Ejemplo n.º 1
        internal static async Task <string> GetId(TrelloAuthorization auth, CancellationToken ct)
            var endpoint = EndpointFactory.Build(EntityRequestType.Service_Read_Me);

            _myJson = await JsonRepository.Execute <IJsonMember>(auth, endpoint, ct);

            // If this object exists in the cache already as a regular Member, it needs to be replaced.
            var meAsMember = TrelloConfiguration.Cache.Find <Member>(_myJson.Id);

            if (meAsMember != null)

Ejemplo n.º 2
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates a new instance of the <see cref="Webhook{T}"/> object for a webhook which has already been registered with Trello.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="id">The id.</param>
        /// <param name="auth">(Optional) Custom authorization parameters. When not provided, <see cref="TrelloAuthorization.Default"/> will be used.</param>
        public Webhook(string id, TrelloAuthorization auth = null)
            Id       = id;
            _context = new WebhookContext <T>(Id, auth);
            _context.Synchronized += Synchronized;

            _callBackUrl = new Field <string>(_context, nameof(CallBackUrl));
            _description = new Field <string>(_context, nameof(Description));
            _isActive    = new Field <bool?>(_context, nameof(IsActive));
            _isActive.AddRule(NullableHasValueRule <bool> .Instance);
            _target = new Field <T>(_context, nameof(Target));
            _target.AddRule(NotNullRule <T> .Instance);

Ejemplo n.º 3
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates a new <see cref="Action"/> instance.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="id">The action's ID.</param>
        /// <param name="auth">(Optional) Custom authorization parameters. When not provided, <see cref="TrelloAuthorization.Default"/> will be used.</param>
        public Action(string id, TrelloAuthorization auth = null)
            Id       = id;
            _context = new ActionContext(id, auth);

            _creator = new Field <Member>(_context, nameof(Creator));
            _date    = new Field <DateTime?>(_context, nameof(Date));
            Data     = new ActionData(_context.ActionDataContext);
            _type    = new Field <ActionType?>(_context, nameof(Type));

            if (auth != TrelloAuthorization.Null)
Ejemplo n.º 4
        internal BoardBackground(IJsonBoardBackground json, TrelloAuthorization auth)
            Id       = json.Id;
            _context = new BoardBackgroundContext(auth);

            _brightness  = new Field <BoardBackgroundBrightness?>(_context, nameof(Brightness));
            _color       = new Field <WebColor>(_context, nameof(Color));
            _topColor    = new Field <WebColor>(_context, nameof(TopColor));
            _bottomColor = new Field <WebColor>(_context, nameof(BottomColor));
            _image       = new Field <string>(_context, nameof(Image));
            _isTiled     = new Field <bool?>(_context, nameof(IsTiled));
            ScaledImages = new ReadOnlyBoardBackgroundScalesCollection(_context, auth);

Ejemplo n.º 5
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates a new instance of the <see cref="CheckList"/> object.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="id">The check list's ID.</param>
        /// <param name="auth">(Optional) Custom authorization parameters. When not provided, <see cref="TrelloAuthorization.Default"/> will be used.</param>
        public CheckList(string id, TrelloAuthorization auth = null)
            Id       = id;
            _context = new CheckListContext(id, auth);
            _context.Synchronized += Synchronized;

            _board = new Field <Board>(_context, nameof(Board));
            _card  = new Field <Card>(_context, nameof(Card));
            _card.AddRule(NotNullRule <Card> .Instance);
            _name = new Field <string>(_context, nameof(Name));
            _position = new Field <Position>(_context, nameof(Position));
            _position.AddRule(NotNullRule <Position> .Instance);

Ejemplo n.º 6
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates a new instance of the <see cref="Organization"/> object.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="id">The organization's ID.</param>
        /// <param name="auth">(Optional) Custom authorization parameters. When not provided, <see cref="TrelloAuthorization.Default"/> will be used.</param>
        /// <remarks>
        /// The supplied ID can be either the full ID or the organization's name.
        /// </remarks>
        public Organization(string id, TrelloAuthorization auth = null)
            Id       = id;
            _context = new OrganizationContext(id, auth);
            _context.Synchronized += Synchronized;

            _description     = new Field <string>(_context, nameof(Description));
            _displayName     = new Field <string>(_context, nameof(DisplayName));
            _isBusinessClass = new Field <bool>(_context, nameof(IsBusinessClass));
            _name            = new Field <string>(_context, nameof(Name));
            Preferences = new OrganizationPreferences(_context.OrganizationPreferencesContext);
            _url        = new Field <string>(_context, nameof(Url));
            _website    = new Field <string>(_context, nameof(Website));

Ejemplo n.º 7
        internal BoardPersonalPreferences(Func <string> getOwnerId, TrelloAuthorization auth)
            _context = new BoardPersonalPreferencesContext(getOwnerId, auth);

            _emailList = new Field <List>(_context, nameof(EmailList));
            _emailList.AddRule(NotNullRule <List> .Instance);
            _emailPosition = new Field <Position>(_context, nameof(EmailPosition));
            _emailPosition.AddRule(NotNullRule <Position> .Instance);
            _showListGuide = new Field <bool?>(_context, nameof(ShowListGuide));
            _showListGuide.AddRule(NullableHasValueRule <bool> .Instance);
            _showSidebar = new Field <bool?>(_context, nameof(ShowSidebar));
            _showSidebar.AddRule(NullableHasValueRule <bool> .Instance);
            _showSidebarActivity = new Field <bool?>(_context, nameof(ShowSidebarActivity));
            _showSidebarActivity.AddRule(NullableHasValueRule <bool> .Instance);
            _showSidebarBoardActions = new Field <bool?>(_context, nameof(ShowSidebarBoardActions));
            _showSidebarBoardActions.AddRule(NullableHasValueRule <bool> .Instance);
            _showSidebarMembers = new Field <bool?>(_context, nameof(ShowSidebarMembers));
            _showSidebarMembers.AddRule(NullableHasValueRule <bool> .Instance);
Ejemplo n.º 8
        internal Attachment(IJsonAttachment json, string ownerId, TrelloAuthorization auth)
            Id       = json.Id;
            _context = new AttachmentContext(Id, ownerId, auth);
            _context.Synchronized += Synchronized;

            _bytes    = new Field <int?>(_context, nameof(Bytes));
            _date     = new Field <DateTime?>(_context, nameof(Date));
            _member   = new Field <Member>(_context, nameof(Member));
            _isUpload = new Field <bool?>(_context, nameof(IsUpload));
            _mimeType = new Field <string>(_context, nameof(MimeType));
            _name     = new Field <string>(_context, nameof(Name));
            Previews  = new ReadOnlyAttachmentPreviewCollection(_context, auth);
            _url      = new Field <string>(_context, nameof(Url));


Ejemplo n.º 9
        internal BoardMembership(IJsonBoardMembership json, string ownerId, TrelloAuthorization auth)
            Id       = json.Id;
            _context = new BoardMembershipContext(Id, ownerId, auth);

            _member     = new Field <Member>(_context, nameof(Member));
            _memberType = new Field <BoardMembershipType?>(_context, nameof(MemberType));
            _memberType.AddRule(NullableHasValueRule <BoardMembershipType> .Instance);
            _memberType.AddRule(EnumerationRule <BoardMembershipType?> .Instance);
            _isDeactivated = new Field <bool?>(_context, nameof(IsDeactivated));

            if (auth != TrelloAuthorization.Null)

Ejemplo n.º 10
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates a new instance of the <see cref="Token"/> object.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="id">The token's ID.</param>
        /// <param name="auth">(Optional) Custom authorization parameters. When not provided, <see cref="TrelloAuthorization.Default"/> will be used.</param>
        /// <remarks>
        /// The supplied ID can be either the full ID or the token itself.
        /// </remarks>
        public Token(string id, TrelloAuthorization auth = null)
            Id       = id;
            _context = new TokenContext(id, auth);

            _appName                = new Field <string>(_context, nameof(AppName));
            BoardPermissions        = new TokenPermission(_context.BoardPermissions);
            _dateCreated            = new Field <DateTime?>(_context, nameof(DateCreated));
            _dateExpires            = new Field <DateTime?>(_context, nameof(DateExpires));
            _member                 = new Field <Member>(_context, nameof(Member));
            MemberPermissions       = new TokenPermission(_context.MemberPermissions);
            OrganizationPermissions = new TokenPermission(_context.OrganizationPermissions);

            if (auth != TrelloAuthorization.Null)
Ejemplo n.º 11
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates a new instance of the <see cref="List"/> object.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="id">The list's ID.</param>
        /// <param name="auth">(Optional) Custom authorization parameters. When not provided, <see cref="TrelloAuthorization.Default"/> will be used.</param>
        public List(string id, TrelloAuthorization auth = null)
            Id       = id;
            _context = new ListContext(id, auth);
            _context.Synchronized += Synchronized;

            _board = new Field <Board>(_context, nameof(Board));
            _board.AddRule(NotNullRule <Board> .Instance);
            _isArchived = new Field <bool?>(_context, nameof(IsArchived));
            _isArchived.AddRule(NullableHasValueRule <bool> .Instance);
            _isSubscribed = new Field <bool?>(_context, nameof(IsSubscribed));
            _isSubscribed.AddRule(NullableHasValueRule <bool> .Instance);
            _name = new Field <string>(_context, nameof(Name));
            _position = new Field <Position>(_context, nameof(Position));
            _position.AddRule(NotNullRule <Position> .Instance);

Ejemplo n.º 12
        internal CustomFieldDefinition(IJsonCustomFieldDefinition json, TrelloAuthorization auth)
            Id       = json.Id;
            _context = new CustomFieldDefinitionContext(Id, auth);

            _board      = new Field <IBoard>(_context, nameof(Board));
            _fieldGroup = new Field <string>(_context, nameof(FieldGroup));
            _name       = new Field <string>(_context, nameof(Name));
            _position   = new Field <Position>(_context, nameof(Position));
            _type       = new Field <CustomFieldType?>(_context, nameof(Type));


            // we need to enumerate the collection to cache all of the values
            // ReSharper disable once ReturnValueOfPureMethodIsNotUsed

            _context.Synchronized += Synchronized;
Ejemplo n.º 13
        internal CustomFieldDefinition(IJsonCustomFieldDefinition json, TrelloAuthorization auth)
            Id       = json.Id;
            _context = new CustomFieldDefinitionContext(Id, auth);

            _board      = new Field <IBoard>(_context, nameof(Board));
            DisplayInfo = new CustomFieldDisplayInfo(_context.DisplayInfo);
            _fieldGroup = new Field <string>(_context, nameof(FieldGroup));
            _name       = new Field <string>(_context, nameof(Name));
            _position   = new Field <Position>(_context, nameof(Position));
            _type       = new Field <CustomFieldType?>(_context, nameof(Type));

            if (auth != TrelloAuthorization.Null)

            _context.Synchronized += Synchronized;
Ejemplo n.º 14
        internal CheckItem(IJsonCheckItem json, string checkListId, TrelloAuthorization auth = null)
            Id       = json.Id;
            _context = new CheckItemContext(Id, checkListId, auth);
            _context.Synchronized += Synchronized;

            _checkList = new Field <CheckList>(_context, nameof(CheckList));
            _checkList.AddRule(NotNullRule <CheckList> .Instance);
            _name = new Field <string>(_context, nameof(Name));
            _position = new Field <Position>(_context, nameof(Position));
            _position.AddRule(NotNullRule <Position> .Instance);
            _state = new Field <CheckItemState?>(_context, nameof(State));
            _state.AddRule(NullableHasValueRule <CheckItemState> .Instance);
            _state.AddRule(EnumerationRule <CheckItemState?> .Instance);


Ejemplo n.º 15
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates a new instance of the <see cref="Organization"/> object.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="id">The organization's ID.</param>
        /// <param name="auth">(Optional) Custom authorization parameters. When not provided,
        /// <see cref="TrelloAuthorization.Default"/> will be used.</param>
        /// <remarks>
        /// The supplied ID can be either the full ID or the organization's name.
        /// </remarks>
        public Organization(string id, TrelloAuthorization auth = null)
            Id       = id;
            _context = new OrganizationContext(id, auth);
            _context.Synchronized += Synchronized;

            Actions          = new ReadOnlyActionCollection(typeof(Organization), () => Id, auth);
            Boards           = new BoardCollection(typeof(Organization), () => Id, auth);
            _description     = new Field <string>(_context, nameof(Description));
            _displayName     = new Field <string>(_context, nameof(DisplayName));
            _isBusinessClass = new Field <bool>(_context, nameof(IsBusinessClass));
            Members          = new ReadOnlyMemberCollection(EntityRequestType.Organization_Read_Members, () => Id, auth);
            Memberships      = new OrganizationMembershipCollection(() => Id, auth);
            _name            = new Field <string>(_context, nameof(Name));
            Preferences = new OrganizationPreferences(_context.OrganizationPreferencesContext);
            _url        = new Field <string>(_context, nameof(Url));
            _website    = new Field <string>(_context, nameof(Website));

Ejemplo n.º 16
        internal Attachment(IJsonAttachment json, string ownerId, TrelloAuthorization auth)
            Id       = json.Id;
            _context = new AttachmentContext(Id, ownerId, auth);
            _context.Synchronized += Synchronized;

            _bytes     = new Field <int?>(_context, nameof(Bytes));
            _date      = new Field <DateTime?>(_context, nameof(Date));
            _member    = new Field <Member>(_context, nameof(Member));
            _edgeColor = new Field <WebColor>(_context, nameof(EdgeColor));
            _isUpload  = new Field <bool?>(_context, nameof(IsUpload));
            _mimeType  = new Field <string>(_context, nameof(MimeType));
            _name      = new Field <string>(_context, nameof(Name));
            _position = new Field <Position>(_context, nameof(Position));
            _url = new Field <string>(_context, nameof(Url));


Ejemplo n.º 17
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates a new instance of the <see cref="Card"/> object.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="id">The card's ID.</param>
        /// <param name="auth">(Optional) Custom authorization parameters. When not provided,
        /// <see cref="TrelloAuthorization.Default"/> will be used.</param>
        /// <remarks>
        /// The supplied ID can be either the full or short ID.
        /// </remarks>
        public Card(string id, TrelloAuthorization auth = null)
            Id       = id;
            _context = new CardContext(id, auth);
            _context.Synchronized += Synchronized;

            Actions     = new ReadOnlyActionCollection(typeof(Card), () => id, auth);
            Attachments = new AttachmentCollection(() => Id, auth);
            Badges      = new Badges(_context.BadgesContext);
            _board      = new Field <Board>(_context, nameof(Board));
            _board.AddRule(NotNullRule <Board> .Instance);
            CheckLists   = new CheckListCollection(this, auth);
            Comments     = new CommentCollection(() => Id, auth);
            _description = new Field <string>(_context, nameof(Description));
            _dueDate     = new Field <DateTime?>(_context, nameof(DueDate));
            _isComplete  = new Field <bool?>(_context, nameof(IsComplete));
            _isArchived  = new Field <bool?>(_context, nameof(IsArchived));
            _isArchived.AddRule(NullableHasValueRule <bool> .Instance);
            _isSubscribed = new Field <bool?>(_context, nameof(IsSubscribed));
            _isSubscribed.AddRule(NullableHasValueRule <bool> .Instance);
            Labels        = new CardLabelCollection(_context, auth);
            _lastActivity = new Field <DateTime?>(_context, nameof(LastActivity));
            _list         = new Field <List>(_context, nameof(List));
            _list.AddRule(NotNullRule <List> .Instance);
            Members = new MemberCollection(EntityRequestType.Card_Read_Members, () => Id, auth);
            _name   = new Field <string>(_context, nameof(Name));
            _position = new Field <Position>(_context, nameof(Position));
            PowerUpData   = new ReadOnlyPowerUpDataCollection(EntityRequestType.Card_Read_PowerUpData, () => Id, auth);
            _shortId      = new Field <int?>(_context, nameof(ShortId));
            _shortUrl     = new Field <string>(_context, nameof(ShortUrl));
            Stickers      = new CardStickerCollection(() => Id, auth);
            _url          = new Field <string>(_context, nameof(Url));
            VotingMembers = new ReadOnlyMemberCollection(EntityRequestType.Card_Read_MembersVoted, () => Id, auth);

Ejemplo n.º 18
        internal Sticker(IJsonSticker json, string ownerId, TrelloAuthorization auth)
            Id       = json.Id;
            _context = new StickerContext(Id, ownerId, auth);
            _context.Synchronized += Synchronized;

            _left = new Field <double?>(_context, nameof(Left));
            _left.AddRule(NullableHasValueRule <double> .Instance);
            _name     = new Field <string>(_context, nameof(Name));
            _rotation = new Field <int?>(_context, nameof(Rotation));
            _rotation.AddRule(NullableHasValueRule <int> .Instance);
            _rotation.AddRule(new NumericRule <int> {
                Min = 0, Max = 359
            _top = new Field <double?>(_context, nameof(Top));
            _top.AddRule(NullableHasValueRule <double> .Instance);
            _url    = new Field <string>(_context, nameof(ImageUrl));
            _zIndex = new Field <int?>(_context, nameof(ZIndex));
            _zIndex.AddRule(NullableHasValueRule <int> .Instance);

Ejemplo n.º 19
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates a new instance of the <see cref="Board"/> object.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="id">The board's ID.</param>
        /// <param name="auth">(Optional) Custom authorization parameters. When not provided,
        /// <see cref="TrelloAuthorization.Default"/> will be used.</param>
        public Board(string id, TrelloAuthorization auth = null)
            Auth     = auth;
            _context = new BoardContext(id, auth);
            _context.Synchronized += Synchronized;
            Id = id;

            Actions      = new ReadOnlyActionCollection(typeof(Board), () => Id, auth);
            Cards        = new ReadOnlyCardCollection(typeof(Board), () => Id, auth);
            _description = new Field <string>(_context, nameof(Description));
            _isClosed    = new Field <bool?>(_context, nameof(IsClosed));
            _isClosed.AddRule(NullableHasValueRule <bool> .Instance);
            _isPinned = new Field <bool?>(_context, nameof(IsPinned));
            _isPinned.AddRule(NullableHasValueRule <bool> .Instance);
            _isStarred = new Field <bool?>(_context, nameof(IsStarred));
            _isStarred.AddRule(NullableHasValueRule <bool> .Instance);
            _isSubscribed = new Field <bool?>(_context, nameof(IsSubscribed));
            _isSubscribed.AddRule(NullableHasValueRule <bool> .Instance);
            Labels      = new BoardLabelCollection(() => Id, auth);
            Lists       = new ListCollection(() => Id, auth);
            Members     = new ReadOnlyMemberCollection(EntityRequestType.Board_Read_Members, () => Id, auth);
            Memberships = new BoardMembershipCollection(() => Id, auth);
            _name       = new Field <string>(_context, nameof(Name));
            _organization       = new Field <Organization>(_context, nameof(Organization));
            PowerUps            = new ReadOnlyPowerUpCollection(() => Id, auth);
            PowerUpData         = new ReadOnlyPowerUpDataCollection(EntityRequestType.Board_Read_PowerUpData, () => Id, auth);
            Preferences         = new BoardPreferences(_context.BoardPreferencesContext);
            PersonalPreferences = new BoardPersonalPreferences(() => Id, auth);
            _url          = new Field <string>(_context, nameof(Url));
            _shortUrl     = new Field <string>(_context, nameof(ShortUrl));
            _shortLink    = new Field <string>(_context, nameof(ShortLink));
            _lastActivity = new Field <DateTime?>(_context, nameof(LastActivity));
            _lastViewed   = new Field <DateTime?>(_context, nameof(LastViewed));

Ejemplo n.º 20
        internal Member(string id, bool isMe, TrelloAuthorization auth)
            Id       = id;
            _context = new MemberContext(id, isMe, auth);
            _context.Synchronized += Synchronized;

            _avatarUrl = new Field <string>(_context, nameof(AvatarUrl));
            _bio       = new Field <string>(_context, nameof(Bio));
            _fullName  = new Field <string>(_context, nameof(FullName));
            _initials = new Field <string>(_context, nameof(Initials));
            _isConfirmed = new Field <bool?>(_context, nameof(IsConfirmed));
            _status      = new Field <MemberStatus?>(_context, nameof(Status));
            _trophies    = new Field <IEnumerable <string> >(_context, nameof(Trophies));
            _url         = new Field <string>(_context, nameof(Url));
            _userName    = new Field <string>(_context, nameof(UserName));

            if (auth != TrelloAuthorization.Null)
Ejemplo n.º 21
 internal CardStickerCollection(Func <string> getOwnerId, TrelloAuthorization auth)
     : base(getOwnerId, auth)
Ejemplo n.º 22
 internal CheckList(IJsonCheckList json, TrelloAuthorization auth)
     : this(json.Id, auth)
 internal ReadOnlyOrganizationCollection(Func <string> getOwnerId, TrelloAuthorization auth)
     : base(getOwnerId, auth)
 internal BoardMembershipCollection(Func <string> getOwnerId, TrelloAuthorization auth)
     : base(getOwnerId, auth)
 internal ReadOnlyStickerPreviewCollection(StickerContext context, TrelloAuthorization auth)
     : base(() => context.Data.Id, auth)
     _context = context;
Ejemplo n.º 26
 internal PowerUpCollection(Func <string> getOwnerId, TrelloAuthorization auth)
     : base(getOwnerId, auth)
 internal ReadOnlyCheckListCollection(Func <string> getOwnerId, TrelloAuthorization auth)
     : base(getOwnerId, auth)
Ejemplo n.º 28
 internal CardCollection(Func <string> getOwnerId, TrelloAuthorization auth)
     : base(typeof(List), getOwnerId, auth)
 internal Organization(IJsonOrganization json, TrelloAuthorization auth)
     : this(json.Id, auth)
 internal ReadOnlyBoardMembershipCollection(ReadOnlyBoardMembershipCollection source, TrelloAuthorization auth)
     : base(() => source.OwnerId, auth)
     if (source._additionalParameters != null)
         _additionalParameters = new Dictionary <string, object>(source._additionalParameters);