/// <summary>
        /// Generates a "personal access token" or service specific, usage restricted access token.
        /// <para/>
        /// Returns a "personal access token" for the user if successful; otherwise `<see langword="null"/>`.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="targetUri">The target resource for which to acquire the personal access token for.</param>
        /// <param name="accessToken">Azure Directory access token with privileges to grant access to the target resource.</param>
        /// <param name="options">Set of options related to generation of personal access tokens.</param>
        protected async Task <Credential> GeneratePersonalAccessToken(
            TargetUri targetUri,
            Token accessToken,
            PersonalAccessTokenOptions options)

            if (accessToken is null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(accessToken));

            VstsTokenScope requestedScope = TokenScope;

            if (options.TokenScope != null)
                // Take the intersection of the authority scope and the requested scope
                requestedScope &= options.TokenScope;

                // If the result of the intersection is none, then fail
                if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(requestedScope.Value))
                    throw new InvalidOperationException("Invalid scope requested. Requested scope would result in no access privileges.");

            Credential credential = null;

            Token personalAccessToken;

            if ((personalAccessToken = await VstsAuthority.GeneratePersonalAccessToken(targetUri, accessToken, requestedScope, options.RequireCompactToken, options.TokenDuration)) != null)
                credential = (Credential)personalAccessToken;

                Git.Trace.WriteLine($"personal access token created for '{targetUri}'.");

                    PersonalAccessTokenStore.WriteCredentials(targetUri, credential);
                catch (Exception exception)

                    Git.Trace.WriteLine($"failed to write credentials to the secure store: {exception.GetType().Name}.");

Ejemplo n.º 2
        /// <summary>
        /// Opens an interactive logon prompt to acquire an authentication token from the Microsoft Live authentication and identity service.
        /// <para/>
        /// Returns a `<see cref="Credential"/>` for packing into a basic authentication header; otherwise `<see langword="null"/>`.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="targetUri">
        /// The uniform resource indicator of the resource access tokens are being requested for.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="options"></param>
        public async Task <Credential> InteractiveLogon(TargetUri targetUri, PersonalAccessTokenOptions options)

                Token token;
                if ((token = await VstsAuthority.InteractiveAcquireToken(targetUri, ClientId, Resource, new Uri(RedirectUrl), QueryParameters)) != null)
                    Trace.WriteLine($"token '{targetUri}' successfully acquired.");

                    return(await GeneratePersonalAccessToken(targetUri, token, options));
            catch (AdalException exception)

            Trace.WriteLine($"failed to acquire token for '{targetUri}'.");
Ejemplo n.º 3
        /// <summary>
        /// Uses Active Directory Federation Services to authenticate with the Azure tenant non-interactively and acquire the necessary access tokens to exchange for a VSTS personal access token.
        /// <para/>
        /// Tokens acquired are stored in the secure secret stores provided during initialization.
        /// <para/>
        /// Return a `<see cref="Credential"/>` for resource access if successful; otherwise `<see langword="null"/>`.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="targetUri">The URL of the VSTS resource.</param>
        /// <param name="options">Options related to VSTS personal access creation.</param>
        public async Task <Credential> NoninteractiveLogon(TargetUri targetUri, PersonalAccessTokenOptions options)

                Token token;
                if ((token = await VstsAuthority.NoninteractiveAcquireToken(targetUri, ClientId, Resource, new Uri(RedirectUrl))) != null)
                    Trace.WriteLine($"token acquisition for '{targetUri}' succeeded");

                    return(await GeneratePersonalAccessToken(targetUri, token, options));
            catch (AdalException)
                Trace.WriteLine($"failed to acquire for '{targetUri}' token from VstsAuthority.");

            Trace.WriteLine($"non-interactive logon for '{targetUri}' failed");