Ejemplo n.º 1
 public override void RewriteChildren(ConstructorOrMethodCall constructorOrMethodCall)
     // Method calls (including calls to ctors) require special handling:
     // any push statements that put arguments on the stack actually need
     // to be popped in the reverse order (reverse to the stack's LIFO semantics).
     // The code generator generates a push for push statements, but the call instruction
     // in IL consumes the stack from last argument to first argument. Thus
     // if the code model had this "push x; push y; M(pop,pop)" keeping the
     // stack as it is created by this rewriter would end up creating "M(y,x)"
     // because the arguments are visited left-to-right.
     var popsFound = 0;
     foreach (var a in constructorOrMethodCall.Arguments)
         if (a is IPopValue) popsFound++;
     if (0 < popsFound)
Ejemplo n.º 2
 /// <summary>
 /// Called from the type specific rewrite method to rewrite the common part of constructors and method calls.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="constructorOrMethodCall"></param>
 public virtual void RewriteChildren(ConstructorOrMethodCall constructorOrMethodCall)
       constructorOrMethodCall.Arguments = this.Rewrite(constructorOrMethodCall.Arguments);
       constructorOrMethodCall.MethodToCall = this.Rewrite(constructorOrMethodCall.MethodToCall);