private object CheckNull(object payload, DataDescriptor descriptor)
            if (payload == null)
                if (descriptor.CompressionTypeId != CompressionTypeHelper.NumericTypeId)
                    return 0;

            return payload;
 private object CheckNull(object payload, DataDescriptor descriptor)
     if (descriptor.CompressionTypeId != CompressionTypeHelper.NumericTypeId && payload != null)
         long value;
         if (long.TryParse(payload.ToString(), out value) && value == 0)
             return null;
     return payload;
        protected IDictionary<Type, PayloadDescriptor> BuildPayloadsCache()
            // Getting all payloads that have a payload attribute
            var types = _locator.Value.GetAssemblies()

            // Building cache entries for each descriptor
            // Each descriptor is stored in dictionary under a key
            // that is it's name
            var cacheEntries = types
                .Select(type => new PayloadDescriptor
                    Type = type,
                    ID = Interlocked.Increment(ref _payloadDescriptorID),
                    Settings = new CompressionSettings
                        RoundNumbersTo = ((PayloadAttribute)Attribute.GetCustomAttribute(type, typeof(PayloadAttribute))).RoundNumbersTo
                    Data = type.GetProperties(BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.Instance)
                               //.Where(p => !p.PropertyType.IsGenericParameter)
                               .Select(propertyInfo =>
                                    var descriptor = new DataDescriptor
                                            Name = propertyInfo.Name,
                                            Type = propertyInfo.PropertyType,
                                            Enumerable = propertyInfo.PropertyType.IsEnumerable(),
                                            SetValue = (baseObject, newValue) =>
                                                propertyInfo.SetValue(baseObject, newValue, null);
                                            GetValue = (baseObject) =>
                                                if (type.IsGenericType)
                                                    // When the type is generic, we have to GetValue from the
                                                    // constructed type, not the definition
                                                            .GetValue(baseObject, null);

                                                // This is more perfomant when the type is not generic
                                                return propertyInfo.GetValue(baseObject, null);

                                    descriptor.CompressionTypeId = CompressionTypeHelper.GetCompressionType(descriptor);

                                    return descriptor;
                               .Union(type.GetFields(BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.Instance)
                               .Select(fieldInfo =>
                                    var descriptor = new DataDescriptor
                                            Name = fieldInfo.Name,
                                            Type = fieldInfo.FieldType,
                                            Enumerable = fieldInfo.FieldType.IsEnumerable(),
                                            SetValue = (baseObject, newValue) =>
                                                fieldInfo.SetValue(baseObject, newValue);
                                            GetValue = (baseObject) =>
                                                if (type.IsGenericType)
                                                    // When the type is generic, we have to GetValue from the
                                                    // constructed type, not the definition

                                                // This is more perfomant when the type is not generic
                                                return fieldInfo.GetValue(baseObject);

                                    descriptor.CompressionTypeId = CompressionTypeHelper.GetCompressionType(descriptor);

                                    return descriptor;
                               .OrderBy(dataDescriptor => dataDescriptor.Name)
                .ToDictionary(payload => payload.Type,
                              payload => payload);

            return cacheEntries;