Ejemplo n.º 1
        /// <summary>
        /// The constructor obtains the state information and the
        /// callback delegate.
        /// </summary>
        internal TaskExecutionState
            TaskExecutionMode howToExecuteTask,
            Lookup lookupForInference,
            Lookup lookupForExecution,
            XmlElement taskXmlNode,
            ITaskHost hostObject,
            string projectFileOfTaskNode,
            string parentProjectFullFileName,
            string executionDirectory,
            int handleId,
            BuildEventContext buildEventContext
            ErrorUtilities.VerifyThrow(taskXmlNode != null, "Must have task node");

            this.howToExecuteTask = howToExecuteTask;
            this.lookupForInference = lookupForInference;
            this.lookupForExecution = lookupForExecution;
            this.hostObject = hostObject;
            this.projectFileOfTaskNode = projectFileOfTaskNode;
            this.parentProjectFullFileName = parentProjectFullFileName;
            this.executionDirectory = executionDirectory;
            this.handleId = handleId;
            this.buildEventContext = buildEventContext;
            this.taskXmlNode = taskXmlNode;
Ejemplo n.º 2
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates an instance of this class using the given bucket data.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="itemNames">Item types being batched on: null indicates no batching is occurring</param>
        /// <param name="itemMetadata">Hashtable of item metadata values: null indicates no batching is occurring</param>
        internal ItemBucket
            ICollection itemNames,
            Dictionary<string, string> itemMetadata,
            Lookup lookup,
            int bucketSequenceNumber
            ErrorUtilities.VerifyThrow(lookup != null, "Need lookup.");

            // Create our own lookup just for this bucket
            this.lookup = lookup.Clone();

            // Push down the items, so that item changes in this batch are not visible to parallel batches

            // Add empty item groups for each of the item names, so that (unless items are added to this bucket) there are
            // no item types visible in this bucket among the item types being batched on
            if (itemNames != null)
                foreach (string name in itemNames)
                    this.lookup.PopulateWithItems(name, new BuildItemGroup());

            this.expander = new Expander(this.lookup.ReadOnlyLookup, itemMetadata);
            this.bucketSequenceNumber = bucketSequenceNumber;
Ejemplo n.º 3
 /// <summary>
 /// Determines how many times the batchable object needs to be executed (each execution is termed a "batch"), and prepares
 /// buckets of items to pass to the object in each batch.
 /// </summary>
 /// <returns>ArrayList containing ItemBucket objects, each one representing an execution batch.</returns>
 internal static ArrayList PrepareBatchingBuckets
     XmlNode parentNode,
     List<string> batchableObjectParameters,
     Lookup lookup
     return PrepareBatchingBuckets(parentNode, batchableObjectParameters, lookup, null);
Ejemplo n.º 4
        /// <summary>
        /// Called to execute a task within a target. This method instantiates the task, sets its parameters, and executes it. 
        /// </summary>
        internal void ExecuteTask(Lookup lookup)
            ErrorUtilities.VerifyThrow(lookup != null, "Need to specify lookup.");

            if ((conditionAttribute != null) 
                && !Utilities.EvaluateCondition(conditionAttribute.Value, conditionAttribute, new Expander(lookup.ReadOnlyLookup), null, ParserOptions.AllowPropertiesAndItemLists, loggingServices, buildEventContext))

            // For these tasks, "execution" occurs the same whether we are asked to execute tasks
            // or merely asked to infer outputs
            switch (backingType)
                case BackingType.PropertyGroup:
                case BackingType.ItemGroup:
Ejemplo n.º 5
        /// <summary>
        /// Determines how many times the batchable object needs to be executed (each execution is termed a "batch"), and prepares
        /// buckets of items to pass to the object in each batch.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="parentNode"></param>
        /// <param name="batchableObjectParameters"></param>
        /// <param name="lookup"></param>
        /// <param name="implicitBatchableItemType">Any item type that can be considered an implicit input to this batchable object.
        /// This is useful for items inside targets, where the item name is plainly an item type that's an "input" to the object.</param>
        /// <returns>ArrayList containing ItemBucket objects, each one representing an execution batch.</returns>
        internal static ArrayList PrepareBatchingBuckets(
            XmlNode parentNode,
            List<string> batchableObjectParameters,
            Lookup lookup,
            string implicitBatchableItemType
            ErrorUtilities.VerifyThrow(parentNode != null, "Need the XML node that represents the batchable object.");
            ErrorUtilities.VerifyThrow(batchableObjectParameters != null, "Need the parameters of the batchable object to determine if it can be batched.");
            ErrorUtilities.VerifyThrow(lookup != null, "Need to specify the lookup.");

            ItemsAndMetadataPair pair = ExpressionShredder.GetReferencedItemNamesAndMetadata(batchableObjectParameters);

            // All the @(itemname) item list references in the tag, including transforms, etc.
            // The keys in the hashtable are the item names, and the values are all String.Empty (not used).
            Hashtable consumedItemReferences = pair.Items;

            // All the %(itemname.metadataname) references in the tag (not counting those embedded
            // inside item transforms), and note that the itemname portion is optional.
            // The keys in the returned hash table are the qualified metadata names (e.g. "EmbeddedResource.Culture"
            // or just "Culture").  The values are MetadataReference structs, which simply split out the item
            // name (possibly null) and the actual metadata name.
            Dictionary<string, MetadataReference> consumedMetadataReferences = pair.Metadata;

            ArrayList buckets = null;
            if (consumedMetadataReferences?.Count > 0)
                // Add any item types that we were explicitly told to assume.
                if (implicitBatchableItemType != null)
                    consumedItemReferences = Utilities.CreateTableIfNecessary(consumedItemReferences);
                    consumedItemReferences[implicitBatchableItemType] = String.Empty;

                // This method goes through all the item list references and figures out which ones
                // will be participating in batching, and which ones won't.  We get back a hashtable
                // where the key is the item name that will be participating in batching.  The values
                // are all String.Empty (not used).  This method may return additional item names
                // that weren't represented in "consumedItemReferences"... this would happen if there
                // were qualified metadata references in the consumedMetadataReferences table, such as
                // %(EmbeddedResource.Culture).
                Hashtable itemListsToBeBatched = GetItemListsToBeBatched(parentNode, consumedMetadataReferences, consumedItemReferences, lookup);

                // At this point, if there were any metadata references in the tag, but no item
                // references to batch on, we've got a problem because we can't figure out which
                // item lists the user wants us to batch.
                if (itemListsToBeBatched.Count == 0)
                    foreach (string unqualifiedMetadataName in consumedMetadataReferences.Keys)
                        // Of course, since this throws an exception, there's no way we're ever going
                        // to really loop here... it's just that the foreach is the only way I can
                        // figure out how to get data out of the hashtable without knowing any of the
                        // keys!
                            parentNode, "CannotReferenceItemMetadataWithoutItemName", unqualifiedMetadataName);
                    // If the batchable object consumes item metadata as well as items to be batched,
                    // we need to partition the items consumed by the object.
                    buckets = BucketConsumedItems(parentNode, lookup, itemListsToBeBatched, consumedMetadataReferences);

            // if the batchable object does not consume any item metadata or items, or if the item lists it consumes are all
            // empty, then the object does not need to be batched
            if ((buckets == null) || (buckets.Count == 0))
                // create a default bucket that references the project items and properties -- this way we always have a bucket
                buckets = new ArrayList(1);
                buckets.Add(new ItemBucket(null, null, lookup, buckets.Count));

            return buckets;
Ejemplo n.º 6
 internal ReadOnlyLookup(Hashtable items, BuildPropertyGroup properties)
     // Lookup only needs ItemDefinitionLibrary to mark new items with it.
     // Since we're a read-only lookup, we don't need a real one.
     this.lookup = new Lookup(items, properties, new ItemDefinitionLibrary(null));
Ejemplo n.º 7
        /// <summary>
        /// Of all the item lists that are referenced in this batchable object, which ones should we
        /// batch on, and which ones should we just pass in wholesale to every invocation of the 
        /// target/task?
        /// Rule #1.  If the user has referenced any *qualified* item metadata such as %(EmbeddedResource.Culture),
        /// then that item list "EmbeddedResource" will definitely get batched.
        /// Rule #2.  For all the unqualified item metadata such as %(Culture), we make sure that 
        /// every single item in every single item list being passed into the task contains a value
        /// for that metadata.  If not, it's an error.  If so, we batch all of those item lists.
        /// All other item lists will not be batched, and instead will be passed in wholesale to all buckets.
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>Hashtable containing the item names that should be batched.</returns>
        private static Hashtable GetItemListsToBeBatched
            XmlNode parentNode,
            Dictionary<string, MetadataReference> consumedMetadataReferences,   // Key is [string] potentially qualified metadata name
                                                    // Value is [struct MetadataReference]
            Hashtable consumedItemReferenceNames,       // Key is [string] item name.
                                                    // Value is always String.Empty (unused).
            Lookup lookup
            // The keys in this hashtable are the names of the items that we will batch on.
            // The values are always String.Empty (not used).
            Hashtable itemListsToBeBatched = new Hashtable(StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase);

            // Loop through all the metadata references and find the ones that are qualified
            // with an item name.
            foreach (MetadataReference consumedMetadataReference in consumedMetadataReferences.Values)
                if (consumedMetadataReference.itemName != null)
                    // Rule #1.  Qualified metadata reference.
                    // For metadata references that are qualified with an item name 
                    // (e.g., %(EmbeddedResource.Culture) ), we add that item name to the list of 
                    // consumed item names, even if the item name wasn't otherwise referenced via
                    // @(...) syntax, and even if every item in the list doesn't necessary contain
                    // a value for this metadata.  This is the special power that you get by qualifying 
                    // the metadata reference with an item name.
                    itemListsToBeBatched[consumedMetadataReference.itemName] = String.Empty;

                    // Also add this qualified item to the consumed item references list, because
                    // %(EmbeddedResource.Culture) effectively means that @(EmbeddedResource) is
                    // being consumed, even though we may not see literally "@(EmbeddedResource)"
                    // in the tag anywhere.  Adding it to this list allows us (down below in this
                    // method) to check that every item in this list has a value for each 
                    // unqualified metadata reference.
                    consumedItemReferenceNames = Utilities.CreateTableIfNecessary(consumedItemReferenceNames);
                    consumedItemReferenceNames[consumedMetadataReference.itemName] = String.Empty;

            // Loop through all the metadata references and find the ones that are unqualified.
            foreach (MetadataReference consumedMetadataReference in consumedMetadataReferences.Values)
                if (consumedMetadataReference.itemName == null)
                    // Rule #2.  Unqualified metadata reference.
                    // For metadata references that are unqualified, every single consumed item
                    // must contain a value for that metadata.  If any item doesn't, it's an error
                    // to use unqualified metadata.
                    if (consumedItemReferenceNames != null)
                        foreach (string consumedItemName in consumedItemReferenceNames.Keys)
                            // Loop through all the items in the item list.
                            BuildItemGroup items = lookup.GetItems(consumedItemName);

                            if (items != null)
                                // Loop through all the items in the BuildItemGroup.
                                foreach (BuildItem item in items)
                                        parentNode, "ItemDoesNotContainValueForUnqualifiedMetadata",
                                        item.Include, consumedItemName, consumedMetadataReference.metadataName);

                            // This item list passes the test of having every single item containing
                            // a value for this metadata.  Therefore, add this item list to the batching list.
                            // Also, to save doing lookup.GetItems again, put the items in the table as the value.
                            itemListsToBeBatched[consumedItemName] = items;

            return itemListsToBeBatched;
Ejemplo n.º 8
 /// <summary>
 /// Since we could not derrive from TaskEngine and have no Interface, we need to overide the method in here and 
 /// replace the calls when testing the class because of the calls to TaskEngine. If at a future time we get a mock task 
 /// engine, Interface or a non sealed TaskEngine these methods can disappear.
 /// </summary>
 /// <returns></returns>
 virtual internal bool TaskEngineExecuteTask(
     TaskEngine taskEngine,
     TaskExecutionMode howTaskShouldBeExecuted,
     Lookup lookup
     return taskEngine.ExecuteTask
Ejemplo n.º 9
        private void InitializeForRunningTargetBatches()
            // Make sure the <target> node has been given to us.
            ErrorUtilities.VerifyThrow(targetElement != null,
                "Need an XML node representing the <target> element.");

            // Make sure this really is the <target> node.
            ProjectXmlUtilities.VerifyThrowElementName(targetElement, XMakeElements.target);

            overallSuccess = true;

            projectContent = new Lookup(parentProject.evaluatedItemsByName, parentProject.evaluatedItems, parentProject.evaluatedProperties, parentProject.ItemDefinitionLibrary);

            // If we need to use the task thread - ie, we encounter a non-intrinsic task - we will need to make sure
            // the task thread only sees clones of the project items and properties. We insert a scope to allow us to
            // do that later. See comment in InitializeForRunningFirstNonIntrinsicTask()
            placeholderForClonedProjectContent = projectContent.EnterScope();
            buckets = BatchingEngine.PrepareBatchingBuckets(targetElement, targetParameters, projectContent);

            currentBucket = 0;

            // Initialize the first bucket
Ejemplo n.º 10
 internal ReadOnlyLookup(Lookup lookup)
     this.lookup = lookup;
Ejemplo n.º 11
 private void CreateLookupAndEnterScope()
     lookupPassedBetweenThreads = LookupHelpers.CreateEmptyLookup();
Ejemplo n.º 12
        private void GatherTaskItemOutputs(Lookup lookup, TaskOutput taskOutputSpecification, string itemName, string propertyName, object outputs)
            // if the task has generated outputs (if it didn't, don't do anything)
            if (outputs != null)
                ITaskItem[] taskItemOutputs = (outputs is ITaskItem[])
                    ? (ITaskItem[])outputs
                    : new ITaskItem[] { (ITaskItem)outputs };

                if (taskOutputSpecification.IsItemVector)
                    ErrorUtilities.VerifyThrow((itemName != null) && (itemName.Length > 0), "Need item type.");

                    foreach (ITaskItem output in taskItemOutputs)
                        // if individual items in the array are null, ignore them
                        if (output != null)
                            lookup.AddNewItem(new BuildItem(itemName, output));
                    ErrorUtilities.VerifyThrow((propertyName != null) && (propertyName.Length > 0), "Need property name.");

                    // to store an ITaskItem array in a property, join all the item-specs with semi-colons to make the
                    // property value, and ignore/discard the attributes on the ITaskItems
                    StringBuilder joinedOutputs = new StringBuilder();

                    foreach (ITaskItem output in taskItemOutputs)
                        // if individual items in the array are null, ignore them
                        if (output != null)
                            if (joinedOutputs.Length > 0)


                    lookup.SetProperty(new BuildProperty(propertyName, joinedOutputs.ToString(), PropertyType.OutputProperty));
Ejemplo n.º 13
        /// <summary>
        /// Execute a PropertyGroup element, including each child property
        /// </summary>
        private void ExecutePropertyGroup(Lookup lookup)
            foreach (BuildProperty property in backingPropertyGroup)
                ArrayList buckets = null;

                    // Find all the metadata references in order to create buckets
                    List<string> parameterValues = new List<string>();
                    GetBatchableValuesFromProperty(parameterValues, property);
                    buckets = BatchingEngine.PrepareBatchingBuckets(taskNodeXmlElement, parameterValues, lookup);

                    // "Execute" each bucket
                    foreach (ItemBucket bucket in buckets)
                        if (Utilities.EvaluateCondition(property.Condition, property.ConditionAttribute,
                            bucket.Expander, null, ParserOptions.AllowAll, loggingServices, buildEventContext))
                            // Check for a reserved name now, so it fails right here instead of later when the property eventually reaches
                            // the outer scope.
                            ProjectErrorUtilities.VerifyThrowInvalidProject(!ReservedPropertyNames.IsReservedProperty(property.Name), property.PropertyElement,
                                "CannotModifyReservedProperty", property.Name);

                    if (buckets != null)
                        // Propagate the property changes to the bucket above
                        foreach (ItemBucket bucket in buckets)
Ejemplo n.º 14
        /// <summary>
        /// Execute an ItemGroup element, including each child item expression
        /// </summary>
        private void ExecuteItemGroup(Lookup lookup)
            foreach (BuildItemGroupChildXml child in backingBuildItemGroupChildren)
                ArrayList buckets = null;

                    List<string> parameterValues = new List<string>();
                    GetBatchableValuesFromBuildItemGroupChild(parameterValues, child);
                    buckets = BatchingEngine.PrepareBatchingBuckets(taskNodeXmlElement, parameterValues, lookup, child.Name);

                    // "Execute" each bucket
                    foreach (ItemBucket bucket in buckets)
                        // Gather the outputs, but don't make them visible to other buckets 
                        switch (child.ChildType)
                            case ChildType.BuildItemAdd:
                                // It's an item -- we're "adding" items to the world
                                ExecuteAdd(child, bucket);
                            case ChildType.BuildItemRemove:
                                // It's a remove -- we're "removing" items from the world
                                ExecuteRemove(child, bucket);
                            case ChildType.BuildItemModify:
                                // It's a modify -- changing existing items
                                ExecuteModify(child, bucket);
                    if (buckets != null)
                        // Propagate the item changes to the bucket above
                        foreach (ItemBucket bucket in buckets)
Ejemplo n.º 15
        /// <summary>
        /// Determines how many times the batchable object needs to be executed (each execution is termed a "batch"), and prepares
        /// buckets of items to pass to the object in each batch.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="parentNode"></param>
        /// <param name="batchableObjectParameters"></param>
        /// <param name="lookup"></param>
        /// <param name="implicitBatchableItemType">Any item type that can be considered an implicit input to this batchable object.
        /// This is useful for items inside targets, where the item name is plainly an item type that's an "input" to the object.</param>
        /// <returns>ArrayList containing ItemBucket objects, each one representing an execution batch.</returns>
        internal static ArrayList PrepareBatchingBuckets
            XmlNode parentNode,
            List<string> batchableObjectParameters,
            Lookup lookup,
            string implicitBatchableItemType
            ErrorUtilities.VerifyThrow(parentNode != null, "Need the XML node that represents the batchable object.");
            ErrorUtilities.VerifyThrow(batchableObjectParameters != null, "Need the parameters of the batchable object to determine if it can be batched.");
            ErrorUtilities.VerifyThrow(lookup != null, "Need to specify the lookup.");

            ItemsAndMetadataPair pair = ExpressionShredder.GetReferencedItemNamesAndMetadata(batchableObjectParameters);

            // All the @(itemname) item list references in the tag, including transforms, etc.
            // The keys in the hashtable are the item names, and the values are all String.Empty (not used).            
            Hashtable consumedItemReferences = pair.Items;

            // All the %(itemname.metadataname) references in the tag (not counting those embedded 
            // inside item transforms), and note that the itemname portion is optional.
            // The keys in the returned hash table are the qualified metadata names (e.g. "EmbeddedResource.Culture"
            // or just "Culture").  The values are MetadataReference structs, which simply split out the item 
            // name (possibly null) and the actual metadata name.            
            Dictionary<string, MetadataReference> consumedMetadataReferences = pair.Metadata;

            ArrayList buckets = null;
            if (consumedMetadataReferences != null && consumedMetadataReferences.Count > 0)
                // Add any item types that we were explicitly told to assume.
                if (implicitBatchableItemType != null)
                    consumedItemReferences = Utilities.CreateTableIfNecessary(consumedItemReferences);
                    consumedItemReferences[implicitBatchableItemType] = String.Empty;

                // This method goes through all the item list references and figures out which ones
                // will be participating in batching, and which ones won't.  We get back a hashtable
                // where the key is the item name that will be participating in batching.  The values
                // are all String.Empty (not used).  This method may return additional item names 
                // that weren't represented in "consumedItemReferences"... this would happen if there
                // were qualified metadata references in the consumedMetadataReferences table, such as 
                // %(EmbeddedResource.Culture).
                Hashtable itemListsToBeBatched = GetItemListsToBeBatched(parentNode, consumedMetadataReferences, consumedItemReferences, lookup);

                // At this point, if there were any metadata references in the tag, but no item 
                // references to batch on, we've got a problem because we can't figure out which 
                // item lists the user wants us to batch.
                if (itemListsToBeBatched.Count == 0)
                    foreach (string unqualifiedMetadataName in consumedMetadataReferences.Keys)
                        // Of course, since this throws an exception, there's no way we're ever going
                        // to really loop here... it's just that the foreach is the only way I can
                        // figure out how to get data out of the hashtable without knowing any of the
                        // keys!
                            parentNode, "CannotReferenceItemMetadataWithoutItemName", unqualifiedMetadataName);
                    // If the batchable object consumes item metadata as well as items to be batched,
                    // we need to partition the items consumed by the object.
                    buckets = BucketConsumedItems(parentNode, lookup, itemListsToBeBatched, consumedMetadataReferences);

            // if the batchable object does not consume any item metadata or items, or if the item lists it consumes are all
            // empty, then the object does not need to be batched
            if ((buckets == null) || (buckets.Count == 0))
                // create a default bucket that references the project items and properties -- this way we always have a bucket
                buckets = new ArrayList(1);
                buckets.Add(new ItemBucket(null, null, lookup, buckets.Count));

            return buckets;
Ejemplo n.º 16
        /// <summary>
        /// Partitions the items consumed by the batchable object into buckets, where each bucket contains a set of items that
        /// have the same value set on all item metadata consumed by the object.
        /// </summary>
        /// <remarks>
        /// PERF NOTE: Given n items and m batching metadata that produce l buckets, it is usually the case that n > l > m,
        /// because a batchable object typically uses one or two item metadata to control batching, and only has a handful of
        /// buckets. The number of buckets is typically only large if a batchable object is using single-item batching
        /// (where l == n). Any algorithm devised for bucketing therefore, should try to minimize n and l in its complexity
        /// equation. The algorithm below has a complexity of O(n*lg(l)*m/2) in its comparisons, and is effectively O(n) when
        /// l is small, and O(n*lg(n)) in the worst case as l -> n. However, note that the comparison complexity is not the
        /// same as the operational complexity for this algorithm. The operational complexity of this algorithm is actually
        /// O(n*m + n*lg(l)*m/2 + n*l/2 + n + l), which is effectively O(n^2) in the worst case. The additional complexity comes
        /// from the array and metadata operations that are performed. However, those operations are extremely cheap compared
        /// to the comparison operations, which dominate the time spent in this method.
        /// </remarks>
        /// <returns>ArrayList containing ItemBucket objects (can be empty), each one representing an execution batch.</returns>
        private static ArrayList BucketConsumedItems
            XmlNode parentNode,
            Lookup lookup,
            Hashtable itemListsToBeBatched,
            Dictionary<string, MetadataReference> consumedMetadataReferences
            ErrorUtilities.VerifyThrow(itemListsToBeBatched.Count > 0, "Need item types consumed by the batchable object.");
            ErrorUtilities.VerifyThrow(consumedMetadataReferences.Count > 0, "Need item metadata consumed by the batchable object.");

            ArrayList buckets = new ArrayList();

            // Get and iterate through the list of item names that we're supposed to batch on.
            foreach (DictionaryEntry entry in itemListsToBeBatched)
                string itemName = (string)entry.Key;

                // Use the previously-fetched items, if possible
                BuildItemGroup items;
                if (entry.Value is BuildItemGroup)
                    items = (BuildItemGroup)entry.Value;
                    items = lookup.GetItems(itemName);

                if (items != null)
                    foreach (BuildItem item in items)
                        // Get this item's values for all the metadata consumed by the batchable object.
                        Dictionary<string, string> itemMetadataValues = GetItemMetadataValues(parentNode, item, consumedMetadataReferences);

                        // put the metadata into a dummy bucket we can use for searching
                        ItemBucket dummyBucket = ItemBucket.GetDummyBucketForComparisons(itemMetadataValues);

                        // look through all previously created buckets to find a bucket whose items have the same values as
                        // this item for all metadata consumed by the batchable object
                        int matchingBucketIndex = buckets.BinarySearch(dummyBucket);

                        ItemBucket matchingBucket = (matchingBucketIndex >= 0)
                            ? (ItemBucket)buckets[matchingBucketIndex]
                            : null;

                        // If we didn't find a bucket that matches this item, create a new one, adding
                        // this item to the bucket.
                        if (null == matchingBucket)
                            matchingBucket = new ItemBucket(itemListsToBeBatched.Keys, itemMetadataValues, lookup, buckets.Count);

                            // make sure to put the new bucket into the appropriate location
                            // in the sorted list as indicated by the binary search
                            // NOTE: observe the ~ operator (bitwise complement) in front of
                            // the index -- see MSDN for more information on the return value
                            // from the ArrayList.BinarySearch() method
                            buckets.Insert(~matchingBucketIndex, matchingBucket);

                        // We already have a bucket for this type of item, so add this item to
                        // the bucket.

            // Put the buckets back in the order in which they were discovered, so that the first
            // item declared in the project file ends up in the first batch passed into the target/task.
            ArrayList orderedBuckets = ArrayList.Repeat(null, buckets.Count);
            foreach (ItemBucket bucket in buckets)
                orderedBuckets[bucket.BucketSequenceNumber] = bucket;
            return orderedBuckets;
Ejemplo n.º 17
 internal static Lookup CreateLookup(Hashtable items)
     ItemDefinitionLibrary itemDefinitionLibrary = CreateEmptyEvaluatedItemDefinitionLibrary();
     Lookup lookup = new Lookup(items, null, itemDefinitionLibrary);
     return lookup;
Ejemplo n.º 18
        /// <summary>
        /// Uses the given task output specification to (statically) infer the task's outputs.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="taskOutputSpecification"></param>
        /// <param name="taskParameterName"></param>
        /// <param name="itemName">can be null</param>
        /// <param name="propertyName">can be null</param>
        /// <param name="bucket"></param>
        private void InferTaskOutputs
            Lookup lookup,
            TaskOutput taskOutputSpecification,
            string taskParameterName,
            string itemName,
            string propertyName,
            ItemBucket bucket
            // if the task has a value set for the output parameter, expand all embedded properties and item metadata in it
            XmlAttribute taskParameterAttribute = null;

            // Lookup attribute name needs to be case-insensitive
            // DevDiv bugs: 33981
            foreach (XmlAttribute taskNodeAttribute in taskNode.Attributes)
                if (String.Compare(taskNodeAttribute.Name, taskParameterName, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) == 0)
                    taskParameterAttribute = taskNodeAttribute;
            if (taskParameterAttribute != null)
                if (taskOutputSpecification.IsItemVector)
                    // This is an output item.

                    ErrorUtilities.VerifyThrow((itemName != null) && (itemName.Length > 0), "Need item type.");

                    // Expand only with properties first, so that expressions like Include="@(foo)" will transfer the metadata of the "foo" items as well, not just their item specs.
                    Expander propertyAndMetadataExpander = new Expander(bucket.Expander, ExpanderOptions.ExpandPropertiesAndMetadata);
                    List<string> outputItemSpecs = propertyAndMetadataExpander.ExpandAllIntoStringListLeaveEscaped(taskParameterAttribute);

                    foreach (string outputItemSpec in outputItemSpecs)
                        BuildItemGroup items = bucket.Expander.ExpandSingleItemListExpressionIntoItemsLeaveEscaped(outputItemSpec, taskParameterAttribute);

                        // if the output item-spec is an item vector, get the items in it
                        if (items != null)
                            foreach (BuildItem item in items)
                                // we want to preserve the attributes on the item
                                BuildItem clonedItem = item.VirtualClone();
                                // but we do need to change the item type
                                clonedItem.Name = itemName;

                            // if the output item-spec is not an item vector, accept it as-is
                            lookup.AddNewItem(new BuildItem(itemName, outputItemSpec));
                    // This is an output property.

                    ErrorUtilities.VerifyThrow((propertyName != null) && (propertyName.Length > 0), "Need property name.");

                    string taskParameterValue = bucket.Expander.ExpandAllIntoString(taskParameterAttribute);

                    if (taskParameterValue.Length > 0)
                        lookup.SetProperty(new BuildProperty(propertyName, taskParameterValue, PropertyType.OutputProperty));
Ejemplo n.º 19
 internal static Lookup CreateLookup(BuildPropertyGroup properties, Hashtable items)
     ItemDefinitionLibrary itemDefinitionLibrary = CreateEmptyEvaluatedItemDefinitionLibrary();
     Lookup lookup = new Lookup(items, properties, itemDefinitionLibrary);
     return lookup;
Ejemplo n.º 20
        /// <summary>
        /// Called to execute a task within a target. This method instantiates the task, sets its parameters, and executes it. 
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>true, if successful</returns>
        internal bool ExecuteTask(TaskExecutionMode howToExecuteTask, Lookup lookup)
            ErrorUtilities.VerifyThrow(lookup != null, "Need to specify items available to task.");

            bool taskExecutedSuccessfully = false;
            EngineProxy engineProxy = null;

            ArrayList buckets = null;

                engineProxy = new EngineProxy(parentModule, handleId, parentProjectFullFileName, projectFileOfTaskNode, loggingServices, buildEventContext);
                List<string> taskParameterValues = CreateListOfParameterValues();
                buckets = BatchingEngine.PrepareBatchingBuckets(taskNode, taskParameterValues, lookup);

                lookupHash = null;
                // Only create a hash table if there are more than one bucket as this is the only time a property can be overridden
                if (buckets.Count > 1)
                    lookupHash = Utilities.CreateTableIfNecessary((Hashtable)null);
		// Loop through each of the batch buckets and execute them one at a time
                for (int i=0; i < buckets.Count; i++)
                    // Execute the batch bucket, pass in which bucket we are executing so that we know when to get a new taskId for the bucket.
                    taskExecutedSuccessfully = ExecuteBucket(engineProxy, (ItemBucket)buckets[i], i, howToExecuteTask);
                    if (!taskExecutedSuccessfully)
                // Remove the AssemblyResolve handler in the default AppDomain, we are done with the task.
                if (resolver != null)

                if (engineProxy != null)

                // Now all task batches are done, apply all item adds to the outer 
                // target batch; we do this even if the task wasn't found (in that case,
                // no items or properties will have been added to the scope)
                if (buckets != null)
                    foreach (ItemBucket bucket in buckets)

            return taskExecutedSuccessfully;
Ejemplo n.º 21
 internal static Lookup CreateEmptyLookup()
     ItemDefinitionLibrary itemDefinitionLibrary = CreateEmptyEvaluatedItemDefinitionLibrary();
     Lookup lookup = new Lookup(null, null, itemDefinitionLibrary);
     return lookup;
Ejemplo n.º 22
        /// <summary>
        /// Uses the given task output specification to grab the task's outputs using .NET reflection.
        /// </summary>
        /// <remarks>
        /// This method is "internal" for unit-testing purposes only.
        /// </remarks>
        /// <param name="taskOutputSpecification"></param>
        /// <param name="taskParameterName"></param>
        /// <param name="itemName">can be null</param>
        /// <param name="propertyName">can be null</param>
        /// <param name="task"></param>
        /// <returns>true, if successful</returns>
        internal bool GatherGeneratedTaskOutputs
            Lookup lookup,
            TaskOutput taskOutputSpecification,
            string taskParameterName,
            string itemName,
            string propertyName,
            ITask task)
            ErrorUtilities.VerifyThrow(task != null, "Need instantiated task to retrieve outputs from.");

            bool gatheredGeneratedOutputsSuccessfully = true;

                PropertyInfo parameter = TaskClass.GetProperty(taskParameterName);

                // flag an error if we find a parameter that has no .NET property equivalent
                ProjectErrorUtilities.VerifyThrowInvalidProject(parameter != null,
                    "UnexpectedTaskOutputAttribute", taskParameterName, TaskName);

                // output parameters must have their corresponding .NET properties marked with the Output attribute
                    "UnmarkedOutputTaskParameter", parameter.Name, TaskName);

                // grab the outputs from the task's designated output parameter (which is a .NET property)
                object outputs = parameter.GetValue(task, null);
                Type type = parameter.PropertyType;

                // don't use the C# "is" operator as it always returns false if the object is null
                if (
                    typeof(ITaskItem[]).IsAssignableFrom(type) ||   /* ITaskItem array or derived type, or */
                    typeof(ITaskItem).IsAssignableFrom(type)        /* ITaskItem or derived type */
                    GatherTaskItemOutputs(lookup, taskOutputSpecification, itemName, propertyName, outputs);
                // don't use the C# "is" operator as it always returns false if the object is null
                else if (
                    (type.IsArray && type.GetElementType().IsValueType) ||  /* array of value types, or */
                    (type == typeof(string[])) ||                           /* string array, or */
                    (type.IsValueType) ||                                   /* value type, or */
                    (type == typeof(string))                                /* string */
                    GatherArrayStringAndValueOutputs(lookup, taskOutputSpecification, itemName, propertyName, parameter, outputs);
                    ProjectErrorUtilities.VerifyThrowInvalidProject(false, taskOutputSpecification.TaskParameterAttribute,
                        "UnsupportedTaskParameterTypeError", parameter.PropertyType, parameter.Name, TaskName);
            // handle invalid TaskItems in task outputs
            catch (InvalidOperationException e)
                loggingServices.LogError(buildEventContext, Utilities.CreateBuildEventFileInfo(taskOutputSpecification.TaskParameterAttribute, projectFileOfTaskNode),
                    "InvalidTaskItemsInTaskOutputs", TaskName, taskParameterName, e.Message);

                gatheredGeneratedOutputsSuccessfully = false;
            // handle any exception thrown by the task's getter
            catch (TargetInvocationException e)
                // Exception thrown by the called code itself
                // Log the stack, so the task vendor can fix their code
                // Log the task line number, whatever the value of ContinueOnError;
                // because this will be a hard error anyway.
                loggingServices.LogFatalTaskError(buildEventContext, e.InnerException,

                // We do not recover from a task exception while getting outputs,
                // so do not merely set gatheredGeneratedOutputsSuccessfully = false; here

                ProjectErrorUtilities.VerifyThrowInvalidProject(false, taskOutputSpecification.TaskParameterAttribute,
                    "FailedToRetrieveTaskOutputs", TaskName, taskParameterName, e.InnerException.Message);
            catch (Exception e) // Catching Exception, but rethrowing unless it's a well-known exception.
                if (ExceptionHandling.NotExpectedReflectionException(e))

                ProjectErrorUtilities.VerifyThrowInvalidProject(false, taskOutputSpecification.TaskParameterAttribute,
                    "FailedToRetrieveTaskOutputs", TaskName, taskParameterName, e.Message);

            return gatheredGeneratedOutputsSuccessfully;
Ejemplo n.º 23
 internal ReadOnlyLookup(Hashtable items, BuildPropertyGroup properties)
     // Lookup only needs ItemDefinitionLibrary to mark new items with it.
     // Since we're a read-only lookup, we don't need a real one.
     this.lookup = new Lookup(items, properties, new ItemDefinitionLibrary(null));
Ejemplo n.º 24
        private void ExecuteTask(IntrinsicTask task, Lookup lookup)
            if (lookup == null)
                lookup = LookupHelpers.CreateEmptyLookup();

Ejemplo n.º 25
        private void InitializeForRunningSingleTargetBatch()
            // Verify that the target is in the right state
            ErrorUtilities.VerifyThrow(inProgressBuildState == InProgressBuildState.RunningTasks, "Wrong state");
            // Check if the current task number is valid
            ErrorUtilities.VerifyThrow(currentBucket < buckets.Count, "No buckets left");

            Hashtable changedTargetInputs = null;
            Hashtable upToDateTargetInputs = null;
            howToBuild = DependencyAnalysisResult.FullBuild;
            ItemBucket bucket = (ItemBucket)buckets[currentBucket];

            // For the first batch of a target use the targets original targetID. for each batch after the first one use a uniqueId to identity the target in the batch
            if (currentBucket != 0)
                targetBuildEventContext = new BuildEventContext(targetBuildEventContext.NodeId, parentEngine.GetNextTargetId(), targetBuildEventContext.ProjectContextId, targetBuildEventContext.TaskId);

            // Flag the start of the target.
            loggedTargetStart = true;

            // Figure out how we should build the target
            TargetDependencyAnalyzer dependencyAnalyzer = new TargetDependencyAnalyzer(parentProject.ProjectDirectory, targetClass, parentEngine.LoggingServices, targetBuildEventContext);
            howToBuild = dependencyAnalyzer.PerformDependencyAnalysis(bucket, out changedTargetInputs, out upToDateTargetInputs);

            targetBuildSuccessful = true;
            exitBatchDueToError = false;

            // If we need to build the target - initialize the data structure for
            // running the tasks
            if ((howToBuild != DependencyAnalysisResult.SkipNoInputs) &&
                (howToBuild != DependencyAnalysisResult.SkipNoOutputs))
                // Within each target batch items are divided into lookup and execution; they must be 
                // kept separate: enforce this by cloning and entering scope
                lookupForInference = bucket.Lookup;
                lookupForExecution = bucket.Lookup.Clone();


                // if we're doing an incremental build, we need to effectively run the task twice -- once
                // to infer the outputs for up-to-date input items, and once to actually execute the task;
                // as a result we need separate sets of item and property collections to track changes
                if (howToBuild == DependencyAnalysisResult.IncrementalBuild)    
                    // subset the relevant items to those that are up-to-date
                    foreach (DictionaryEntry upToDateTargetInputsEntry in upToDateTargetInputs)
                        lookupForInference.PopulateWithItems((string)upToDateTargetInputsEntry.Key, (BuildItemGroup)upToDateTargetInputsEntry.Value);

                    // subset the relevant items to those that have changed
                    foreach (DictionaryEntry changedTargetInputsEntry in changedTargetInputs)
                        lookupForExecution.PopulateWithItems((string)changedTargetInputsEntry.Key, (BuildItemGroup)changedTargetInputsEntry.Value);

                projectFileOfTaskNode = XmlUtilities.GetXmlNodeFile(targetElement, parentProject.FullFileName);

                // count the tasks in the target
                currentTask = 0;
                skippedNodeCount = 0;
                currentTask = targetElement.ChildNodes.Count;
Ejemplo n.º 26
 /// <summary>
 /// Mock out and override the method inside of TaskExecutionState which makes the calls to the task engine.
 /// </summary>
 internal override bool TaskEngineExecuteTask(TaskEngine taskEngine, TaskExecutionMode howToExecuteTask, Lookup lookup)
     return targetInferenceSuccessful;
Ejemplo n.º 27
        private void GatherArrayStringAndValueOutputs(Lookup lookup, TaskOutput taskOutputSpecification, string itemName, string propertyName, PropertyInfo parameter, object outputs)
            // if the task has generated outputs (if it didn't, don't do anything)
            if (outputs != null)
                Array convertibleOutputs = (parameter.PropertyType.IsArray)
                    ? (Array)outputs
                    : new object[] { outputs };

                if (taskOutputSpecification.IsItemVector)
                    ErrorUtilities.VerifyThrow((itemName != null) && (itemName.Length > 0), "Need item type.");

                    // to store the outputs as items, use the string representations of the outputs as item-specs
                    foreach (object output in convertibleOutputs)
                        // if individual outputs in the array are null, ignore them
                        if (output != null)
                            string stringValueFromTask = (string)Convert.ChangeType(output, typeof(string), CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);

                            // attempting to put an empty string into an item is a no-op (bug #444501).
                            if (stringValueFromTask.Length > 0)
                                lookup.AddNewItem(new BuildItem(itemName, EscapingUtilities.Escape(stringValueFromTask)));
                    ErrorUtilities.VerifyThrow((propertyName != null) && (propertyName.Length > 0), "Need property name.");

                    // to store an object array in a property, join all the string representations of the objects with
                    // semi-colons to make the property value
                    StringBuilder joinedOutputs = new StringBuilder();

                    foreach (object output in convertibleOutputs)
                        // if individual outputs in the array are null, ignore them
                        if (output != null)
                            if (joinedOutputs.Length > 0)

                            string stringValueFromTask = (string)Convert.ChangeType(output, typeof(string), CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);

                    lookup.SetProperty(new BuildProperty(propertyName, joinedOutputs.ToString(), PropertyType.OutputProperty));
Ejemplo n.º 28
        /// <summary>
        /// Copy constructor (called via Clone() - clearer semantics)
        /// </summary>
        private Lookup(Lookup that)
            // Add the same tables from the original
            foreach (LookupEntry entry in that.lookupEntries)
            this.projectItems = that.projectItems;
            this.itemDefinitionLibrary = that.itemDefinitionLibrary;

            // Clones need to share an (item)clone table; the batching engine asks for items from the lookup,
            // then populates buckets with them, which have clone lookups.
            this.cloneTable = that.cloneTable;
Ejemplo n.º 29
 internal TaskExecutionStateHelper
        TaskExecutionMode howToExecuteTask,
        Lookup lookupForInference,
        Lookup lookupForExecution,
        XmlElement taskXmlNode,
        ITaskHost hostObject,
        string projectFileOfTaskNode,
        string parentProjectFullFileName,
        string executionDirectory,
        int nodeProxyId
     : base(howToExecuteTask,
     // Dont need to do anything
Ejemplo n.º 30
        /// <summary>
        /// Partitions the items consumed by the batchable object into buckets, where each bucket contains a set of items that
        /// have the same value set on all item metadata consumed by the object.
        /// </summary>
        /// <remarks>
        /// PERF NOTE: Given n items and m batching metadata that produce l buckets, it is usually the case that n > l > m,
        /// because a batchable object typically uses one or two item metadata to control batching, and only has a handful of
        /// buckets. The number of buckets is typically only large if a batchable object is using single-item batching
        /// (where l == n). Any algorithm devised for bucketing therefore, should try to minimize n and l in its complexity
        /// equation. The algorithm below has a complexity of O(n*lg(l)*m/2) in its comparisons, and is effectively O(n) when
        /// l is small, and O(n*lg(n)) in the worst case as l -> n. However, note that the comparison complexity is not the
        /// same as the operational complexity for this algorithm. The operational complexity of this algorithm is actually
        /// O(n*m + n*lg(l)*m/2 + n*l/2 + n + l), which is effectively O(n^2) in the worst case. The additional complexity comes
        /// from the array and metadata operations that are performed. However, those operations are extremely cheap compared
        /// to the comparison operations, which dominate the time spent in this method.
        /// </remarks>
        /// <returns>ArrayList containing ItemBucket objects (can be empty), each one representing an execution batch.</returns>
        private static ArrayList BucketConsumedItems(
            XmlNode parentNode,
            Lookup lookup,
            Hashtable itemListsToBeBatched,
            Dictionary<string, MetadataReference> consumedMetadataReferences
            ErrorUtilities.VerifyThrow(itemListsToBeBatched.Count > 0, "Need item types consumed by the batchable object.");
            ErrorUtilities.VerifyThrow(consumedMetadataReferences.Count > 0, "Need item metadata consumed by the batchable object.");

            ArrayList buckets = new ArrayList();

            // Get and iterate through the list of item names that we're supposed to batch on.
            foreach (DictionaryEntry entry in itemListsToBeBatched)
                string itemName = (string)entry.Key;

                // Use the previously-fetched items, if possible
                BuildItemGroup items;
                if (entry.Value is BuildItemGroup)
                    items = (BuildItemGroup)entry.Value;
                    items = lookup.GetItems(itemName);

                if (items != null)
                    foreach (BuildItem item in items)
                        // Get this item's values for all the metadata consumed by the batchable object.
                        Dictionary<string, string> itemMetadataValues = GetItemMetadataValues(parentNode, item, consumedMetadataReferences);

                        // put the metadata into a dummy bucket we can use for searching
                        ItemBucket dummyBucket = ItemBucket.GetDummyBucketForComparisons(itemMetadataValues);

                        // look through all previously created buckets to find a bucket whose items have the same values as
                        // this item for all metadata consumed by the batchable object
                        int matchingBucketIndex = buckets.BinarySearch(dummyBucket);

                        ItemBucket matchingBucket = (matchingBucketIndex >= 0)
                            ? (ItemBucket)buckets[matchingBucketIndex]
                            : null;

                        // If we didn't find a bucket that matches this item, create a new one, adding
                        // this item to the bucket.
                        if (matchingBucket == null)
                            matchingBucket = new ItemBucket(itemListsToBeBatched.Keys, itemMetadataValues, lookup, buckets.Count);

                            // make sure to put the new bucket into the appropriate location
                            // in the sorted list as indicated by the binary search
                            // NOTE: observe the ~ operator (bitwise complement) in front of
                            // the index -- see MSDN for more information on the return value
                            // from the ArrayList.BinarySearch() method
                            buckets.Insert(~matchingBucketIndex, matchingBucket);

                        // We already have a bucket for this type of item, so add this item to
                        // the bucket.

            // Put the buckets back in the order in which they were discovered, so that the first
            // item declared in the project file ends up in the first batch passed into the target/task.
            ArrayList orderedBuckets = ArrayList.Repeat(null, buckets.Count);
            foreach (ItemBucket bucket in buckets)
                orderedBuckets[bucket.BucketSequenceNumber] = bucket;
            return orderedBuckets;
Ejemplo n.º 31
        /// <summary>
        /// Of all the item lists that are referenced in this batchable object, which ones should we
        /// batch on, and which ones should we just pass in wholesale to every invocation of the 
        /// target/task?
        /// Rule #1.  If the user has referenced any *qualified* item metadata such as %(EmbeddedResource.Culture),
        /// then that item list "EmbeddedResource" will definitely get batched.
        /// Rule #2.  For all the unqualified item metadata such as %(Culture), we make sure that 
        /// every single item in every single item list being passed into the task contains a value
        /// for that metadata.  If not, it's an error.  If so, we batch all of those item lists.
        /// All other item lists will not be batched, and instead will be passed in wholesale to all buckets.
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>Hashtable containing the item names that should be batched.</returns>
        private static Hashtable GetItemListsToBeBatched(
            XmlNode parentNode,
            Dictionary<string, MetadataReference> consumedMetadataReferences,   // Key is [string] potentially qualified metadata name
            // Value is [struct MetadataReference]
            Hashtable consumedItemReferenceNames,       // Key is [string] item name.
            // Value is always String.Empty (unused).
            Lookup lookup
            // The keys in this hashtable are the names of the items that we will batch on.
            // The values are always String.Empty (not used).
            Hashtable itemListsToBeBatched = new Hashtable(StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase);

            // Loop through all the metadata references and find the ones that are qualified
            // with an item name.
            foreach (MetadataReference consumedMetadataReference in consumedMetadataReferences.Values)
                if (consumedMetadataReference.itemName != null)
                    // Rule #1.  Qualified metadata reference.
                    // For metadata references that are qualified with an item name
                    // (e.g., %(EmbeddedResource.Culture) ), we add that item name to the list of
                    // consumed item names, even if the item name wasn't otherwise referenced via
                    // @(...) syntax, and even if every item in the list doesn't necessary contain
                    // a value for this metadata.  This is the special power that you get by qualifying
                    // the metadata reference with an item name.
                    itemListsToBeBatched[consumedMetadataReference.itemName] = String.Empty;

                    // Also add this qualified item to the consumed item references list, because
                    // %(EmbeddedResource.Culture) effectively means that @(EmbeddedResource) is
                    // being consumed, even though we may not see literally "@(EmbeddedResource)"
                    // in the tag anywhere.  Adding it to this list allows us (down below in this
                    // method) to check that every item in this list has a value for each
                    // unqualified metadata reference.
                    consumedItemReferenceNames = Utilities.CreateTableIfNecessary(consumedItemReferenceNames);
                    consumedItemReferenceNames[consumedMetadataReference.itemName] = String.Empty;

            // Loop through all the metadata references and find the ones that are unqualified.
            foreach (MetadataReference consumedMetadataReference in consumedMetadataReferences.Values)
                if (consumedMetadataReference.itemName == null)
                    // Rule #2.  Unqualified metadata reference.
                    // For metadata references that are unqualified, every single consumed item
                    // must contain a value for that metadata.  If any item doesn't, it's an error
                    // to use unqualified metadata.
                    if (consumedItemReferenceNames != null)
                        foreach (string consumedItemName in consumedItemReferenceNames.Keys)
                            // Loop through all the items in the item list.
                            BuildItemGroup items = lookup.GetItems(consumedItemName);

                            if (items != null)
                                // Loop through all the items in the BuildItemGroup.
                                foreach (BuildItem item in items)
                                        parentNode, "ItemDoesNotContainValueForUnqualifiedMetadata",
                                        item.Include, consumedItemName, consumedMetadataReference.metadataName);

                            // This item list passes the test of having every single item containing
                            // a value for this metadata.  Therefore, add this item list to the batching list.
                            // Also, to save doing lookup.GetItems again, put the items in the table as the value.
                            itemListsToBeBatched[consumedItemName] = items;

            return itemListsToBeBatched;
Ejemplo n.º 32
 internal ReadOnlyLookup(Lookup lookup)
     this.lookup = lookup;