Ejemplo n.º 1
        /// <summary>
        /// Carlson's symmetric form of elliptical integrals
        /// <para>R<sub>J</sub>(x,y,z,p) = (3/2) * ∫ dt/((t+p)*Sqrt((t+x)(t+y)(t+z))), t={0,∞}</para>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="x">Argument. Requires finite x >= 0</param>
        /// <param name="y">Argument. Requires finite y >= 0</param>
        /// <param name="z">Argument. Requires finite z >= 0</param>
        /// <param name="p">Argument. Requires finite p != 0</param>
        public static double EllintRJ(double x, double y, double z, double p)
            if ((!(x >= 0) || double.IsInfinity(x)) ||
                (!(y >= 0) || double.IsInfinity(y)) ||
                (!(z >= 0) || double.IsInfinity(z)) ||
                (p == 0 || double.IsInfinity(p) || double.IsNaN(p)) ||
                (x + y == 0 || y + z == 0 || z + x == 0))
                Policies.ReportDomainError("EllintRJ(x: {0}, y: {1}, z: {2}, p: {3}) requires: finite x,y,z >= 0; finite p != 0; at most one of x,y,z == 0", x, y, z, p);

            // See Carlson, Numerische Mathematik, vol 33, 1 (1979)

            double value;

            // error scales as the 6th power of tolerance
            const double tolerance = 0.002049052858245406612358440409548690638254492642397575328974;

            Debug.Assert(Math2.AreNearUlps(Math.Pow(DoubleLimits.MachineEpsilon / 3, 1.0 / 6.0), tolerance, 5), "Incorrect constant");

            // reorder x,y,z such that x <= y <= z
            // so that 0 shows up in x first
            // and so that the p<0 case below doesn't suffer cancellation errors
            if (x > y)
                Utility.Swap(ref x, ref y);
            if (y > z)
                Utility.Swap(ref y, ref z);
            if (x > y)
                Utility.Swap(ref x, ref y);

            // for p < 0, the integral is singular, return Cauchy principal value
            if (p < 0)
                // We must ensure that (z - y) * (y - x) is positive.
                Debug.Assert(x <= y && y <= z, "x, y, z must be in ascending order");

                double q   = -p;
                double pmy = (z - y) * (y - x) / (y + q); // p - y

                Debug.Assert(pmy >= 0);

                double pAdj = pmy + y;
                value  = pmy * Math2.EllintRJ(x, y, z, pAdj);
                value -= 3 * Math2.EllintRF(x, y, z);
                value += 3 * Math.Sqrt((x * y * z) / (x * z + pAdj * q)) * Math2.EllintRC(x * z + pAdj * q, pAdj * q);
                value /= (y + q);

            if (x == 0)
                if (y == 0) //RJ(0, 0, z, p)
                if (y == z) //RJ(0, y, y, p)
                    return(3 * (Math.PI / 2) / (y * Math.Sqrt(p) + p * Math.Sqrt(y)));

            if (p == z)
                if (z == y)
                    if (x == y)
                        return(1 / (x * Math.Sqrt(x))); // RJ(x, x, x, x)
                    return(EllintRD(x, y, y));          // RJ(x, y, y, y)
                return(EllintRD(x, y, z));              // RJ(x, y, z, z)

            if (x == y && y == z)
                return(EllintRD(p, p, x)); // RJ(x, x, x, p)
            // duplication
            double sigma  = 0;
            double factor = 1;
            int    k      = 1;

            for (; k < Policies.MaxSeriesIterations; k++)
                double u = (x + y + z + p + p) / 5;
                double X = (u - x);
                double Y = (u - y);
                double Z = (u - z);
                double P = (u - p);

                // Termination condition:
                double utol = u * tolerance;
                if (Math.Abs(X) < utol && Math.Abs(Y) < utol && Math.Abs(Z) < utol && Math.Abs(P) < utol)
                    X /= u;
                    Y /= u;
                    Z /= u;
                    P /= u;

                    // Taylor series expansion to the 5th order
                    double EA = X * Y + Y * Z + Z * X;
                    double EB = X * Y * Z;
                    double EC = P * P;
                    double E2 = EA - 3 * EC;
                    double E3 = EB + 2 * P * (EA - EC);
                    double S1 = 1 + E2 * (E2 * (9.0 / 88) - E3 * (9.0 / 52) - 3.0 / 14);
                    double S2 = EB * (1.0 / 6 + P * (-6.0 / 22 + P * (3.0 / 26)));
                    double S3 = P * ((EA - EC) / 3 - P * EA * (3.0 / 22));
                    value = 3 * sigma + factor * (S1 + S2 + S3) / (u * Math.Sqrt(u));


                double sx = Math.Sqrt(x);
                double sy = Math.Sqrt(y);
                double sz = Math.Sqrt(z);

                double lambda = sy * (sx + sz) + sz * sx;
                double alpha  = p * (sx + sy + sz) + sx * sy * sz;
                alpha *= alpha;
                double beta = p * (p + lambda) * (p + lambda);
                sigma  += factor * Math2.EllintRC(alpha, beta);
                factor /= 4;
                x       = (x + lambda) / 4;
                y       = (y + lambda) / 4;
                z       = (z + lambda) / 4;
                p       = (p + lambda) / 4;

            Policies.ReportDomainError("EllintRJ(x: {0}, y: {1}, z: {2}, p: {3}) No convergence after {4} iterations", x, y, z, p, k);
Ejemplo n.º 2
        // Elliptic integrals (complete and incomplete) of the second kind
        // Carlson, Numerische Mathematik, vol 33, 1 (1979)

        /// <summary>
        /// Returns the incomplete elliptic integral of the second kind E(φ, k)
        /// <para>E(φ, k) =  ∫ sqrt(1-k^2*sin^2(θ)) dθ, θ={0,φ}</para>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="k">The modulus. Requires |k| ≤ 1</param>
        /// <param name="phi">The amplitude</param>
        public static double EllintE(double k, double phi)
            if ((!(k >= -1 && k <= 1)) || (double.IsNaN(phi)))
                Policies.ReportDomainError("EllintE(k: {0}, phi: {1}): Requires |k| <= 1; phi not NaN", k, phi);
            if (double.IsInfinity(phi))

            if (Math.Abs(phi) > Trig.PiReductionLimit)
                Policies.ReportNotImplementedError("EllintE(k: {0}, phi: {1}): |phi| > {2} not implemented", k, phi, Trig.PiReductionLimit);

            // special values
            if (k == 0)
            if (phi == 0)
            if (phi == Math.PI / 2)

            // Carlson's algorithm works only for |phi| <= π/2,
            // use the integrand's periodicity to normalize phi
            // E(k, phi + π*mult) = E(k, phi) + 2*mult*E(k)

            double result = 0;
            double rphi   = Math.Abs(phi);

            if (rphi > Math.PI / 2)
                // Normalize periodicity so that |rphi| <= π/2
                var(angleMultiple, angleRemainder) = Trig.RangeReducePI(rphi);
                double mult = 2 * angleMultiple;
                rphi = angleRemainder;
                if (mult != 0)
                    result += mult * EllintE(k);

            if (k == 1)
                result += Math.Sin(rphi);
                double k2   = k * k;
                double sinp = Math.Sin(rphi);
                double cosp = Math.Cos(rphi);
                double x    = cosp * cosp;
                double t    = k2 * sinp * sinp;
                double y    = (t < 0.875) ? 1 - t : (1 - k2) + k2 * x;
                double z    = 1;

                result += sinp * (Math2.EllintRF(x, y, z) - t * Math2.EllintRD(x, y, z) / 3);

            return((phi < 0) ? -result : result);
Ejemplo n.º 3
        public static double Imp(double k, double n, double nc, double phi)
            // Note arg nc = 1-n, possibly without cancellation errors

            Debug.Assert(k >= -1 && k <= 1, "Requires |k| <= 1: k = " + k);

            // See: http://dlmf.nist.gov/19.6#iv
            if (phi == 0)
            if (phi == Math.PI / 2)
                return(Math2.EllintPi(k, n));

            if (n == 0)
                if (k == 0)
                return(Math2.EllintF(k, phi));

            // Carlson's algorithm works only for |phi| <= π/2,
            // use the integrand's periodicity to normalize phi
            // Π(k, n, phi + π*mult) = Π(k, n, phi) + 2*mult*Π(k,n)

            double result = 0;
            double rphi   = Math.Abs(phi);

            if (rphi > Math.PI / 2)
                // Normalize periodicity so that |rphi| <= π/2
                var(angleMultiple, angleRemainder) = Trig.RangeReducePI(rphi);
                double mult = 2 * angleMultiple;
                rphi = angleRemainder;
                if ((mult > 0) && (nc > 0))
                    result = mult * _EllintPi.Imp(k, n, nc);

            if (k == 0)
                double ncr;

                // A&S 17.7.20:
                if (n < 1)
                    if (nc == 1)
                    ncr     = Math.Sqrt(nc);
                    result += Math.Atan(ncr * Math.Tan(rphi)) / ncr;
                else if (n == 1)
                    result += Math.Tan(rphi);
                    // n > 1:
                    ncr     = Math.Sqrt(-nc);
                    result += Math2.Atanh(ncr * Math.Tan(rphi)) / ncr;

                return((phi < 0) ? -result : result);

            double sphi = Math.Sin(Math.Abs(phi));

            if (n > 1 / (sphi * sphi))
                // Complex result is a domain error:
                Policies.ReportDomainError("EllintPi(k: {0}, nu: {1}, phi: {2}): Complex results not supported. Requires n > 1 / sin^2(phi)", k, n, phi);

            // Special cases first:

            if (n < 0)
                // If we don't shift to 0 <= n <= 1 we get
                // cancellation errors later on.  Use
                // A&S 17.7.15/16 to shift to n > 0:
                double k2 = k * k;
                double N  = (k2 - n) / nc;
                double Nc = (1 - k2) / nc; // Nc = 1-N = (1-k^2)/nc

                // check to see if a rounding error occurred
                //  k^2 <= N <= 1
                if (N < k2)
                    Debug.WriteLine("Rounding error: EllintPi(k: {0} , nu: {1} , phi: {2})", k, n, phi);
                    N  = k2;
                    Nc = 1 - N;

                double p2    = Math.Sqrt(-n * N);
                double delta = Math.Sqrt(1 - k2 * sphi * sphi);

                // Reduce A&S 17.7.15/16
                // Mathematica eqns below
                // N is protected in Mathematica, so use V
                // V = (k2 - n)/(1 - n)
                // Assuming[(k2 >= 0 && k2 <= 1) && n < 0,  FullSimplify[Sqrt[(1 - V)*(1 - k2/V)]/Sqrt[((1 - n)*(1 - k2/n))]]]
                // Result: ((-1 + k2) n)/((-1 + n) (-k2 + n))

                // Assuming[(k2 >= 0 && k2 <= 1) && n < 0,  FullSimplify[k2/(Sqrt[-n*(k2 - n)/(1 - n)]*Sqrt[(1 - n)*(1 - k2/n)])]]
                // Result: k2/(k2 - n)

                // Assuming[(k2 >= 0 && k2 <= 1) && n < 0,  FullSimplify[Sqrt[1/((1 - n)*(1 - k2/n))]]]
                // Result: Sqrt[n/((k2 - n) (-1 + n))]

                double nResult = -(n / nc) * ((1 - k2) / (k2 - n)) * _EllintPi.Imp(k, N, Nc, rphi);
                nResult += k2 / (k2 - n) * Math2.EllintF(k, rphi);
                nResult += Math.Sqrt((n / nc) / (n - k2)) * Math.Atan((p2 / (2 * delta)) * Math.Sin(2 * rphi));

                result += nResult;

                return((phi < 0) ? -result : result);

            double sinp = Math.Sin(rphi);
            double cosp = Math.Cos(rphi);
            double x    = cosp * cosp;
            double t    = sinp * sinp;
            double y    = 1 - k * k * t;
            double z    = 1;
            double p    = (n * t < 0.5) ? 1 - n * t : x + nc * t;

            result += sinp * (Math2.EllintRF(x, y, z) + n * t * Math2.EllintRJ(x, y, z, p) / 3);

            return((phi < 0) ? -result : result);