Ejemplo n.º 1
        public void TestTabGroup()
            string actual   = @"# [title-a](#tab/a)
# <a id=""x""></a>[title-b](#tab/b/c)
- - -";
            var    groupId  = "w61hnTEDJ7";
            var    expected = $@"<div class=""tabGroup"" id=""tabgroup_{groupId}"" sourceFile=""test.md"" sourceStartLineNumber=""1"" sourceEndLineNumber=""5"">
<ul role=""tablist"">
<li role=""presentation"">
<a href=""#tabpanel_{groupId}_a"" role=""tab"" aria-controls=""tabpanel_{groupId}_a"" data-tab=""a"" tabindex=""0"" aria-selected=""true"" sourceFile=""test.md"" sourceStartLineNumber=""1"" sourceEndLineNumber=""1"">title-a</a>
<li role=""presentation"" aria-hidden=""true"" hidden=""hidden"">
<a href=""#tabpanel_{groupId}_b_c"" role=""tab"" aria-controls=""tabpanel_{groupId}_b_c"" data-tab=""b"" data-condition=""c"" tabindex=""-1"" sourceFile=""test.md"" sourceStartLineNumber=""3"" sourceEndLineNumber=""3"">title-b</a>
<section id=""tabpanel_{groupId}_a"" role=""tabpanel"" data-tab=""a"">
<p sourceFile=""test.md"" sourceStartLineNumber=""2"" sourceEndLineNumber=""2"">content-a</p>
<section id=""tabpanel_{groupId}_b_c"" role=""tabpanel"" data-tab=""b"" data-condition=""c"" aria-hidden=""true"" hidden=""hidden"">
<p sourceFile=""test.md"" sourceStartLineNumber=""4"" sourceEndLineNumber=""4"">content-b</p>

            TestUtility.AssertEqual(expected, actual, content => TestUtility.Markup(content, "test.md"));
Ejemplo n.º 2
        public void TestDfm_HeadingId()
            var source   = @" ### 1. Deploying the network";
            var expected = @"<h3 id=""1-deploying-the-network"">1. Deploying the network</h3>

            TestUtility.AssertEqual(expected, source, TestUtility.MarkupWithoutSourceInfo);
Ejemplo n.º 3
        public void TestPathUtility_AbsoluteLinkWithBracketAndBrackt()
            var source   = @"[User-Defined Date/Time Formats (Format Function)](http://msdn2.microsoft.com/library/73ctwf33\(VS.90\).aspx)";
            var expected = @"<p><a href=""http://msdn2.microsoft.com/library/73ctwf33(VS.90).aspx"">User-Defined Date/Time Formats (Format Function)</a></p>

            TestUtility.AssertEqual(expected, source, TestUtility.MarkupWithoutSourceInfo);
Ejemplo n.º 4
        public void TestDfmLink_LinkWithSpecialCharactorsInTitle()
            var source   = @"[text's string](https://www.google.com.sg/?gfe_rd=cr&ei=Xk ""Google's homepage"")";
            var expected = @"<p><a href=""https://www.google.com.sg/?gfe_rd=cr&amp;ei=Xk"" title=""Google's homepage"">text's string</a></p>

            TestUtility.AssertEqual(expected, source, TestUtility.MarkupWithoutSourceInfo);
Ejemplo n.º 5
        public void Test_Mathematics_Support_0()
            var source   = "$ math inline $";
            var expected = @"<p><span class=""math"">math inline</span></p>

            TestUtility.AssertEqual(expected, source, TestUtility.MarkupWithoutSourceInfo);
Ejemplo n.º 6
        public void TestDfmImageLink_WithSpecialCharactorsInAltText()
            var source = @"![This is image alt text with quotation ' and double quotation ""hello"" world](girl.png)";

            var expected = @"<p><img src=""girl.png"" alt=""This is image alt text with quotation ' and double quotation &quot;hello&quot; world"" /></p>

            TestUtility.AssertEqual(expected, source, TestUtility.MarkupWithoutSourceInfo);
Ejemplo n.º 7
        public void TestDfmLink_WithSpecialCharactorsInTitle()
            var source = @"[This is link text with quotation ' and double quotation ""hello"" world](girl.png ""title is \""hello\"" world."")";

            var expected = @"<p><a href=""girl.png"" title=""title is &quot;hello&quot; world."">This is link text with quotation ' and double quotation &quot;hello&quot; world</a></p>

            TestUtility.AssertEqual(expected, source, TestUtility.MarkupWithoutSourceInfo);
Ejemplo n.º 8
        public void TestDfm_EncodeInStrongEM()
            var source = @"tag started with non-alphabet should be encoded <1-100>, <_hello>, <?world>, <1_2 href=""good"">, <1 att='bcd'>.
tag started with alphabet should not be encode: <abc> <a-hello> <a?world> <a_b href=""good""> <AC att='bcd'>";

            var expected = @"<p>tag started with non-alphabet should be encoded &lt;1-100&gt;, &lt;_hello&gt;, &lt;?world&gt;, &lt;1_2 href=&quot;good&quot;&gt;, &lt;1 att='bcd'&gt;.
tag started with alphabet should not be encode: <abc> <a-hello> &lt;a?world&gt; &lt;a_b href=&quot;good&quot;&gt; <AC att='bcd'></p>

            TestUtility.AssertEqual(expected, source, TestUtility.MarkupWithoutSourceInfo);
Ejemplo n.º 9
        public void TestDfm_LinkDefinition()
            var source   = @"![scenario image][scenario]
## Scenario
[scenario]: ./scenario.png";
            var expected = @"<p><img src=""./scenario.png"" alt=""scenario image"" /></p>
<h2 id=""scenario"">Scenario</h2>

            TestUtility.AssertEqual(expected, source, TestUtility.MarkupWithoutSourceInfo);
Ejemplo n.º 10
        public void TestDfm_TaskList()
            // Confirm that the [ ] and { } in the middle of list should not be parsed.
            var source   = @"* Not contain a special character: &#92; ! # $ % & * + / = ? ^ &#96; { } | ~ < > ( ) ' ; : , [ ] "" @ _";
            var expected = @"<ul>
<li>Not contain a special character: \ ! # $ % &amp; * + / = ? ^ ` { } | ~ &lt; &gt; ( ) ' ; : , [ ] &quot; @ _</li>

            TestUtility.AssertEqual(expected, source, TestUtility.MarkupWithoutSourceInfo);
Ejemplo n.º 11
        public void TestYaml_InvalidYamlInsideContent()
            var source   = @"# Title
Not yaml syntax
hello world";
            var expected = @"<h1 id=""title"">Title</h1>
<hr />
<h2 id=""not-yaml-syntax"">Not yaml syntax</h2>
<p>hello world</p>

            TestUtility.AssertEqual(expected, source, TestUtility.MarkupWithoutSourceInfo);
Ejemplo n.º 12
        public void TestAllExtentsions()
            string source           = @"---
title: ""如何使用 Visual C++ 工具集报告问题 | Microsoft Docs""
ms.date: 11/04/2016
- cpp
ms.topic: article
- C++
ms.assetid: ec24a49c-411d-47ce-aa4b-8398b6d3e8f6
caps.latest.revision: 8
author: corob-msft
ms.author: corob
manager: ghogen
- cs-cz
- pl-pl
- pt-br
- tr-tr
translationtype: Human Translation
ms.sourcegitcommit: 5c6fbfc8699d7d66c40b0458972d8b6ef0dcc705
ms.openlocfilehash: 2ea129ac94cb1ddc7486ba69280dc0390896e088


## Inclusion

### Block inclusion


### Inline inclusion

Token is [!include[TEXT](includes/testtoken.md)]

## Code Snippet



[!code-cs[Main](~/code/code.cs?highlight=3-4&range=4-7,15-20 ""This includes the whole file with lines 3-4 highlighted"")]

[test link](topic.md)

[test link1](Topics/topic.md)






<xref href=""Microsoft.Build.Tasks?alt=ImmutableArray""/>


<a href=""xref:Microsoft.Build.Tasks?displayProperty=fullName""/>

## Note / Section / Video

http://your.company.abc, abc

### Note Sample

> [!NOTE]
> note content
> [!TIP]
> tip content
> warning content
> important content
> caution content

### Section Sample

> [!div class=""op_single_selector""]
> * [Google](https://www.google.com)
> * [Bing](https://www.bing.com/)

### Video Sample

> [!Video https://sec.ch9.ms/ch9/4393/7d7c7df7-3f15-4a65-a2f7-3e4d0bea4393/Episode208_mid.mp4]

## CommonMark sample

- # Foo
- Bar
            string blockIncludeFile = @"Hello World.

[!code[Main](~/code/code.cs?range=2,4-7,9-20 ""Test in include file"")]

Update without force build, while a.md include b.md and b.md updated.";

            string testtoken = @"terry & jack";

            string code = @"// <snippet1>
using System;

public struct Temperature
   private decimal temp;
   private DateTime tempDate;

   public Temperature(decimal temperature, DateTime dateAndTime)
      this.temp = temperature;
      this.tempDate = dateAndTime;

   public decimal Degrees
   { get { return this.temp; } }

   public DateTime Date
   { get { return this.tempDate; } }
// </snippet1>

#region 2

            if (!Directory.Exists("includes"))
            if (!Directory.Exists("code"))
            File.WriteAllText("includes/blockIncludeFile.md", blockIncludeFile);
            File.WriteAllText("includes/testtoken.md", testtoken);
            File.WriteAllText("code/code.cs", code);

            string expected = @"<yamlheader start=""1"" end=""27"">title: &quot;如何使用 Visual C++ 工具集报告问题 | Microsoft Docs&quot;
ms.date: 11/04/2016
- cpp
ms.topic: article
- C++
ms.assetid: ec24a49c-411d-47ce-aa4b-8398b6d3e8f6
caps.latest.revision: 8
author: corob-msft
ms.author: corob
manager: ghogen
- cs-cz
- pl-pl
- pt-br
- tr-tr
translationtype: Human Translation
ms.sourcegitcommit: 5c6fbfc8699d7d66c40b0458972d8b6ef0dcc705
ms.openlocfilehash: 2ea129ac94cb1ddc7486ba69280dc0390896e088
</yamlheader><h2 id=""inclusion"">Inclusion</h2>
<h3 id=""block-inclusion"">Block inclusion</h3>
<p>Hello World.</p>
<pre><code name=""Main"" title=""Test in include file"">using System;
public struct Temperature
   private decimal temp;
   private DateTime tempDate;
   public Temperature(decimal temperature, DateTime dateAndTime)
      this.temp = temperature;
      this.tempDate = dateAndTime;

   public decimal Degrees
   { get { return this.temp; } }

   public DateTime Date
   { get { return this.tempDate; } }
<p>Update without force build, while a.md include b.md and b.md updated.</p>
<h3 id=""inline-inclusion"">Inline inclusion</h3>
<p>Token is terry &amp; jack</p>
<h2 id=""code-snippet"">Code Snippet</h2>
<pre><code class=""lang-cs"" name=""code"">using System;

public struct Temperature
   private decimal temp;
   private DateTime tempDate;

   public Temperature(decimal temperature, DateTime dateAndTime)
      this.temp = temperature;
      this.tempDate = dateAndTime;

   public decimal Degrees
   { get { return this.temp; } }

   public DateTime Date
   { get { return this.tempDate; } }
</code></pre><pre><code class=""lang-cs"" name=""code"">// &lt;snippet1&gt;
using System;

public struct Temperature
   private decimal temp;
   private DateTime tempDate;

   public Temperature(decimal temperature, DateTime dateAndTime)
      this.temp = temperature;
      this.tempDate = dateAndTime;

   public decimal Degrees
   { get { return this.temp; } }

   public DateTime Date
   { get { return this.tempDate; } }
// &lt;/snippet1&gt;

#region 2
</code></pre><pre><code class=""lang-cs"" name=""Main"" title=""This includes the whole file with lines 3-4 highlighted"" highlight-lines=""3-4"">public struct Temperature
   private decimal temp;
   private DateTime tempDate;
   public decimal Degrees
   { get { return this.temp; } }

   public DateTime Date
   { get { return this.tempDate; } }
<p><a href=""topic.md"">test link</a></p>
<p><a href=""Topics/topic.md"">test link1</a></p>
<p><xref href=""Microsoft.Build.Tasks"" data-throw-if-not-resolved=""True""></xref></p>
<p><xref href=""Microsoft.Build.Tasks?text=Tasks"" data-throw-if-not-resolved=""False"" data-raw-source=""@&quot;Microsoft.Build.Tasks?text=Tasks&quot;""></xref></p>
<p><a href=""xref:Microsoft.Build.Tasks"">link_text</a></p>
<p><xref href=""Microsoft.Build.Tasks#Anchor_1"" data-throw-if-not-resolved=""True""></xref></p>
<xref href=""Microsoft.Build.Tasks?alt=ImmutableArray""/>
<p><xref href=""Microsoft.Build.Tasks?alt=ImmutableArray"" data-throw-if-not-resolved=""True""></xref></p>
<a href=""xref:Microsoft.Build.Tasks?displayProperty=fullName""/>
<h2 id=""note--section--video"">Note / Section / Video</h2>
<p><a href=""http://your.company.abc"">http://your.company.abc</a>, abc</p>
<h3 id=""note-sample"">Note Sample</h3>
<div class=""NOTE"">
<p>note content</p>
<div class=""TIP"">
<p>tip content</p>
<div class=""WARNING"">
<p>warning content</p>
<div class=""IMPORTANT"">
<p>important content</p>
<div class=""CAUTION"">
<p>caution content</p>
<h3 id=""section-sample"">Section Sample</h3>
<div class=""op_single_selector"">
<li><a href=""https://www.google.com"">Google</a></li>
<li><a href=""https://www.bing.com/"">Bing</a></li>
<h3 id=""video-sample"">Video Sample</h3>
<div class=""embeddedvideo""><iframe src=""https://sec.ch9.ms/ch9/4393/7d7c7df7-3f15-4a65-a2f7-3e4d0bea4393/Episode208_mid.mp4"" frameborder=""0"" allowfullscreen=""true""></iframe></div>
<h2 id=""commonmark-sample"">CommonMark sample</h2>
<li><h1 id=""foo"">Foo</h1>
<li><h2 id=""bar"">Bar</h2>

            TestUtility.AssertEqual(expected, source, str => TestUtility.MarkupWithoutSourceInfo(str));
Ejemplo n.º 13
 public void TestDfmInGeneral(string source, string expected)
     TestUtility.AssertEqual(expected, source, TestUtility.MarkupWithoutSourceInfo);