Ejemplo n.º 1
 public static void MakeGuardTowers()
     Console.WriteLine("Making guard towers");
     // remove wall
     BlockShapes.MakeSolidBox(intFarmSize + 5, intFarmSize + 11, 64, 79, intFarmSize + 5, intFarmSize + 11, (int)BlockType.AIR, 1);
     // add tower
     BlockShapes.MakeHollowBox(intFarmSize + 4, intFarmSize + 12, 63, 80, intFarmSize + 4, intFarmSize + 12, (int)BlockType.STONE, 1);
     // divide into two rooms
     BlockShapes.MakeSolidBox(intFarmSize + 4, intFarmSize + 12, 71, 71, intFarmSize + 4, intFarmSize + 12, (int)BlockType.STONE, 1);
     // add openings to the walls
     for (int y = 72; y <= 74; y++)
         for (int x = intFarmSize + 7; x <= intFarmSize + 9; x++)
             BlockShapes.MakeBlock(x, y, intFarmSize + 12, (int)BlockType.AIR, 2);
     // add blocks on top of the towers
     BlockShapes.MakeHollowLayers(intFarmSize + 4, intFarmSize + 12, 81, 81, intFarmSize + 4, intFarmSize + 12, (int)BlockType.STONE, 1);
     // alternating top blocks
     for (int x = intFarmSize + 4; x <= intFarmSize + 12; x += 2)
         for (int z = intFarmSize + 4; z <= intFarmSize + 12; z += 2)
             if (x == intFarmSize + 4 || x == intFarmSize + 12 || z == intFarmSize + 4 || z == intFarmSize + 12)
                 BlockShapes.MakeBlock(x, 82, z, (int)BlockType.STONE, 1);
     // add central columns
     BlockShapes.MakeSolidBox(intFarmSize + 8, intFarmSize + 8, 72, 81, intFarmSize + 8, intFarmSize + 8, (int)BlockType.STONE, 1);
     BlockShapes.MakeLadder(intFarmSize + 7, 72, 81, intFarmSize + 8, 0, 1);
     BlockShapes.MakeLadder(intFarmSize + 9, 72, 81, intFarmSize + 8, 0, 1);
     BlockShapes.MakeLadder(intFarmSize + 8, 72, 81, intFarmSize + 7, 0, 1);
     BlockShapes.MakeLadder(intFarmSize + 8, 72, 81, intFarmSize + 9, 0, 1);
     // add cobwebs
     BlockShapes.MakeBlock(intFarmSize + 5, 79, intFarmSize + 5, 30, 1, 30);
     BlockShapes.MakeBlock(intFarmSize + 5, 79, intFarmSize + 11, 30, 1, 30);
     BlockShapes.MakeBlock(intFarmSize + 11, 79, intFarmSize + 5, 30, 1, 30);
     BlockShapes.MakeBlock(intFarmSize + 11, 79, intFarmSize + 11, 30, 1, 30);
     // add chests
     MakeGuardChest(intFarmSize + 5, 72, intFarmSize + 5);
     MakeGuardChest(intMapSize - (intFarmSize + 5), 72, intFarmSize + 5);
     MakeGuardChest(intFarmSize + 5, 72, intMapSize - (intFarmSize + 5));
     MakeGuardChest(intMapSize - (intFarmSize + 5), 72, intMapSize - (intFarmSize + 5));
Ejemplo n.º 2
 public static void MakeDrawbridges()
     Console.WriteLine("Making drawbridges");
     // drawbridge
     BlockShapes.MakeSolidBox((intMapSize / 2) - 2, intMapSize / 2, 63, 63, intFarmSize - 2, intFarmSize + 11, (int)BlockType.STONE, 2);
     // carve out the entrance/exit
     BlockShapes.MakeSolidBox((intMapSize / 2) - 2, intMapSize / 2, 64, 67, intFarmSize + 6, intFarmSize + 10, (int)BlockType.AIR, 2);
     // add the bottom of a portcullis
     BlockShapes.MakeSolidBox((intMapSize / 2) - 2, intMapSize / 2, 67, 67, intFarmSize + 6, intFarmSize + 6, (int)BlockType.FENCE, 2);
     // ladder
     BlockShapes.MakeLadder((intMapSize / 2) - 4, 64, 72, intFarmSize + 11);
     BlockShapes.MakeLadder((intMapSize / 2) + 4, 64, 72, intFarmSize + 11);
     BlockShapes.MakeLadder((intMapSize / 2) - 4, 64, 72, intMapSize - (intFarmSize + 11));
     BlockShapes.MakeLadder((intMapSize / 2) + 4, 64, 72, intMapSize - (intFarmSize + 11));
     BlockShapes.MakeLadder(intFarmSize + 11, 64, 72, (intMapSize / 2) - 4);
     BlockShapes.MakeLadder(intFarmSize + 11, 64, 72, (intMapSize / 2) + 4);
     BlockShapes.MakeLadder(intMapSize - (intFarmSize + 11), 64, 72, (intMapSize / 2) - 4);
     BlockShapes.MakeLadder(intMapSize - (intFarmSize + 11), 64, 72, (intMapSize / 2) + 4);
Ejemplo n.º 3
        public static bool[,] MakeSewers()
            Console.WriteLine("Making sewers");

            int intPlots = 1 + (((intMapSize - (intFarmSize + 20)) - (intFarmSize + 18)) / intPlotSize);

            bool[,] booNewSewerEntrances = MakeSewerEntrances(intPlots);
            bool[,] booOldSewerEntrances = booNewSewerEntrances;

            Maze maze = new Maze();

            // 51, 43, 35, 27, 19, 11, 3
            for (int y = 3; y <= 51; y += 8)
                booOldSewerEntrances = booNewSewerEntrances;
                booNewSewerEntrances = MakeSewerEntrances(intPlots);
                bool[,] booMaze      = maze.GenerateMaze((intPlots * 2) + 1, (intPlots * 2) + 1);
                //booMaze = maze.CreateLoops(booMaze, booMaze.GetLength(0) / 2);
                if (y == 3)
                    booMaze = maze.DeleteDeadEnds(booMaze, booNewSewerEntrances, booNewSewerEntrances);
                    booMaze = maze.DeleteDeadEnds(booMaze, booOldSewerEntrances, booNewSewerEntrances);
                for (int x = 0; x < booMaze.GetUpperBound(0); x++)
                    for (int z = 0; z < booMaze.GetUpperBound(1); z++)
                        if (booMaze[x, z])
                            MakeSewerSection(booMaze, x, z, intFarmSize + 18 + (x * intPlotSize / 2), intFarmSize + 18 + (z * intPlotSize / 2), y);
                for (int x = 0; x < booMaze.GetUpperBound(0); x++)
                    for (int z = 0; z < booMaze.GetUpperBound(1); z++)
                        if (booMaze[x, z])
                            if (y > 3 &&
                                x % 2 == 1 && z % 2 == 1 &&
                                booOldSewerEntrances[(x - 1) / 2, (z - 1) / 2])
                                BlockShapes.MakeSolidBox(intFarmSize + 18 + (x * intPlotSize / 2) - 1, intFarmSize + 18 + (x * intPlotSize / 2) + 1,
                                                         y - 7, y + 1,
                                                         intFarmSize + 18 + (z * intPlotSize / 2) - 1, intFarmSize + 18 + (z * intPlotSize / 2) + 1,
                                BlockShapes.MakeHollowLayers(intFarmSize + 18 + (x * intPlotSize / 2) - 1, intFarmSize + 18 + (x * intPlotSize / 2) + 1,
                                                             y, y,
                                                             intFarmSize + 18 + (z * intPlotSize / 2) - 1, intFarmSize + 18 + (z * intPlotSize / 2) + 1,
                                BlockShapes.MakeSolidBox(intFarmSize + 18 + (x * intPlotSize / 2), intFarmSize + 18 + (x * intPlotSize / 2),
                                                         y - 7, y + 1,
                                                         intFarmSize + 18 + (z * intPlotSize / 2) + 1, intFarmSize + 18 + (z * intPlotSize / 2) + 1,
                                BlockShapes.MakeLadder(intFarmSize + 18 + (x * intPlotSize / 2), y - 7, y + 1, intFarmSize + 18 + (z * intPlotSize / 2), 2);
Ejemplo n.º 4
        public static void MakePlots(bool[,] booSewerEntrances)
            Console.WriteLine("Making plots");
            int intPlots = 1 + (((intMapSize - (intFarmSize + 20)) - (intFarmSize + 18)) / intPlotSize);

            for (int x = intFarmSize + 18; x < intMapSize - (intFarmSize + 20); x += intPlotSize)
                for (int z = intFarmSize + 18; z < intMapSize - (intFarmSize + 20); z += intPlotSize)
                    if (booSewerEntrances[(x - (intFarmSize + 18)) / intPlotSize, (z - (intFarmSize + 18)) / intPlotSize])
                        BlockShapes.MakeHollowBox(x + (intPlotSize / 2) - 2, x + (intPlotSize / 2) + 2, 63, 67,
                                                  z + (intPlotSize / 2) - 2, z + (intPlotSize / 2) + 2,
                        BlockShapes.MakeSolidBox(x + (intPlotSize / 2), x + (intPlotSize / 2), 64, 65,
                                                 z + (intPlotSize / 2) - 2, z + (intPlotSize / 2) - 2,
                        BlockShapes.MakeSolidBox(x + (intPlotSize / 2), x + (intPlotSize / 2), 55, 63,
                                                 z + (intPlotSize / 2), z + (intPlotSize / 2),
                        BlockShapes.MakeSolidBox(x + (intPlotSize / 2), x + (intPlotSize / 2), 52, 55,
                                                 z + (intPlotSize / 2) + 1, z + (intPlotSize / 2) + 1, (int)BlockType.STONE);
                        BlockShapes.MakeLadder(x + (intPlotSize / 2), 52, 63, z + (intPlotSize / 2), 2);
                        bm.SetID(x + (intPlotSize / 2), 64, z + (intPlotSize / 2), 96); // hatch
                        bm.SetData(x + (intPlotSize / 2), 64, z + (intPlotSize / 2), 2);
                        bm.SetID(x + (intPlotSize / 2) + 1, 64, z + (intPlotSize / 2) + 1, (int)BlockType.CHEST);
                        TileEntityChest tec = new TileEntityChest();
                        tec.Items[0] = MakeItem((int)BlockType.REDSTONE_TORCH_ON, 32);
                        tec.Items[1] = MakeItem((int)BlockType.TORCH, 8);
                        bm.SetTileEntity(x + (intPlotSize / 2) + 1, 64, z + (intPlotSize / 2) + 1, tec);
                        MakeSign(x + (intPlotSize / 2), 66, z + (intPlotSize / 2) - 3, "Sewers||Currently|empty!", (int)BlockType.STONE);
                        int intRandBuilding = rand.Next(100);
                        if (intRandBuilding >= 90)
                            BlockShapes.MakeHollowLayers(x + 3, x + 9, 63, 63, z + 3, z + 9, (int)BlockType.DOUBLE_SLAB);
                            for (int a = 0; a <= 3; a++)
                                bm.SetID(x + 6, 63, z + a, (int)BlockType.DOUBLE_SLAB);
                            int x1 = x + rand.Next(5, 7);
                            int z1 = z + rand.Next(5, 7);
                            BlockShapes.MakeSolidBox(x1, x1 + 1, 63, 63, z1, z1 + 1, (int)BlockType.STATIONARY_WATER);
                            int  intFail = 0, intTrees = 10;
                            bool blnValid = true;
                                x1 = x + 1 + rand.Next(0, intPlotSize - 2);
                                z1 = z + 1 + rand.Next(0, intPlotSize - 2);
                                if (bm.GetID(x1, 63, z1) != (int)BlockType.DOUBLE_SLAB &&
                                    bm.GetID(x1, 63, z1) != (int)BlockType.STATIONARY_WATER)
                                    blnValid = true;
                                    for (int a = x1 - 4; a <= x1 + 4 && blnValid; a++)
                                        for (int b = z1 - 4; b <= z1 + 4 && blnValid; b++)
                                            if (bm.GetID(a, 64, b) == (int)BlockType.SAPLING)
                                                blnValid = false;
                                    if (blnValid)
                                        bm.SetID(x1, 64, z1, (int)BlockType.SAPLING);
                                        bm.SetData(x1, 64, z1, 15);
                                        intFail = 0;
                            } while (intTrees > 0 && intFail < 200);
                            for (x1 = x + 1; x1 < x + intPlotSize - 1; x1++)
                                for (z1 = z + 1; z1 < z + intPlotSize - 1; z1++)
                                    if (bm.GetID(x1, 63, z1) != (int)BlockType.STATIONARY_WATER &&
                                        bm.GetID(x1, 64, z1) != (int)BlockType.SAPLING &&
                                        bm.GetID(x1, 63, z1) != (int)BlockType.DOUBLE_SLAB)
                                        int intRand = rand.Next(100);
                                        if (intRand > 66)
                                            bm.SetID(x1, 64, z1, (int)BlockType.YELLOW_FLOWER);
                                        else if (intRand > 33)
                                            bm.SetID(x1, 64, z1, (int)BlockType.RED_ROSE);
                            BlockShapes.MakeHollowBox(x + 2, x + 10, 63, 67, z + 2, z + 10, (int)BlockType.WOOD_PLANK);
                            for (int a = 0; a <= 4; a++)
                                BlockShapes.MakeSolidBox(x + 2, x + 10, 67 + a, 67 + a, z + 2 + a, z + 10 - a, (int)BlockType.WOOD);
                            BlockShapes.MakeSolidBox(x + 10, x + 10, 65, 65, z + 6, z + 8, (int)BlockType.GLASS);
                            BlockShapes.MakeSolidBox(x + 2, x + 2, 65, 65, z + 4, z + 8, (int)BlockType.GLASS);
                            BlockShapes.MakeSolidBox(x + 4, x + 8, 65, 65, z + 2, z + 2, (int)BlockType.GLASS);
                            BlockShapes.MakeSolidBox(x + 4, x + 8, 65, 65, z + 10, z + 10, (int)BlockType.GLASS);
                            bm.SetID(x + 10, 64, z + 4, (int)BlockType.WOOD_DOOR);
                            bm.SetData(x + 10, 64, z + 4, 5);
                            bm.SetID(x + 10, 65, z + 4, (int)BlockType.WOOD_DOOR);
                            bm.SetData(x + 10, 65, z + 4, 13);
                    BlockShapes.MakeHollowLayers(x, x + intPlotSize, 63, 63, z, z + intPlotSize, (int)BlockType.DOUBLE_SLAB);