/// <summary>
        /// Called after a model is updated by the Update Model Wizard.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="context">Provides file information and Visual Studio project information.</param>
        void IModelGenerationExtension.OnAfterModelUpdated(UpdateModelExtensionContext context)
            // context.OriginalDocument = The original XDocument before the Update Model Wizard started.
            //                            An extension cannot modify this document.
            // context.GeneratedDocument = The XDocument that was generated by the Update Model wizard.
            //                             An extension cannot modify this document.
            // context.UpdateModelDocument = The contents of context.OriginalDocument merged with the
            // contents of context.GeneratedDocument. An extension cannot modify this document.
            // context.CurrentDocument = The XDocument that will be saved. An extension can modify this
            // document. Note that the document may have been modified by another extension's implementation
            // of OnAfterModelGenerated().
            // context.ProjectItem = The EnvDTE.ProjectItem of current .edmx file.
            // context.Project = The EnvDTE.Project that contains the .edmx file.
            // context.WizardKind = The wizard that initiated the .edmx file generation or update process.
            //                      Possible values are WizardKind.Generate or WizardKind.UpdateModel.

        /// <summary>
        /// Called after a model is updated by the Update Model Wizard.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="context"></param>
        void IModelGenerationExtension.OnAfterModelUpdated(UpdateModelExtensionContext context)
            // context.OriginalDocument = The original XDocument before the Update Model Wizard started.
            //                            An extension cannot modify this document.
            // context.GeneratedDocument = The XDocument that was generated by the Update Model wizard.
            //                             An extension cannot modify this document.
            // context.UpdateModelDocument = The contents of context.OriginalDocument merged with the
            // contents of context.GeneratedDocument. An extension cannot modify this document.
            // context.CurrentDocument = The XDocument that will be saved. An extension can modify this
            // document. Note that the document may have been modified by another extension's implementation
            // of OnAfterModelGenerated().
            // context.ProjectItem = The EnvDTE.ProjectItem of current .edmx file.
            // context.Project = The EnvDTE.Project that contains the .edmx file.
            // context.WizardKind = The wizard that initiated the .edmx file generation or update process.
            //                      Possible values are WizardKind.Generate or WizardKind.UpdateModel.

            bool efv4ModelOrLater = IsEFv4ModelOrLater(context.Project);
            String caption = "OnAfterModelGenerated called";
            String message = String.Format(
                "An EF v{0} model was updated from the database by the 'Update Model From Database' wizard.\n\n",
                efv4ModelOrLater ? 4 : 3.5);

            if (efv4ModelOrLater)
                // Call helper method to add a new property to the generated EF v2 model.

                message += "Added a new property to EntityTypes in the updated model.";

            MessageBox.Show(message, caption);
Ejemplo n.º 3
 public void OnAfterModelUpdated(UpdateModelExtensionContext context)
        /// <summary>
        /// Called after a model is updated by the Update Model Wizard.
        /// Note: the Update Model Wizard generates a temporary .edmx document which is then merged with the existing document 
        /// to produce the updated document. The OnAfterModelGenerated() method will be called on the temporary document before 
        /// the merge process begins. This OnAfterModelUpdated() method allows you to make further changes to the document 
        /// after it has been merged with the existing document.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="context">
        /// context.OriginalDocument = The original XDocument before the Update Model Wizard started.
        ///                            An extension cannot modify this document.
        /// context.GeneratedDocument = The temporary XDocument that was generated by the Update Model wizard from the database.
        ///                             An extension cannot modify this document.
        /// context.UpdateModelDocument = The contents of context.OriginalDocument merged with the contents of context.GeneratedDocument.
        ///                               An extension cannot modify this document.
        /// context.CurrentDocument = The XDocument that will be saved.
        ///                           An extension can modify this document. Note that the document may have been modified by another extension's implementation of OnAfterModelUpdated().
        /// context.ProjectItem = The EnvDTE.ProjectItem of current .edmx file.
        /// context.Project = The EnvDTE.Project that contains the .edmx file.
        /// context.WizardKind = The wizard that initiated the .edmx file generation or update process (WizardKind.UpdateModel).
        /// </param>
        public void OnAfterModelUpdated(UpdateModelExtensionContext context)
            // Emit a warning if model errors already existed, particularly to avoid this extension getting blamed for them.
            if (_edmxErrors.Count > 0)
                _logger.Log("{0:yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss:ffff}: Warning - Model contains errors prior to update. This plugin may erroneously be blamed for them.", DateTime.Now);

            UpdateModel(context.Project, context.CurrentDocument, context.WizardKind);