private async Task LoadCachedImage(TileLayer tileLayer, Tile tile, Uri uri, BitmapImage bitmap)
            var cacheKey = string.Format(@"{0}\{1}\{2}\{3}{4}",
                tileLayer.SourceName, tile.ZoomLevel, tile.XIndex, tile.Y, Path.GetExtension(uri.LocalPath));

            var buffer = await Cache.GetAsync(cacheKey) as IBuffer;

            if (buffer != null)
                await LoadImageFromBuffer(buffer, bitmap);
                //Debug.WriteLine("Loaded cached image {0}", cacheKey);
                DownloadAndCacheImage(uri, bitmap, cacheKey);
Ejemplo n.º 2
        protected void SelectTiles()
            var newTiles = new List<Tile>();

            if (TileZoomLevel >= 0 && parentMap != null && TileSource != null)
                var maxZoomLevel = Math.Min(TileZoomLevel, MaxZoomLevel);
                var minZoomLevel = MinZoomLevel;

                if (minZoomLevel < maxZoomLevel && this != parentMap.TileLayers.FirstOrDefault())
                    // do not load background tiles if this is not the base layer
                    minZoomLevel = maxZoomLevel;

                for (var z = minZoomLevel; z <= maxZoomLevel; z++)
                    var tileSize = 1 << (TileZoomLevel - z);
                    var x1 = (int)Math.Floor((double)TileRect.X / tileSize); // may be negative
                    var x2 = (TileRect.X + TileRect.Width - 1) / tileSize;
                    var y1 = Math.Max(TileRect.Y / tileSize, 0);
                    var y2 = Math.Min((TileRect.Y + TileRect.Height - 1) / tileSize, (1 << z) - 1);

                    for (var y = y1; y <= y2; y++)
                        for (var x = x1; x <= x2; x++)
                            var tile = Tiles.FirstOrDefault(t => t.ZoomLevel == z && t.X == x && t.Y == y);

                            if (tile == null)
                                tile = new Tile(z, x, y);

                                var equivalentTile = Tiles.FirstOrDefault(
                                    t => t.ZoomLevel == z && t.XIndex == tile.XIndex && t.Y == y && t.Image.Source != null);

                                if (equivalentTile != null)
                                    // do not animate to avoid flicker when crossing 180°
                                    tile.SetImage(equivalentTile.Image.Source, false);


            Tiles = newTiles;
Ejemplo n.º 3
        private void SelectTiles()
            var maxZoomLevel = Math.Min(zoomLevel, MaxZoomLevel);
            var minZoomLevel = maxZoomLevel;

            if (LoadLowerZoomLevels && Parent is TileContainer && ((TileContainer)Parent).TileLayers.FirstOrDefault() == this)
                minZoomLevel = MinZoomLevel;

            var newTiles = new List<Tile>();

            for (var z = minZoomLevel; z <= maxZoomLevel; z++)
                var tileSize = 1 << (zoomLevel - z);
                var x1 = (int)Math.Floor((double)grid.X / tileSize); // may be negative
                var x2 = (grid.X + grid.Width - 1) / tileSize;
                var y1 = Math.Max(grid.Y / tileSize, 0);
                var y2 = Math.Min((grid.Y + grid.Height - 1) / tileSize, (1 << z) - 1);

                for (var y = y1; y <= y2; y++)
                    for (var x = x1; x <= x2; x++)
                        var tile = tiles.FirstOrDefault(t => t.ZoomLevel == z && t.X == x && t.Y == y && t.Rotation == rotation);

                        if (tile == null)
                            tile = new Tile(z, x, y, rotation);

                            var equivalentTile = tiles.FirstOrDefault(
                                t => t.Image.Source != null && t.ZoomLevel == z && t.XIndex == tile.XIndex && t.Y == y);

                            if (equivalentTile != null)
                                // do not animate to avoid flicker when crossing date line
                                tile.SetImageSource(equivalentTile.Image.Source, false, equivalentTile.Rotation != rotation);


            tiles = newTiles;
Ejemplo n.º 4
 public static string Key(string sourceName, Tile tile)
     return string.Format("{0}/{1}/{2}/{3}/{4}", sourceName, tile.ZoomLevel, tile.XIndex, tile.Y, tile.Rotation);
Ejemplo n.º 5
        private static ImageSource LoadImage(ImageTileSource tileSource, Tile tile)
            ImageSource image = null;

                image = tileSource.LoadImage(tile.XIndex, tile.Y, tile.ZoomLevel, tile.Rotation);
            catch (Exception ex)
                Trace.TraceWarning("Loading tile image failed: {0}", ex.Message);

            return image;
 public PendingTile(Tile tile, ImageSource cachedImage)
     Tile = tile;
     CachedImage = cachedImage;
 private static string TileKey(TileSource tileSource, Tile tile)
     return string.Format("{0:X}/{1:X}/{2:X}/{3:X}", tileSource.GetHashCode(), tile.ZoomLevel, tile.XIndex, tile.Y);
        private static ImageSource LoadImage(ImageTileSource tileSource, Tile tile)
            ImageSource image = null;

                image = tileSource.LoadImage(tile.XIndex, tile.Y, tile.ZoomLevel);
            catch (Exception ex)
                Debug.WriteLine("Loading tile image failed: {0}", (object)ex.Message);

            return image;
 private static string CacheKey(string sourceName, Tile tile)
     return string.IsNullOrEmpty(sourceName) ? null : string.Format("{0}/{1}/{2}/{3}", sourceName, tile.ZoomLevel, tile.XIndex, tile.Y);
 public PendingTile(Tile tile, Uri uri)
     Tile = tile;
     Uri = uri;
     Image = new BitmapImage();
        private async Task<bool> LoadImageFromStream(Tile tile, BitmapSource image, IRandomAccessStream stream)
            var completion = new TaskCompletionSource<bool>();

            var action = image.Dispatcher.RunAsync(
                async () =>
                        await image.SetSourceAsync(stream);
                        tile.SetImage(image, true, false);

                    catch (Exception ex)


            return await completion.Task;
        private async Task<bool> LoadImageFromHttpResponse(HttpResponseMessage response, Tile tile, BitmapSource image, string cacheKey)
            using (var stream = new InMemoryRandomAccessStream())
                using (var content = response.Content)
                    await content.WriteToStreamAsync(stream);

                await stream.FlushAsync();

                var loaded = await LoadImageFromStream(tile, image, stream);

                if (loaded && cacheKey != null)
                    var buffer = new Windows.Storage.Streams.Buffer((uint)stream.Size);

                    await stream.ReadAsync(buffer, buffer.Capacity, InputStreamOptions.None);

                    var maxAge = DefaultCacheExpiration;

                    if (response.Headers.CacheControl.MaxAge.HasValue &&
                        response.Headers.CacheControl.MaxAge.Value < maxAge)
                        maxAge = response.Headers.CacheControl.MaxAge.Value;

                    await Cache.SetAsync(cacheKey, buffer, DateTime.UtcNow.Add(maxAge));

                return loaded;
        private async Task<bool> DownloadImage(Tile tile, BitmapSource image, Uri uri, string cacheKey)
                using (var httpClient = new HttpClient(new HttpBaseProtocolFilter { AllowAutoRedirect = false }))
                using (var response = await httpClient.GetAsync(uri))
                    if (response.IsSuccessStatusCode)
                        return await LoadImageFromHttpResponse(response, tile, image, cacheKey);

                    Debug.WriteLine("{0}: ({1}) {2}", uri, (int)response.StatusCode, response.ReasonPhrase);
            catch (Exception ex)
                Debug.WriteLine("{0}: {1}", uri, ex.Message);

            return false;