Ejemplo n.º 1
        public override EEPROM_BUFFER ReadPage(int addr, int len = EEPROM_BASE_CLASS.DEFAULT_PAGE_SIZE)
            var r = new EEPROM_BUFFER(len);

            var inBuffer = new List <byte>()
                (byte)(pageAddr >> 8), (byte)(pageAddr & 0xFF)
            r.Buffer    = new byte[len]; // Must pre allocate the buffer for now
            r.Succeeded = Program.HelloWorld.__I2C_Helper_WriteRead(base.DeviceId, inBuffer.ToArray(), r.Buffer) == 1;
            // This method is faster because the I2C write and read operations are
            // combined in one USB buffer
            r.Succeeded = this._i2c.Send16BitsAddressAndReadBuffer(addr, len, r.Buffer);
            // Slower method because we have one USB operation for the I2C write
            // and one USB operation for the I2C read
            // The transfer of the data per say is the same
            var tmpArray = new byte[2];
            if (this._i2c.WriteBuffer(new byte[2] {
                (byte)(addr >> 8), (byte)(addr & 0xFF)
                r.Succeeded = this._i2c.ReadBuffer(len, r.Buffer);
Ejemplo n.º 2
        public static EEPROM_BUFFER ReadPageOptimized_SendReadData
            (GpioSequence spiSeq, int startByteToSkip, int byteToRead, SPIEngine spi)
            var nusbio = spi.Nusbio;
            var eb     = new EEPROM_BUFFER();

            if (spiSeq.Send(nusbio))
                var inBuffer = spiSeq.GetInputBuffer(nusbio).ToList();

                if (startByteToSkip == 0)
                    inBuffer.RemoveAt(0); // Extra byte from somewhere

                if (startByteToSkip > 0)
                    var offSetToSkip = SPIEngine.BYTES_PER_BIT * 8 * startByteToSkip; // Skip the first 3 bytes, bitbanging the command and 16 bit address
                    inBuffer = inBuffer.GetRange(offSetToSkip, inBuffer.Count - offSetToSkip);

                var buffer = __spi_buf_r(byteToRead, inBuffer, spi);

                for (var i = 0; i < startByteToSkip; i++) // Remove the last startByteToSkip because they were not yet sent
                    buffer.RemoveAt(buffer.Count - 1);

                eb.Buffer    = buffer.ToArray();
                eb.Succeeded = true;
Ejemplo n.º 3
         *  Write enable
         *          10011000
         *  Write Disable
         *          10000000
         *  Write
         *  //dt1 = 00101000 | ((adrs & 0000011100000000) >> 8) ;
         *  //dt2 = (adrs & 0000000011111111) ;
         *  Read
         *  //dt1 = 00110000 | ((adrs & 0000011100000000) >> 8) ;
         *  //dt2 = (adrs & 0b0000000011111111) ;

        public override EEPROM_BUFFER ReadPage(int addr, int len = -1)
            if (len == -1)
                len = PAGE_SIZE;

            var eb = new EEPROM_BUFFER();
            int dt1, dt2;

            //dt1 = 0b00110000 | ((adrs & 0b0000011100000000) >> 8) ;
            //dt2 = (adrs & 0b0000000011111111) ;
            dt1 = 0x30 | ((addr & 0x700) >> 8);
            dt2 = (addr & 0xFF);

            var spiBufferWrite = new List <byte>()
                (byte)dt1, (byte)dt2
            var spiBufferRead = GetEepromApiDataBuffer(len);
            var buffer        = new List <byte>();


            var r = this.SpiTransfer(buffer);

            if (r.Succeeded)
                eb.Succeeded = true;
                eb.Buffer    = r.Buffer.GetRange(spiBufferWrite.Count, r.Buffer.Count - spiBufferWrite.Count).ToArray();
Ejemplo n.º 4
        public override EEPROM_BUFFER ReadPage(int addr, int len = -1)
            if (len == -1)
                len = PAGE_SIZE;

            var eb             = new EEPROM_BUFFER();
            var spiBufferWrite = GetEepromApiReadBuffer(addr);
            var spiBufferRead  = GetEepromApiDataBuffer(len);
            var buffer         = new List <byte>();


            var r = this.SpiTransfer(buffer);

            if (r.Succeeded)
                eb.Succeeded = true;
                eb.Buffer    = r.Buffer.GetRange(spiBufferWrite.Length, r.Buffer.Count - spiBufferWrite.Length).ToArray();
Ejemplo n.º 5
        /// <summary>
        /// Read pages using an optimized way to transfer page
        /// Transfer around 20Kb/s.
        /// About optimizing transfer with Nusbio
        /// There are 2 optimizations
        /// 1) - We send 64 0 from the master to the slave to force the slave to send the data
        /// Since we know it all 0 the data line need to be set only once. We therefore save 1 cycle out of 3.
        /// The cycle saved are used to request more data in the limited 2024 cycles buffer that we hace in one
        /// USB Transaction
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="addr"></param>
        /// <param name="len"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public EEPROM_BUFFER ReadPageOptimized(int addr, int len = -1)
            if (len == -1)
                len = this.PAGE_SIZE;

            var eb = new EEPROM_BUFFER();
            //int byteSent           = 0;
            var nusbio             = this._spi.Nusbio;
            var spi                = this._spi;
            var spiBufferCmdAddr   = this.GetEepromApiReadBuffer(addr);
            var spiBufferDummyData = this.GetEepromApiDataBuffer(len);
            var buffer             = new List <byte>();

            buffer.AddRange(spiBufferCmdAddr);   // Command + 16 bit Address
            buffer.AddRange(spiBufferDummyData); // Dummy data to be sent which will force the EEPROM to send the right data back
            var startByteToSkip = spiBufferCmdAddr.Length;
            var finalBuffer     = new List <byte>();

            this._spi.Select(); // Set select now so it is part of the bit banging sequence

                var byteBitBanged = 0;
                var spiSeq        = new GpioSequence(nusbio.GetGpioMask(), nusbio.GetTransferBufferSize());
                // Convert the 3 Command Bytes + the 64 0 Bytes into a bit banging buffer
                // The 64 bytes part is optimized since all the value are 0 we just need to set
                // the data line once
                for (var bx = 0; bx < buffer.Count; bx++)
                    for (byte bit = (1 << 7); bit > 0; bit >>= 1) // MSB - Most significant bit first
                        spiSeq.ClockBit(nusbio[spi.ClockGpio], nusbio[spi.MosiGpio], WinUtil.BitUtil.IsSet(buffer[bx], bit),
                                        compactData: (bx >= spiBufferCmdAddr.Length) // For simplicity do not compact the first 3 commands byte, so we know exactly where the data start after the first 3 bytes

                    if (spiSeq.IsSpaceAvailable(8 * 2)) // If we only have left space to compute 1 byte or less
                        var peb = ReadPageOptimized_SendReadData(spiSeq, startByteToSkip, byteBitBanged, this._spi);
                        if (peb.Succeeded)
                            spiSeq          = new GpioSequence(nusbio.GetGpioMask(), nusbio.GetTransferBufferSize());
                            startByteToSkip = 0; // We skipped it, let's forget about it
                            byteBitBanged   = 0;
                            return(eb); // failed
                var peb2 = ReadPageOptimized_SendReadData(spiSeq, startByteToSkip, byteBitBanged, this._spi);
                if (peb2.Succeeded)
                    eb.Buffer    = finalBuffer.ToArray();
                    eb.Succeeded = true;
                    return(eb); // failed