrawThemedButtonGlyph(themeHandle, graphics, data.BackgroundColor, buttonExtent, true /* expanded */);
                        if (minusPath != null)
                            graphics.FillPath(plusMinusBrush, minusPath);
                        if (boxPath != null)
                            graphics.DrawPath(boxPen, boxPath);
                    returnBmp = bmp;
                    bmp       = null;

                // We always create this pen to support the different dash styles
                linePen           = new Pen(data.LineColor);
                linePen.DashStyle = data.LineStyle;

                var oddItemOffset      = 0;
                var finaloddItemOffset = (oddItemHeight && lines) ? 1 : 0;

                // loop through twice if we have an odd item height, since we need two sets of bitmaps to draw the lines smoothly.
                while (oddItemOffset <= finaloddItemOffset)
                    // don't use GraphicsContainers here because GDI drawing (used for themes) doesn't respect the transform matrix.
                    // BeginContainer resets the transform matrix, so there's no way to get the information we need to draw the themed
                    // buttons in the right place.
                    graphics.TranslateTransform(oddItemOffset * (bmp.Width / 2), 0); // offset for odd item heights

                    // Draw the first row (no buttons)
                    var beginTransform = graphics.Transform;
                    graphics.DrawLine(linePen, xMid, oddItemOffset, xMid, yExtent);
                    graphics.TranslateTransform(xExtent, 0);
                    graphics.DrawLine(linePen, xMid, oddItemOffset, xMid, yExtent);
                    // add 2*oddItemOffset below because this is an intersection of horizontal and vertical gridlines.
                    // In the odd height case, not adding an offset creates an ugly pixel cluster, and only adding 1
                    // causes the ends of the lines to be jagged.  Adding 2 creates a bit of extra whitespace, but I believe
                    // it is visually the best compromise.
                    graphics.DrawLine(linePen, xMid + (2 * oddItemOffset), yMid, xExtent, yMid);

                    graphics.TranslateTransform(xExtent, 0);
                    graphics.DrawLine(linePen, xMid, oddItemOffset, xMid, yMid);
                    graphics.DrawLine(linePen, xMid + (2 * oddItemOffset), yMid, xExtent, yMid); // see comment about 2*oddItemOffset above.

                    if (rootLines)
                        graphics.TranslateTransform(xExtent, 0);
                        graphics.DrawLine(linePen, xMid, yMid + oddItemOffset, xMid, yExtent);
                        graphics.DrawLine(linePen, xMid + (2 * oddItemOffset), yMid, xExtent, yMid);
                        // see comment about 2*oddItemOffset above.

                        graphics.TranslateTransform(xExtent, 0);
                        graphics.DrawLine(linePen, xMid, yMid, xExtent, yMid);
                    graphics.Transform = beginTransform; // Back to beginning of line

                    if (buttons)
                        // Draw the second and third rows (plus and minus signs)
                        // These are the same except for the sign in the button, so
                        // use the same code with a different path
                        EnsureBrush(ref plusMinusBrush, data.PlusMinusColor);
                        EnsurePen(ref boxPen, data.BoxColor);
                        for (var i = 0; i < 2; i++)
                            var curPath = (i == 0) ? plusPath : minusPath;
                            graphics.TranslateTransform(0, yExtent);
                            beginTransform = graphics.Transform;

                            // First column is the same in all three rows
                            graphics.DrawLine(linePen, xMid, oddItemOffset, xMid, yExtent);

                            graphics.TranslateTransform(xExtent + xMid, yMid);
                            graphics.DrawLine(linePen, 0, -yMid + oddItemOffset, 0, -buttonExtent);
                            graphics.DrawLine(linePen, 0, ((buttonExtent + 1) & ~1) + oddItemOffset, 0, yExtent - yMid);
                            graphics.DrawLine(linePen, buttonExtent, 0, xExtent - xMid, 0);

                            if (UseVSThemeForTreeExpander)
                                DrawTreeExpanderPolygon(graphics, foreColor, data, i == 1 /*expanded*/);
                            else if (themeHandle != IntPtr.Zero)
                                DrawThemedButtonGlyph(themeHandle, graphics, data.BackgroundColor, buttonExtent, i == 1 /* expanded */);
                                if (curPath != null)
                                    graphics.FillPath(plusMinusBrush, curPath);
                                if (boxPath != null)
                                    graphics.DrawPath(boxPen, boxPath);

                            graphics.TranslateTransform(xExtent, 0);

                            if (UseVSThemeForTreeExpander)
                                DrawTreeExpanderPolygon(graphics, foreColor, data, i == 1 /*expanded*/);
                            else if (themeHandle != IntPtr.Zero)
                                DrawThemedButtonGlyph(themeHandle, graphics, data.BackgroundColor, buttonExtent, i == 1 /* expanded */);
                                if (curPath != null)
                                    graphics.FillPath(plusMinusBrush, curPath);
                                if (boxPath != null)
                                    graphics.DrawPath(boxPen, boxPath);
                            graphics.DrawLine(linePen, 0, -yMid + oddItemOffset, 0, -buttonExtent);
                            graphics.DrawLine(linePen, buttonExtent, 0, xExtent - xMid, 0);

                            if (rootButtons)
                                graphics.TranslateTransform(xExtent, 0);
                                if (UseVSThemeForTreeExpander)
                                    DrawTreeExpanderPolygon(graphics, foreColor, data, i == 1 /*expanded*/);
                                else if (themeHandle != IntPtr.Zero)
                                    DrawThemedButtonGlyph(themeHandle, graphics, data.BackgroundColor, buttonExtent, i == 1 /* expanded */);
                                    if (curPath != null)
                                        graphics.FillPath(plusMinusBrush, curPath);
                                    if (boxPath != null)
                                        graphics.DrawPath(boxPen, boxPath);

                                graphics.DrawLine(linePen, 0, ((buttonExtent + 1) & ~1) + oddItemOffset, 0, yExtent - yMid);
                                graphics.DrawLine(linePen, buttonExtent, 0, xExtent - xMid, 0);

                                graphics.TranslateTransform(xExtent, 0);
                                graphics.DrawLine(linePen, buttonExtent, 0, xExtent - xMid, 0);

                                if (UseVSThemeForTreeExpander)
                                    DrawTreeExpanderPolygon(graphics, foreColor, data, i == 1 /*expanded*/);
                                else if (themeHandle != IntPtr.Zero)
                                    DrawThemedButtonGlyph(themeHandle, graphics, data.BackgroundColor, buttonExtent, i == 1 /* expanded */);
                                    if (curPath != null)
                                        graphics.FillPath(plusMinusBrush, curPath);
                                    if (boxPath != null)
                                        graphics.DrawPath(boxPen, boxPath);
                            graphics.Transform = beginTransform; // Back to beginning of line

                returnBmp = bmp;
                bmp       = null;
                if (themeHandle != IntPtr.Zero)
                if (graphics != null)
                if (bmp != null)
                CleanBrush(ref backgroundBrush, data.BackgroundColor);
                CleanPen(ref boxPen, data.BoxColor);
                CleanBrush(ref plusMinusBrush, data.PlusMinusColor);
                if (linePen != null)
Ejemplo n.º 3
 /// <summary>
 ///     Draws the tree expander polygon.
 /// </summary>
 private static void DrawTreeExpanderPolygon(Graphics graphics, Color foreColor, IndentBitmapData data, bool expanded)
     Brush brush = null;
     Pen pen = null;
         if (expanded)
             EnsureBrush(ref brush, foreColor);
             graphics.FillPolygon(brush, data.ExpandedIconPoints);
             EnsurePen(ref pen, foreColor);
             graphics.DrawPolygon(pen, data.UnexpandedIconPoints);
         CleanPen(ref pen, foreColor);
         CleanBrush(ref brush, foreColor);
Ejemplo n.º 4
        private Bitmap CreateIndentBmp(Color backColor, Color foreColor, int xExtent, int xMid, int yExtent)
            var buttons = HasButtons;
            var lines = HasLines;
            var rootLines = HasRootLines;
            var rootButtons = HasRootButtons;
            var oddItemHeight = (yExtent & 1) == 1;
            int rows;
            int columns;

            if (lines)
                // The bitmap is laid out with one row for no/plus/minus buttons.
                // There are three columns for normal lines, with a fourth and
                // fifth added if root lines are also wanted.
                columns = (rootLines || rootButtons) ? 5 : 3;
                rows = buttons ? 3 : 1;
            else if (buttons)
                // Layout in a column to facilitate the same calculations as
                // with the fuller bitmap.
                columns = 1;
                rows = 2;
                return null;

            if (lines && oddItemHeight)
                // in the odd item height case, we double the number of columns.  This is because there are two copies of each bitmap,
                // identical except dot pattern in the dotted line is reversed.  We paint these on alternating rows in the tree, to 
                // keep the vertical lines looking good.
                columns *= 2;

            var buttonExtent = 0; // 1/2 the size of a button
            // yMid must be even for the indent bitmaps to draw correctly.  Horizontal gridlines occupy a pixel a the
            // bottom of each item, so take this into account.
            var yMid = ((yExtent / 2) + (HasHorizontalGridLines ? 0 : 1)) & ~1;
            if (buttons)
                buttonExtent = Math.Min(yMid, xMid) / 2;

            Bitmap returnBmp = null;
            Bitmap bmp = null;
            Graphics graphics = null;
            Brush backgroundBrush = null;
            Pen linePen = null;
            Pen boxPen = null;
            Brush plusMinusBrush = null;
            var themeHandle = IntPtr.Zero;
            var data = new IndentBitmapData();

                // themeHandle is not used when the tree expander is derived from VS theme.
                if (!UseVSThemeForTreeExpander)
                    // see if XP themes are available to draw the buttons.
                    themeHandle = OpenTheme(Handle, EnableExplorerTheme); // we've already asserted handle creation at this point

                data = GetIndentBitmapData(backColor, buttons && themeHandle == IntPtr.Zero, buttonExtent);

                var plusPath = data.PlusPath;
                var minusPath = data.MinusPath;
                var boxPath = data.BoxPath;

                bmp = new Bitmap(columns * xExtent, rows * yExtent);
                graphics = Graphics.FromImage(bmp);

                // Fill using a transparent brush
                EnsureBrush(ref backgroundBrush, data.BackgroundColor);
                graphics.FillRectangle(backgroundBrush, 0, 0, bmp.Width, bmp.Height);
                graphics.CompositingMode = CompositingMode.SourceCopy;

                if (!lines)
                    // Draw the two buttons and get out
                    graphics.TranslateTransform(xMid, yMid);
                    EnsureBrush(ref plusMinusBrush, data.PlusMinusColor);
                    EnsurePen(ref boxPen, data.BoxColor);
                    if (UseVSThemeForTreeExpander)
                        DrawTreeExpanderPolygon(graphics, foreColor, data, false /*expanded*/);
                    else if (themeHandle != IntPtr.Zero)
                        DrawThemedButtonGlyph(themeHandle, graphics, data.BackgroundColor, buttonExtent, false /* expanded */);
                        if (plusPath != null)
                            graphics.FillPath(plusMinusBrush, plusPath);
                        if (boxPath != null)
                            graphics.DrawPath(boxPen, boxPath);

                    graphics.TranslateTransform(0, yExtent);

                    if (UseVSThemeForTreeExpander)
                        DrawTreeExpanderPolygon(graphics, foreColor, data, true /*expanded*/);
                    else if (themeHandle != IntPtr.Zero)
                        DrawThemedButtonGlyph(themeHandle, graphics, data.BackgroundColor, buttonExtent, true /* expanded */);
                        if (minusPath != null)
                            graphics.FillPath(plusMinusBrush, minusPath);
                        if (boxPath != null)
                            graphics.DrawPath(boxPen, boxPath);
                    returnBmp = bmp;
                    bmp = null;
                    return returnBmp;

                // We always create this pen to support the different dash styles
                linePen = new Pen(data.LineColor);
                linePen.DashStyle = data.LineStyle;

                var oddItemOffset = 0;
                var finaloddItemOffset = (oddItemHeight && lines) ? 1 : 0;

                // loop through twice if we have an odd item height, since we need two sets of bitmaps to draw the lines smoothly.
                while (oddItemOffset <= finaloddItemOffset)
                    // don't use GraphicsContainers here because GDI drawing (used for themes) doesn't respect the transform matrix.
                    // BeginContainer resets the transform matrix, so there's no way to get the information we need to draw the themed
                    // buttons in the right place.
                    graphics.TranslateTransform(oddItemOffset * (bmp.Width / 2), 0); // offset for odd item heights

                    // Draw the first row (no buttons)
                    var beginTransform = graphics.Transform;
                    graphics.DrawLine(linePen, xMid, oddItemOffset, xMid, yExtent);
                    graphics.TranslateTransform(xExtent, 0);
                    graphics.DrawLine(linePen, xMid, oddItemOffset, xMid, yExtent);
                    // add 2*oddItemOffset below because this is an intersection of horizontal and vertical gridlines.
                    // In the odd height case, not adding an offset creates an ugly pixel cluster, and only adding 1
                    // causes the ends of the lines to be jagged.  Adding 2 creates a bit of extra whitespace, but I believe
                    // it is visually the best compromise.
                    graphics.DrawLine(linePen, xMid + (2 * oddItemOffset), yMid, xExtent, yMid);

                    graphics.TranslateTransform(xExtent, 0);
                    graphics.DrawLine(linePen, xMid, oddItemOffset, xMid, yMid);
                    graphics.DrawLine(linePen, xMid + (2 * oddItemOffset), yMid, xExtent, yMid); // see comment about 2*oddItemOffset above.

                    if (rootLines)
                        graphics.TranslateTransform(xExtent, 0);
                        graphics.DrawLine(linePen, xMid, yMid + oddItemOffset, xMid, yExtent);
                        graphics.DrawLine(linePen, xMid + (2 * oddItemOffset), yMid, xExtent, yMid);
                            // see comment about 2*oddItemOffset above.

                        graphics.TranslateTransform(xExtent, 0);
                        graphics.DrawLine(linePen, xMid, yMid, xExtent, yMid);
                    graphics.Transform = beginTransform; // Back to beginning of line

                    if (buttons)
                        // Draw the second and third rows (plus and minus signs)
                        // These are the same except for the sign in the button, so
                        // use the same code with a different path
                        EnsureBrush(ref plusMinusBrush, data.PlusMinusColor);
                        EnsurePen(ref boxPen, data.BoxColor);
                        for (var i = 0; i < 2; i++)
                            var curPath = (i == 0) ? plusPath : minusPath;
                            graphics.TranslateTransform(0, yExtent);
                            beginTransform = graphics.Transform;

                            // First column is the same in all three rows
                            graphics.DrawLine(linePen, xMid, oddItemOffset, xMid, yExtent);

                            graphics.TranslateTransform(xExtent + xMid, yMid);
                            graphics.DrawLine(linePen, 0, -yMid + oddItemOffset, 0, -buttonExtent);
                            graphics.DrawLine(linePen, 0, ((buttonExtent + 1) & ~1) + oddItemOffset, 0, yExtent - yMid);
                            graphics.DrawLine(linePen, buttonExtent, 0, xExtent - xMid, 0);

                            if (UseVSThemeForTreeExpander)
                                DrawTreeExpanderPolygon(graphics, foreColor, data, i == 1 /*expanded*/);
                            else if (themeHandle != IntPtr.Zero)
                                DrawThemedButtonGlyph(themeHandle, graphics, data.BackgroundColor, buttonExtent, i == 1 /* expanded */);
                                if (curPath != null)
                                    graphics.FillPath(plusMinusBrush, curPath);
                                if (boxPath != null)
                                    graphics.DrawPath(boxPen, boxPath);

                            graphics.TranslateTransform(xExtent, 0);

                            if (UseVSThemeForTreeExpander)
                                DrawTreeExpanderPolygon(graphics, foreColor, data, i == 1 /*expanded*/);
                            else if (themeHandle != IntPtr.Zero)
                                DrawThemedButtonGlyph(themeHandle, graphics, data.BackgroundColor, buttonExtent, i == 1 /* expanded */);
                                if (curPath != null)
                                    graphics.FillPath(plusMinusBrush, curPath);
                                if (boxPath != null)
                                    graphics.DrawPath(boxPen, boxPath);
                            graphics.DrawLine(linePen, 0, -yMid + oddItemOffset, 0, -buttonExtent);
                            graphics.DrawLine(linePen, buttonExtent, 0, xExtent - xMid, 0);

                            if (rootButtons)
                                graphics.TranslateTransform(xExtent, 0);
                                if (UseVSThemeForTreeExpander)
                                    DrawTreeExpanderPolygon(graphics, foreColor, data, i == 1 /*expanded*/);
                                else if (themeHandle != IntPtr.Zero)
                                    DrawThemedButtonGlyph(themeHandle, graphics, data.BackgroundColor, buttonExtent, i == 1 /* expanded */);
                                    if (curPath != null)
                                        graphics.FillPath(plusMinusBrush, curPath);
                                    if (boxPath != null)
                                        graphics.DrawPath(boxPen, boxPath);

                                graphics.DrawLine(linePen, 0, ((buttonExtent + 1) & ~1) + oddItemOffset, 0, yExtent - yMid);
                                graphics.DrawLine(linePen, buttonExtent, 0, xExtent - xMid, 0);

                                graphics.TranslateTransform(xExtent, 0);
                                graphics.DrawLine(linePen, buttonExtent, 0, xExtent - xMid, 0);

                                if (UseVSThemeForTreeExpander)
                                    DrawTreeExpanderPolygon(graphics, foreColor, data, i == 1 /*expanded*/);
                                else if (themeHandle != IntPtr.Zero)
                                    DrawThemedButtonGlyph(themeHandle, graphics, data.BackgroundColor, buttonExtent, i == 1 /* expanded */);
                                    if (curPath != null)
                                        graphics.FillPath(plusMinusBrush, curPath);
                                    if (boxPath != null)
                                        graphics.DrawPath(boxPen, boxPath);
                            graphics.Transform = beginTransform; // Back to beginning of line

                returnBmp = bmp;
                bmp = null;
                if (themeHandle != IntPtr.Zero)
                if (graphics != null)
                if (bmp != null)
                CleanBrush(ref backgroundBrush, data.BackgroundColor);
                CleanPen(ref boxPen, data.BoxColor);
                CleanBrush(ref plusMinusBrush, data.PlusMinusColor);
                if (linePen != null)
            return returnBmp;
Ejemplo n.º 5
 /// <summary>
 ///     Generates the points which represent the tree expander in expanded/unexpanded state, and updates the data parameter.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="buttonExtent"></param>
 /// <param name="data"></param>
 /// <returns></returns>
 private static IndentBitmapData GenerateExpanderIconPoints(int buttonExtent, ref IndentBitmapData data)
     var p = (buttonExtent * 7) / 10;
     data.UnexpandedIconPoints = new[]
             new Point(-p, -p * 2),
             new Point(-p, p * 2),
             new Point(p, 0)
     data.ExpandedIconPoints = new[]
             new Point(p, -p * 2),
             new Point(p, p),
             new Point(-2 * p, p)
     return data;
Ejemplo n.º 6
        /// <summary>
        ///     Get data used to draw the indent bitmaps
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="backColor">Color to be used in background</param>
        /// <param name="requireButtonPaths">True if paths for button drawing are required.  Paths are only required if buttons will be drawn, and XP themes are not available.</param>
        /// <param name="buttonExtent">Half the size of a button. The returned paths should be centered at (0, 0).</param>
        /// <returns>Colors and paths used to draw the indent bitmap.</returns>
        protected virtual IndentBitmapData GetIndentBitmapData(Color backColor, bool requireButtonPaths, int buttonExtent)
            var data = new IndentBitmapData();
            data.BackgroundColor = backColor;
            data.LineColor = SystemColors.GrayText;
            data.LineStyle = DashStyle.Dot;
            data.BoxColor = SystemColors.GrayText;
            data.PlusMinusColor = SystemColors.WindowText;

            // Update the expander points given the button extent.
            GenerateExpanderIconPoints(buttonExtent, ref data);

            if (requireButtonPaths)
                GraphicsPath plusPath;
                GraphicsPath minusPath;
                GraphicsPath boxPath;
                GeneratePlusMinusPaths(buttonExtent, out plusPath, out minusPath, out boxPath);
                data.SetPaths(plusPath, minusPath, boxPath, true);
            return data;
Ejemplo n.º 7
 public static bool Compare(IndentBitmapData operand1, IndentBitmapData operand2)
     Debug.Assert(false); // There is no need to compare these
     return false;