Ejemplo n.º 1
        internal static DesignerErrorList GetSingleDocErrorList(Uri uri)
            DesignerErrorList errorList = null;

            var currentProject = VSHelpers.GetProjectForDocument(uri.LocalPath, PackageManager.Package);

            if (currentProject != null)
                var hierarchy = VsUtils.GetVsHierarchy(currentProject, Services.ServiceProvider);
                if (hierarchy != null)
                    var fileFinder = new VSFileFinder(uri.LocalPath);

                    Debug.Assert(fileFinder.MatchingFiles.Count <= 1, "Unexpected count of matching files in project");

                    foreach (var vsFileInfo in fileFinder.MatchingFiles)
                        if (vsFileInfo.Hierarchy == VsUtils.GetVsHierarchy(currentProject, Services.ServiceProvider))
                            errorList = GetSingleDocErrorList(vsFileInfo.Hierarchy, vsFileInfo.ItemId);

        internal static ErrorTask CreateErrorTask(
            string document, string errorMessage, TextSpan textSpan, TaskErrorCategory taskErrorCategory, IVsHierarchy hierarchy,
            uint itemID, MARKERTYPE markerType)
            ErrorTask errorTask = null;

            IOleServiceProvider oleSp = null;

            hierarchy.GetSite(out oleSp);
            IServiceProvider sp = new ServiceProvider(oleSp);

            // see if Document is open
            IVsTextLines buffer  = null;
            var          docData = VSHelpers.GetDocData(sp, document);

            if (docData != null)
                buffer = VSHelpers.GetVsTextLinesFromDocData(docData);

            if (buffer != null)
                errorTask = new EFModelDocumentTask(sp, buffer, markerType, textSpan, document, itemID, errorMessage, hierarchy);
                errorTask.ErrorCategory = taskErrorCategory;
                errorTask = new EFModelErrorTask(
                    document, errorMessage, textSpan.iStartLine, textSpan.iEndLine, taskErrorCategory, hierarchy, itemID);

Ejemplo n.º 3
        // <summary>
        //     Project retargeting event handler.
        //     1. Check the project type, return immediately if project is misc project or a project that does not support EF.
        //     2. Find all the EDMX files in the project. Skip Data Services edmx files and linked files.
        //     3. Sync all the namespaces based on the new target framework
        // </summary>
        public void RetargetFilesInProject()
            var project = VSHelpers.GetProject(_hierarchy);

            if (project == null ||
                !VsUtils.EntityFrameworkSupportedInProject(project, _serviceProvider, allowMiscProject: false))

            var targetSchemaVersion = EdmUtils.GetEntityFrameworkVersion(project, _serviceProvider, useLatestIfNoEF: false);

            Debug.Assert(targetSchemaVersion != null, "schema version must not be null for projects that support EF");

            var documentMap = new Dictionary <string, object>();

            foreach (var vsFileInfo in GetEdmxFileInfos())
                    var projectItem = VsUtils.GetProjectItem(_hierarchy, vsFileInfo.ItemId);

                    // skip the process for astoria edmx file or a linked edmx file
                    if (IsDataServicesEdmx(projectItem.get_FileNames(1)) ||

                    var doc = RetargetFile(vsFileInfo.Path, targetSchemaVersion);
                    if (doc != null)
                        documentMap.Add(vsFileInfo.Path, doc);
                catch (Exception ex)
                    // TODO: When there is an exception; should we continue?
                        string.Format(CultureInfo.CurrentCulture, Resources.ErrorSynchingEdmxNamespaces, vsFileInfo.Path, ex.Message),
                        vsFileInfo.Path, 0, 0);

            WriteModifiedFiles(project, documentMap);
Ejemplo n.º 4
        // <summary>
        //     Return the EF Runtime assemblies path.
        // </summary>
        internal static string GetRuntimeAssemblyPath(Project project, IServiceProvider serviceProvider)
            // Get Project Design Time Assembly Resolution.
            // Don't call GetVsHierarchy(project) because it causes dependencies with EDM Package service provider.
            var hierarchy = VSHelpers.GetVsHierarchy(project, serviceProvider);
            var dtar      = hierarchy as IVsDesignTimeAssemblyResolution;

            if (dtar != null)
                // There is a bug where the first time you call ResolveAssemblyPathInTargetFx, resolvedAssemblyPathCount is 0.
                // So we are going to try 1 more time if the first call not successful.
                for (var i = 0; i < 2; i++)
                    var  resolvedAssemblyPath = new VsResolvedAssemblyPath[1];
                    uint resolvedAssemblyPathCount;
                    if (dtar.ResolveAssemblyPathInTargetFx(
                            new string[1] {
                    }, 1, resolvedAssemblyPath, out resolvedAssemblyPathCount) == VSConstants.S_OK)
                        if (resolvedAssemblyPathCount == 1)
                // Project Design Time Assembly Resolution is not found, try Global Design Time Assembly Resolution.
                var targetFrameworkMoniker = VsUtils.GetTargetFrameworkMonikerForProject(project, serviceProvider);
                var multiTargetingService  =
                    Services.ServiceProvider.GetService(typeof(SVsFrameworkMultiTargeting)) as IVsFrameworkMultiTargeting;

                string assemblyPath;
                if (multiTargetingService.ResolveAssemblyPath("System.Data.Entity", targetFrameworkMoniker, out assemblyPath)
                    == VSConstants.S_OK)

            // if we could not resolve the assembly using global or project design time assembly resolution, return string empty.
Ejemplo n.º 5
        internal static void SqlDatabaseFileUpgradeService_OnUpgradeProject(
            IVsHierarchy hierarchy, string databaseFile, string newConnectionString, IVsUpgradeLogger logger)
            if (PackageManager.Package != null &&
                PackageManager.Package.ModelManager != null)
                var project = VSHelpers.GetProject(hierarchy);

                // skip the step if it is a miscellaneous project or if the project is using IIS
                // (projects using IIS should not be upgraded - see bug 812074)
                if (project != null &&
                    !VsUtils.IsMiscellaneousProject(project) &&
                    // update the config file as needed
                    IDictionary <string, object> documentMap = new Dictionary <string, object>();
                    var configFilePath = ConnectionManager.GetConfigFilePath(project, false);
                        if (false == string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(configFilePath)) // check config file exists
                            XmlDocument configXmlDoc;
                            if (ConnectionManager.UpdateSqlDatabaseFileDataSourceInConnectionStrings(configFilePath, out configXmlDoc))
                                documentMap.Add(configFilePath, configXmlDoc);
                    catch (Exception ex)
                        // if there were errors above then do not try to change the files on disk - just log the message and return
                        var errMsg = String.Format(
                            CultureInfo.CurrentCulture, Resources.ErrorDuringSqlDatabaseFileUpgrade, configFilePath, ex.Message);
                        logger.LogMessage((uint)__VSUL_ERRORLEVEL.VSUL_ERROR, project.Name, configFilePath, errMsg);

                    // Actually update the file here
                    if (documentMap.Count > 0)
Ejemplo n.º 6
        private static EFArtifact GetArtifactForValidation(Uri uri, IVsHierarchy hierarchy, ModelManager modelManager)
            IServiceProvider oleServiceProvider = null;
            var modelListener = PackageManager.Package.ModelChangeEventListener;

            hierarchy.GetSite(out oleServiceProvider);
            System.IServiceProvider sp = new ServiceProvider(oleServiceProvider);
            var escherDocData          = VSHelpers.GetDocData(sp, uri.LocalPath) as IEntityDesignDocData;

            EFArtifact artifact = null;

            // If we opened the document with Escher, then use the XmlEditor's xlinq tree
            // If we opened the document with the xml editor, but not escher, then
            // we don't want to use the XmlEditor's xlinq tree, because then we would be receiving events when
            // the document changes, and we currently don't support that.

            if (escherDocData != null)
                artifact = PackageManager.Package.ModelManager.GetNewOrExistingArtifact(
                    uri, new VSXmlModelProvider(PackageManager.Package, PackageManager.Package));
                if (modelListener != null)
                    modelListener.OnBeforeValidateModel(VSHelpers.GetProject(hierarchy), artifact, true);
                if (Path.GetExtension(uri.LocalPath).Equals(EntityDesignArtifact.ExtensionEdmx, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
                    // no doc data exists for this document, so load it into a temp model manager that can be disposed of when we're done.
                    // Using the LoaderBasedXmlModelProvider will let us catch XML scanner and parser errors (the xml editor will try to
                    // recover from these, and we won't know that the problem occurred.
                    artifact = modelManager.GetNewOrExistingArtifact(uri, new StandaloneXmlModelProvider(PackageManager.Package));
                    if (modelListener != null)
                        modelListener.OnBeforeValidateModel(VSHelpers.GetProject(hierarchy), artifact, true);

Ejemplo n.º 7
        internal static void SqlDatabaseFileUpgradeService_OnUpgradeProject(
            IVsHierarchy hierarchy, string databaseFile, string newConnectionString, IVsUpgradeLogger logger)
            if (PackageManager.Package != null &&
                PackageManager.Package.ModelManager != null)
                var project = VSHelpers.GetProject(hierarchy);

                // skip the step if it is a miscellaneous project or if the project is using IIS
                // (projects using IIS should not be upgraded - see bug 812074)
                if (project != null &&
                    !VsUtils.IsMiscellaneousProject(project) &&
                    // update the config file as needed
                    var configFileUtils = new ConfigFileUtils(project, PackageManager.Package);
                    UpdateConfigForSqlDbFileUpgrade(configFileUtils, project, logger);
Ejemplo n.º 8
        internal static bool LoadAndValidateFiles(params Uri[] uris)
            var filesToValidate = new List <VSFileFinder.VSFileInfo>();

            foreach (var uri in uris)
                Project                 project;
                IVsHierarchy            projectHierarchy;
                uint                    itemId;
                bool                    isDocumentInProject;
                VSFileFinder.VSFileInfo fileInfo;

                    uri.LocalPath, PackageManager.Package, out projectHierarchy, out project, out itemId, out isDocumentInProject);
                fileInfo.Hierarchy = projectHierarchy;
                fileInfo.ItemId    = itemId;
                fileInfo.Path      = uri.LocalPath;


            return(LoadAndValidateFiles(filesToValidate, doEscherValidation: true, shouldValidateArtifact: a => true));
Ejemplo n.º 9
        int IVsSolutionEvents.OnBeforeCloseProject(IVsHierarchy pHierarchy, int fRemoved)
            if (PackageManager.Package != null &&
                PackageManager.Package.ModelManager != null)
                foreach (var fileExtension in VSArtifact.GetVSArtifactFileExtensions())
                    // discard all documents in the project being closed
                    foreach (var vsFileInfo in new VSFileFinder(fileExtension).FindInProject(pHierarchy))
                        var uri = Utils.FileName2Uri(vsFileInfo.Path);

                var project = VSHelpers.GetProject(pHierarchy);
                if (project != null)
Ejemplo n.º 10
        internal static void ClearErrorsForDocAcrossLists(Uri uri)
            var currentProject = VSHelpers.GetProjectForDocument(uri.LocalPath, PackageManager.Package);

            if (currentProject != null)
                var hierarchy = VsUtils.GetVsHierarchy(currentProject, Services.ServiceProvider);
                if (hierarchy != null)
                    var fileFinder = new VSFileFinder(uri.LocalPath);

                    Debug.Assert(fileFinder.MatchingFiles.Count <= 1, "Unexpected count of matching files in project");
                    foreach (var vsFileInfo in fileFinder.MatchingFiles)
                        if (vsFileInfo.Hierarchy == hierarchy)
                            ClearErrorsForDocAcrossLists(vsFileInfo.Hierarchy, vsFileInfo.ItemId);
Ejemplo n.º 11
        internal static void SqlCeUpgradeService_OnUpgradeProject(IVsHierarchy hierarchy, IVsUpgradeLogger logger)
            if (PackageManager.Package != null &&
                PackageManager.Package.ModelManager != null)
                // since this is about retargeting EDMX files on disk, no need to process other file extensions from any converters
                var fileFinder = new VSFileFinder(EntityDesignArtifact.ExtensionEdmx);

                var project = VSHelpers.GetProject(hierarchy);

                // skip the step if it is a miscellaneous project.
                if (project != null &&
                    IDictionary <string, object> documentMap = new Dictionary <string, object>();
                    foreach (var vsFileInfo in fileFinder.MatchingFiles)
                            var projectItem = VsUtils.GetProjectItem(hierarchy, vsFileInfo.ItemId);

                            // Dev 10 bug 648969: skip the process for astoria edmx file.
                            if (EdmUtils.IsDataServicesEdmx(projectItem.get_FileNames(1)))

                            // Check whether project item is a linked item
                            var isLinkItem = VsUtils.IsLinkProjectItem(projectItem);

                            if (!isLinkItem)
                                var doc = MetadataConverterDriver.SqlCeInstance.Convert(SafeLoadXmlFromPath(vsFileInfo.Path));
                                if (doc != null)
                                    documentMap.Add(vsFileInfo.Path, doc);
                        catch (Exception ex)
                            var errMsg = String.Format(
                                CultureInfo.CurrentCulture, Resources.ErrorDuringSqlCeUpgrade, vsFileInfo.Path, ex.Message);
                            logger.LogMessage((uint)__VSUL_ERRORLEVEL.VSUL_ERROR, project.Name, vsFileInfo.Path, errMsg);

                    if (documentMap.Count > 0)

                    // now update the config file as needed
                    var configFileUtils = new ConfigFileUtils(project, PackageManager.Package);
                        var configXmlDoc = configFileUtils.LoadConfig();
                        if (configXmlDoc != null) // check config file exists
                            if (ConnectionManager.UpdateSqlCeProviderInConnectionStrings(configXmlDoc))
                    catch (Exception ex)
                        var errMsg = String.Format(
                            CultureInfo.CurrentCulture, Resources.ErrorDuringSqlCeUpgrade, configFileUtils.GetConfigPath(), ex.Message);
                        logger.LogMessage((uint)__VSUL_ERRORLEVEL.VSUL_ERROR, project.Name, configFileUtils.GetConfigPath(), errMsg);
        internal static void NavigateTo(Object sender, EventArgs arguments)
            Debug.Assert(_dslDesignerOnNavigate != null, "DSL navigation delegate is null!");

            var task = sender as ErrorTask;

            if (task == null)
                Debug.Fail("unable to cast sender to Task instance");

            var efTask = task as IXmlModelErrorTask;

            if (efTask == null)
                Debug.Fail("Unable to cast errorTask to IEFErrorTask");

            if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(task.Document))

            var serviceProvider = efTask.ServiceProvider;

            var docDataObject = VSHelpers.GetDocData(serviceProvider, task.Document);

            if (docDataObject == null)
                // document wasn't opened
                var uri = Utils.FileName2Uri(task.Document);
                if (Path.GetExtension(uri.LocalPath)
                    .Equals(EntityDesignArtifact.ExtensionEdmx, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
                    // load a temp model to determine if the document is designer safe (only for EDMX, don't do this for converter docs)
                    var isArtifactDesignerSafe = IsUnloadedDocumentDesignerSafe(uri);
                    if (isArtifactDesignerSafe)
                        // this will open the document in escher
                        EscherDesignerNavigate(serviceProvider, uri, task);
                        // if the document cannot be displayed in the designer, so open it in the XML Editor and navigate to the error
                        var logicalView = VSConstants.LOGVIEWID_Primary;
                            serviceProvider, uri.LocalPath,
                        docDataObject = VSHelpers.GetDocData(serviceProvider, task.Document);
                            docDataObject != null,
                            "attempt to open EDMX document in XML Editor - docDataObject should not be null");
                            serviceProvider, docDataObject, logicalView, task.Line,
                    // document is not EDMX, so navigate to the document in the docdata's primary editor
                    VsShellUtilities.OpenDocument(serviceProvider, task.Document);
                    docDataObject = VSHelpers.GetDocData(serviceProvider, task.Document);
                        docDataObject != null,
                        "attempt to open non-EDMX document with primary Editor - docDataObject should not be null");
                        serviceProvider, docDataObject, VSConstants.LOGVIEWID_Primary,
                        task.Line, task.Column);
            else if (docDataObject is IEntityDesignDocData)
                // attempt to get the artifact. This will return non-null if the document is open in either XML Editor or the designer
                var uri      = Utils.FileName2Uri(task.Document);
                var artifact = PackageManager.Package.ModelManager.GetArtifact(uri);
                if (artifact == null)
                    Debug.Fail("didn't find artifact for document opened in Escher");

                if (artifact.IsDesignerSafe)
                    // navigate to the correct place in the Escher designer
                    EscherDesignerNavigate(serviceProvider, uri, task);
                    // if the document cannot be displayed in the designer, so open it in the XML Editor and navigate to the error
                    var logicalView = VSConstants.LOGVIEWID_Primary;
                        serviceProvider, uri.LocalPath,
                        CommonPackageConstants.xmlEditorGuid, logicalView);
                    docDataObject = VSHelpers.GetDocData(serviceProvider, task.Document);
                        docDataObject != null,
                        "EDMX document already open - attempt to open in XML Editor resulted in null docDataObject");
                    VSHelpers.TextBufferNavigateTo(serviceProvider, docDataObject, logicalView, task.Line, task.Column);
                // document is opened, but not in Escher, so navigate to the document in the text editor
                    serviceProvider, docDataObject, VSConstants.LOGVIEWID_Primary, task.Line,
Ejemplo n.º 13
 public object GetDocData(IServiceProvider site, string documentPath)
     return(VSHelpers.GetDocData(site, documentPath));