Ejemplo n.º 1
        public static RTDocument PPT2RTDwithSVG(string pptFilename)
            //Pri2: Investigate where BasePath is and where we should be putting it in more depth.
            //      Concerned that we're creating directories there that never get cleaned up...
            if (!Directory.Exists(tfc.BasePath))
            // Initialize PowerPoint app
            ApplicationClass ppt = new ApplicationClass();
            ppt.Visible = MsoTriState.msoTrue;

            // Open the PPT file
            Presentation presentation = ppt.Presentations.Open(pptFilename, MsoTriState.msoFalse, MsoTriState.msoTrue, MsoTriState.msoTrue);
            PrintOptions po = presentation.PrintOptions;
            po.ActivePrinter = @"SVGmaker";
            po.OutputType = PpPrintOutputType.ppPrintOutputSlides;
            po.PrintInBackground = MsoTriState.msoFalse;
            Slides slides = presentation.Slides;

            // Set up the document
            RTDocument rtDoc = new RTDocument();
            rtDoc.Identifier = Guid.NewGuid();
            rtDoc.Metadata.Title = GetPresentationProperty(ppt.ActivePresentation, "Title");
            rtDoc.Metadata.Creator = GetPresentationProperty(ppt.ActivePresentation, "Author");

            //Iterate through the pages
            foreach(Slide s in slides)
                // Set the page properties
                Page p = new Page();
                p.Identifier = Guid.NewGuid();
                p.Extension = GetSlideSVG(presentation, s);
                p.MimeType = "image/svg";  // TODO: look up the real value for this
                rtDoc.Resources.Pages.Add(p.Identifier, p);

                // Set the TOCNode properties for the page
                TOCNode tn = new TOCNode();
                tn.Title = GetSlideTitle(s);
                tn.Resource = p;
                tn.ResourceIdentifier = p.Identifier;
                // TODO: Insert thumbnail? (tn.thumbnail)

            // Close PPT
            if (ppt.Presentations.Count == 0)
            ppt = null;


            return rtDoc;
Ejemplo n.º 2
 public RTPageAdd(Page page)
     TOCNode = new TOCNode();
     TOCNode.ResourceIdentifier = page.Identifier;
     TOCNode.Resource = page;
     TOCNode.Title = "New Page";
     // Not adding in here for now to keep out RTDocumentHelper dependency
     // Should move GetThumbnailFromImage over to another utility library than RTDocumentUtilities...
     //TOCNode.Thumbnail = RTDocumentHelper.GetThumbnailFromImage(page.Image);
     Page = page;
Ejemplo n.º 3
        public static RTDocument PPT2RTDocument(string pptFilename)
            //Pri2: Investigate where BasePath is and where we should be putting it in more depth.
            //      Concerned that we're creating directories there that never get cleaned up...
            if (!Directory.Exists(tfc.BasePath))
            // Initialize PowerPoint app
            ApplicationClass ppt = new ApplicationClass();

            // Open the PPT file
            Presentation presentation = ppt.Presentations.Open(pptFilename, MsoTriState.msoTrue, MsoTriState.msoTrue, MsoTriState.msoFalse);
            Slides slides = presentation.Slides;

            // Set up the document
            RTDocument rtDoc = new RTDocument();
            rtDoc.Identifier = Guid.NewGuid();
            rtDoc.Metadata.Title = GetPresentationProperty(presentation, "Title");
            rtDoc.Metadata.Creator = GetPresentationProperty(presentation, "Author");

            // Create shared MemoryStream to minimize mem usage
            MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream();

            //Iterate through the pages
            int i = 0;
            foreach(Slide s in slides)
                // Set the page properties
                Page p = new Page();
                p.Identifier = Guid.NewGuid();
                p.Image = GetSlideImage(s, ms);
                if (p.Image is Metafile)
                    p.MimeType = "image/x-wmf";
                if (p.Image is Bitmap)
                    p.MimeType = "image/png";
                rtDoc.Resources.Pages.Add(p.Identifier, p);

                // TODO, slice in RegionBuilder code from Presenter work...

                // Set the TOCNode properties for the page
                TOCNode tn = new TOCNode();
                tn.Title = GetSlideTitle(s);
                tn.Resource = p;
                tn.ResourceIdentifier = p.Identifier;
                //Pri2: Shouldn't this be a byte[] containing the PNG stream instead of a System.Drawing.Image?
                tn.Thumbnail = RTDocumentHelper.GetThumbnailFromImage(p.Image);

            // Close PPT
            if (ppt.Presentations.Count == 0)

            ppt = null;


            return rtDoc;
Ejemplo n.º 4
 public void Add( Guid identifier, Page page )
     Dictionary.Add( identifier, page );
Ejemplo n.º 5
        object ICloneable.Clone()
            Page clone = new Page();

            clone.Identifier = Identifier;
            clone.MimeType = MimeType;
            if (Image != null)
                clone.Image = (Image)Image.Clone();
            /*if (Regions != null)
                clone.Regions = (Region[])Regions.Clone();
            if (PrivateNotes != null)
                if (PrivateNotes is ICloneable)
                    clone.PrivateNotes = ((ICloneable)PrivateNotes).Clone();
            if (PublicNotes != null)
                if (PublicNotes is ICloneable)
                    clone.PublicNotes = ((ICloneable)PublicNotes).Clone();

            if (Extension != null)
                if (Extension is ICloneable)
                    clone.Extension = ((ICloneable)Extension).Clone();

            return clone;
Ejemplo n.º 6
        /// <summary>
        /// Handle the reception of a Page object.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="p">Page received</param>
        private void PageReceived(Page page)
            // Put page in rtDoc
            TOCNode parentNode = null;
            int index;
            for(index = 0; index < rtDoc.Organization.TableOfContents.Count; ++index )
                TOCNode node = rtDoc.Organization.TableOfContents[index];
                if( node.ResourceIdentifier == page.Identifier )
                    node.Resource = page;
                    parentNode = node;
            if( parentNode == null )
                throw new InvalidOperationException("Parent TOCNode for Page not found.");

            // Add page to Resources.Pages
            if( !rtDoc.Resources.Pages.ContainsKey(page.Identifier) )
                rtDoc.Resources.Pages.Add( page.Identifier, page );

                // Insert Page in ON
                // Instead of finding the previous sibling we just insert it at the end
                // and assume the page is in order (which it is due to the current
                // background send implementation of Presenation).  We're avoiding using the
                // "insertAfter" attribute of DataImport becuase it add pages as subpages.
                // Other, inserted slides, such as captures and new whiteboards will get
                // inserted as subpages, thus giving them a different look to imply they were
                // inserted & not originally in the document.
                this.InsertPageInON( page, parentNode.Title, Guid.Empty );

                // If it's the first page, display it
                Guid pFirst = rtDoc.Organization.TableOfContents[0].ResourceIdentifier;
                if (page.Identifier == pFirst)
                    crntPage = pFirst;
                    importer.NavigateToPage( crntONFile, pFirst.ToString("B") );
Ejemplo n.º 7
        /// <summary>
        /// Does all of the necessary work to create the Xml for a new page & inserts it.
        /// </summary>
        private void InsertPageInON( Page page, string title, Guid parentPage )
            // Give the drawing area a background by adding an image to all pages without one
            if( page.Image == null )
                page.Image = new Bitmap( (int)(constWidthPageSend / 2F), (int)(constHeightPageSend / 2F),
                    System.Drawing.Imaging.PixelFormat.Format16bppRgb555 );
                // Add a nice black line around it to make it look good.
                using( Graphics g = Graphics.FromImage(page.Image) )
                    g.Clear( Color.White );

            // Pri3: Draw a single black line around all images
            // For unknown reasons, when trying to get a Graphics on a MWF an OutOfMemoryException
            //   is thrown.  Thus, we don't draw the black line on all images just yet.

            StringBuilder importData = new StringBuilder( (page.Image == null) ? 2000 : 1000000 );
            XmlTextWriter xml = CreateInitdXml( importData );

            // Ensure page verifies that the page exists (and creates it if it doesn't)
            xml.WriteStartElement( "EnsurePage" );
            xml.WriteAttributeString( "path", crntONFile );
            xml.WriteAttributeString( "guid", page.Identifier.ToString("B") );
            xml.WriteAttributeString( "title", title );
            // OneNote request a date in the following format "2003-10-16T17:30:00-08:00"
            // TODO: Remove the hardcoding of 08:00 and get this value from the local settings
            xml.WriteAttributeString( "date", DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ss-08:00"));

            if( parentPage != Guid.Empty )
                xml.WriteAttributeString( "insertAfter", parentPage.ToString("B") );
            xml.WriteEndElement(); // end EnsurePage

            // Write the image into the page
            if( page.Image != null )
                xml.WriteStartElement( "PlaceObjects" );
                xml.WriteAttributeString( "pagePath", crntONFile );
                xml.WriteAttributeString( "pageGuid", page.Identifier.ToString("B") );

                GetImageAsXml( page.Image, xml );

                xml.WriteEndElement(); // end PlaceObjects


            string finalData = importData.ToString();
            LogAsLastCommand( finalData );
            importer.Import( finalData );
Ejemplo n.º 8
        private void ConsumeObject( ObjectReceivedEventArgs orea )
            // Create RTDoc with one slide & put it in ON
            if (rtDoc == null && !(orea.Data is RTDocument || orea.Data is RTFrame))
                // Create blank RTDocument
                rtDoc = new RTDocument();
                rtDoc.Identifier = new Guid(constWhiteboardGuid);
                rtDoc.Metadata.Title = "Whiteboard Session " + DateTime.Now.ToString("u");
                rtDoc.Metadata.Creator = Conference.LocalParticipant.Name;

                // Add a blank page
                Page pg = new Page();
                pg.Identifier = new Guid(constWhiteboardGuid);
                TOCNode tn = new TOCNode();
                tn.Title = "Whiteboard 1";
                tn.Resource = pg;
                tn.ResourceIdentifier = pg.Identifier;
                tn.Identifier = new Guid(constWhiteboardGuid);
                rtDoc.Resources.Pages.Add(pg.Identifier, pg);

                // Add the page to the strokes hash
                strokesPerPage.Add( pg.Identifier, new ArrayList() );

                // Init necessary vars
                this.crntPage = pg.Identifier;
                // Pri2: re-enable this feature (removed due to PS 2063)
                //string folderInON = Options.GetFolderForAuthor("Unknown / Whiteboard Session");
                //this.crntONFile = folderInON + " " + DateTime.Now.ToString("u").Replace(":", ".").Replace("Z","") + ".one";
                this.crntONFile = "Whiteboard - " + DateTime.Now.ToString("u").Replace(":", ".").Replace("Z","") + ".one";

                // Import the page
                this.InsertPageInON( pg, tn.Title, Guid.Empty );

                // Show first page
                importer.NavigateToPage( crntONFile, crntPage.ToString("B") );

            if (orea.Data is RTStrokeRemove)
            else if (orea.Data is RTStroke)
            else if (orea.Data is Page)
            else if (orea.Data is RTPageAdd)
            else if (orea.Data is RTNodeChanged)
            else if (orea.Data is RTDocument)
            else if (orea.Data is RTFrame)
                RTFrameReceived( (RTFrame)orea.Data );
Ejemplo n.º 9
        object ICloneable.Clone()
            Page clone = new Page();

            clone.Identifier = Identifier;
            clone.MimeType = MimeType;
            if (Image != null)
                clone.Image = (Image)Image.Clone();

            if (Extension != null)
                if (Extension is ICloneable)
                    clone.Extension = ((ICloneable)Extension).Clone();

            return clone;
        public override void AddCapability(ICapability capability)
            base.AddCapability (capability);

            if(presentationCapability == null)
                presentationCapability = (PresentationCapability)capability;
                presentationCapability.ObjectReceived += new CapabilityObjectReceivedEventHandler(ObjectReceived);

                // Init StatusBar

                // Init ThumbnailsListView
                this.thumbnailsView.ImageSelected += new System.EventHandler(this.thumbnailsView_SelectedImageChanged);
                this.thumbnailsView.ImageMouseEnter += new EventHandler(thumbnailsView_ImageMouseEnter);
                this.thumbnailsView.ImageMouseLeave +=new EventHandler(thumbnailsView_ImageMouseLeave);
                Size pbSize = new Size(thumbnailsView.ClientRectangle.Width - 55, 0);
                pbSize.Height = (int)( ((float)pbSize.Width)*(3F/4F) );

                // Create blank RTDocument
                this.rtDocument = new RTDocument();
                rtDocument.Identifier = new Guid(constWhiteboardGuid);
                rtDocument.Metadata.Title = Strings.WhiteboardSession;
                rtDocument.Metadata.Creator = Conference.LocalParticipant.Name;
                // Add a blank page
                Page pg = new Page();
                pg.Identifier = new Guid(constWhiteboardGuid);
                TOCNode tn = new TOCNode();
                tn.Title = Strings.Whiteboard1;
                tn.Resource = pg;
                tn.ResourceIdentifier = pg.Identifier;
                tn.Identifier = new Guid(constWhiteboardGuid);
                rtDocument.Resources.Pages.Add(pg.Identifier, pg);

                // Wrap the RTD with a helper & init vars
                rtDocumentHelper = new RTDocumentHelper( presentationCapability, rtDocument );
                rtDocumentHelper.CurrentOrganizationNodeIdentifier = tn.Identifier;
                statusBar.SetMaxPage( 1, rtDocument.Organization.TableOfContents.Count );
                thumbnailsView.InsertThumbnail(null, tn.Title, 0, tn.Identifier);
                thumbnailsView.SelectedIndex = 0;
                this.pageShowing = pg.Identifier;
        /// <summary>
        /// Inserts a blank slide immediately after the current slide, syncing any client.
        /// </summary>
        private void InsertWhiteboard()
            Page page = new Page();
            page.Identifier = Guid.NewGuid();

            TOCNode tn = rtDocumentHelper.SendPageInsert(page, string.Format(CultureInfo.CurrentCulture, 
                Strings.Whiteboard, (index + 2)), index);

            statusBar.SetMaxPage( 1, rtDocument.Organization.TableOfContents.Count );

            // Add page to thumbnails
            thumbnailsView.InsertThumbnail( page.Image, tn.Title, index+1, tn.Identifier );
            this.navigateToIndex( index+1, true );
        /// <summary>
        /// This allows initiator to take a snapshot of an application and 
        /// send to all the client(s).
        /// If a document is open, the snapshot(s) will be append at the 
        /// end of the document.
        /// </summary>
        /// <remarks>
        /// This method is declared as public so we can use it for test automation.
        /// </remarks>
        private void InsertSnapshot()
            if( window.Minimized )
                RtlAwareMessageBox.Show(this, string.Format(CultureInfo.CurrentCulture, 
                    Strings.SnapshotsOfMinimizedWindows, Environment.NewLine), string.Empty, MessageBoxButtons.OK, 
                    MessageBoxIcon.None, MessageBoxDefaultButton.Button1, (MessageBoxOptions)0);

            #region Convert the snapshot from an uncompressed bitmap to a Png compressed bitmap
            MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream();
                window.WindowAsBitmap.Save(ms, System.Drawing.Imaging.ImageFormat.Png);
                RtlAwareMessageBox.Show(this, Strings.ErrorWhileTakingSnapshot, string.Empty, MessageBoxButtons.OK, 
                    MessageBoxIcon.None, MessageBoxDefaultButton.Button1, (MessageBoxOptions)0);
            ms.Position = 0;
            Image img = Image.FromStream(ms);

            #region Bring the PresentationCapability back to the front of the z-order and display the snapshot on the PresentationCapability

            // Free up the memory of the image if needed and set the 
            //  pbRTDoc.Image property with the new snapshot image
            Image tempImg = this.pbRTDoc.Image;
            pbRTDoc.Image = (Image)img.Clone();
            if( tempImg != null )
            #region Create a new RTDocument Page from the snapshot
            Page page = new Page();
            page.Identifier = Guid.NewGuid();
            page.Image = img;
            page.MimeType = "image/png";

            // Send the snapshot page to insert on the remote capabilities
            TOCNode tn = rtDocumentHelper.SendPageInsert(page, string.Format(CultureInfo.CurrentCulture, 
                Strings.SnapshotOf, window.Text), index);

            statusBar.SetMaxPage( 1, rtDocument.Organization.TableOfContents.Count );

            // Add page to thumbnails
            thumbnailsView.InsertThumbnail( page.Image, tn.Title, index+1, tn.Identifier );

            this.navigateToIndex( index+1, true );
        /// <summary>
        /// Handle the reception of a Page object.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="p">Page received</param>
        private void PageReceived(Page page)
            Log("It's a Page object,");

            // Store the page object to show later
            // If it is a "random" page, add it to the RTDoc
            Log("Structure Before AddPageToRTDocument:");
            // Attempt to add the page to the RTDoc
                rtDocumentHelper.AddPageToRTDocument( page );
                // TOC not received.  Cache the page and request the TOC if we haven't already.
                if( this.cachedPages == null )
                    this.cachedPages = Queue.Synchronized(new Queue());

                    // Pri2: Do we need to send this more often than just once?  If so, what should our solution be?

            // Indicate that you are receiving a page from a RTDocument
            // Note: The pages are not necessarily sent in order of the pages in the doc
            if( pageReceivedCounter < rtDocument.Organization.TableOfContents.Count )
                statusBar.StatusMessage = string.Format(CultureInfo.CurrentCulture, Strings.ReceivingPage, 
                    (pageReceivedCounter+1), rtDocument.Organization.TableOfContents.Count.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)); 
                // On last page, remove receiving message

            Log(string.Format(CultureInfo.CurrentCulture, "I just added a Page object with the id: {0},", 
            Log(string.Format(CultureInfo.CurrentCulture, "The TOC Node identifier is: {0},", 

            Log("Structure After AddPageToRTDocument:");

            // Insert the thumbnail for the new page
            TOCNode node = rtDocumentHelper.PageToTOCNode(page);
            int pageIndex = rtDocument.Organization.TableOfContents.IndexOf( node );

            // If previous slides haven't been recieved, just shove it at the end
            if( pageIndex > thumbnailsView.Items.Length )
                pageIndex = thumbnailsView.Items.Length;

            thumbnailsView.InsertThumbnail( page.Image, node.Title, pageIndex, node.Identifier );

            // If it's the first page, display it
            // Pri3: Doesn't this fail with a NullRefException if this isn't the first page??
            Guid pFirst = rtDocument.Organization.TableOfContents[0].ResourceIdentifier;
            if( page.Identifier.Equals(pFirst) )
                index = 0;

        /// <summary>
        /// This allows initiator to take a snapshot of an application and 
        /// send to all the client(s).
        /// If a document is open, the snapshot(s) will be append at the 
        /// end of the document.
        /// </summary>
        /// <remarks>
        /// This method is declared as public so we can use it for test automation.
        /// </remarks>
        private void InsertSnapshot()
            if( window.Minimized )
                MessageBox.Show("Snapshots of minimized windows cannot be taken." + Environment.NewLine
                    + "Please restore or maximize the window.");

            #region Convert the snapshot from an uncompressed bitmap to a Png compressed bitmap
            MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream();
                window.WindowAsBitmap.Save(ms, System.Drawing.Imaging.ImageFormat.Png);
                MessageBox.Show("Error while taking snapshot."
                    + Environment.NewLine + "Your target snapshot window may be in an invalid state or closed.");
            ms.Position = 0;
            Image img = Image.FromStream(ms);

            #region Bring the PresentationCapability back to the front of the z-order and display the snapshot on the PresentationCapability

            // Free up the memory of the image if needed and set the
            //  pbRTDoc.Image property with the new snapshot image
            Image tempImg = this.pbRTDoc.Image;
            pbRTDoc.Image = (Image)img.Clone();
            if( tempImg != null )

            #region Create a new RTDocument Page from the snapshot
            Page page = new Page();
            page.Identifier = Guid.NewGuid();
            page.Image = img;
            page.MimeType = "image/png";

            // Send the snapshot page to insert on the remote capabilities
            TOCNode tn = rtDocumentHelper.SendPageInsert(page, "Snapshot of " + window.Text, index);

            statusBar.SetMaxPage( 1, rtDocument.Organization.TableOfContents.Count );

            // Add page to thumbnails
            thumbnailsView.InsertThumbnail( page.Image, tn.Title, index+1, tn.Identifier );

            this.navigateToIndex( index+1, true );