Ejemplo n.º 1
        public void InvokeOnProperty()
            var text = @"
namespace N
    class C
        public int F$$oo { get; set;}
            var testState = new CallHierarchyTestState(text);
            var root = testState.GetRoot();
            testState.VerifyRoot(root, "N.C.Foo");
Ejemplo n.º 2
        public void InvokeOnEvent()
            var text = @"
using System;
namespace N
    class C
        public event EventHandler Fo$$o;
            var testState = new CallHierarchyTestState(text);
            var root = testState.GetRoot();
            testState.VerifyRoot(root, "N.C.Foo");
Ejemplo n.º 3
        public void InvokeOnMethod()
            var text = @"
namespace N
    class C
        void F$$oo()
            var testState = new CallHierarchyTestState(text);
            var root = testState.GetRoot();
            testState.VerifyRoot(root, "N.C.Foo()");
Ejemplo n.º 4
        public void FieldReferences()
            var text = @"
namespace N
    class C
        public int f$$oo = Foo();

        protected int Foo() { foo = 3; }
            var testState = new CallHierarchyTestState(text);
            var root = testState.GetRoot();
            testState.VerifyRoot(root, "N.C.foo", new[] { "References To Field 'foo'" });
            testState.VerifyResult(root, "References To Field 'foo'", new[] { "N.C.Foo()" });
Ejemplo n.º 5
        public void GenericExtensionMethods()
            var text = @"
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
namespace N
    class Program
        static void Main(string[] args)
            List<int> x = new List<int>();
            var z = x.Si$$ngle();
            var testState = new CallHierarchyTestState(text);
            var root = testState.GetRoot();
            testState.VerifyRoot(root, "System.Linq.Enumerable.Single<TSource>(this System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<TSource>)", new[] { string.Format(EditorFeaturesResources.CallsTo, "Single") });
            testState.VerifyResult(root, string.Format(EditorFeaturesResources.CallsTo, "Single"), new[] { "N.Program.Main(string[])" });
Ejemplo n.º 6
        public void Generic()
            var text = @"
namespace N
    class C
        public int gen$$eric<T>(this string generic, ref T stuff)
            return 0;

        public int foo()
            int i;
            generic("", ref i);
            var testState = new CallHierarchyTestState(text);
            var root = testState.GetRoot();
            testState.VerifyRoot(root, "N.C.generic<T>(this string, ref T)", new[] { string.Format(EditorFeaturesResources.CallsTo, "generic") });
            testState.VerifyResult(root, string.Format(EditorFeaturesResources.CallsTo, "generic"), new[] { "N.C.foo()" });
Ejemplo n.º 7
        public void ExtensionMethods()
            var text = @"
namespace ConsoleApplication10
    class Program
        static void Main(string[] args)
            var x = ""string"";
    public static class Extensions
        public static string BarString(this string s)
            return s;
            var testState = new CallHierarchyTestState(text);
            var root = testState.GetRoot();
            testState.VerifyRoot(root, "ConsoleApplication10.Extensions.BarString(this string)", new[] { string.Format(EditorFeaturesResources.CallsTo, "BarString") });
            testState.VerifyResult(root, string.Format(EditorFeaturesResources.CallsTo, "BarString"), new[] { "ConsoleApplication10.Program.Main(string[])" });
Ejemplo n.º 8
        public void FieldInitializers()
            var text = @"
namespace N
    class C
        public int foo = Foo();

        protected int Foo$$() { return 0; }
            var testState = new CallHierarchyTestState(text);
            var root = testState.GetRoot();
            testState.VerifyRoot(root, "N.C.Foo()", new[] { "Calls To 'Foo'" });
            testState.VerifyResultName(root, "Calls To 'Foo'", new[] { "Initializers" });
Ejemplo n.º 9
        public void PropertyGet()
            var text = @"
namespace N
    class C
        public int val
                return 0;

        public int foo()
            var x = this.val;
            var testState = new CallHierarchyTestState(text);
            var root = testState.GetRoot();
            testState.VerifyRoot(root, "N.C.val.get", new[] { string.Format(EditorFeaturesResources.CallsTo, "get_val") });
            testState.VerifyResult(root, string.Format(EditorFeaturesResources.CallsTo, "get_val"), new[] { "N.C.foo()" });
Ejemplo n.º 10
        public void AbstractMethodInclusionToOverrides()
            var text = @"
using System;

abstract class Base
    public abstract void $$M();
class Derived : Base
    public override void M()
        throw new NotImplementedException();
            var testState = new CallHierarchyTestState(text);
            var root = testState.GetRoot();
            testState.VerifyRoot(root, "Base.M()", new[] { string.Format(EditorFeaturesResources.CallsTo, "M"), EditorFeaturesResources.Overrides, EditorFeaturesResources.CallsToOverrides });
            testState.VerifyResult(root, EditorFeaturesResources.Overrides, new[] { "Derived.M()" });
Ejemplo n.º 11
        public void Method_FindCalls()
            var text = @"
namespace N
    class C
        void F$$oo()

    class G
        void Main()
            var c = new C();

        void Main2()
            var c = new C();
            var testState = new CallHierarchyTestState(text);
            var root = testState.GetRoot();
            testState.VerifyRoot(root, "N.C.Foo()", new[] { string.Format(EditorFeaturesResources.CallsTo, "Foo") });
            testState.VerifyResult(root, string.Format(EditorFeaturesResources.CallsTo, "Foo"), new[] { "N.G.Main()", "N.G.Main2()" });
Ejemplo n.º 12
        public void Method_InterfaceImplementation()
            var text = @"
namespace N
    interface I
        void Foo();

    class C : I
        public void F$$oo()

    class G
        void Main()
            I c = new C();

        void Main2()
            var c = new C();
            var testState = new CallHierarchyTestState(text);
            var root = testState.GetRoot();
            testState.VerifyRoot(root, "N.C.Foo()", new[] { "Calls To 'Foo'", "Calls To Interface Implementation 'N.I.Foo()'" });
            testState.VerifyResult(root, "Calls To 'Foo'", new[] { "N.G.Main2()" });
            testState.VerifyResult(root, "Calls To Interface Implementation 'N.I.Foo()'", new[] { "N.G.Main()" });
Ejemplo n.º 13
        public void NoFindOverridesOnSealedMethod()
            var text = @"
namespace N
    class C
        void F$$oo()
            var testState = new CallHierarchyTestState(text);
            var root = testState.GetRoot();
            Assert.DoesNotContain("Overrides", root.SupportedSearchCategories.Select(s => s.DisplayName));
Ejemplo n.º 14
        public void Method_FindCalls()
            var text = @"
namespace N
    class C
        void F$$oo()

    class G
        void Main()
            var c = new C();

        void Main2()
            var c = new C();
            var testState = new CallHierarchyTestState(text);
            var root = testState.GetRoot();
            testState.VerifyRoot(root, "N.C.Foo()", new[] { "Calls To 'Foo'" });
            testState.VerifyResult(root, "Calls To 'Foo'", new[] { "N.G.Main()", "N.G.Main2()" });
Ejemplo n.º 15
        public void AbstractMethodInclusionToOverrides()
            var text = @"
using System;

abstract class Base
    public abstract void $$M();
class Derived : Base
    public override void M()
        throw new NotImplementedException();
            var testState = new CallHierarchyTestState(text);
            var root = testState.GetRoot();
            testState.VerifyRoot(root, "Base.M()", new[] { "Calls To 'M'", "Overrides", "Calls To Overrides" });
            testState.VerifyResult(root, "Overrides", new[] { "Derived.M()" });
Ejemplo n.º 16
        public void FindOverrides()
            var text = @"
namespace N
    class C
        public virtual void F$$oo()

    class G : C
        public override void Foo()
            var testState = new CallHierarchyTestState(text);
            var root = testState.GetRoot();
            testState.VerifyRoot(root, "N.C.Foo()", new[] { "Calls To 'Foo'", "Overrides" });
            testState.VerifyResult(root, "Overrides", new[] { "N.G.Foo()" });
Ejemplo n.º 17
        public void Generic()
            var text = @"
namespace N
    class C
        public int gen$$eric<T>(this string generic, ref T stuff)
            return 0;

        public int foo()
            int i;
            generic("", ref i);
            var testState = new CallHierarchyTestState(text);
            var root = testState.GetRoot();
            testState.VerifyRoot(root, "N.C.generic<T>(this string, ref T)", new[] { "Calls To 'generic'" });
            testState.VerifyResult(root, "Calls To 'generic'", new[] { "N.C.foo()" });
Ejemplo n.º 18
        public void PropertyGet()
            var text = @"
namespace N
    class C
        public int val
                return 0;

        public int foo()
            var x = this.val;
            var testState = new CallHierarchyTestState(text);
            var root = testState.GetRoot();
            testState.VerifyRoot(root, "N.C.val.get", new[] { "Calls To 'get_val'" });
            testState.VerifyResult(root, "Calls To 'get_val'", new[] { "N.C.foo()" });
Ejemplo n.º 19
        public void FindOverrides()
            var text = @"
namespace N
    class C
        public virtual void F$$oo()

    class G : C
        public override void Foo()
            var testState = new CallHierarchyTestState(text);
            var root = testState.GetRoot();
            testState.VerifyRoot(root, "N.C.Foo()", new[] { string.Format(EditorFeaturesResources.CallsTo, "Foo"), EditorFeaturesResources.Overrides });
            testState.VerifyResult(root, EditorFeaturesResources.Overrides, new[] { "N.G.Foo()" });
Ejemplo n.º 20
        public void Method_CallToBase()
            var text = @"
namespace N
    class C
        protected virtual void Foo() { }

    class D : C
        protected override void Foo() { }

        void Bar()
            C c; 

        void Baz()
            D d;
            var testState = new CallHierarchyTestState(text);
            var root = testState.GetRoot();
            testState.VerifyRoot(root, "N.D.Foo()", new[] { string.Format(EditorFeaturesResources.CallsTo, "Foo"), string.Format(EditorFeaturesResources.CallsToBaseMember, "N.C.Foo()") });
            testState.VerifyResult(root, string.Format(EditorFeaturesResources.CallsTo, "Foo"), new[] { "N.D.Baz()" });
            testState.VerifyResult(root, string.Format(EditorFeaturesResources.CallsToBaseMember, "N.C.Foo()"), new[] { "N.D.Bar()" });
Ejemplo n.º 21
        public void FieldInitializers()
            var text = @"
namespace N
    class C
        public int foo = Foo();

        protected int Foo$$() { return 0; }
            var testState = new CallHierarchyTestState(text);
            var root = testState.GetRoot();
            testState.VerifyRoot(root, "N.C.Foo()", new[] { string.Format(EditorFeaturesResources.CallsTo, "Foo") });
            testState.VerifyResultName(root, string.Format(EditorFeaturesResources.CallsTo, "Foo"), new[] { EditorFeaturesResources.Initializers });
Ejemplo n.º 22
        public void FieldReferences()
            var text = @"
namespace N
    class C
        public int f$$oo = Foo();

        protected int Foo() { foo = 3; }
            var testState = new CallHierarchyTestState(text);
            var root = testState.GetRoot();
            testState.VerifyRoot(root, "N.C.foo", new[] { string.Format(EditorFeaturesResources.ReferencesToField, "foo") });
            testState.VerifyResult(root, string.Format(EditorFeaturesResources.ReferencesToField, "foo"), new[] { "N.C.Foo()" });
Ejemplo n.º 23
        public void Method_InterfaceImplementation()
            var text = @"
namespace N
    interface I
        void Foo();

    class C : I
        public void F$$oo()

    class G
        void Main()
            I c = new C();

        void Main2()
            var c = new C();
            var testState = new CallHierarchyTestState(text);
            var root = testState.GetRoot();
            testState.VerifyRoot(root, "N.C.Foo()", new[] { string.Format(EditorFeaturesResources.CallsTo, "Foo"), string.Format(EditorFeaturesResources.CallsToInterfaceImplementation, "N.I.Foo()") });
            testState.VerifyResult(root, string.Format(EditorFeaturesResources.CallsTo, "Foo"), new[] { "N.G.Main2()" });
            testState.VerifyResult(root, string.Format(EditorFeaturesResources.CallsToInterfaceImplementation, "N.I.Foo()"), new[] { "N.G.Main()" });
Ejemplo n.º 24
        public void Method_CallToBase()
            var text = @"
namespace N
    class C
        protected virtual void Foo() { }

    class D : C
        protected override void Foo() { }

        void Bar()
            C c; 

        void Baz()
            D d;
            var testState = new CallHierarchyTestState(text);
            var root = testState.GetRoot();
            testState.VerifyRoot(root, "N.D.Foo()", new[] { "Calls To 'Foo'", "Calls To Base Member 'N.C.Foo()'" });
            testState.VerifyResult(root, "Calls To 'Foo'", new[] { "N.D.Baz()" });
            testState.VerifyResult(root, "Calls To Base Member 'N.C.Foo()'", new[] { "N.D.Bar()" });