/// <summary>
        /// Handles the Load event of the SetupIgnoredAttributes control.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sender">The source of the event.</param>
        /// <param name="e">The <see cref="EventArgs"/> instance containing the event data.</param>
        private void SetupIgnoredAttributes_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
            Control[] ComboBoxes = rdt.Controls.Find("comboBoxConnectionSource", true);
            if (ComboBoxes.Length != 1)
            ComboBox         sourceCB = (ComboBox)ComboBoxes[0];
            EnvStructure     es       = rdt.man.ReadEnvStructure(sourceCB.SelectedItem.ToString());
            List <EnvEntity> eeList   = es.Entities;
            EnvEntity        ee       = eeList.Find(eP => eP.EntityName == this.entity);

            labelEntityName.Text = "Entity: " + ee.EntityName;
            SelectedEntity se = null;

            if (rdt.currentProfile != null)
                se = rdt.currentProfile.SelectedEntities.Find(eP => eP.EntityName == this.entity);
            foreach (string Attribute in ee.Attributes)
                checkedListBoxAttributes.Items.AddRange(new object[] { Attribute });
                checkedListBoxAttributes.SetItemChecked(checkedListBoxAttributes.Items.Count - 1, true);
                if (se == null)
                if (se.IgnoredAttributes == null)
                string ignoredAttribute = se.IgnoredAttributes.Find(a => a == Attribute);
                if (ignoredAttribute == null)
                    checkedListBoxAttributes.SetItemChecked(checkedListBoxAttributes.Items.Count - 1, true);
                    checkedListBoxAttributes.SetItemChecked(checkedListBoxAttributes.Items.Count - 1, false);
            checkedListBoxAttributes.Items.AddRange(new object[] { "ownerid" });
            checkedListBoxAttributes.SetItemChecked(checkedListBoxAttributes.Items.Count - 1, true);
            //Display Export Filter
            if (se != null && se.Filter != null && se.Filter != "")
                xmlEditor1.Text = se.Filter;
        /// <summary>
        /// Exports the specified profile.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="profile">The profile.</param>
        /// <param name="transportReportFileName">Name of the transport report file.</param>
        private void Export(TransportationProfile profile, string transportReportFileName)
                TransportReport report = new TransportReport(transportReportFileName);
                //Get Transport Report
                if (File.Exists(transportReportFileName))
                    report = ReadTransportReport(transportReportFileName);

                //Clean Data folder
                string dataExportFolder = Folder + "\\" + profile.ProfileName + "\\Data";
                if (Directory.Exists(dataExportFolder))
                    Directory.Delete(dataExportFolder, true);

                MSCRMConnection connection = profile.getSourceConneciton();
                EnvStructure    es         = ReadEnvStructure(profile.SourceConnectionName);
                _serviceProxy = cm.connect(connection);
                IOrganizationService       service         = (IOrganizationService)_serviceProxy;
                List <TransportReportLine> TransportReport = new List <TransportReportLine>();
                profile.TotalExportedRecords = 0;
                //Mesure export time
                DateTime exportStartDT = DateTime.Now;

                LogManager.WriteLog("Start exporting data from " + connection.ConnectionName);

                int recordCount = 0;
                if (es != null)
                    //Order export according to profile's transport order
                    IOrderedEnumerable <SelectedEntity> orderedSelectedEntities = profile.SelectedEntities.OrderBy(se => se.TransportOrder);

                    foreach (SelectedEntity ee in orderedSelectedEntities)
                        LogManager.WriteLog("Exporting data for entity " + ee.EntityName);
                        DateTime entityExportStartDT = DateTime.Now;
                        string   fetchXml            = "<fetch version='1.0' output-format='xml-platform' mapping='logical' distinct='false'>";
                        fetchXml += "<entity name='" + ee.EntityName + "'>";
                        //Get Entity structure
                        EnvEntity strE = new EnvEntity();
                        foreach (EnvEntity envE in es.Entities)
                            if (envE.EntityName == ee.EntityName)
                                strE = envE;

                        //Create fetchXML Query
                        foreach (string ea in strE.Attributes)
                            if (ee.IgnoredAttributes == null)
                                fetchXml += "<attribute name='" + ea + "' />";
                            else if (!ee.IgnoredAttributes.Contains(ea))
                                fetchXml += "<attribute name='" + ea + "' />";

                        //Add Query filter
                        fetchXml += ee.Filter;

                        fetchXml += "</entity></fetch>";
                        int recordCountPerEntity = ExportEntity(profile, fetchXml);
                        recordCount += recordCountPerEntity;

                        DateTime            entityExportEndDT = DateTime.Now;
                        TimeSpan            ts = entityExportEndDT - entityExportStartDT;
                        TransportReportLine transportReportLine = new TransportReportLine();
                        transportReportLine.Entity           = ee.EntityName;
                        transportReportLine.ExportedRecords  = recordCountPerEntity;
                        report.TotalExportedRecords         += recordCountPerEntity;
                        transportReportLine.ExportedIn       = ts.ToString().Substring(0, 10);
                        transportReportLine.ExportStartedAt  = entityExportStartDT.ToString();
                        transportReportLine.ExportFinishedAt = entityExportEndDT.ToString();
                        WriteTransportReport(report, transportReportFileName);

                TimeSpan exportTimeSpan = DateTime.Now - exportStartDT;

                LogManager.WriteLog("Export finished for " + profile.SourceConnectionName + ". Exported " + recordCount + " records in " + exportTimeSpan.ToString().Substring(0, 10));
            catch (FaultException <Microsoft.Xrm.Sdk.OrganizationServiceFault> ex)
                LogManager.WriteLog("Error:" + ex.Detail.Message + "\n" + ex.Detail.TraceText);
            catch (Exception ex)
                if (ex.InnerException != null)
                    LogManager.WriteLog("Error:" + ex.Message + "\n" + ex.InnerException.Message);
                    LogManager.WriteLog("Error:" + ex.Message);
        /// <summary>
        /// Downloads the env structure.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="connectionName">Name of the connection.</param>
        /// <returns>The Environment Structure</returns>
        public EnvStructure downloadEnvStructure(string connectionName)
                MSCRMConnection connection = cm.getConnection(connectionName);
                _serviceProxy = cm.connect(connection);
                IOrganizationService service = (IOrganizationService)_serviceProxy;
                EnvStructure         es      = new EnvStructure();
                es.Entities = new List <EnvEntity>();

                RetrieveAllEntitiesRequest request = new RetrieveAllEntitiesRequest()
                    EntityFilters         = EntityFilters.Attributes,
                    RetrieveAsIfPublished = true

                // Retrieve the MetaData.
                RetrieveAllEntitiesResponse         AllEntitiesResponse = (RetrieveAllEntitiesResponse)_serviceProxy.Execute(request);
                IOrderedEnumerable <EntityMetadata> EMD = AllEntitiesResponse.EntityMetadata.OrderBy(ee => ee.LogicalName);

                List <string> AdditionalEntities = new List <string> {

                List <string> IgnoredEntities = new List <string> {

                List <string> IgnoredAttributes = new List <string> {

                foreach (EntityMetadata currentEntity in EMD)
                    if (currentEntity.LogicalName == "externalpartyitem")
                    if (IgnoredEntities.IndexOf(currentEntity.LogicalName) < 0 &&
                        currentEntity.IsIntersect.Value == false &&
                        (currentEntity.IsValidForAdvancedFind.Value || AdditionalEntities.IndexOf(currentEntity.LogicalName) >= 0)
                        EnvEntity ee = new EnvEntity();
                        ee.EntityName = currentEntity.LogicalName;
                        ee.Attributes = new List <string>();
                        IOrderedEnumerable <AttributeMetadata> AMD = currentEntity.Attributes.OrderBy(a => a.LogicalName);

                        foreach (AttributeMetadata currentAttribute in AMD)
                            // Only write out main attributes enabled for reading and creation.
                            if ((currentAttribute.AttributeOf == null) &&
                                IgnoredAttributes.IndexOf(currentAttribute.LogicalName) < 0 &&
                                currentAttribute.IsValidForRead != null &&
                                currentAttribute.IsValidForRead.Value &&
                                currentAttribute.IsValidForCreate != null &&
                        //Dont export entitites for which only the ID is retrieved
                        if (ee.Attributes.Count > 1)

                es.connectionName = connectionName;

            catch (FaultException <Microsoft.Xrm.Sdk.OrganizationServiceFault> )
            catch (Exception)
        private int ExportGUI(string transportReportFileName, BackgroundWorker worker, DoWorkEventArgs e)
            TransportReport report = null;
                report = new TransportReport(man.ReportFileName);
                //Get Transport Report
                if (File.Exists(man.ReportFileName))
                    report = man.ReadTransportReport(man.ReportFileName);

                //Clean Data folder
                string dataExportFolder = man.Folder + "\\" + currentProfile.ProfileName + "\\Data";
                if (Directory.Exists(dataExportFolder))
                    Directory.Delete(dataExportFolder, true);

                MSCRMConnection connection = currentProfile.getSourceConneciton();
                EnvStructure es = man.ReadEnvStructure(currentProfile.SourceConnectionName);
                man._serviceProxy = cm.connect(connection);
                IOrganizationService service = (IOrganizationService)_serviceProxy;
                List<TransportReportLine> TransportReport = new List<TransportReportLine>();
                currentProfile.TotalExportedRecords = 0;
                //Mesure export time
                DateTime exportStartDT = DateTime.Now;

                LogManager.WriteLog("Start exporting data from " + connection.ConnectionName);

                int recordCount = 0;
                if (es != null)
                    int treatedEntities = 1;

                    //Order export according to profile's transport order
                    IOrderedEnumerable<SelectedEntity> orderedSelectedEntities = currentProfile.SelectedEntities.OrderBy(se => se.TransportOrder);

                    foreach (SelectedEntity ee in orderedSelectedEntities)
                        if (worker.CancellationPending)
                            e.Cancel = true;
                            return 0;

                        int percentage = 0;
                        if (currentProfile.SelectedEntities.Count != 0)
                            percentage = (int)(100 * treatedEntities / currentProfile.SelectedEntities.Count);

                        currentlyTransportedEntity = ee.EntityName;
                        LogManager.WriteLog("Exporting data for entity " + ee.EntityName);
                        DateTime entityExportStartDT = DateTime.Now;
                        string fetchXml = "<fetch version='1.0' output-format='xml-platform' mapping='logical' distinct='false'>";
                        fetchXml += "<entity name='" + ee.EntityName + "'>";
                        //Get Entity structure
                        EnvEntity strE = new EnvEntity();
                        foreach (EnvEntity envE in es.Entities)
                            if (envE.EntityName == ee.EntityName)
                                strE = envE;

                        //Create fetchXML Query
                        foreach (string ea in strE.Attributes)
                            if (ee.IgnoredAttributes == null)
                                fetchXml += "<attribute name='" + ea + "' />";
                            else if (!ee.IgnoredAttributes.Contains(ea))
                                fetchXml += "<attribute name='" + ea + "' />";

                        //Add Query filter
                        fetchXml += ee.Filter;
                        fetchXml += "</entity></fetch>";
                        int recordCountPerEntity = man.ExportEntity(currentProfile, fetchXml);
                        recordCount += recordCountPerEntity;
                        DateTime entityExportEndDT = DateTime.Now;
                        TimeSpan ts = entityExportEndDT - entityExportStartDT;
                        TransportReportLine transportReportLine = new TransportReportLine();
                        transportReportLine.Entity = ee.EntityName;
                        transportReportLine.ExportedRecords = recordCountPerEntity;
                        report.TotalExportedRecords += recordCountPerEntity;
                        transportReportLine.ExportedIn = ts.ToString().Substring(0, 10);
                        transportReportLine.ExportStartedAt = entityExportStartDT.ToString();
                        transportReportLine.ExportFinishedAt = entityExportEndDT.ToString();
                        man.WriteTransportReport(report, transportReportFileName);

                TimeSpan exportTimeSpan = DateTime.Now - exportStartDT;
                LogManager.WriteLog("Export finished for " + currentProfile.SourceConnectionName + ". Exported " + recordCount + " records in " + exportTimeSpan.ToString().Substring(0, 10));
                return recordCount;
            catch (FaultException<Microsoft.Xrm.Sdk.OrganizationServiceFault> ex)
                //Stop Transport threads if running
                transportStopped = true;
                e.Cancel = true;
                MessageBox.Show("Error:" + ex.Detail.Message + "\n" + ex.Detail.TraceText);
                LogManager.WriteLog("Error:" + ex.Detail.Message + "\n" + ex.Detail.TraceText);
            catch (Exception ex)
                //Stop Transport threads if running
                transportStopped = true;
                e.Cancel = true;
                if (ex.InnerException != null)
                    MessageBox.Show("Error:" + ex.Message + "\n" + ex.InnerException.Message);
                    LogManager.WriteLog("Error:" + ex.Message + "\n" + ex.InnerException.Message);
                    MessageBox.Show("Error:" + ex.Message);
                    LogManager.WriteLog("Error:" + ex.Message);

            return 0;
        /// <summary>
        /// Exports the specified profile.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="profile">The profile.</param>
        /// <param name="transportReportFileName">Name of the transport report file.</param>
        private void Export(TransportationProfile profile, string transportReportFileName)
                TransportReport report = new TransportReport(transportReportFileName);
                //Get Transport Report
                if (File.Exists(transportReportFileName))
                    report = ReadTransportReport(transportReportFileName);

                //Clean Data folder
                string dataExportFolder = Folder + "\\" + profile.ProfileName + "\\Data";
                if (Directory.Exists(dataExportFolder))
                    Directory.Delete(dataExportFolder, true);

                MSCRMConnection connection = profile.getSourceConneciton();
                EnvStructure es = ReadEnvStructure(profile.SourceConnectionName);
                _serviceProxy = cm.connect(connection);
                IOrganizationService service = (IOrganizationService)_serviceProxy;
                List<TransportReportLine> TransportReport = new List<TransportReportLine>();
                profile.TotalExportedRecords = 0;
                //Mesure export time
                DateTime exportStartDT = DateTime.Now;

                LogManager.WriteLog("Start exporting data from " + connection.ConnectionName);

                int recordCount = 0;
                if (es != null)
                    //Order export according to profile's transport order
                    IOrderedEnumerable<SelectedEntity> orderedSelectedEntities = profile.SelectedEntities.OrderBy(se => se.TransportOrder);

                    foreach (SelectedEntity ee in orderedSelectedEntities)
                        LogManager.WriteLog("Exporting data for entity " + ee.EntityName);
                        DateTime entityExportStartDT = DateTime.Now;
                        string fetchXml = "<fetch version='1.0' output-format='xml-platform' mapping='logical' distinct='false'>";
                        fetchXml += "<entity name='" + ee.EntityName + "'>";
                        //Get Entity structure
                        EnvEntity strE = new EnvEntity();
                        foreach (EnvEntity envE in es.Entities)
                            if (envE.EntityName == ee.EntityName)
                                strE = envE;

                        //Create fetchXML Query
                        foreach (string ea in strE.Attributes)
                            if (ee.IgnoredAttributes == null)
                                fetchXml += "<attribute name='" + ea + "' />";
                            else if (!ee.IgnoredAttributes.Contains(ea))
                                fetchXml += "<attribute name='" + ea + "' />";

                        //Add Query filter
                        fetchXml += ee.Filter;

                        fetchXml += "</entity></fetch>";
                        int recordCountPerEntity = ExportEntity(profile, fetchXml);
                        recordCount += recordCountPerEntity;

                        DateTime entityExportEndDT = DateTime.Now;
                        TimeSpan ts = entityExportEndDT - entityExportStartDT;
                        TransportReportLine transportReportLine = new TransportReportLine();
                        transportReportLine.Entity = ee.EntityName;
                        transportReportLine.ExportedRecords = recordCountPerEntity;
                        report.TotalExportedRecords += recordCountPerEntity;
                        transportReportLine.ExportedIn = ts.ToString().Substring(0, 10);
                        transportReportLine.ExportStartedAt = entityExportStartDT.ToString();
                        transportReportLine.ExportFinishedAt = entityExportEndDT.ToString();
                        WriteTransportReport(report, transportReportFileName);

                TimeSpan exportTimeSpan = DateTime.Now - exportStartDT;

                LogManager.WriteLog("Export finished for " + profile.SourceConnectionName + ". Exported " + recordCount + " records in " + exportTimeSpan.ToString().Substring(0, 10));
            catch (FaultException<Microsoft.Xrm.Sdk.OrganizationServiceFault> ex)
                LogManager.WriteLog("Error:" + ex.Detail.Message + "\n" + ex.Detail.TraceText);
            catch (Exception ex)
                if (ex.InnerException != null)
                    LogManager.WriteLog("Error:" + ex.Message + "\n" + ex.InnerException.Message);
                    LogManager.WriteLog("Error:" + ex.Message);
        /// <summary>
        /// Downloads the env structure.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="connectionName">Name of the connection.</param>
        /// <returns>The Environment Structure</returns>
        public EnvStructure downloadEnvStructure(string connectionName)
                MSCRMConnection connection = cm.getConnection(connectionName);
                _serviceProxy = cm.connect(connection);
                IOrganizationService service = (IOrganizationService)_serviceProxy;
                EnvStructure es = new EnvStructure();
                es.Entities = new List<EnvEntity>();

                RetrieveAllEntitiesRequest request = new RetrieveAllEntitiesRequest()
                    EntityFilters = EntityFilters.Attributes,
                    RetrieveAsIfPublished = true

                // Retrieve the MetaData.
                RetrieveAllEntitiesResponse AllEntitiesResponse = (RetrieveAllEntitiesResponse)_serviceProxy.Execute(request);
                IOrderedEnumerable<EntityMetadata> EMD = AllEntitiesResponse.EntityMetadata.OrderBy(ee => ee.LogicalName);

                List<string> AdditionalEntities = new List<string> {"duplicaterule",

                List<string> IgnoredEntities = new List<string> { "activitypointer",

                List<string> IgnoredAttributes = new List<string> { "importsequencenumber",

                foreach (EntityMetadata currentEntity in EMD)
                    if (currentEntity.IsIntersect.Value == false &&
                        IgnoredEntities.IndexOf(currentEntity.LogicalName) < 0 &&
                        (currentEntity.IsValidForAdvancedFind.Value || AdditionalEntities.IndexOf(currentEntity.LogicalName) >= 0)
                        EnvEntity ee = new EnvEntity();
                        ee.EntityName = currentEntity.LogicalName;
                        ee.Attributes = new List<string>();
                        IOrderedEnumerable<AttributeMetadata> AMD = currentEntity.Attributes.OrderBy(a => a.LogicalName);

                        foreach (AttributeMetadata currentAttribute in AMD)
                            // Only write out main attributes enabled for reading and creation, or the statecode
                            if ((((currentAttribute.AttributeOf == null) &&
                                currentAttribute.IsValidForRead.Value &&
                                currentAttribute.IsValidForCreate.Value  &&
                                IgnoredAttributes.IndexOf(currentAttribute.LogicalName) < 0) || currentAttribute.LogicalName.Equals("statecode")))
                        //Dont export entitites for which only the ID is retrieved
                        if (ee.Attributes.Count > 1)

                es.connectionName = connectionName;

                return es;
            catch (FaultException<Microsoft.Xrm.Sdk.OrganizationServiceFault>)
            catch (Exception)