Ejemplo n.º 1
        void Start()
            playerBehaviour = player.GetComponent <PlayerBehaviour>();

            //stimulusScript = GameObject.Find("Stimulus").GetComponent<StimulusScript>();

            microphoneController = GetComponent <MicTools.MicrophoneController>();
            microphoneInput      = GetComponent <MicTools.MicrophoneInput>();
            microphoneController.microphoneActive = true;
Ejemplo n.º 2
        private bool _doFFT; // set to true when all is initialised. That way, no need for an expensive try catch.

        // Init
        void Awake()
            microphoneController = GetComponent <MicrophoneController>();

            arrRe    = new float[windowSize];
            arrI     = new float[windowSize];
            window   = new float[windowSize];
            window   = Hanning(window);
            spectrum = new float[windowSize / 2];

            fft = new FFT2();
            uint logN = (uint)Math.Log(windowSize, 2);


            _doFFT = true;
Ejemplo n.º 3
        void Awake()
            microphoneController = this.GetComponent <MicrophoneController>();

            if (FindObjectOfType <EventSystem>() == null)

            CanvasScaler canvasScaler = GetComponent <CanvasScaler>();

            canvasScaler.uiScaleMode = CanvasScaler.ScaleMode.ScaleWithScreenSize;

            Canvas canvas = GetComponent <Canvas>();

            canvas.renderMode = RenderMode.ScreenSpaceOverlay;
Ejemplo n.º 4
    void Start()
        Screen.sleepTimeout   = SleepTimeout.NeverSleep;
        PlayerBehaviour       = GameObject.FindObjectOfType <PlayerBehaviour>();
        ConversationBehaviour = GameObject.FindObjectOfType <ConversationBehaviour>();
        ScoreText             = GameObject.Find("ScoreText").GetComponent <Text>();
        Score = 0;

        microphoneController = GetComponent <MicTools.MicrophoneController>();
        microphoneInput      = GetComponent <MicTools.MicrophoneInput>();
        microphoneController.microphoneActive = true;

        Conversation startConvo = new Conversation();

        startConvo.Add(new GamePauseLine(true));
        startConvo.Add(new DelegateLine(delegate() { PlayerBehaviour.GravityEnabled = false; PlayerBehaviour.SpeechEnabled = false; StartCoroutine(IntroAnimation()); }));
        startConvo.Add(new DialogueLine(SpeakerType.Professor, "It works!", 2));
        startConvo.Add(new DialogueLine(SpeakerType.Sound, "", 2));
        startConvo.Add(new GamePauseLine(false));
        startConvo.Add(new DialogueLine(SpeakerType.Professor, "Right. See that thing you're holding? Turn that to move left and right.", 4));
        startConvo.Add(new DialogueLine(SpeakerType.Professor, "Or you can use my new invention, the QWERTY keyboard.", 2));
        startConvo.Add(new DialogueLine(SpeakerType.Professor, "Use the left and right arrow keys.", 3));
        startConvo.Add(new DelegateLine(delegate() { PlayerBehaviour.GravityEnabled = true; }));
        startConvo.Add(new DialogueLine(SpeakerType.Professor, "Look out! You're falling", 0.2f));
        startConvo.Add(new DialogueLine(SpeakerType.Professor, "The flying machine is powered by words. Say something quick!", 0.1f));
        startConvo.Add(new DelegateLine(delegate() { PlayerBehaviour.SpeechEnabled = true; }));
        startConvo.Add(new DialogueLine(SpeakerType.Sound, "Doc: The flying machine is powered by words. Say something quick!", 2f));
        startConvo.Add(new DialogueLine(SpeakerType.Professor, "My patented phono-motor converts speech into motion.", 2f));
        startConvo.Add(new DialogueLine(SpeakerType.Professor, "The more ridiculous a phrase, the more thrust the phono-motor can generate.", 2f));
        startConvo.Add(new DialogueLine(SpeakerType.Professor, "Don't worry! I compiled a dictionary of ridiculous phrases for just such an occasion!", 2f));
        startConvo.Add(new DialogueLine(SpeakerType.Professor, "Now where did I put it?...", 1.5f));
        startConvo.Add(new DelegateLine(delegate() { CreateBlueprints(); }));
        startConvo.Add(new DialogueLine(SpeakerType.Sound, " ", 1f));
        startConvo.Add(new DelegateLine(delegate() { ConversationBehaviour.StartConversation(new RandomSuggestionConversation()); }));
Ejemplo n.º 5
 void Awake()
     microphoneController = GetComponent <MicrophoneController>();