Ejemplo n.º 1
        private IntPtr WndProc(IntPtr hwnd, int msg, IntPtr wParam, IntPtr lParam, ref bool handled)
            RECT rect;

            switch ((WM)msg)
            case WM.SHOWWINDOW:
                if ((int)lParam == 3 && this.Visibility != Visibility.Visible) // 3 == SW_PARENTOPENING
                    handled = true;                                            //handle this message so window isn't shown until we want it to

            case WM.MOUSEACTIVATE:
                handled = true;
                if (this.ownerHandle != IntPtr.Zero)
                    Standard.NativeMethods.SendMessage(this.ownerHandle, Standard.WM.ACTIVATE, wParam, lParam);
                return(new IntPtr(3));

            case WM.LBUTTONDOWN:
                if (this.ownerHandle != IntPtr.Zero && UnsafeNativeMethods.GetWindowRect(this.ownerHandle, out rect))
                    Point pt;
                    if (WinApiHelper.TryGetRelativeMousePosition(this.handle, out pt))
                        NativeMethods.PostMessage(this.ownerHandle, (uint)WM.NCLBUTTONDOWN, (IntPtr)this.getHitTestValue(pt, rect), IntPtr.Zero);

            case WM.NCHITTEST:
                Cursor cursor = null;
                if (this._owner.ResizeMode == ResizeMode.NoResize || this._owner.ResizeMode == ResizeMode.CanMinimize)
                    cursor = this._owner.Cursor;
                    if (this.ownerHandle != IntPtr.Zero && UnsafeNativeMethods.GetWindowRect(this.ownerHandle, out rect))
                        Point pt;
                        if (WinApiHelper.TryGetRelativeMousePosition(this.handle, out pt))
                            cursor = this.getCursor(pt, rect);
                if (cursor != null && cursor != this.Cursor)
                    this.Cursor = cursor;
Ejemplo n.º 2
        /// <summary>
        /// Gets the relative mouse position to the given handle in client coordinates.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="hWnd">The handle for this method.</param>
        public static System.Windows.Point GetRelativeMousePosition(IntPtr hWnd)
            if (hWnd == IntPtr.Zero)
                return(new System.Windows.Point());
            var point = WinApiHelper.GetPhysicalCursorPos();

            NativeMethods.ScreenToClient(hWnd, ref point);
            return(new System.Windows.Point(point.X, point.Y));