Ejemplo n.º 1
        public static void Main (string[] args)
            Console.WriteLine("Mig Interface Skelton test APP");

            var migService = new MigService();

            // Load the configuration from systemconfig.xml file
            MigServiceConfiguration configuration;
            // Construct an instance of the XmlSerializer with the type
            // of object that is being deserialized.
            XmlSerializer mySerializer = new XmlSerializer(typeof(MigServiceConfiguration));
            // To read the file, create a FileStream.
            FileStream myFileStream = new FileStream("systemconfig.xml", FileMode.Open);
            // Call the Deserialize method and cast to the object type.
            configuration = (MigServiceConfiguration)mySerializer.Deserialize(myFileStream);

            // Set the configuration and start MIG Service
            migService.Configuration = configuration;

            // Get a reference to the test interface
            var interfaceDomain = "Example.InterfaceSkelton";
            var migInterface = migService.GetInterface(interfaceDomain);
            // Test an interface API command programmatically <module_domain>/<module_address>/<command>[/<option_0>[/../<option_n>]]
            var response = migInterface.InterfaceControl(new MigInterfaceCommand(interfaceDomain + "/3/Greet.Hello/Username"));
            // <module_domain> ::= "Example.InterfaceSkelton"
            // <module_address> ::= "3"
            // <command> ::= "Greet.Hello"
            // <option_0> ::= "Username"
            // For more infos about MIG API see:
            //    http://genielabs.github.io/HomeGenie/api/mig/overview.html
            //    http://genielabs.github.io/HomeGenie/api/mig/mig_api_interfaces.html

            // The same command can be invoked though the WebGateway 
            // http://<server_address>:8080/api/Example.InterfaceSkelton/1/Greet.Hello/Username

            // Test some other interface API command
            response = migInterface.InterfaceControl(new MigInterfaceCommand(interfaceDomain + "/1/Control.On"));
            response = migInterface.InterfaceControl(new MigInterfaceCommand(interfaceDomain + "/1/Control.Off"));
            response = migInterface.InterfaceControl(new MigInterfaceCommand(interfaceDomain + "/2/Temperature.Get"));

            Console.WriteLine("\n[Press Enter to Quit]\n");
Ejemplo n.º 2
        public static void Main(string[] args)
            string webPort = "8088";

            Console.WriteLine("MigService test APP");
            Console.WriteLine("URL: http://localhost:{0}", webPort);

            var migService = new MigService();

            // Add and configure the Web gateway
            var web = migService.AddGateway("WebServiceGateway");
            web.SetOption("HomePath", "html");
            web.SetOption("BaseUrl", "/pages/");
            web.SetOption("Host", "*");
            web.SetOption("Port", webPort);
            web.SetOption("Password", "");
            web.SetOption("EnableFileCaching", "False");

            // Add and configure the Web Socket gateway
            var ws = migService.AddGateway("WebSocketGateway");
            ws.SetOption("Port", "8181");

            // Configuration can also be loaded from a file as shown below
            MigServiceConfiguration configuration;
            // Construct an instance of the XmlSerializer with the type
            // of object that is being deserialized.
            XmlSerializer mySerializer = new XmlSerializer(typeof(MigServiceConfiguration));
            // To read the file, create a FileStream.
            FileStream myFileStream = new FileStream("systemconfig.xml", FileMode.Open);
            // Call the Deserialize method and cast to the object type.
            configuration = (MigServiceConfiguration)mySerializer.Deserialize(myFileStream);
            // Set the configuration
            migService.Configuration = configuration;


            // Enable some interfaces for testing...

            var zwave = migService.AddInterface("HomeAutomation.ZWave", "MIG.HomeAutomation.dll");
            zwave.SetOption("Port", "/dev/ttyUSB0");

            var upnp = migService.AddInterface("Protocols.UPnP", "MIG.Protocols.dll");

            migService.RegisterApi("myapp/demo", (request) =>
                Console.WriteLine("Received API call from source {0}\n", request.Context.Source);
                Console.WriteLine("[Context data]\n{0}\n", MigService.JsonSerialize(request.Context.Data, true));
                Console.WriteLine("[Mig Command]\n{0}\n", MigService.JsonSerialize(request.Command, true));

                var cmd = request.Command;

                // cmd.Domain is the first element in the API URL (myapp)
                // cmd.Address is the second element in the API URL (demo)
                // cmd.Command is the third element in the API URL (greet | echo | ping)
                // cmd.GetOption(<n>) will give all the subsequent elements in the API URL (0...n)

                switch (cmd.Command)
                case "greet":
                    var name = cmd.GetOption(0);
                    migService.RaiseEvent(typeof(MainClass), cmd.Domain, cmd.Address, "Reply to Greet", "Greet.User", name);
                case "echo":
                    string fullRequestPath = cmd.OriginalRequest;
                    migService.RaiseEvent(typeof(MainClass), cmd.Domain, cmd.Address, "Reply to Echo", "Echo.Data", fullRequestPath);
                case "ping":
                    migService.RaiseEvent(typeof(MainClass), cmd.Domain, cmd.Address, "Reply to Ping", "Ping.Reply", "PONG");

                return new ResponseStatus(Status.Ok);

            while (true)
Ejemplo n.º 3
        public static void Main(string[] args)
            string webPort = "8088";

            Console.WriteLine("MigService test APP");
            Console.WriteLine("URL: http://localhost:{0}", webPort);

            var migService = new MigService();

            // Add and configure the Web gateway
            var web = migService.AddGateway("WebServiceGateway");
            web.SetOption("HomePath", "html");
            web.SetOption("BaseUrl", "/pages/");
            web.SetOption("Host", "*");
            web.SetOption("Port", webPort);
            web.SetOption("Password", "");
            web.SetOption("EnableFileCaching", "False");

            // Add and configure the Web Socket gateway
            var ws = migService.AddGateway("WebSocketGateway");
            ws.SetOption("Port", "8181");

            var zwave = migService.AddInterface("HomeAutomation.ZWave", "MIG.HomeAutomation.dll");
            zwave.SetOption("Port", "/dev/ttyUSB0");
            var upnp = migService.AddInterface("Protocols.UPnP", "MIG.Protocols.dll");


            migService.RegisterApi("myapp/demo", (request) =>
                Console.WriteLine("Received API call from source {0}\n", request.Context.Source);
                Console.WriteLine("[Context data]\n{0}\n", MigService.JsonSerialize(request.Context.Data, true));
                Console.WriteLine("[Mig Command]\n{0}\n", MigService.JsonSerialize(request.Command, true));

                var cmd = request.Command;

                // cmd.Domain is the first element in the API URL (myapp)
                // cmd.Address is the second element in the API URL (demo)
                // cmd.Command is the third element in the API URL (greet | echo | ping)
                // cmd.GetOption(<n>) will give all the subsequent elements in the API URL (0...n)

                switch (cmd.Command)
                case "greet":
                    var name = cmd.GetOption(0);
                    migService.RaiseEvent(typeof(MainClass), cmd.Domain, cmd.Address, "Reply to Greet", "Greet.User", name);
                case "echo":
                    string fullRequestPath = cmd.OriginalRequest;
                    migService.RaiseEvent(typeof(MainClass), cmd.Domain, cmd.Address, "Reply to Echo", "Echo.Data", fullRequestPath);
                case "ping":
                    migService.RaiseEvent(typeof(MainClass), cmd.Domain, cmd.Address, "Reply to Ping", "Ping.Reply", "PONG");

                return new ResponseStatus(Status.Ok);

            while (true)