private void AddSyncTargetFile(string platformName, MOG_DBSyncTargetInfo info, string startingPath)
            // Create a string for our gamedata Node's Path
            string gamedataFullpath = startingPath;

            // Don't bother if we haven't been initialized
            if (mSyncTargetFileManager != null)
                // If we have a directory, add a separator and replace any backslashes with separators
                if (info.Path.Length > 0)
                    gamedataFullpath += PathSeparator + info.Path.Replace("~", PathSeparator);

                // Get the gamedata files for this platform
                SyncTargetPlatform platform = mSyncTargetFileManager.GetPlatform(platformName);

                //Make sure the platform knows about this folder
                if (!platform.HasFolder(gamedataFullpath))

                SyncTargetFolder folder = platform.GetFolder(gamedataFullpath);
        /// <summary>
        /// Parses through our mSyncTargetFiles to figure out what should be added where
        /// </summary>
        private void ExpandSyncTargetSubNodes(TreeNode node, string platformName)
            SyncTargetPlatform platform  = mSyncTargetFileManager.GetPlatform(platformName);
            ArrayList          fileNodes = new ArrayList();
            int baseFolderIndex          = MogUtil_AssetIcons.GetClassIconIndex(BaseFolder_ImageText);

            // Go through each entry we created when we initialized
            foreach (KeyValuePair <string, SyncTargetFolder> entry in platform.Folders)
                SyncTargetFolder folder       = entry.Value as SyncTargetFolder;
                string           relativePath = folder.Path;
                string           nodePath     = node.FullPath;

                if (String.Compare(relativePath, node.FullPath, true) == 0)
                    //This is the folder that matches the node we're expanding
                    //Go through and get all the files from the folder so we can add nodes for them
                    //We will add these to the current node after we finish going through and adding all the folders
                    foreach (MOG_DBSyncTargetInfo info in folder.Files)
                        TreeNode fileNode = CreateSyncTargetTreeNode(info, platformName);
                else if (relativePath.StartsWith(nodePath + PathSeparator, StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase))
                    // We found a node with a path that is a parent to us in the hiererchy
                    // Get rid of our current node's path (preparatory to using relativePath as a node.Text)
                    relativePath = relativePath.Substring(nodePath.Length + PathSeparator.Length);
                    if (relativePath.Length > 0)
                        //If there's a path separator we only want the first part before the separator
                        if (relativePath.Contains(PathSeparator))
                            //Just grab the first part of the string, everything before the ~
                            relativePath = relativePath.Substring(0, relativePath.IndexOf(PathSeparator));

                        if (!SyncTargetSubNodeExists(node, relativePath))
                            // create a new subnode to represent this folder
                            TreeNode temp = new TreeNode(relativePath, new TreeNode[] { new TreeNode(Blank_Node_Text) });
                            temp.Tag = new Mog_BaseTag(temp, temp.Text);
                            temp.ImageIndex         = baseFolderIndex;
                            temp.SelectedImageIndex = temp.ImageIndex;

            // Add all the file nodes we found above...
            foreach (TreeNode fileNode in fileNodes)
                // Add each node and set its icon
                Mog_BaseTag tag = fileNode.Tag as Mog_BaseTag;
                if (tag != null)
                    string assetFullFilename = tag.FullFilename;
                    string foundFilename     = FindAssetsFile(fileNode.Text, assetFullFilename);

                    //Set the image for this node
                    if (foundFilename.Length > 0 || (new MOG_Filename(assetFullFilename)).GetFilenameType() == MOG_FILENAME_TYPE.MOG_FILENAME_Asset)
                        //This is either a file or an asset
                        SetImageIndices(fileNode, GetAssetFileImageIndex(foundFilename));
                        //This is a folder
                        fileNode.ImageIndex         = baseFolderIndex;
                        fileNode.SelectedImageIndex = fileNode.ImageIndex;