public AttitudeControllerNode ()
		prevTime = new RosTime ( new Messages.TimeData ( 0, 0 ) );

		// Roll controller
		double rollKp = 0;
		double rollKi = 0;
		double rollKIMax = 0;
		double rollKd = 0;
		rollController = new PIDController ( rollKp, rollKi, rollKd, rollKIMax, 0 );

		// Pitch controller
		double pitchKp = 0;
		double pitchKi = 0;
		double pitchKIMax = 0;
		double pitchKd = 0;
		pitchController = new PIDController ( pitchKp, pitchKi, pitchKd, pitchKIMax, 0 );

		// Yaw controller
		double yawKp = 0;
		double yawKi = 0;
		double yawKIMax = 0;
		double yawKd = 0;
		yawController = new PIDController ( yawKp, yawKi, yawKd, yawKIMax, 0 );

		lastImu = new Imu ();
		zThrust = 0;
Ejemplo n.º 2
        /// <summary>
        ///     Turns a TimeSpan into a Time (not a Duration, although it sorta is)
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="timestamp"> The timespan to convert to seconds/nanoseconds </param>
        /// <returns> a time struct </returns>
        public static m.Time GetTime(TimeSpan timestamp)
            uint seconds     = (((uint)Math.Floor(timestamp.TotalSeconds) & 0xFFFFFFFF));
            uint nanoseconds = ((uint)Math.Floor(((timestamp.TotalSeconds - seconds) * 1000000000)));

            m.Time stamp = new m.Time(new TimeData(seconds, nanoseconds));
Ejemplo n.º 3
 public TransformTest()
     when = ROS.GetTime();
     // TODO: Add constructor logic here
     transformer = new Transformer();
	public void Init ()
		prevTime = ROS.GetTime ();
		double t = ();
		rollController.SetStartTime ( t );
		pitchController.SetStartTime ( t );
		yawController.SetStartTime ( t );
    protected override void Callback(LaserScan argument)
        if (lastStamp != null && ROS.GetTime(argument.header.stamp) < ROS.GetTime(lastStamp))
            UnityEngine.Debug.LogError("TIME IS MOVING BACKWARDS");
        lastStamp = argument.header.stamp;

        lock (toDraw)
            toDraw.Add(ROS.GetTime(argument.header.stamp), argument);
         * \brief Blocks until this goal finishes
         * \param timeout Max time to block before returning. A zero timeout is interpreted as an infinite timeout.
         * \return True if the goal finished. False if the goal didn't finish within the allocated timeout
        public bool waitForResult(Duration timeout)
            if (goalHandle.isExpired())
                ROS.Error("actionlib", "Trying to waitForGoalToFinish() when no goal is running. You are incorrectly using SimpleActionClient");

            if (timeout < new Duration(new TimeData(0, 0)))
                ROS.Warn("actionlib", "Timeouts can't be negative. Timeout is [%.2fs]", timeout.toSec());

            Time timeout_time = ROS.GetTime() + timeout;

            lock ( doneMutex )
                // Hardcode how often we check for node.ok()
                Duration loop_period = new Duration().fromSec(.1);

                while (nodeHandle.ok)
                    // Determine how long we should wait
                    Duration time_left = timeout_time - ROS.GetTime();

                    // Check if we're past the timeout time
                    if (timeout > new Duration() && time_left <= new Duration())

                    if (goalState == SimpleGoalState.StateEnum.DONE)

                    // Truncate the time left
                    if (time_left > loop_period || timeout == new Duration())
                        time_left = loop_period;
//				doneCondition.timed_wait(lock, boost.posix_time.milliseconds(time_left.toSec() * 1000.0f));

            return(goalState == SimpleGoalState.StateEnum.DONE);
Ejemplo n.º 7
    void joyPoseCallback(Joy joy)
        Messages.std_msgs.Time now = ROS.GetTime();
        double dt = 0.0;

        if (( == 0 && == 0))
            TimeData td  = (now - pose.header.Stamp).data;
            double   sec = td.toSec();
            dt = Mathf.Max(0, Mathf.Min(1f, (float)sec));

        if (getButton(joy, sButtons.go))
            pose.header.Stamp     = ROS.GetTime();
            pose.header.Frame_id  = worldFrame;
            pose.pose.position.x += (Math.Cos(yaw) * getAxis(joy, sAxes.x) - Math.Sin(yaw) * getAxis(joy, sAxes.y)) * dt;
            pose.pose.position.y += (Math.Cos(yaw) * getAxis(joy, sAxes.y) + Math.Sin(yaw) * getAxis(joy, sAxes.x)) * dt;
            pose.pose.position.z += getAxis(joy, sAxes.z) * dt;
            yaw += getAxis(joy, sAxes.yaw) * Math.PI / 180.0 * dt;
   q =, 0, yaw));

            pose.pose.orientation = q.ToMsg();

            PoseGoal goal = new PoseGoal();
            goal.target_pose = pose;
        if (getButton(joy, sButtons.interrupt))
        if (getButton(joy, sButtons.stop))
            landingClient.sendGoalAndWait(new LandingGoal(), new Messages.std_msgs.Duration(new TimeData(10, 0)), new Messages.std_msgs.Duration(new TimeData(10, 0)));
Ejemplo n.º 8
 /// <summary>
 /// Convert a std_msgs/Time mesage into a DateTime struct
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="time"> std_msgs.Time to convert </param>
 /// <returns> a DateTime </returns>
 public static DateTime ToDateTime(this std_msgs.Time time)
     return(new DateTime(1970, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0).Add(new TimeSpan(;
  * \brief Cancel all goals that were stamped at and before the specified time
  * \param time All goals stamped at or before `time` will be canceled
 public void cancelGoalsAtAndBeforeTime(Time time)
Ejemplo n.º 10
 public Stamped(std_msgs.Time stamp, string frameId, T data)
     this.Stamp   = stamp;
     this.FrameId = frameId;
     this.Data    = data;
Ejemplo n.º 11
 /// <summary>
 ///     Turns a std_msgs.Time into a DateTime
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="time"> std_msgs.Time to convert </param>
 /// <returns> a DateTime </returns>
 public static DateTime GetTime(m.Time time)
     return(new DateTime(1970, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0).Add(new TimeSpan(ticksFromData(;
Ejemplo n.º 12
 public emTransform(UnityEngine.Vector3 v, UnityEngine.Quaternion q, Time t = null, string fid = null, string cfi = null)
     UnityRotation = q;
     UnityPosition = v;
     stamp = t;
     frame_id = fid;
     child_frame_id = cfi;
Ejemplo n.º 13
 public emTransform(UnityEngine.Transform T, Time t = null, string fid = null, string cfi = null)
     UnityRotation = T.rotation;
     UnityPosition = T.position;
     stamp = t;
     frame_id = fid;
     child_frame_id = cfi;
Ejemplo n.º 14
 public emTransform(UnityEngine.GameObject go, Time t = null, string fid = null, string cfi = null)
         : this(go.transform,t,fid,cfi)
Ejemplo n.º 15
 public emTransform(emQuaternion q, emVector3 v, Time t = null, string fid = null, string cfi = null)
     basis = q;
     origin = v;
     stamp = t;
     frame_id = fid;
     child_frame_id = cfi;
Ejemplo n.º 16
 public Stamped(std_msgs.Time t, string f, T d)
     stamp    = t;
     frame_id = f;
     data     = d;
Ejemplo n.º 17
 /// <summary>
 ///     Turns a TimeSpan into a Time (not a Duration, although it sorta is)
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="timestamp"> The timespan to convert to seconds/nanoseconds </param>
 /// <returns> a time struct </returns>
 public static m.Time GetTime(TimeSpan timestamp)
     uint seconds = (((uint) Math.Floor(timestamp.TotalSeconds) & 0xFFFFFFFF));
     uint nanoseconds = ((uint) Math.Floor(((timestamp.TotalSeconds - seconds)*1000000000)));
     m.Time stamp = new m.Time(new TimeData(seconds, nanoseconds));
     return stamp;