Ejemplo n.º 1
        public MeshAttributes Generate()
            int numVerts = horizontal * vertical * 6;

            MeshAttributes mesh = new MeshAttributes
                vertices     = new Vector3[numVerts],
                uv           = new Vector2[numVerts],
                triangles    = Enumerable.Range(0, numVerts).ToArray <int>(),
                normals      = new Vector3[horizontal + 1],
                normalIndex  = new int[numVerts],
                tangent      = new Vector3[] { Vector3.up },
                tangentIndex = Enumerable.Repeat <int>(0, numVerts).ToArray <int>()

            //Generate Normals

            for (int y = 0; y < vertical; ++y)
                for (int x = 0; x < horizontal; ++x)
                    int index = (y * horizontal + x) * 6;
                    GenerateQuad(mesh, x, y, index);
                    GenerateUv(mesh, x, y, index);
                    GenerateNormalIndex(mesh, x, index);

Ejemplo n.º 2
        private void GenerateQuad(MeshAttributes mesh, int x, int y, int index)
            //Angle of the leftmost vertex
            float angle = x * addTh;

            //I could've used a vector3 and added to another y vector3
            //These two values are more easily memoizable than the positions.
            Vector2 positionXZ     = GetXzPosition(angle);
            Vector2 nextPositionXZ = GetXzPosition(angle + addTh);
            float   positionY      = bottom + y * addY;
            float   nextPositionY  = bottom + (y + 1) * addY;

            Vector3 position = new Vector3(positionXZ.x, positionY, positionXZ.y);
            Vector3 nextX    = new Vector3(nextPositionXZ.x, positionY, nextPositionXZ.y);
            Vector3 nextY    = new Vector3(positionXZ.x, nextPositionY, positionXZ.y);
            Vector3 nextXY   = new Vector3(nextPositionXZ.x, nextPositionY, nextPositionXZ.y);

            //Bottom triangle
            mesh.vertices[index]     = position;
            mesh.vertices[index + 1] = nextY;
            mesh.vertices[index + 2] = nextX;

            //Top triangle
            mesh.vertices[index + 3] = nextXY;
            mesh.vertices[index + 4] = nextX;
            mesh.vertices[index + 5] = nextY;
Ejemplo n.º 3
 void GenerateNormals(MeshAttributes mesh)
     for (int i = 0; i <= horizontal; ++i)
         float t = ((float)i / (float)horizontal);
         mesh.normals[i] = normalMultiplier * new Vector3(Mathf.Sin(PI_2 * t), 0.0f, Mathf.Cos(PI_2 * t));
Ejemplo n.º 4
 private void GenerateNormalIndex(MeshAttributes mesh, int x, int index)
     //Vertices 0,1 and 5 are to the left, and the rest are to the right
     for (int i = 0; i < 6; ++i)
         //More to the right
         if (i >= 2 && i <= 4)
             mesh.normalIndex[index + i] = x + 1;
         //More to the left
             mesh.normalIndex[index + i] = x;
Ejemplo n.º 5
        //copied from PlaneGenerator
        private void GenerateUv(MeshAttributes mesh, int x, int y, int index)
            Vector2 position = new Vector2(addUv.x * x, addUv.y * y);
            Vector2 nextU    = position + addUv.x * Vector2.right;
            Vector2 nextV    = position + addUv.y * Vector2.up;
            Vector2 nextUV   = position + addUv;

            //Bottom triangle
            mesh.uv[index]     = position;
            mesh.uv[index + 1] = nextV;
            mesh.uv[index + 2] = nextU;

            //Top triangle
            mesh.uv[index + 3] = nextUV;
            mesh.uv[index + 4] = nextU;
            mesh.uv[index + 5] = nextV;
Ejemplo n.º 6
        private void GenerateUv(MeshAttributes mesh, int x, int y, int index)
            Vector2 texCoord = new Vector2(addUv.x * x, addUv.y * y);

            texCoord += textureLowerLeft;
            Vector2 nextU  = texCoord + addUv.x * Vector2.right;
            Vector2 nextV  = texCoord + addUv.y * Vector2.up;
            Vector2 nextUV = texCoord + addUv;

            //Bottom triangle
            mesh.uv[index]     = texCoord;
            mesh.uv[index + 1] = nextV;
            mesh.uv[index + 2] = nextU;

            //Top triangle
            mesh.uv[index + 3] = nextUV;
            mesh.uv[index + 4] = nextU;
            mesh.uv[index + 5] = nextV;
Ejemplo n.º 7
        private void GenerateQuad(MeshAttributes mesh, int x, int y, int index)
            Vector3 position = new Vector3(addPos.x * x, addPos.y * y, 0.0f);

            position += lowerLeft;
            Vector3 nextX  = position + addPos.x * Vector3.right;
            Vector3 nextY  = position + addPos.y * Vector3.up;
            Vector3 nextXY = position + addPos;

            //Bottom triangle
            mesh.vertices[index]     = position;
            mesh.vertices[index + 1] = nextY;
            mesh.vertices[index + 2] = nextX;

            //Top triangle
            mesh.vertices[index + 3] = nextXY;
            mesh.vertices[index + 4] = nextX;
            mesh.vertices[index + 5] = nextY;
        public Mesh Modulate(MeshAttributes mesh)
            Mesh result = new Mesh();
            int  length = mesh.vertices.Length;

            uvwAmplitudePos = new Vector3(
                uvDisplacement.x * uvDistPos.x,
                uvDisplacement.y * uvDistPos.y,

            uvAmplitudeTex = Vector2.Scale(uvDistTex, uvDisplacement);

            for (int i = 0; i < length; ++i)
                Vector3 normal = mesh.normals[mesh.normalIndex[i]];
                Vector3 tangent   = mesh.tangent[mesh.tangentIndex[i]];
                Vector3 bitangent = Vector3.Cross(normal, tangent);

                Vector3 noise = CalculateNoise(mesh.vertices[i]);

                float t       = (mesh.vertices[i].y - vMin) / (vMax - vMin);
                float vFactor = Mathf.Sin(Mathf.PI * t);
                mesh.vertices[i] = ModulateVertex(mesh.vertices[i], noise, normal, bitangent, tangent, vFactor);
                mesh.uv[i]       = ModulateUv(mesh.uv[i], noise, vFactor);

            result.vertices  = mesh.vertices;
            result.uv        = mesh.uv;
            result.triangles = mesh.triangles;

