Ejemplo n.º 1
        private void Add_Button_Clicked(object sender, EventArgs e)

            Incidents.Add_Incident(_user_id, Description_Textbox.Text);
            // Repopulate the list, so the new description is can be seen
Ejemplo n.º 2
        public void Staff_should_search_resident_by_name()
            // Add an incident before hand
            string theIncident = "Resident dropped item on their foot.";

            Incidents.Add_Incident("5", theIncident);

            // Test should only pass if the program returns the name of the resident the user was searching for

            // Delete the entry once done
            string[] columnNames          = { "UID", "IncidentDescription" };
            string[] columnExpectedValues = { "5", theIncident };
            _mysql.Delete_Entries("5", "Incidents", columnNames, columnExpectedValues);
Ejemplo n.º 3
        public void Staff_should_add_incidents()
            string theIncident = "Resident refused to take their medicine";

            // Add the incident
            Incidents.Add_Incident("5", theIncident);
            // It should only pass if the incident now exists in the database
            string[] columnsToCheck = { "UID", "IncidentDescription" };
            string[] columnValues   = { "5", theIncident };

            Assert.IsTrue(_mysql.DataDoesExist("Incidents", columnsToCheck, columnValues));

            // Remove the test entry from the database
            _mysql.Delete_Entries("5", "Incidents", columnsToCheck, columnValues);
Ejemplo n.º 4
        public void Staff_should_update_incident_details()
            // First add a sample incident to the database.
            string theIncident = "Resident refused to take their medicine";

            // User ID is 5
            Incidents.Add_Incident("5", theIncident);

            // Change the description
            string updatedDesc = "Resident refused to take their medicine, SuperDrug. They became aggressive" +
                                 " when confronted by staff";

            // Update the entry
            Incidents.Update_Incident("5", theIncident, updatedDesc);

            string[] columnNames          = { "UID", "IncidentDescription" };
            string[] columnExpectedValues = { "5", updatedDesc };

            // Test passes if the entry has changed
            Assert.IsTrue(_mysql.DataDoesExist("Incidents", columnNames, columnExpectedValues));

            // Delete once done
            _mysql.Delete_Entries("5", "Incidents", columnNames, columnExpectedValues);