Ejemplo n.º 1
        /// <summary>
        /// Implements a MDPWorker API usage
        /// </summary>
        /// <remarks>
        /// Usage:  MDPWorkerExample [-v]
        /// </remarks>
        private static void Main (string[] args)
            var verbose = args.Length == 1 && args[0] == "-v";
            var exit = false;
            const string service_name = "echo";

            // trapping Ctrl+C as exit signal!
            Console.CancelKeyPress += (s, e) =>
                                          e.Cancel = true;
                                          exit = true;

            var id = new[] { (byte) 'W', (byte) '1' };

            Console.WriteLine ("Starting the MDP Worker offering service <{0}>", service_name);
            Console.WriteLine ("To exit CTRL-C!");

                // create worker offering the service 'echo'
                using (var session = new MDPWorker ("tcp://localhost:5555", service_name, id))
                    session.HeartbeatDelay = TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds (10000);
                    // logging info to be displayed on screen
                    if (verbose)
                        session.LogInfoReady += (s, e) => Console.WriteLine ("{0}", e.Info);

                    // there is no initial reply
                    NetMQMessage reply = null;

                    while (!exit)
                        // send the reply and wait for a request
                        var request = session.Receive (reply);

                        if (verbose)
                            Console.WriteLine ("Received: {0}", request);

                        // was the worker interrupted
                        if (ReferenceEquals (request, null))
                        // echo the request
                        reply = request;
            catch (Exception ex)
                Console.WriteLine ("ERROR:");
                Console.WriteLine ("{0}", ex.Message);
                Console.WriteLine ("{0}", ex.StackTrace);

                Console.WriteLine ("exit - any key");
                Console.ReadKey ();
Ejemplo n.º 2
        /// <summary>
        ///     usage:  TitanicWorkerExample [-v]
        ///     implements a MDPWorker API usage
        /// </summary>
        private static void Main (string[] args)
            const string service_name = "echo";
            var verbose = args.Length == 1 && args[0] == "-v";
            var exit = false;

            // trapping Ctrl+C as exit signal!
            Console.CancelKeyPress += (s, e) =>
                e.Cancel = true;
                exit = true;
            var id = new[] { (byte) 'W', (byte) '1' };

            Console.WriteLine ("Starting the Titanic Worker - offering service {0}", service_name);
            Console.WriteLine ("to exit - CTR-C\n");

                // create worker offering the service 'echo'
                using (var session = new MDPWorker ("tcp://localhost:5555", service_name, id))
                    // there is no inital reply
                    NetMQMessage reply = null;

                    while (!exit)
                        // send the reply and wait for a request
                        var request = session.Receive (reply);

                        if (verbose)
                            Console.WriteLine ("[TITANIC WORKER] Received: {0}", request);

                        // was the worker interrupted
                        if (ReferenceEquals (request, null))
                        // echo the request
                        reply = request;

                        if (verbose)
                            Console.WriteLine ("[TITANIC WORKER] Reply: {0}", request);
            catch (Exception ex)
                Console.WriteLine ("[TITANIC WORKER] ERROR:");
                Console.WriteLine ("{0}", ex.Message);
                Console.WriteLine ("{0}", ex.StackTrace);

                Console.WriteLine ("exit - any key");
                Console.ReadKey ();
Ejemplo n.º 3
        public void ReceiveImplicitConnect_ValidScenario_ShouldReturnRequest()
            const string hostAddress = "tcp://localhost:5557";
            var loggingMessages = new List<string> ();

            // setup the counter socket for communication
            using (var context = NetMQContext.Create ())
            using (var broker = context.CreateRouterSocket ())
            using (var poller = new Poller ())
            using (var session = new MDPWorker (hostAddress, "test", new[] { (byte) '1' }))
                broker.Bind (hostAddress);
                // we need to pick up any message in order to avoid errors
                broker.ReceiveReady += (s, e) =>
                    var msg = e.Socket.ReceiveMultipartMessage ();
                    // we expect to receive a 5 Frame message
                    // [WORKER ADR][EMPTY]["MDPW01"]["READY"]["test"]
                    if (msg.FrameCount != 5)
                        Assert.Fail ("Message with wrong count of frames {0}", msg.FrameCount);
                    // make sure the frames are as expected
                    Assert.That (msg[1], Is.EqualTo (NetMQFrame.Empty));
                    Assert.That (msg[2].ConvertToString (), Is.EqualTo ("MDPW01"));
                    Assert.That (msg[3].BufferSize, Is.EqualTo (1));
                    Assert.That (msg[3].Buffer[0], Is.EqualTo ((byte) MDPCommand.Ready));
                    Assert.That (msg[4].ConvertToString (), Is.EqualTo ("test"));

                    // tell worker to stop gracefully
                    var reply = new NetMQMessage ();
                    reply.Push (new[] { (byte) MDPCommand.Kill });
                    // push MDP Version
                    reply.Push (msg[2]);
                    // push separator
                    reply.Push (NetMQFrame.Empty);
                    // push worker address
                    reply.Push (msg[0]);
                    // send reply which is a request for the worker
                    e.Socket.SendMessage (reply);

                poller.AddSocket (broker);
                Task.Factory.StartNew (poller.PollTillCancelled);

                // set the event handler to receive the logging messages
                session.LogInfoReady += (s, e) => loggingMessages.Add (e.Info);
                // initialise the worker - broker protocol
                session.Receive (null);

                poller.CancelAndJoin ();
                poller.RemoveSocket (broker);

                Assert.That (loggingMessages.Count, Is.EqualTo (5));
                Assert.That (loggingMessages[0], Is.EqualTo ("[WORKER] connected to broker at tcp://localhost:5557"));
                Assert.That (loggingMessages[1].Contains ("[WORKER] sending"), Is.True);
                Assert.That (loggingMessages[2].Contains ("[WORKER] received"));
                Assert.That (loggingMessages[4].Contains ("abandoning"));
Ejemplo n.º 4
        public void Receive_RequestWithWrongMDPComand_ShouldLogCorrectMessage()
            const string hostAddress = "tcp://localhost:5555";
            var loggingMessages = new List<string> ();
            var first = true;

            // setup the counter socket for communication
            using (var context = NetMQContext.Create ())
            using (var broker = context.CreateRouterSocket ())
            using (var poller = new Poller ())
            using (var session = new MDPWorker (hostAddress, "test", Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes ("Worker"), 2))
                broker.Bind (hostAddress);
                // we need to pick up any message in order to avoid errors
                broker.ReceiveReady += (s, e) =>
                    var msg = e.Socket.ReceiveMultipartMessage ();
                    // we expect to receive a 5 Frame message
                    // [WORKER ADR][EMPTY]["MDPW01"]["READY"]["test"]
                    if (msg.FrameCount != 5)
                        return; // it is a HEARTBEAT
                    // make sure the frames are as expected
                    Assert.That (msg[1], Is.EqualTo (NetMQFrame.Empty));
                    Assert.That (msg[2].ConvertToString (), Is.EqualTo ("MDPW01"));
                    Assert.That (msg[3].BufferSize, Is.EqualTo (1));
                    Assert.That (msg[3].Buffer[0], Is.EqualTo ((byte) MDPCommand.Ready));
                    Assert.That (msg[4].ConvertToString (), Is.EqualTo ("test"));

                    // tell worker to stop gracefully
                    var reply = new NetMQMessage ();
                    if (first)
                        reply.Push (new[] { (byte) 0xff });
                        first = false;
                        reply.Push (new[] { (byte) MDPCommand.Kill });
                    // push MDP Version
                    reply.Push ("MDPW01");
                    // push separator
                    reply.Push (NetMQFrame.Empty);
                    // push worker address
                    reply.Push (msg[0]);
                    // send reply which is a request for the worker
                    e.Socket.SendMessage (reply);
                // set the event handler to receive the logging messages
                session.LogInfoReady += (s, e) => loggingMessages.Add (e.Info);

                poller.AddSocket (broker);
                Task.Factory.StartNew (poller.PollTillCancelled);

                session.HeartbeatDelay = TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds (250);
                session.ReconnectDelay = TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds (250);
                // initialise the worker - broker protocol
                session.Receive (null);

                Assert.That (loggingMessages.Count (m => m.Contains ("[WORKER ERROR] invalid command received")), Is.EqualTo (1));
                Assert.That (loggingMessages.Count (m => m.Contains ("abandoning")), Is.EqualTo (1));

                poller.CancelAndJoin ();
                poller.RemoveSocket (broker);
Ejemplo n.º 5
        public void Receive_RequestWithWrongFirstFrame_ShouldThrowApplicationException()
            const string hostAddress = "tcp://localhost:5555";

            // setup the counter socket for communication
            using (var context = NetMQContext.Create ())
            using (var broker = context.CreateRouterSocket ())
            using (var poller = new Poller ())
            using (var session = new MDPWorker (hostAddress, "test"))
                broker.Bind (hostAddress);
                // we need to pick up any message in order to avoid errors
                broker.ReceiveReady += (s, e) =>
                    var msg = e.Socket.ReceiveMultipartMessage ();
                    // we expect to receive a 5 Frame message
                    // [WORKER ADR][EMPTY]["MDPW01"]["READY"]["test"]
                    if (msg.FrameCount != 5)
                        Assert.Fail ("Message with wrong count of frames {0}", msg.FrameCount);
                    // make sure the frames are as expected
                    Assert.That (msg[1], Is.EqualTo (NetMQFrame.Empty));
                    Assert.That (msg[2].ConvertToString (), Is.EqualTo ("MDPW01"));
                    Assert.That (msg[3].BufferSize, Is.EqualTo (1));
                    Assert.That (msg[3].Buffer[0], Is.EqualTo ((byte) MDPCommand.Ready));
                    Assert.That (msg[4].ConvertToString (), Is.EqualTo ("test"));

                    // tell worker to stop gracefully
                    var reply = new NetMQMessage ();
                    reply.Push (new[] { (byte) MDPCommand.Kill });
                    // push MDP Version
                    reply.Push ("MDPW01");
                    // push separator
                    reply.Push ("Should be empty");
                    // push worker address
                    reply.Push (msg[0]);
                    // send reply which is a request for the worker
                    e.Socket.SendMessage (reply);

                poller.AddSocket (broker);
                Task.Factory.StartNew (poller.PollTillCancelled);

                    session.Receive (null);
                catch (ApplicationException ex)
                    Assert.That (ex.Message, Is.EqualTo ("First frame must be an empty frame!"));

                poller.CancelAndJoin ();
                poller.RemoveSocket (broker);
Ejemplo n.º 6
        public void Receive_REPLYtoREQUEST_ShouldSendCorrectReply()
            const string hostAddress = "tcp://localhost:5557";
            var loggingMessages = new List<string> ();

            // setup the counter socket for communication
            using (var context = NetMQContext.Create ())
            using (var broker = context.CreateRouterSocket ())
            using (var poller = new Poller ())
            using (var session = new MDPWorker (hostAddress, "test", new[] { (byte) 'W', (byte) '1' }))
                broker.Bind (hostAddress);
                // we need to pick up any message in order to avoid errors
                broker.ReceiveReady += (s, e) =>
                    var msg = e.Socket.ReceiveMultipartMessage ();
                    if (msg[3].Buffer[0] == (byte) MDPCommand.Ready)
                        // this is a READY message and we
                        // send REQUEST message
                        var request = new NetMQMessage ();
                        request.Push ("echo test"); // [request]
                        request.Push (NetMQFrame.Empty); // [e][request]
                        request.Push ("C1"); // [client adr][e][request]
                        request.Push (new[] { (byte) MDPCommand.Request }); // [command][client adr][e][request]
                        request.Push (msg[2]); // [header][command][client adr][e][request]
                        request.Push (NetMQFrame.Empty); // [e][header][command][client adr][e][request]
                        request.Push (msg[0]); // [worker adr][e][header][command][client adr][e][request]
                        // send reply which is a request for the worker
                        e.Socket.SendMessage (request);

                    if (msg[3].Buffer[0] == (byte) MDPCommand.Reply)
                        // we expect to receive
                        // [WORKER ADR][e]["MDPW01"][REPLY][CLIENT ADR][e][request == "echo test"]
                        // make sure the frames are as expected
                        Assert.That (msg[0].ConvertToString (), Is.EqualTo ("W1"));
                        Assert.That (msg[1], Is.EqualTo (NetMQFrame.Empty));
                        Assert.That (msg[2].ConvertToString (), Is.EqualTo ("MDPW01"));
                        Assert.That (msg[3].BufferSize, Is.EqualTo (1));
                        Assert.That (msg[3].Buffer[0], Is.EqualTo ((byte) MDPCommand.Reply));
                        Assert.That (msg[4].ConvertToString (), Is.EqualTo ("C1"));
                        Assert.That (msg[5], Is.EqualTo (NetMQFrame.Empty));
                        Assert.That (msg[6].ConvertToString (), Is.EqualTo ("echo test"));

                        // tell worker to stop gracefully
                        var reply = new NetMQMessage ();
                        reply.Push (new[] { (byte) MDPCommand.Kill });
                        // push MDP Version
                        reply.Push (msg[2]);
                        // push separator
                        reply.Push (NetMQFrame.Empty);
                        // push worker address
                        reply.Push (msg[0]);
                        // send reply which is a request for the worker
                        e.Socket.SendMessage (reply);

                poller.AddSocket (broker);
                Task.Factory.StartNew (poller.PollTillCancelled);

                // set the event handler to receive the logging messages
                session.LogInfoReady += (s, e) => loggingMessages.Add (e.Info);
                // initialise the worker - broker protocol
                // and get initial request
                var workerRequest = session.Receive (null);
                // just echo the request
                session.Receive (workerRequest);

                poller.CancelAndJoin ();
                poller.RemoveSocket (broker);

                Assert.That (loggingMessages.Count, Is.EqualTo (8));
                Assert.That (loggingMessages[0], Is.EqualTo ("[WORKER] connected to broker at tcp://localhost:5557"));
                Assert.That (loggingMessages[1].Contains ("Ready"));
                Assert.That (loggingMessages[2].Contains ("[WORKER] received"));
                Assert.That (loggingMessages[3].Contains ("Request"));
                Assert.That (loggingMessages[4].Contains ("Reply"));
                Assert.That (loggingMessages[6].Contains ("Kill"));
                Assert.That (loggingMessages[7].Contains ("abandoning"));
Ejemplo n.º 7
        public void Receive_BrokerDisconnectedWithLogging_ShouldReturnRequest()
            const string hostAddress = "tcp://localhost:5555";
            var loggingMessages = new List<string> ();

            // setup the counter socket for communication
            using (var context = NetMQContext.Create ())
            using (var broker = context.CreateRouterSocket ())
            using (var poller = new Poller ())
            using (var session = new MDPWorker (hostAddress, "test"))
                broker.Bind (hostAddress);
                // we need to pick up any message in order to avoid errors but don't answer
                broker.ReceiveReady += (s, e) => e.Socket.ReceiveMultipartMessage ();

                poller.AddSocket (broker);
                Task.Factory.StartNew (poller.PollTillCancelled);

                // speed up the test
                session.HeartbeatDelay = TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds (250);
                session.ReconnectDelay = TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds (250);
                // set the event handler to receive the logging messages
                session.LogInfoReady += (s, e) => loggingMessages.Add (e.Info);
                // initialise the worker - broker protocol
                session.Receive (null);

                poller.CancelAndJoin ();
                poller.RemoveSocket (broker);

                Assert.That (loggingMessages.Count (m => m.Contains ("retrying")), Is.EqualTo (3));
                // 3 times retrying and 1 time initial connecting
                Assert.That (loggingMessages.Count (m => m.Contains ("localhost")), Is.EqualTo (4));
                Assert.That (loggingMessages.Last ().Contains ("abandoning"));