Ejemplo n.º 1
 /// <summary>Updates a Issuer record using Metadata Parameters.</summary>
 /// <param name="transaction">Contains the parameters and exceptions for this command.</param>
 public new static void Update(ParameterList parameters)
     // Accessor for the Issuer Table.
     ServerDataModel.IssuerDataTable issuerTable = ServerDataModel.Issuer;
     // Extract the parameters from the command batch.
     AdoTransaction adoTransaction = parameters["adoTransaction"];
     SqlTransaction sqlTransaction = parameters["sqlTransaction"];
     object configurationId = parameters["configurationId"].Value;
     object description = parameters["description"].Value;
     object groupPermission = parameters["groupPermission"].Value;
     object hidden = parameters["hidden"].Value;
     object name = parameters["name"].Value;
     object owner = parameters["owner"].Value;
     object ownerPermission = parameters["ownerPermission"].Value;
     object readOnly = parameters["readOnly"].Value;
     object worldPermission = parameters["worldPermission"].Value;
     string externalIssuerId = ((string)(parameters["issuerId"]));
     object countryId = parameters["countryId"].Value;
     object provinceId = parameters["provinceId"].Value;
     object externalTypeCode = parameters["typeCode"].Value;
     object externalIssuerTypeCode = parameters["issuerTypeCode"].Value;
     object address0 = parameters["address0"].Value;
     object address1 = parameters["address1"].Value;
     object address2 = parameters["address2"].Value;
     object city = parameters["city"].Value;
     object postalCode = parameters["postalCode"].Value;
     object rating0 = parameters["rating0"].Value;
     object rating1 = parameters["rating1"].Value;
     object rating2 = parameters["rating2"].Value;
     object rating3 = parameters["rating3"].Value;
     object userData0 = parameters["userData0"].Value;
     object userData1 = parameters["userData1"].Value;
     object userData2 = parameters["userData2"].Value;
     object userData3 = parameters["userData3"].Value;
     object userData4 = parameters["userData4"].Value;
     object userData5 = parameters["userData5"].Value;
     object userData6 = parameters["userData6"].Value;
     object userData7 = parameters["userData7"].Value;
     // The row versioning is largely disabled for external operations.  The value is returned to the caller in the
     // event it's needed for operations within the batch.
     long rowVersion = long.MinValue;
     // Resolve External Identifiers
     int issuerId = Object.FindRequiredKey(configurationId, "issuerId", externalIssuerId);
     object typeCode = Type.FindOptionalKey(configurationId, "typeCode", externalTypeCode);
     object issuerTypeCode = IssuerType.FindOptionalKey(configurationId, "issuerTypeCode", externalIssuerTypeCode);
     // This disables the concurrency checking logic by finding the current row version and passing it to the
     // internal method.
     ServerDataModel.IssuerRow issuerRow = issuerTable.FindByIssuerId(issuerId);
     rowVersion = ((long)(issuerRow[issuerTable.RowVersionColumn]));
     // Call the internal method to complete the operation.
     MarkThree.Quasar.Core.Issuer.Update(adoTransaction, sqlTransaction, ref rowVersion, description, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, groupPermission, hidden, name, owner, ownerPermission, readOnly, worldPermission, issuerId, countryId, provinceId, typeCode, issuerTypeCode, address0, address1, address2, city, postalCode, rating0, rating1, rating2, rating3, userData0, userData1, userData2, userData3, userData4, userData5, userData6, userData7);
     // Return values.
     parameters["rowVersion"] = rowVersion;
Ejemplo n.º 2
 /// <summary>Finds a a IssuerType record using a configuration and an external identifier.</summary>
 /// <param name="configurationId">Specified which mappings (user id columns) to use when looking up external identifiers.</param>
 /// <param name="externalId">The external identifier for the record.</param>
 public static int FindRequiredKey(object configurationId, string parameterId, string externalId)
     // Look up the internal identifier using the configuration to select the ExternalId column and the external identifier to identify the record
     int internalId = IssuerType.FindKey(configurationId, parameterId, externalId);
     if ((internalId == int.MinValue))
         throw new Exception(string.Format("The IssuerType table does not have a record identified by \'{0}\'", externalId));
     // Return the internal identifier.
     return internalId;
Ejemplo n.º 3
 /// <summary>Finds a a IssuerType record using a configuration and an external identifier.</summary>
 /// <param name="configurationId">Specified which mappings (user id columns) to use when looking up external identifiers.</param>
 /// <param name="externalId">The external (user supplied) identifier for the record.</param>
 public static object FindOptionalKey(object configurationId, string parameterId, object externalId)
     // Look up the internal identifier using the the configuration to specify which ExternalId column to use as an index.
     object internalId = null;
     if ((externalId != null))
         internalId = IssuerType.FindKey(configurationId, parameterId, ((string)(externalId)));
         if ((((int)(internalId)) == int.MinValue))
             throw new Exception(string.Format("The IssuerType table does not have a record identified by \'{0}\'", externalId));
     // Return the internal identifier.
     return internalId;
Ejemplo n.º 4
 /// <summary>Finds a a IssuerType record using a configuration and an external identifier.</summary>
 /// <param name="configurationId">Specified which mappings (user id columns) to use when looking up external identifiers.</param>
 /// <param name="parameterId">The name of the parameter as specified in the configuration table.</param>
 /// <param name="externalId">The external (user supplied) identifier for the record.</param>
 public static int FindKey(object configurationId, string parameterId, object externalId)
     // A missing key will never match a column.
     if ((externalId == null))
         return int.MinValue;
     // Accessor for the IssuerType Table.
     ServerDataModel.IssuerTypeDataTable issuerTypeTable = ServerDataModel.IssuerType;
     // Look for the record using the external identifier.  The configuration selected the key to use, which effectively
     // selected the external id column to use for the search.  If a record is found in the view, a translation still needs
     // to be made back to the original table before an index to the record can be returned to the caller.
     int externalKeyIndex = IssuerType.GetExternalKeyIndex(configurationId, parameterId);
     System.Data.DataView externalKeyView = IssuerType.externalKeyArray[externalKeyIndex];
     int recordIndex = externalKeyView.Find(new object[] {
     if ((recordIndex == -1))
         return int.MinValue;
     return ((int)(externalKeyView[recordIndex].Row[issuerTypeTable.IssuerTypeCodeColumn]));
Ejemplo n.º 5
 /// <summary>Updates a IssuerType record using Metadata Parameters.</summary>
 /// <param name="transaction">Contains the parameters and exceptions for this command.</param>
 public static void Update(ParameterList parameters)
     // Accessor for the IssuerType Table.
     ServerDataModel.IssuerTypeDataTable issuerTypeTable = ServerDataModel.IssuerType;
     // Extract the parameters from the command batch.
     AdoTransaction adoTransaction = parameters["adoTransaction"];
     SqlTransaction sqlTransaction = parameters["sqlTransaction"];
     object configurationId = parameters["configurationId"].Value;
     string externalIssuerTypeCode = parameters["issuerTypeCode"];
     object description = parameters["description"].Value;
     // The row versioning is largely disabled for external operations.
     long rowVersion = long.MinValue;
     // Resolve External Identifiers
     int issuerTypeCode = IssuerType.FindRequiredKey(configurationId, "issuerTypeCode", externalIssuerTypeCode);
     // This will bypass the internal optimistic concurrency checking by providing the current rowVersion to the 
     // internal method.
     ServerDataModel.IssuerTypeRow issuerTypeRow = issuerTypeTable.FindByIssuerTypeCode(issuerTypeCode);
     rowVersion = ((long)(issuerTypeRow[issuerTypeTable.RowVersionColumn]));
     // Call the internal method to complete the operation.
     MarkThree.Quasar.Core.IssuerType.Update(adoTransaction, sqlTransaction, ref rowVersion, issuerTypeCode, description, null, null, null, null);
     // Return values.
     parameters["rowVersion"] = rowVersion;
Ejemplo n.º 6
 /// <summary>Loads a Issuer record using Metadata Parameters.</summary>
 /// <param name="transaction">Contains the parameters and exceptions for this command.</param>
 public new static void Load(ParameterList parameters)
     // Accessor for the Issuer Table.
     ServerDataModel.IssuerDataTable issuerTable = ServerDataModel.Issuer;
     // Extract the parameters from the command batch.
     AdoTransaction adoTransaction = parameters["adoTransaction"];
     SqlTransaction sqlTransaction = parameters["sqlTransaction"];
     object configurationId = parameters["configurationId"].Value;
     object description = parameters["description"].Value;
     object groupPermission = parameters["groupPermission"].Value;
     object hidden = parameters["hidden"].Value;
     string name = parameters["name"];
     object owner = parameters["owner"].Value;
     object ownerPermission = parameters["ownerPermission"].Value;
     object readOnly = parameters["readOnly"].Value;
     object worldPermission = parameters["worldPermission"].Value;
     string externalIssuerId = parameters["issuerId"];
     object countryId = parameters["countryId"].Value;
     object provinceId = parameters["provinceId"].Value;
     object externalTypeCode = parameters["typeCode"].Value;
     string externalIssuerTypeCode = parameters["issuerTypeCode"];
     object address0 = parameters["address0"].Value;
     object address1 = parameters["address1"].Value;
     object address2 = parameters["address2"].Value;
     object city = parameters["city"].Value;
     object postalCode = parameters["postalCode"].Value;
     object rating0 = parameters["rating0"].Value;
     object rating1 = parameters["rating1"].Value;
     object rating2 = parameters["rating2"].Value;
     object rating3 = parameters["rating3"].Value;
     object userData0 = parameters["userData0"].Value;
     object userData1 = parameters["userData1"].Value;
     object userData2 = parameters["userData2"].Value;
     object userData3 = parameters["userData3"].Value;
     object userData4 = parameters["userData4"].Value;
     object userData5 = parameters["userData5"].Value;
     object userData6 = parameters["userData6"].Value;
     object userData7 = parameters["userData7"].Value;
     // The row versioning is largely disabled for external operations.  The value is returned to the caller in the
     // event it's needed for operations within the batch.
     long rowVersion = long.MinValue;
     // Resolve External Identifiers
     int issuerId = Object.FindKey(configurationId, "issuerId", externalIssuerId);
     object typeCode = Type.FindOptionalKey(configurationId, "typeCode", externalTypeCode);
     int issuerTypeCode = IssuerType.FindRequiredKey(configurationId, "issuerTypeCode", externalIssuerTypeCode);
     ServerDataModel.IssuerRow issuerRow = issuerTable.FindByIssuerId(issuerId);
     // The load operation will create a record if it doesn't exist, or update an existing record.  The external
     // identifier is used to determine if a record exists with the same key.
     if ((issuerRow == null))
         // Populate the 'externalId' varaibles so that the external identifier can be used to find the row when an
         // external method is called with the same 'configurationId' parameter.
         int externalKeyIndex = Issuer.GetExternalKeyIndex(configurationId, "issuerId");
         object[] externalIdArray = new object[8];
         externalIdArray[externalKeyIndex] = externalIssuerId;
         object externalId0 = externalIdArray[0];
         object externalId1 = externalIdArray[1];
         object externalId2 = externalIdArray[2];
         object externalId3 = externalIdArray[3];
         object externalId4 = externalIdArray[4];
         object externalId5 = externalIdArray[5];
         object externalId6 = externalIdArray[6];
         object externalId7 = externalIdArray[7];
         // Call the internal method to complete the operation.
         MarkThree.Quasar.Core.Issuer.Insert(adoTransaction, sqlTransaction, ref rowVersion, description, externalId0, externalId1, externalId2, externalId3, externalId4, externalId5, externalId6, externalId7, groupPermission, hidden, name, owner, ownerPermission, readOnly, worldPermission, countryId, provinceId, typeCode, issuerTypeCode, address0, address1, address2, city, postalCode, rating0, rating1, rating2, rating3, userData0, userData1, userData2, userData3, userData4, userData5, userData6, userData7);
         // While the optimistic concurrency checking is disabled for the external methods, the internal methods
         // still need to perform the check.  This ncurrency checking logic by finding the current row version to be
         // will bypass the coused when the internal method is called.
         rowVersion = ((long)(issuerRow[issuerTable.RowVersionColumn]));
         // Call the internal method to complete the operation.
         MarkThree.Quasar.Core.Issuer.Update(adoTransaction, sqlTransaction, ref rowVersion, description, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, groupPermission, hidden, name, owner, ownerPermission, readOnly, worldPermission, issuerId, countryId, provinceId, typeCode, issuerTypeCode, address0, address1, address2, city, postalCode, rating0, rating1, rating2, rating3, userData0, userData1, userData2, userData3, userData4, userData5, userData6, userData7);
     // Return values.
     parameters["rowVersion"] = rowVersion;