Ejemplo n.º 1
        public byte[] SerializeMimeContent(MimeContent content)
            MemoryStream ContentStream = new MemoryStream();

            SerializeMimeContent(content, ContentStream);
Ejemplo n.º 2
        public MimeContent DeserializeMimeContent(string httpContentType, byte[] binaryContent)
            // First of all parse the http content type
            string MimeType = null, MimeBoundary = null, MimeStart = null;

            ParseHttpContentTypeHeader(httpContentType, ref MimeType, ref MimeBoundary, ref MimeStart);

            // Create the mime-content
            MimeContent Content = new MimeContent()
                Boundary = MimeBoundary

            // Start finding the parts in the mime message
            // Note: in MIME RFC a "--" represents the end of something
            int EndBoundaryHelperIdx = 0;

            byte[] MimeBoundaryBytes = ParserEncoding.GetBytes("\r\n--" + MimeBoundary);
            for (int i = 0; i < binaryContent.Length; i++)
                if (AreArrayPartsForTextEqual(MimeBoundaryBytes, 0, binaryContent, i, MimeBoundaryBytes.Length))
                    EndBoundaryHelperIdx = i + MimeBoundaryBytes.Length;
                    if ((EndBoundaryHelperIdx + 1) < binaryContent.Length)
                        // The end of the MIME-message is the boundary followed by "--"
                        if (binaryContent[EndBoundaryHelperIdx] == '-' && binaryContent[EndBoundaryHelperIdx + 1] == '-')
                        throw new ApplicationException("Invalid MIME content parsed, premature End-Of-File detected!");
                    // Start reading the mime part after the boundary
                    MimePart Part = ReadMimePart(binaryContent, ref i, MimeBoundaryBytes);
                    if (Part != null)

            // Finally return the ready-to-use object model
Ejemplo n.º 3
        public void SerializeMimeContent(MimeContent content, Stream contentStream)
            byte[] WriteHelper;
            byte[] CarriageReturnLineFeed = new byte[] { (byte)'\r', (byte)'\n' };

            // Prepare some bytes written more than once
            byte[] BoundaryBytes = ParserEncoding.GetBytes("--" + content.Boundary);

            // Write every part into the stream
            foreach (var item in content.Parts)
                // First of all write the boundary
                contentStream.Write(CarriageReturnLineFeed, 0, CarriageReturnLineFeed.Length);
                contentStream.Write(BoundaryBytes, 0, BoundaryBytes.Length);
                contentStream.Write(CarriageReturnLineFeed, 0, 2);

                // Write the content-type for the current element
                StringBuilder Builder = new StringBuilder();
                Builder.Append(string.Format("Content-Type: {0}", item.ContentType));
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(item.CharSet))
                    Builder.Append(string.Format("; charset={0}", item.CharSet));
                Builder.Append(new char[] { '\r', '\n' });
                Builder.Append(string.Format("Content-Transfer-Encoding: {0}", item.TransferEncoding));
                Builder.Append(new char[] { '\r', '\n' });
                Builder.Append(string.Format("Content-Id: {0}", item.ContentId));

                WriteHelper = ParserEncoding.GetBytes(Builder.ToString());
                contentStream.Write(WriteHelper, 0, WriteHelper.Length);
                contentStream.Write(CarriageReturnLineFeed, 0, CarriageReturnLineFeed.Length);
                contentStream.Write(CarriageReturnLineFeed, 0, CarriageReturnLineFeed.Length);

                // Write the actual content
                contentStream.Write(item.Content, 0, item.Content.Length);

            // Write one last content boundary
            contentStream.Write(CarriageReturnLineFeed, 0, CarriageReturnLineFeed.Length);
            contentStream.Write(BoundaryBytes, 0, BoundaryBytes.Length);
            contentStream.Write(new byte[] { 45, 45 }, 0, 2);
            contentStream.Write(CarriageReturnLineFeed, 0, CarriageReturnLineFeed.Length);