Ejemplo n.º 1
 /// <summary>
 /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="MailKit.Net.Imap.ImapFolder"/> class.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="engine">The IMAP engine.</param>
 /// <param name="encodedName">The encoded name.</param>
 /// <param name="attrs">The folder attributes.</param>
 /// <param name="delim">The path delimeter.</param>
 internal ImapFolder(ImapEngine engine, string encodedName, FolderAttributes attrs, char delim)
     FullName = ImapEncoding.Decode (encodedName);
     Name = GetBaseName (FullName, delim);
     DirectorySeparator = delim;
     EncodedName = encodedName;
     Attributes = attrs;
     Engine = engine;
Ejemplo n.º 2
		/// <summary>
		/// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="MailKit.Net.Imap.ImapFolderConstructorArgs"/> class.
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="engine">The IMAP command engine.</param>
		/// <param name="encodedName">The encoded name.</param>
		/// <param name="attributes">The attributes.</param>
		/// <param name="delim">The directory separator.</param>
		internal ImapFolderConstructorArgs (ImapEngine engine, string encodedName, FolderAttributes attributes, char delim)
			FullName = engine.DecodeMailboxName (encodedName);
			Name = GetBaseName (FullName, delim);
			DirectorySeparator = delim;
			EncodedName = encodedName;
			Attributes = attributes;
			Engine = engine;
Ejemplo n.º 3
        /// <summary>
        /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="MailKit.Net.Imap.ImapFolder"/> class.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="engine">The IMAP engine.</param>
        /// <param name="encodedName">The encoded name.</param>
        /// <param name="attrs">The folder attributes.</param>
        /// <param name="delim">The path delimeter.</param>
        internal ImapFolder(ImapEngine engine, string encodedName, FolderAttributes attrs, char delim)
            FullName = engine.DecodeMailboxName (encodedName);
            Name = GetBaseName (FullName, delim);
            DirectorySeparator = delim;
            EncodedName = encodedName;
            Attributes = attrs;
            Engine = engine;

            engine.Disconnected += (sender, e) => {
                Access = FolderAccess.None;
Ejemplo n.º 4
		/// <summary>
		/// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="MailKit.Net.Imap.ImapCommand"/> class.
		/// </summary>
		/// <remarks>
		/// Creates a new <see cref="MailKit.Net.Imap.ImapCommand"/>.
		/// </remarks>
		/// <param name="engine">The IMAP engine that will be sending the command.</param>
		/// <param name="cancellationToken">The cancellation token.</param>
		/// <param name="folder">The IMAP folder that the command operates on.</param>
		/// <param name="options">The formatting options.</param>
		/// <param name="format">The command format.</param>
		/// <param name="args">The command arguments.</param>
		public ImapCommand (ImapEngine engine, CancellationToken cancellationToken, ImapFolder folder, FormatOptions options, string format, params object[] args)
			UntaggedHandlers = new Dictionary<string, ImapUntaggedHandler> ();
			RespCodes = new List<ImapResponseCode> ();
			CancellationToken = cancellationToken;
			Response = ImapCommandResponse.None;
			Status = ImapCommandStatus.Created;
			Engine = engine;
			Folder = folder;

			using (var builder = new MemoryStream ()) {
				var plus = (Engine.Capabilities & ImapCapabilities.LiteralPlus) != 0 ? "+" : string.Empty;
				int argc = 0;
				byte[] buf;
				string str;
				char c;

				for (int i = 0; i < format.Length; i++) {
					if (format[i] == '%') {
						switch (format[++i]) {
						case '%': // a literal %
							builder.WriteByte ((byte) '%');
						case 'c': // a character
							c = (char) args[argc++];
							builder.WriteByte ((byte) c);
						case 'd': // an integer
							str = ((int) args[argc++]).ToString ();
							buf = Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes (str);
							builder.Write (buf, 0, buf.Length);
						case 'u': // an unsigned integer
							str = ((uint) args[argc++]).ToString ();
							buf = Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes (str);
							builder.Write (buf, 0, buf.Length);
						case 'F': // an ImapFolder
							var utf7 = ((ImapFolder) args[argc++]).EncodedName;
							AppendString (options, true, builder, utf7);
						case 'L':
							var literal = new ImapLiteral (options, args[argc++], UpdateProgress);
							var length = literal.Length;

							totalSize += length;

							if (options.International)
								str = "UTF8 (~{" + length + plus + "}\r\n";
								str = "{" + length + plus + "}\r\n";

							buf = Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes (str);
							builder.Write (buf, 0, buf.Length);

							parts.Add (new ImapCommandPart (builder.ToArray (), literal));
							builder.SetLength (0);

							if (options.International)
								builder.WriteByte ((byte) ')');
						case 'S': // a string which may need to be quoted or made into a literal
							AppendString (options, true, builder, (string) args[argc++]);
						case 'Q': // similar to %S but string must be quoted at a minimum
							AppendString (options, false, builder, (string) args[argc++]);
						case 's': // a safe atom string
							buf = Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes ((string) args[argc++]);
							builder.Write (buf, 0, buf.Length);
							throw new FormatException ();
					} else {
						builder.WriteByte ((byte) format[i]);

				parts.Add (new ImapCommandPart (builder.ToArray (), null));
Ejemplo n.º 5
		internal void OnVanished (ImapEngine engine, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
			var token = engine.ReadToken (cancellationToken);
			UniqueIdSet vanished;
			bool earlier = false;

			if (token.Type == ImapTokenType.OpenParen) {
				do {
					token = engine.ReadToken (cancellationToken);

					if (token.Type == ImapTokenType.CloseParen)

					if (token.Type != ImapTokenType.Atom)
						throw ImapEngine.UnexpectedToken (ImapEngine.GenericUntaggedResponseSyntaxErrorFormat, "VANISHED", token);

					var atom = (string) token.Value;

					if (atom == "EARLIER")
						earlier = true;
				} while (true);

				token = engine.ReadToken (cancellationToken);

			if (token.Type != ImapTokenType.Atom || !UniqueIdSet.TryParse ((string) token.Value, UidValidity, out vanished))
				throw ImapEngine.UnexpectedToken (ImapEngine.GenericUntaggedResponseSyntaxErrorFormat, "VANISHED", token);

			OnMessagesVanished (new MessagesVanishedEventArgs (vanished, earlier));
Ejemplo n.º 6
		static void ThreadMatches (ImapEngine engine, ImapCommand ic, int index)
			ic.UserData = ImapUtils.ParseThreads (engine, ic.Folder.UidValidity, ic.CancellationToken);
Ejemplo n.º 7
		static void SearchMatches (ImapEngine engine, ImapCommand ic, int index)
			var results = new SearchResults ();
			var uids = new List<UniqueId> ();
			ImapToken token;
			ulong modseq;
			uint uid;

			do {
				token = engine.PeekToken (ic.CancellationToken);

				// keep reading UIDs until we get to the end of the line or until we get a "(MODSEQ ####)"
				if (token.Type == ImapTokenType.Eoln || token.Type == ImapTokenType.OpenParen)

				token = engine.ReadToken (ic.CancellationToken);

				if (token.Type != ImapTokenType.Atom || !uint.TryParse ((string) token.Value, out uid) || uid == 0)
					throw ImapEngine.UnexpectedToken (ImapEngine.GenericUntaggedResponseSyntaxErrorFormat, "SEARCH", token);

				uids.Add (new UniqueId (ic.Folder.UidValidity, uid));
			} while (true);

			if (token.Type == ImapTokenType.OpenParen) {
				engine.ReadToken (ic.CancellationToken);

				do {
					token = engine.ReadToken (ic.CancellationToken);

					if (token.Type == ImapTokenType.CloseParen)

					if (token.Type != ImapTokenType.Atom)
						throw ImapEngine.UnexpectedToken (ImapEngine.GenericUntaggedResponseSyntaxErrorFormat, "SEARCH", token);

					var atom = (string) token.Value;

					switch (atom) {
					case "MODSEQ":
						token = engine.ReadToken (ic.CancellationToken);

						if (token.Type != ImapTokenType.Atom || !ulong.TryParse ((string) token.Value, out modseq)) {
							Debug.WriteLine ("Expected 64-bit nz-number as the MODSEQ value, but got: {0}", token);
							throw ImapEngine.UnexpectedToken (ImapEngine.GenericItemSyntaxErrorFormat, atom, token);

					token = engine.PeekToken (ic.CancellationToken);
				} while (token.Type != ImapTokenType.Eoln);

			results.UniqueIds = uids;
			ic.UserData = results;
Ejemplo n.º 8
		void FetchSummaryItems (ImapEngine engine, ImapCommand ic, int index)
			var token = engine.ReadToken (ic.CancellationToken);

			if (token.Type != ImapTokenType.OpenParen)
				throw ImapEngine.UnexpectedToken (ImapEngine.GenericUntaggedResponseSyntaxErrorFormat, "FETCH", token);

			var ctx = (FetchSummaryContext) ic.UserData;
			IMessageSummary isummary;
			MessageSummary summary;

			if (!ctx.Results.TryGetValue (index, out isummary)) {
				summary = new MessageSummary (index);
				ctx.Results.Add (index, summary);
			} else {
				summary = (MessageSummary) isummary;

			do {
				token = engine.ReadToken (ic.CancellationToken);

				if (token.Type == ImapTokenType.CloseParen || token.Type == ImapTokenType.Eoln)

				if (token.Type != ImapTokenType.Atom)
					throw ImapEngine.UnexpectedToken (ImapEngine.GenericUntaggedResponseSyntaxErrorFormat, "FETCH", token);

				var atom = (string) token.Value;
				string format;
				ulong value64;
				uint value;
				int idx;

				switch (atom) {
				case "INTERNALDATE":
					token = engine.ReadToken (ic.CancellationToken);

					switch (token.Type) {
					case ImapTokenType.QString:
					case ImapTokenType.Atom:
						summary.InternalDate = ImapUtils.ParseInternalDate ((string) token.Value);
					case ImapTokenType.Nil:
						summary.InternalDate = null;
						throw ImapEngine.UnexpectedToken (ImapEngine.GenericItemSyntaxErrorFormat, atom, token);

					summary.Fields |= MessageSummaryItems.InternalDate;
				case "RFC822.SIZE":
					token = engine.ReadToken (ic.CancellationToken);

					if (token.Type != ImapTokenType.Atom || !uint.TryParse ((string) token.Value, out value))
						throw ImapEngine.UnexpectedToken (ImapEngine.GenericItemSyntaxErrorFormat, atom, token);

					summary.Fields |= MessageSummaryItems.MessageSize;
					summary.Size = value;
					format = string.Format (ImapEngine.GenericItemSyntaxErrorFormat, "BODYSTRUCTURE", "{0}");
					summary.Body = ImapUtils.ParseBody (engine, format, string.Empty, ic.CancellationToken);
					summary.Fields |= MessageSummaryItems.BodyStructure;
				case "BODY":
					token = engine.PeekToken (ic.CancellationToken);

					if (token.Type == ImapTokenType.OpenBracket) {
						// consume the '['
						token = engine.ReadToken (ic.CancellationToken);

						if (token.Type != ImapTokenType.OpenBracket)
							throw ImapEngine.UnexpectedToken (ImapEngine.GenericItemSyntaxErrorFormat, atom, token);

						// References and/or other headers were requested...

						do {
							token = engine.ReadToken (ic.CancellationToken);

							if (token.Type == ImapTokenType.CloseBracket)

							if (token.Type == ImapTokenType.OpenParen) {
								do {
									token = engine.ReadToken (ic.CancellationToken);

									if (token.Type == ImapTokenType.CloseParen)

									// the header field names will generally be atoms or qstrings but may also be literals
									switch (token.Type) {
									case ImapTokenType.Literal:
										engine.ReadLiteral (ic.CancellationToken);
									case ImapTokenType.QString:
									case ImapTokenType.Atom:
										throw ImapEngine.UnexpectedToken (ImapEngine.GenericItemSyntaxErrorFormat, atom, token);
								} while (true);
							} else if (token.Type != ImapTokenType.Atom) {
								throw ImapEngine.UnexpectedToken (ImapEngine.GenericItemSyntaxErrorFormat, atom, token);
						} while (true);

						if (token.Type != ImapTokenType.CloseBracket)
							throw ImapEngine.UnexpectedToken (ImapEngine.GenericItemSyntaxErrorFormat, atom, token);

						token = engine.ReadToken (ic.CancellationToken);

						if (token.Type != ImapTokenType.Literal)
							throw ImapEngine.UnexpectedToken (ImapEngine.GenericItemSyntaxErrorFormat, atom, token);

						summary.References = new MessageIdList ();

						try {
							summary.Headers = engine.ParseHeaders (engine.Stream, ic.CancellationToken);
						} catch (FormatException) {
							// consume any remaining literal data...
							ReadLiteralData (engine, ic.CancellationToken);
							summary.Headers = new HeaderList ();

						if ((idx = summary.Headers.IndexOf (HeaderId.References)) != -1) {
							var references = summary.Headers[idx];
							var rawValue = references.RawValue;

							foreach (var msgid in MimeUtils.EnumerateReferences (rawValue, 0, rawValue.Length))
								summary.References.Add (msgid);

						summary.Fields |= MessageSummaryItems.References;
					} else {
						summary.Fields |= MessageSummaryItems.Body;

						try {
							format = string.Format (ImapEngine.GenericItemSyntaxErrorFormat, "BODY", "{0}");
							summary.Body = ImapUtils.ParseBody (engine, format, string.Empty, ic.CancellationToken);
						} catch (ImapProtocolException ex) {
							if (!ex.UnexpectedToken)

							// Note: GMail's IMAP implementation sometimes replies with completely broken BODY values
							// (see issue #32 for the `BODY ("ALTERNATIVE")` example), so to work around this nonsense,
							// we need to drop the remainder of this line.
							do {
								token = engine.PeekToken (ic.CancellationToken);

								if (token.Type == ImapTokenType.Eoln)

								token = engine.ReadToken (ic.CancellationToken);

								if (token.Type == ImapTokenType.Literal)
									ReadLiteralData (engine, ic.CancellationToken);
							} while (true);

				case "ENVELOPE":
					summary.Envelope = ImapUtils.ParseEnvelope (engine, ic.CancellationToken);
					summary.Fields |= MessageSummaryItems.Envelope;
				case "FLAGS":
					summary.Flags = ImapUtils.ParseFlagsList (engine, atom, summary.UserFlags, ic.CancellationToken);
					summary.Fields |= MessageSummaryItems.Flags;
				case "MODSEQ":
					token = engine.ReadToken (ic.CancellationToken);

					if (token.Type != ImapTokenType.OpenParen)
						throw ImapEngine.UnexpectedToken (ImapEngine.GenericItemSyntaxErrorFormat, atom, token);

					token = engine.ReadToken (ic.CancellationToken);

					if (token.Type != ImapTokenType.Atom || !ulong.TryParse ((string) token.Value, out value64))
						throw ImapEngine.UnexpectedToken (ImapEngine.GenericItemSyntaxErrorFormat, atom, token);

					token = engine.ReadToken (ic.CancellationToken);

					if (token.Type != ImapTokenType.CloseParen)
						throw ImapEngine.UnexpectedToken (ImapEngine.GenericItemSyntaxErrorFormat, atom, token);

					summary.Fields |= MessageSummaryItems.ModSeq;
					summary.ModSeq = value64;
				case "UID":
					token = engine.ReadToken (ic.CancellationToken);

					if (token.Type != ImapTokenType.Atom || !uint.TryParse ((string) token.Value, out value) || value == 0)
						throw ImapEngine.UnexpectedToken (ImapEngine.GenericItemSyntaxErrorFormat, atom, token);

					summary.UniqueId = new UniqueId (ic.Folder.UidValidity, value);
					summary.Fields |= MessageSummaryItems.UniqueId;
				case "X-GM-MSGID":
					token = engine.ReadToken (ic.CancellationToken);

					if (token.Type != ImapTokenType.Atom || !ulong.TryParse ((string) token.Value, out value64) || value64 == 0)
						throw ImapEngine.UnexpectedToken (ImapEngine.GenericItemSyntaxErrorFormat, atom, token);

					summary.Fields |= MessageSummaryItems.GMailMessageId;
					summary.GMailMessageId = value64;
				case "X-GM-THRID":
					token = engine.ReadToken (ic.CancellationToken);

					if (token.Type != ImapTokenType.Atom || !ulong.TryParse ((string) token.Value, out value64) || value64 == 0)
						throw ImapEngine.UnexpectedToken (ImapEngine.GenericItemSyntaxErrorFormat, atom, token);

					summary.Fields |= MessageSummaryItems.GMailThreadId;
					summary.GMailThreadId = value64;
				case "X-GM-LABELS":
					summary.GMailLabels = ImapUtils.ParseLabelsList (engine, ic.CancellationToken);
					summary.Fields |= MessageSummaryItems.GMailLabels;
					throw ImapEngine.UnexpectedToken (ImapEngine.GenericUntaggedResponseSyntaxErrorFormat, "FETCH", token);
			} while (true);

			if (token.Type != ImapTokenType.CloseParen)
				throw ImapEngine.UnexpectedToken (ImapEngine.GenericUntaggedResponseSyntaxErrorFormat, "FETCH", token);

			if ((ctx.RequestedItems & summary.Fields) == ctx.RequestedItems)
				OnMessageSummaryFetched (summary);
Ejemplo n.º 9
		static void QResyncFetch (ImapEngine engine, ImapCommand ic, int index)
			ic.Folder.OnFetch (engine, index, ic.CancellationToken);
Ejemplo n.º 10
		public void TestParseDovcotEnvelopeWithGroupAddresses ()
			const string text = "(\"Mon, 13 Jul 2015 21:15:32 -0400\" \"Test message\" ((\"Example From\" NIL \"from\" \"example.com\")) ((\"Example Sender\" NIL \"sender\" \"example.com\")) ((\"Example Reply-To\" NIL \"reply-to\" \"example.com\")) ((NIL NIL \"boys\" NIL)(NIL NIL \"aaron\" \"MISSING_DOMAIN\")(NIL NIL \"jeff\" \"MISSING_DOMAIN\")(NIL NIL \"zach\" \"MISSING_DOMAIN\")(NIL NIL NIL NIL)(NIL NIL \"girls\" NIL)(NIL NIL \"alice\" \"MISSING_DOMAIN\")(NIL NIL \"hailey\" \"MISSING_DOMAIN\")(NIL NIL \"jenny\" \"MISSING_DOMAIN\")(NIL NIL NIL NIL)) NIL NIL NIL \"<*****@*****.**>\")";

			using (var memory = new MemoryStream (Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes (text), false)) {
				using (var tokenizer = new ImapStream (memory, null, new NullProtocolLogger ())) {
					using (var engine = new ImapEngine (null)) {
						Envelope envelope;

						engine.SetStream (tokenizer);

						try {
							envelope = ImapUtils.ParseEnvelope (engine, CancellationToken.None);
						} catch (Exception ex) {
							Assert.Fail ("Parsing ENVELOPE failed: {0}", ex);

						Assert.AreEqual ("\"Example Sender\" <*****@*****.**>", envelope.Sender.ToString ());
						Assert.AreEqual ("\"Example From\" <*****@*****.**>", envelope.From.ToString ());
						Assert.AreEqual ("\"Example Reply-To\" <*****@*****.**>", envelope.ReplyTo.ToString ());
						Assert.AreEqual ("boys: aaron, jeff, zach;, girls: alice, hailey, jenny;", envelope.To.ToString ());
Ejemplo n.º 11
		public void TestParseExampleEnvelopeRfc3501 ()
			const string text = "(\"Wed, 17 Jul 1996 02:23:25 -0700 (PDT)\" \"IMAP4rev1 WG mtg summary and minutes\" ((\"Terry Gray\" NIL \"gray\" \"cac.washington.edu\")) ((\"Terry Gray\" NIL \"gray\" \"cac.washington.edu\")) ((\"Terry Gray\" NIL \"gray\" \"cac.washington.edu\")) ((NIL NIL \"imap\" \"cac.washington.edu\")) ((NIL NIL \"minutes\" \"CNRI.Reston.VA.US\") (\"John Klensin\" NIL \"KLENSIN\" \"MIT.EDU\")) NIL NIL \"<*****@*****.**>\")\r\n";

			using (var memory = new MemoryStream (Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes (text), false)) {
				using (var tokenizer = new ImapStream (memory, null, new NullProtocolLogger ())) {
					using (var engine = new ImapEngine (null)) {
						Envelope envelope;

						engine.SetStream (tokenizer);

						try {
							envelope = ImapUtils.ParseEnvelope (engine, CancellationToken.None);
						} catch (Exception ex) {
							Assert.Fail ("Parsing ENVELOPE failed: {0}", ex);

						var token = engine.ReadToken (CancellationToken.None);
						Assert.AreEqual (ImapTokenType.Eoln, token.Type, "Expected new-line, but got: {0}", token);

						Assert.IsTrue (envelope.Date.HasValue, "Parsed ENVELOPE date is null.");
						Assert.AreEqual ("Wed, 17 Jul 1996 02:23:25 -0700", DateUtils.FormatDate (envelope.Date.Value), "Date does not match.");
						Assert.AreEqual ("IMAP4rev1 WG mtg summary and minutes", envelope.Subject, "Subject does not match.");

						Assert.AreEqual (1, envelope.From.Count, "From counts do not match.");
						Assert.AreEqual ("\"Terry Gray\" <*****@*****.**>", envelope.From.ToString (), "From does not match.");

						Assert.AreEqual (1, envelope.Sender.Count, "Sender counts do not match.");
						Assert.AreEqual ("\"Terry Gray\" <*****@*****.**>", envelope.Sender.ToString (), "Sender does not match.");

						Assert.AreEqual (1, envelope.ReplyTo.Count, "Reply-To counts do not match.");
						Assert.AreEqual ("\"Terry Gray\" <*****@*****.**>", envelope.ReplyTo.ToString (), "Reply-To does not match.");

						Assert.AreEqual (1, envelope.To.Count, "To counts do not match.");
						Assert.AreEqual ("*****@*****.**", envelope.To.ToString (), "To does not match.");

						Assert.AreEqual (2, envelope.Cc.Count, "Cc counts do not match.");
						Assert.AreEqual ("[email protected], \"John Klensin\" <*****@*****.**>", envelope.Cc.ToString (), "Cc does not match.");

						Assert.AreEqual (0, envelope.Bcc.Count, "Bcc counts do not match.");

						Assert.IsNull (envelope.InReplyTo, "In-Reply-To is not null.");

						Assert.AreEqual ("*****@*****.**", envelope.MessageId, "Message-Id does not match.");
Ejemplo n.º 12
		public void TestParseExampleBodyRfc3501 ()
			const string text = "(\"TEXT\" \"PLAIN\" (\"CHARSET\" \"US-ASCII\") NIL NIL \"7BIT\" 3028 92)\r\n";

			using (var memory = new MemoryStream (Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes (text), false)) {
				using (var tokenizer = new ImapStream (memory, null, new NullProtocolLogger ())) {
					using (var engine = new ImapEngine (null)) {
						BodyPartText basic;
						BodyPart body;

						engine.SetStream (tokenizer);

						try {
							body = ImapUtils.ParseBody (engine, "Unexpected token: {0}", string.Empty, CancellationToken.None);
						} catch (Exception ex) {
							Assert.Fail ("Parsing BODY failed: {0}", ex);

						var token = engine.ReadToken (CancellationToken.None);
						Assert.AreEqual (ImapTokenType.Eoln, token.Type, "Expected new-line, but got: {0}", token);

						Assert.IsInstanceOf<BodyPartText> (body, "Body types did not match.");
						basic = (BodyPartText) body;

						Assert.IsTrue (body.ContentType.IsMimeType ("text", "plain"), "Content-Type did not match.");
						Assert.AreEqual ("US-ASCII", body.ContentType.Parameters["charset"], "charset param did not match");

						Assert.IsNotNull (basic, "The parsed body is not BodyPartText.");
						Assert.AreEqual ("7BIT", basic.ContentTransferEncoding, "Content-Transfer-Encoding did not match.");
						Assert.AreEqual (3028, basic.Octets, "Octet count did not match.");
						Assert.AreEqual (92, basic.Lines, "Line count did not match.");
Ejemplo n.º 13
		public void TestParseLabelsListWithNIL ()
			const string text = "(atom-label \\flag-label \"quoted-label\" NIL)\r\n";

			using (var memory = new MemoryStream (Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes (text), false)) {
				using (var tokenizer = new ImapStream (memory, null, new NullProtocolLogger ())) {
					using (var engine = new ImapEngine (null)) {
						IList<string> labels;

						engine.SetStream (tokenizer);

						try {
							labels = ImapUtils.ParseLabelsList (engine, CancellationToken.None);
						} catch (Exception ex) {
							Assert.Fail ("Parsing X-GM-LABELS failed: {0}", ex);

						var token = engine.ReadToken (CancellationToken.None);
						Assert.AreEqual (ImapTokenType.Eoln, token.Type, "Expected new-line, but got: {0}", token);
Ejemplo n.º 14
		static void UntaggedQuotaRoot (ImapEngine engine, ImapCommand ic, int index)
			// The first token should be the mailbox name
			ReadStringToken (engine, ic.CancellationToken);

			// ...followed by 0 or more quota roots
			var token = engine.PeekToken (ic.CancellationToken);

			while (token.Type != ImapTokenType.Eoln) {
				ReadStringToken (engine, ic.CancellationToken);

				token = engine.PeekToken (ic.CancellationToken);
Ejemplo n.º 15
		static void UntaggedMyRights (ImapEngine engine, ImapCommand ic, int index)
			var access = (AccessRights) ic.UserData;

			// read the mailbox name
			ReadStringToken (engine, ic.CancellationToken);

			// read the access rights
			access.AddRange (ReadStringToken (engine, ic.CancellationToken));
Ejemplo n.º 16
		static void UntaggedQuota (ImapEngine engine, ImapCommand ic, int index)
			string format = string.Format (ImapEngine.GenericUntaggedResponseSyntaxErrorFormat, "QUOTA", "{0}");
			var encodedName = ReadStringToken (engine, format, ic.CancellationToken);
			ImapFolder quotaRoot;
			FolderQuota quota;

			if (!engine.GetCachedFolder (encodedName, out quotaRoot)) {
				// Note: this shouldn't happen because the quota root should
				// be one of the parent folders which will all have been added
				// to the folder cache by this point.

			ic.UserData = quota = new FolderQuota (quotaRoot);

			var token = engine.ReadToken (ic.CancellationToken);

			if (token.Type != ImapTokenType.OpenParen)
				throw ImapEngine.UnexpectedToken (format, token);

			while (token.Type != ImapTokenType.CloseParen) {
				uint used, limit;
				string resource;

				token = engine.ReadToken (ic.CancellationToken);

				if (token.Type != ImapTokenType.Atom)
					throw ImapEngine.UnexpectedToken (format, token);

				resource = (string) token.Value;

				token = engine.ReadToken (ic.CancellationToken);

				if (token.Type != ImapTokenType.Atom || !uint.TryParse ((string) token.Value, out used))
					throw ImapEngine.UnexpectedToken (format, token);

				token = engine.ReadToken (ic.CancellationToken);

				if (token.Type != ImapTokenType.Atom || !uint.TryParse ((string) token.Value, out limit))
					throw ImapEngine.UnexpectedToken (format, token);

				switch (resource.ToUpperInvariant ()) {
				case "MESSAGE":
					quota.CurrentMessageCount = used;
					quota.MessageLimit = limit;
				case "STORAGE":
					quota.CurrentStorageSize = used;
					quota.StorageLimit = limit;

				token = engine.PeekToken (ic.CancellationToken);

			// read the closing paren
			engine.ReadToken (ic.CancellationToken);
Ejemplo n.º 17
		static void UntaggedMetadata (ImapEngine engine, ImapCommand ic, int index)
			string format = string.Format (ImapEngine.GenericUntaggedResponseSyntaxErrorFormat, "METADATA", "{0}");
			var encodedName = ReadStringToken (engine, format, ic.CancellationToken);
			var metadata = (MetadataCollection) ic.UserData;
			ImapFolder folder;

			engine.GetCachedFolder (encodedName, out folder);

			var token = engine.ReadToken (ic.CancellationToken);

			if (token.Type != ImapTokenType.OpenParen)
				throw ImapEngine.UnexpectedToken (format, token);

			while (token.Type != ImapTokenType.CloseParen) {
				var tag = ReadStringToken (engine, format, ic.CancellationToken);
				var value = ReadStringToken (engine, format, ic.CancellationToken);

				metadata.Add (new Metadata (MetadataTag.Create (tag), value));

				token = engine.PeekToken (ic.CancellationToken);

			// read the closing paren
			engine.ReadToken (ic.CancellationToken);
Ejemplo n.º 18
		public void TestParseExampleMultiLevelDovecotBodyStructure ()
			const string text = "(((\"text\" \"plain\" (\"charset\" \"iso-8859-2\") NIL NIL \"quoted-printable\" 28 2 NIL NIL NIL NIL) (\"text\" \"html\" (\"charset\" \"iso-8859-2\") NIL NIL \"quoted-printable\" 1707 65 NIL NIL NIL NIL) \"alternative\" (\"boundary\" \"----=_NextPart_001_0078_01CBB179.57530990\") NIL NIL NIL) (\"message\" \"rfc822\" NIL NIL NIL \"7bit\" 641 (\"Sat, 8 Jan 2011 14:16:36 +0100\" \"Subj 2\" ((\"Some Name, SOMECOMPANY\" NIL \"recipient\" \"example.com\")) ((\"Some Name, SOMECOMPANY\" NIL \"recipient\" \"example.com\")) ((\"Some Name, SOMECOMPANY\" NIL \"recipient\" \"example.com\")) ((\"Recipient\" NIL \"example\" \"gmail.com\")) NIL NIL NIL NIL) (\"text\" \"plain\" (\"charset\" \"iso-8859-2\") NIL NIL \"quoted-printable\" 185 18 NIL NIL (\"cs\") NIL) 31 NIL (\"attachment\" NIL) NIL NIL) (\"message\" \"rfc822\" NIL NIL NIL \"7bit\" 50592 (\"Sat, 8 Jan 2011 13:58:39 +0100\" \"Subj 1\" ((\"Some Name, SOMECOMPANY\" NIL \"recipient\" \"example.com\")) ((\"Some Name, SOMECOMPANY\" NIL \"recipient\" \"example.com\")) ((\"Some Name, SOMECOMPANY\" NIL \"recipient\" \"example.com\")) ((\"Recipient\" NIL \"example\" \"gmail.com\")) NIL NIL NIL NIL) ( (\"text\" \"plain\" (\"charset\" \"iso-8859-2\") NIL NIL \"quoted-printable\" 4296 345 NIL NIL NIL NIL) (\"text\" \"html\" (\"charset\" \"iso-8859-2\") NIL NIL \"quoted-printable\" 45069 1295 NIL NIL NIL NIL) \"alternative\" (\"boundary\" \"----=_NextPart_000_0073_01CBB179.57530990\") NIL (\"cs\") NIL) 1669 NIL (\"attachment\" NIL) NIL NIL) \"mixed\" (\"boundary\" \"----=_NextPart_000_0077_01CBB179.57530990\") NIL (\"cs\") NIL)\r\n";

			using (var memory = new MemoryStream (Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes (text), false)) {
				using (var tokenizer = new ImapStream (memory, null, new NullProtocolLogger ())) {
					using (var engine = new ImapEngine (null)) {
						BodyPartMultipart multipart;
						BodyPart body;

						engine.SetStream (tokenizer);

						try {
							body = ImapUtils.ParseBody (engine, "Unexpected token: {0}", string.Empty, CancellationToken.None);
						} catch (Exception ex) {
							Assert.Fail ("Parsing BODYSTRUCTURE failed: {0}", ex);

						var token = engine.ReadToken (CancellationToken.None);
						Assert.AreEqual (ImapTokenType.Eoln, token.Type, "Expected new-line, but got: {0}", token);

						Assert.IsInstanceOf<BodyPartMultipart> (body, "Body types did not match.");
						multipart = (BodyPartMultipart) body;

						Assert.IsTrue (body.ContentType.IsMimeType ("multipart", "mixed"), "Content-Type did not match.");
						Assert.AreEqual ("----=_NextPart_000_0077_01CBB179.57530990", body.ContentType.Parameters["boundary"], "boundary param did not match");
						Assert.AreEqual (3, multipart.BodyParts.Count, "BodyParts count does not match.");
						Assert.IsInstanceOf<BodyPartMultipart> (multipart.BodyParts[0], "The type of the first child does not match.");
						Assert.IsInstanceOf<BodyPartMessage> (multipart.BodyParts[1], "The type of the second child does not match.");
						Assert.IsInstanceOf<BodyPartMessage> (multipart.BodyParts[2], "The type of the third child does not match.");

						// FIXME: assert more stuff?
Ejemplo n.º 19
		static void ReadLiteralData (ImapEngine engine, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
			var buf = new byte[4096];
			int nread;

			do {
				nread = engine.Stream.Read (buf, 0, buf.Length, cancellationToken);
			} while (nread > 0);
Ejemplo n.º 20
		public void TestParseExampleThreads ()
			const string text = "(2)(3 6 (4 23)(44 7 96))\r\n";

			using (var memory = new MemoryStream (Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes (text), false)) {
				using (var tokenizer = new ImapStream (memory, null, new NullProtocolLogger ())) {
					using (var engine = new ImapEngine (null)) {
						IList<MessageThread> threads;

						engine.SetStream (tokenizer);

						try {
							threads = ImapUtils.ParseThreads (engine, 0, CancellationToken.None);
						} catch (Exception ex) {
							Assert.Fail ("Parsing THREAD response failed: {0}", ex);

						var token = engine.ReadToken (CancellationToken.None);
						Assert.AreEqual (ImapTokenType.Eoln, token.Type, "Expected new-line, but got: {0}", token);

						Assert.AreEqual (2, threads.Count, "Expected 2 threads.");

						Assert.AreEqual ((uint) 2, threads[0].UniqueId.Value.Id);
						Assert.AreEqual ((uint) 3, threads[1].UniqueId.Value.Id);

						var branches = threads[1].Children.ToArray ();
						Assert.AreEqual (1, branches.Length, "Expected 1 child.");
						Assert.AreEqual ((uint) 6, branches[0].UniqueId.Value.Id);

						branches = branches[0].Children.ToArray ();
						Assert.AreEqual (2, branches.Length, "Expected 2 branches.");

						Assert.AreEqual ((uint) 4, branches[0].UniqueId.Value.Id);
						Assert.AreEqual ((uint) 44, branches[1].UniqueId.Value.Id);

						var children = branches[0].Children.ToArray ();
						Assert.AreEqual (1, children.Length, "Expected 1 child.");
						Assert.AreEqual ((uint) 23, children[0].UniqueId.Value.Id);
						Assert.AreEqual (0, children[0].Children.Count (), "Expected no children.");

						children = branches[1].Children.ToArray ();
						Assert.AreEqual (1, children.Length, "Expected 1 child.");
						Assert.AreEqual ((uint) 7, children[0].UniqueId.Value.Id);

						children = children[0].Children.ToArray ();
						Assert.AreEqual (1, children.Length, "Expected 1 child.");
						Assert.AreEqual ((uint) 96, children[0].UniqueId.Value.Id);
						Assert.AreEqual (0, children[0].Children.Count (), "Expected no children.");
Ejemplo n.º 21
		void FetchStream (ImapEngine engine, ImapCommand ic, int index)
			var token = engine.ReadToken (ic.CancellationToken);
			var labels = new MessageLabelsChangedEventArgs (index);
			var flags = new MessageFlagsChangedEventArgs (index);
			var ctx = (FetchStreamContext) ic.UserData;
			var section = new StringBuilder ();
			bool labelsChanged = false;
			bool flagsChanged = false;
			var buf = new byte[4096];
			long nread = 0, size = 0;
			UniqueId? uid = null;
			Stream stream;
			int n;

			if (token.Type != ImapTokenType.OpenParen)
				throw ImapEngine.UnexpectedToken (ImapEngine.GenericUntaggedResponseSyntaxErrorFormat, "FETCH", token);

			do {
				token = engine.ReadToken (ic.CancellationToken);

				if (token.Type == ImapTokenType.CloseParen || token.Type == ImapTokenType.Eoln)

				if (token.Type != ImapTokenType.Atom)
					throw ImapEngine.UnexpectedToken (ImapEngine.GenericUntaggedResponseSyntaxErrorFormat, "FETCH", token);

				var atom = (string) token.Value;
				int offset = 0, length;
				ulong modseq;
				uint value;

				switch (atom) {
				case "BODY":
					token = engine.ReadToken (ic.CancellationToken);

					if (token.Type != ImapTokenType.OpenBracket)
						throw ImapEngine.UnexpectedToken (ImapEngine.GenericItemSyntaxErrorFormat, atom, token);

					section.Clear ();

					do {
						token = engine.ReadToken (ic.CancellationToken);

						if (token.Type == ImapTokenType.CloseBracket)

						if (token.Type == ImapTokenType.OpenParen) {
							section.Append (" (");

							do {
								token = engine.ReadToken (ic.CancellationToken);

								if (token.Type == ImapTokenType.CloseParen)

								// the header field names will generally be atoms or qstrings but may also be literals
								switch (token.Type) {
								case ImapTokenType.Literal:
									section.Append (engine.ReadLiteral (ic.CancellationToken));
									section.Append (' ');
								case ImapTokenType.QString:
								case ImapTokenType.Atom:
									section.Append ((string) token.Value);
									throw ImapEngine.UnexpectedToken (ImapEngine.GenericItemSyntaxErrorFormat, atom, token);
							} while (true);

							if (section[section.Length - 1] == ' ')

							section.Append (')');
						} else if (token.Type != ImapTokenType.Atom) {
							throw ImapEngine.UnexpectedToken (ImapEngine.GenericItemSyntaxErrorFormat, atom, token);
						} else {
							section.Append ((string) token.Value);
					} while (true);

					if (token.Type != ImapTokenType.CloseBracket)
						throw ImapEngine.UnexpectedToken (ImapEngine.GenericItemSyntaxErrorFormat, atom, token);

					token = engine.ReadToken (ic.CancellationToken);

					if (token.Type == ImapTokenType.Atom) {
						// this might be a region ("<###>")
						var expr = (string) token.Value;

						if (expr.Length > 2 && expr[0] == '<' && expr[expr.Length - 1] == '>') {
							var region = expr.Substring (1, expr.Length - 2);
							int.TryParse (region, out offset);

							token = engine.ReadToken (ic.CancellationToken);

					switch (token.Type) {
					case ImapTokenType.Literal:
						length = (int) token.Value;
						size += length;

						stream = CreateStream (uid, section.ToString (), offset, length);

						try {
							while ((n = engine.Stream.Read (buf, 0, buf.Length, ic.CancellationToken)) > 0) {
								stream.Write (buf, 0, n);
								nread += n;

								ctx.Report (nread, size);

							stream.Position = 0;
						} catch {
							stream.Dispose ();
					case ImapTokenType.QString:
					case ImapTokenType.Atom:
						var buffer = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes ((string) token.Value);
						length = buffer.Length;
						nread += length;
						size += length;

						stream = CreateStream (uid, section.ToString (), offset, length);

						try {
							stream.Write (buffer, 0, length);
							ctx.Report (nread, size);
							stream.Position = 0;
						} catch {
							stream.Dispose ();
					case ImapTokenType.Nil:
						stream = CreateStream (uid, section.ToString (), offset, 0);
						throw ImapEngine.UnexpectedToken (ImapEngine.GenericItemSyntaxErrorFormat, atom, token);

					if (uid.HasValue)
						ctx.Sections[section.ToString ()] = CommitStream (stream, uid.Value);
						ctx.Sections[section.ToString ()] = stream;

				case "UID":
					token = engine.ReadToken (ic.CancellationToken);

					if (token.Type != ImapTokenType.Atom || !uint.TryParse ((string) token.Value, out value) || value == 0)
						throw ImapEngine.UnexpectedToken (ImapEngine.GenericItemSyntaxErrorFormat, atom, token);

					uid = new UniqueId (UidValidity, value);

					foreach (var key in ctx.Sections.Keys.ToArray ())
						ctx.Sections[key] = CommitStream (ctx.Sections[key], uid.Value);

					labels.UniqueId = uid.Value;
					flags.UniqueId = uid.Value;
				case "MODSEQ":
					token = engine.ReadToken (ic.CancellationToken);

					if (token.Type != ImapTokenType.OpenParen)
						throw ImapEngine.UnexpectedToken (ImapEngine.GenericItemSyntaxErrorFormat, atom, token);

					token = engine.ReadToken (ic.CancellationToken);

					if (token.Type != ImapTokenType.Atom || !ulong.TryParse ((string) token.Value, out modseq))
						throw ImapEngine.UnexpectedToken (ImapEngine.GenericItemSyntaxErrorFormat, atom, token);

					token = engine.ReadToken (ic.CancellationToken);

					if (token.Type != ImapTokenType.CloseParen)
						throw ImapEngine.UnexpectedToken (ImapEngine.GenericItemSyntaxErrorFormat, atom, token);

					labels.ModSeq = modseq;
					flags.ModSeq = modseq;
				case "FLAGS":
					// even though we didn't request this piece of information, the IMAP server
					// may send it if another client has recently modified the message flags.
					flags.Flags = ImapUtils.ParseFlagsList (engine, atom, flags.UserFlags, ic.CancellationToken);
					flagsChanged = true;
				case "X-GM-LABELS":
					// even though we didn't request this piece of information, the IMAP server
					// may send it if another client has recently modified the message labels.
					labels.Labels = ImapUtils.ParseLabelsList (engine, ic.CancellationToken);
					labelsChanged = true;
					throw ImapEngine.UnexpectedToken (ImapEngine.GenericUntaggedResponseSyntaxErrorFormat, "FETCH", token);
			} while (true);

			if (token.Type != ImapTokenType.CloseParen)
				throw ImapEngine.UnexpectedToken (ImapEngine.GenericUntaggedResponseSyntaxErrorFormat, "FETCH", token);

			if (flagsChanged)
				ic.Folder.OnMessageFlagsChanged (flags);

			if (labelsChanged)
				ic.Folder.OnMessageLabelsChanged (labels);
Ejemplo n.º 22
		static void UntaggedAcl (ImapEngine engine, ImapCommand ic, int index)
			string format = string.Format (ImapEngine.GenericUntaggedResponseSyntaxErrorFormat, "ACL", "{0}");
			var acl = (AccessControlList) ic.UserData;
			string name, rights;
			ImapToken token;

			// read the mailbox name
			ReadStringToken (engine, format, ic.CancellationToken);

			do {
				name = ReadStringToken (engine, format, ic.CancellationToken);
				rights = ReadStringToken (engine, format, ic.CancellationToken);

				acl.Add (new AccessControl (name, rights));

				token = engine.PeekToken (ic.CancellationToken);
			} while (token.Type != ImapTokenType.Eoln);
Ejemplo n.º 23
		static void ESearchMatches (ImapEngine engine, ImapCommand ic, int index)
			var token = engine.ReadToken (ic.CancellationToken);
			var results = new SearchResults ();
			UniqueIdSet uids = null;
			//bool uid = false;
			uint min, max;
			ulong modseq;
			string atom;
			string tag;
			int count;

			if (token.Type == ImapTokenType.OpenParen) {
				// optional search correlator
				do {
					token = engine.ReadToken (ic.CancellationToken);

					if (token.Type == ImapTokenType.CloseParen)

					if (token.Type != ImapTokenType.Atom)
						throw ImapEngine.UnexpectedToken (ImapEngine.GenericUntaggedResponseSyntaxErrorFormat, "ESEARCH", token);

					atom = (string) token.Value;

					if (atom == "TAG") {
						token = engine.ReadToken (ic.CancellationToken);

						if (token.Type != ImapTokenType.Atom && token.Type != ImapTokenType.QString)
							throw ImapEngine.UnexpectedToken (ImapEngine.GenericUntaggedResponseSyntaxErrorFormat, "ESEARCH", token);

						tag = (string) token.Value;

						if (tag != ic.Tag)
							throw new ImapProtocolException ("Unexpected TAG value in untagged ESEARCH response: " + tag);
				} while (true);

				token = engine.ReadToken (ic.CancellationToken);

			if (token.Type == ImapTokenType.Atom && ((string) token.Value) == "UID") {
				token = engine.ReadToken (ic.CancellationToken);
				//uid = true;

			do {
				if (token.Type == ImapTokenType.Eoln) {
					// unget the eoln token
					engine.Stream.UngetToken (token);

				if (token.Type != ImapTokenType.Atom)
					throw ImapEngine.UnexpectedToken (ImapEngine.GenericUntaggedResponseSyntaxErrorFormat, "ESEARCH", token);

				atom = (string) token.Value;

				token = engine.ReadToken (ic.CancellationToken);

				if (token.Type != ImapTokenType.Atom)
					throw ImapEngine.UnexpectedToken (ImapEngine.GenericUntaggedResponseSyntaxErrorFormat, "ESEARCH", token);

				switch (atom) {
				case "MODSEQ":
					if (!ulong.TryParse ((string) token.Value, out modseq))
						throw ImapEngine.UnexpectedToken (ImapEngine.GenericItemSyntaxErrorFormat, atom, token);

					results.ModSeq = modseq;
				case "COUNT":
					if (!int.TryParse ((string) token.Value, out count))
						throw ImapEngine.UnexpectedToken (ImapEngine.GenericItemSyntaxErrorFormat, atom, token);

					results.Count = count;
				case "MIN":
					if (!uint.TryParse ((string) token.Value, out min))
						throw ImapEngine.UnexpectedToken (ImapEngine.GenericItemSyntaxErrorFormat, atom, token);

					results.Min = new UniqueId (ic.Folder.UidValidity, min);
				case "MAX":
					if (!uint.TryParse ((string) token.Value, out max))
						throw ImapEngine.UnexpectedToken (ImapEngine.GenericItemSyntaxErrorFormat, atom, token);

					results.Max = new UniqueId (ic.Folder.UidValidity, max);
				case "ALL":
					if (!UniqueIdSet.TryParse ((string) token.Value, ic.Folder.UidValidity, out uids))
						throw ImapEngine.UnexpectedToken (ImapEngine.GenericItemSyntaxErrorFormat, atom, token);

					results.Count = uids.Count;
					throw ImapEngine.UnexpectedToken (ImapEngine.GenericUntaggedResponseSyntaxErrorFormat, "ESEARCH", token);

				token = engine.ReadToken (ic.CancellationToken);
			} while (true);

			results.UniqueIds = uids ?? new UniqueIdSet ();
			ic.UserData = results;
Ejemplo n.º 24
		static void UntaggedListRights (ImapEngine engine, ImapCommand ic, int index)
			string format = string.Format (ImapEngine.GenericUntaggedResponseSyntaxErrorFormat, "LISTRIGHTS", "{0}");
			var access = (AccessRights) ic.UserData;
			ImapToken token;

			// read the mailbox name
			ReadStringToken (engine, format, ic.CancellationToken);

			// read the identity name
			ReadStringToken (engine, format, ic.CancellationToken);

			do {
				var rights = ReadStringToken (engine, format, ic.CancellationToken);

				access.AddRange (rights);

				token = engine.PeekToken (ic.CancellationToken);
			} while (token.Type != ImapTokenType.Eoln);
Ejemplo n.º 25
		internal void OnFetch (ImapEngine engine, int index, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
			var labels = new MessageLabelsChangedEventArgs (index);
			var flags = new MessageFlagsChangedEventArgs (index);
			var token = engine.ReadToken (cancellationToken);
			bool labelsChanged = false;
			bool flagsChanged = false;

			if (token.Type != ImapTokenType.OpenParen)
				throw ImapEngine.UnexpectedToken (ImapEngine.GenericUntaggedResponseSyntaxErrorFormat, "FETCH", token);

			do {
				token = engine.ReadToken (cancellationToken);

				if (token.Type == ImapTokenType.CloseParen || token.Type == ImapTokenType.Eoln)

				if (token.Type != ImapTokenType.Atom)
					throw ImapEngine.UnexpectedToken (ImapEngine.GenericUntaggedResponseSyntaxErrorFormat, "FETCH", token);

				var atom = (string) token.Value;
				ulong modseq;
				uint uid;

				switch (atom) {
				case "MODSEQ":
					token = engine.ReadToken (cancellationToken);

					if (token.Type != ImapTokenType.OpenParen)
						throw ImapEngine.UnexpectedToken (ImapEngine.GenericItemSyntaxErrorFormat, atom, token);

					token = engine.ReadToken (cancellationToken);

					if (token.Type != ImapTokenType.Atom || !ulong.TryParse ((string) token.Value, out modseq))
						throw ImapEngine.UnexpectedToken (ImapEngine.GenericItemSyntaxErrorFormat, atom, token);

					token = engine.ReadToken (cancellationToken);

					if (token.Type != ImapTokenType.CloseParen)
						throw ImapEngine.UnexpectedToken (ImapEngine.GenericItemSyntaxErrorFormat, atom, token);

					labels.ModSeq = modseq;
					flags.ModSeq = modseq;
				case "UID":
					token = engine.ReadToken (cancellationToken);

					if (token.Type != ImapTokenType.Atom || !uint.TryParse ((string) token.Value, out uid) || uid == 0)
						throw ImapEngine.UnexpectedToken (ImapEngine.GenericItemSyntaxErrorFormat, atom, token);

					labels.UniqueId = new UniqueId (UidValidity, uid);
					flags.UniqueId = new UniqueId (UidValidity, uid);
				case "FLAGS":
					flags.Flags = ImapUtils.ParseFlagsList (engine, atom, flags.UserFlags, cancellationToken);
					flagsChanged = true;
				case "X-GM-LABELS":
					labels.Labels = ImapUtils.ParseLabelsList (engine, cancellationToken);
					labelsChanged = true;
					throw ImapEngine.UnexpectedToken (ImapEngine.GenericUntaggedResponseSyntaxErrorFormat, "FETCH", token);
			} while (true);

			if (token.Type != ImapTokenType.CloseParen)
				throw ImapEngine.UnexpectedToken (ImapEngine.GenericUntaggedResponseSyntaxErrorFormat, "FETCH", token);

			if (flagsChanged)
				OnMessageFlagsChanged (flags);

			if (labelsChanged)
				OnMessageLabelsChanged (labels);
Ejemplo n.º 26
		static void UntaggedMyRights (ImapEngine engine, ImapCommand ic, int index)
			string format = string.Format (ImapEngine.GenericUntaggedResponseSyntaxErrorFormat, "MYRIGHTS", "{0}");
			var access = (AccessRights) ic.UserData;

			// read the mailbox name
			ReadStringToken (engine, format, ic.CancellationToken);

			// read the access rights
			access.AddRange (ReadStringToken (engine, format, ic.CancellationToken));
Ejemplo n.º 27
		/// <summary>
		/// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="MailKit.Net.Imap.ImapIdleContext"/> class.
		/// </summary>
		/// <remarks>
		/// Creates a new <see cref="MailKit.Net.Imap.ImapIdleContext"/>.
		/// </remarks>
		/// <param name="engine">The IMAP engine.</param>
		/// <param name="doneToken">The done token.</param>
		/// <param name="cancellationToken">The cancellation token.</param>
		public ImapIdleContext (ImapEngine engine, CancellationToken doneToken, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
			source = CancellationTokenSource.CreateLinkedTokenSource (doneToken, cancellationToken);
			CancellationToken = cancellationToken;
			DoneToken = doneToken;
			Engine = engine;
Ejemplo n.º 28
		static string ReadStringToken (ImapEngine engine, string format, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
			var token = engine.ReadToken (cancellationToken);

			switch (token.Type) {
			case ImapTokenType.Literal: return engine.ReadLiteral (cancellationToken);
			case ImapTokenType.QString: return (string) token.Value;
			case ImapTokenType.Atom:    return (string) token.Value;
				throw ImapEngine.UnexpectedToken (format, token);
Ejemplo n.º 29
		/// <summary>
		/// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="MailKit.Net.Imap.ImapCommand"/> class.
		/// </summary>
		/// <remarks>
		/// Creates a new <see cref="MailKit.Net.Imap.ImapCommand"/>.
		/// </remarks>
		/// <param name="engine">The IMAP engine that will be sending the command.</param>
		/// <param name="cancellationToken">The cancellation token.</param>
		/// <param name="folder">The IMAP folder that the command operates on.</param>
		/// <param name="format">The command format.</param>
		/// <param name="args">The command arguments.</param>
		public ImapCommand (ImapEngine engine, CancellationToken cancellationToken, ImapFolder folder, string format, params object[] args)
			: this (engine, cancellationToken, folder, FormatOptions.Default, format, args)
Ejemplo n.º 30
		static void UntaggedQuotaRoot (ImapEngine engine, ImapCommand ic, int index)
			string format = string.Format (ImapEngine.GenericUntaggedResponseSyntaxErrorFormat, "QUOTAROOT", "{0}");

			// The first token should be the mailbox name
			ReadStringToken (engine, format, ic.CancellationToken);

			// ...followed by 0 or more quota roots
			var token = engine.PeekToken (ic.CancellationToken);

			while (token.Type != ImapTokenType.Eoln) {
				ReadStringToken (engine, format, ic.CancellationToken);

				token = engine.PeekToken (ic.CancellationToken);