SetFirstUDConversion() public method

public SetFirstUDConversion ( MethodSymbol conv ) : void
conv MethodSymbol
return void
Ejemplo n.º 1

        private MethodSymbol AddMethodToSymbolTable(MemberInfo member, AggregateSymbol callingAggregate, MethodKindEnum kind)
            MethodInfo method = member as MethodInfo;
            ConstructorInfo ctor = member as ConstructorInfo;

            Debug.Assert(method != null || ctor != null);
            Debug.Assert(member.DeclaringType == member.ReflectedType);
            // If we are trying to add an actual method via MethodKindEnum.Actual, and 
            // the memberinfo is a special name, and its not static, then return null. 
            // We'll re-add the thing later with some other method kind.
            // This will happen for things like indexers and properties. The ones that have
            // special names that we DO want to allow adding are things like operators, which
            // are static and will not be added again later.

            if (kind == MethodKindEnum.Actual && // MethKindEnum.Actual
                (method == null || // Not a ConstructorInfo
                    (!method.IsStatic && method.IsSpecialName))) // Not static and is a special name
                return null;

            MethodSymbol methodSymbol = FindMatchingMethod(member, callingAggregate);
            if (methodSymbol != null)
                return methodSymbol;

            ParameterInfo[] parameters = method != null ? method.GetParameters() : ctor.GetParameters();
            // First create the method.
            methodSymbol = _symFactory.CreateMethod(GetName(member.Name), callingAggregate, null);
            methodSymbol.AssociatedMemberInfo = member;
            if (kind == MethodKindEnum.ExplicitConv || kind == MethodKindEnum.ImplicitConv)
            ACCESS access;
            if (method != null)
                if (method.IsPublic)
                    access = ACCESS.ACC_PUBLIC;
                else if (method.IsPrivate)
                    access = ACCESS.ACC_PRIVATE;
                else if (method.IsFamily)
                    access = ACCESS.ACC_PROTECTED;
                else if (method.IsAssembly || method.IsFamilyAndAssembly)
                    access = ACCESS.ACC_INTERNAL;
                    access = ACCESS.ACC_INTERNALPROTECTED;
                Debug.Assert(ctor != null);
                if (ctor.IsPublic)
                    access = ACCESS.ACC_PUBLIC;
                else if (ctor.IsPrivate)
                    access = ACCESS.ACC_PRIVATE;
                else if (ctor.IsFamily)
                    access = ACCESS.ACC_PROTECTED;
                else if (ctor.IsAssembly || ctor.IsFamilyAndAssembly)
                    access = ACCESS.ACC_INTERNAL;
                    access = ACCESS.ACC_INTERNALPROTECTED;

            methodSymbol.isExtension = false; // We don't support extension methods.
            methodSymbol.isExternal = false;

            if (method != null)
                methodSymbol.typeVars = GetMethodTypeParameters(method, methodSymbol);
                methodSymbol.isVirtual = method.IsVirtual;
                methodSymbol.isAbstract = method.IsAbstract;
                methodSymbol.isStatic = method.IsStatic;
                methodSymbol.isOverride = method.IsVirtual && method.IsHideBySig && method.GetRuntimeBaseDefinition() != method;
                methodSymbol.isOperator = IsOperator(method);
                methodSymbol.swtSlot = GetSlotForOverride(method);
                methodSymbol.isVarargs = (method.CallingConvention & CallingConventions.VarArgs) == CallingConventions.VarArgs;
                methodSymbol.RetType = GetCTypeFromType(method.ReturnType);
                methodSymbol.typeVars = BSYMMGR.EmptyTypeArray();
                methodSymbol.isVirtual = ctor.IsVirtual;
                methodSymbol.isAbstract = ctor.IsAbstract;
                methodSymbol.isStatic = ctor.IsStatic;
                methodSymbol.isOverride = false;
                methodSymbol.isOperator = false;
                methodSymbol.swtSlot = null;
                methodSymbol.isVarargs = false;
                methodSymbol.RetType = _typeManager.GetVoid();
            methodSymbol.modOptCount = GetCountOfModOpts(parameters);

            methodSymbol.useMethInstead = false;
            methodSymbol.isParamArray = DoesMethodHaveParameterArray(parameters);
            methodSymbol.isHideByName = false;

            methodSymbol.errExpImpl = null;
            methodSymbol.Params = CreateParameterArray(methodSymbol.AssociatedMemberInfo, parameters);
            methodSymbol.declaration = null;

            SetParameterDataForMethProp(methodSymbol, parameters);

            return methodSymbol;