public async void ClientRequestsDataFromEachMachineExactlyOnce()
            var request = new TieredRequest
                FanoutTimeoutInMilliseconds = 10,
                MaxFanout = 2

            var allMachines = new List <ServerInfo>();

            foreach (var name in new[] { "a", "b", "c", "d", "e", "f", "g", "h", "i", "j" })
                allMachines.Add(new ServerInfo {
                    Hostname = name, Port = 42
            var seenMachines = new HashSet <ServerInfo>();

            (request.Sources as List <ServerInfo>).AddRange(allMachines);

            DistributedQueryClient.RequesterFactory = new MockHttpRequesterFactory(requestMessage =>
                var requestedSources = MockDataFactory.UnpackRequest <TieredRequest>(requestMessage).Result;
                lock (allMachines)
                    var leaderName = MockDataFactory.ExtractServerInfo(requestMessage.RequestUri);

                    foreach (var name in requestedSources.Sources)

                // causes the request to fail (we don't care about the request here, we are just inspecting the request)
                throw new WebException();

            var response = await this.client.CounterQuery("/something", request, null);

            Assert.AreEqual(allMachines.Count, seenMachines.Count);
        private static async Task <HttpResponseMessage> GenerateFailureResponse(HttpRequestMessage request,
                                                                                HttpStatusCode responseCode,
                                                                                RequestStatus statusForDownstreamSources)
            var requestMessage = await MockDataFactory.UnpackRequest <TieredRequest>(request);

            var responseContent = new CounterQueryResponse();

            responseContent.RequestDetails = requestMessage.Sources.Select(source =>
                                                                           new RequestDetails
                Server = source,
                Status = statusForDownstreamSources

            // add one for the leader
            responseContent.RequestDetails.Add(new RequestDetails
                Server           = MockDataFactory.ExtractServerInfo(request.RequestUri),
                Status           = RequestStatus.ServerFailureResponse,
                HttpResponseCode = (short)responseCode
            return(MockDataFactory.CreateResponse(responseContent, responseCode));