Ejemplo n.º 1
        public override T Convert <T, U>(U entity)
            if (entity is AttorneyVisit)
                AttorneyVisit AttorneyVisitDB = entity as AttorneyVisit;

                if (AttorneyVisitDB == null)

                BO.AttorneyVisit AttorneyVisitBO = new BO.AttorneyVisit();
                AttorneyVisitBO.ID = AttorneyVisitDB.Id;
                AttorneyVisitBO.CalendarEventId = AttorneyVisitDB.CalendarEventId;
                AttorneyVisitBO.CaseId          = AttorneyVisitDB.CaseId;
                AttorneyVisitBO.PatientId       = AttorneyVisitDB.PatientId;
                AttorneyVisitBO.CompanyId       = AttorneyVisitDB.CompanyId;
                AttorneyVisitBO.AttorneyId      = AttorneyVisitDB.AttorneyId;
                AttorneyVisitBO.EventStart      = AttorneyVisitDB.EventStart;
                AttorneyVisitBO.EventEnd        = AttorneyVisitDB.EventEnd;
                AttorneyVisitBO.Subject         = AttorneyVisitDB.Subject;
                AttorneyVisitBO.VisitStatusId   = AttorneyVisitDB.VisitStatusId;
                AttorneyVisitBO.ContactPerson   = AttorneyVisitDB.ContactPerson;
                AttorneyVisitBO.Agenda          = AttorneyVisitDB.Agenda;

                AttorneyVisitBO.IsDeleted      = AttorneyVisitDB.IsDeleted;
                AttorneyVisitBO.CreateByUserID = AttorneyVisitDB.CreateByUserID;
                AttorneyVisitBO.UpdateByUserID = AttorneyVisitDB.UpdateByUserID;

                if (AttorneyVisitDB.Patient != null)
                    BO.Patient PatientBO = new BO.Patient();
                    using (PatientRepository patientRepo = new PatientRepository(_context))
                        PatientBO = patientRepo.Convert <BO.Patient, Patient>(AttorneyVisitDB.Patient);
                        AttorneyVisitBO.Patient = PatientBO;

                        //if (AttorneyVisitDB.Patient.PatientInsuranceInfoes != null && AttorneyVisitDB.Patient.PatientInsuranceInfoes.Count > 0)
                        //    List<BO.PatientInsuranceInfo> PatientInsuranceInfoBOList = new List<BO.PatientInsuranceInfo>();
                        //    using (PatientInsuranceInfoRepository patientInsuranceInfoRepo = new PatientInsuranceInfoRepository(_context))
                        //    {
                        //        foreach (PatientInsuranceInfo eachPatientInsuranceInfo in AttorneyVisitDB.Patient.PatientInsuranceInfoes)
                        //        {
                        //            if (eachPatientInsuranceInfo.IsDeleted.HasValue == false || (eachPatientInsuranceInfo.IsDeleted.HasValue == true && eachPatientInsuranceInfo.IsDeleted.Value == false))
                        //            {
                        //                PatientInsuranceInfoBOList.Add(patientInsuranceInfoRepo.Convert<BO.PatientInsuranceInfo, PatientInsuranceInfo>(eachPatientInsuranceInfo));
                        //            }
                        //        }

                        //        AttorneyVisitBO.Patient.PatientInsuranceInfoes = PatientInsuranceInfoBOList;
                        //    }

                if (AttorneyVisitDB.Case != null)
                    BO.Case CaseBO = new BO.Case();
                    using (CaseRepository caseRepo = new CaseRepository(_context))
                        CaseBO = caseRepo.Convert <BO.Case, Case>(AttorneyVisitDB.Case);
                        AttorneyVisitBO.Case = CaseBO;

                        if (AttorneyVisitDB.Case.PatientAccidentInfoes != null && AttorneyVisitDB.Case.PatientAccidentInfoes.Count > 0)
                            List <BO.PatientAccidentInfo> PatientAccidentInfoBOList = new List <BO.PatientAccidentInfo>();
                            using (PatientAccidentInfoRepository patientAccidentInfoRepo = new PatientAccidentInfoRepository(_context))
                                foreach (PatientAccidentInfo eachPatientInsuranceInfo in AttorneyVisitDB.Case.PatientAccidentInfoes)
                                    if (eachPatientInsuranceInfo.IsDeleted.HasValue == false || (eachPatientInsuranceInfo.IsDeleted.HasValue == true && eachPatientInsuranceInfo.IsDeleted.Value == false))
                                        PatientAccidentInfoBOList.Add(patientAccidentInfoRepo.Convert <BO.PatientAccidentInfo, PatientAccidentInfo>(eachPatientInsuranceInfo));

                                AttorneyVisitBO.Case.PatientAccidentInfoes = PatientAccidentInfoBOList;

                if (AttorneyVisitDB.Company != null)
                    BO.Company boCompany = new BO.Company();
                    using (CompanyRepository cmp = new CompanyRepository(_context))
                        boCompany = cmp.Convert <BO.Company, Company>(AttorneyVisitDB.Company);
                        AttorneyVisitBO.Company = boCompany;

                if (AttorneyVisitDB.CalendarEvent != null)
                    AttorneyVisitBO.CalendarEvent = new BO.CalendarEvent();

                    using (CalendarEventRepository calEventRep = new CalendarEventRepository(_context))
                        AttorneyVisitBO.CalendarEvent = calEventRep.Convert <BO.CalendarEvent, CalendarEvent>(AttorneyVisitDB.CalendarEvent);

            else if (entity is CalendarEvent)
                CalendarEvent CalendarEventDB = entity as CalendarEvent;

                if (CalendarEventDB == null)

                BO.CalendarEvent CalendarEvent = new BO.CalendarEvent();
                using (CalendarEventRepository calEventRep = new CalendarEventRepository(_context))
                    CalendarEvent = calEventRep.Convert <BO.CalendarEvent, CalendarEvent>(CalendarEventDB);


Ejemplo n.º 2
        public T ConvertIMEvisit <T, U>(U entity)
            if (entity is IMEVisit)
                IMEVisit IMEVisit = entity as IMEVisit;

                if (IMEVisit == null)

                BO.IMEVisit IMEVisitBO = new BO.IMEVisit();
                IMEVisitBO.ID = IMEVisit.ID;
                IMEVisitBO.CalendarEventId         = IMEVisit.CalendarEventId;
                IMEVisitBO.CaseId                  = IMEVisit.CaseId;
                IMEVisitBO.PatientId               = IMEVisit.PatientId;
                IMEVisitBO.EventStart              = IMEVisit.EventStart;
                IMEVisitBO.EventEnd                = IMEVisit.EventEnd;
                IMEVisitBO.Notes                   = IMEVisit.Notes;
                IMEVisitBO.VisitStatusId           = IMEVisit.VisitStatusId;
                IMEVisitBO.TransportProviderId     = IMEVisit.TransportProviderId;
                IMEVisitBO.DoctorName              = IMEVisit.DoctorName;
                IMEVisitBO.VisitCreatedByCompanyId = IMEVisit.VisitCreatedByCompanyId;
                IMEVisitBO.IsDeleted               = IMEVisit.IsDeleted;
                IMEVisitBO.CreateByUserID          = IMEVisit.CreateByUserID;
                IMEVisitBO.UpdateByUserID          = IMEVisit.UpdateByUserID;

                if (IMEVisit.Patient != null)
                    BO.Patient PatientBO = new BO.Patient();
                    using (PatientRepository patientRepo = new PatientRepository(_context))
                        PatientBO          = patientRepo.Convert <BO.Patient, Patient>(IMEVisit.Patient);
                        IMEVisitBO.Patient = PatientBO;

                if (IMEVisit.TransportProviderId != null)
                    BO.Company CompanyBO = new BO.Company();
                    using (PatientRepository patientRepo = new PatientRepository(_context))
                        CompanyBO          = patientRepo.Convert <BO.Company, Company>(IMEVisit.Company);
                        IMEVisitBO.Company = CompanyBO;

                if (IMEVisit.CalendarEvent != null)
                    IMEVisitBO.CalendarEvent = new BO.CalendarEvent();

                    using (CalendarEventRepository calEventRep = new CalendarEventRepository(_context))
                        IMEVisitBO.CalendarEvent = calEventRep.Convert <BO.CalendarEvent, CalendarEvent>(IMEVisit.CalendarEvent);


Ejemplo n.º 3
        public override object SaveIMEVisit <T>(T entity)
            BO.IMEVisit      IMEVisitBO       = (BO.IMEVisit)(object) entity;
            BO.CalendarEvent CalendarEventBO  = IMEVisitBO.CalendarEvent;
            string           patientUserName  = string.Empty;
            bool             sendNotification = false;
            bool             sendMessage      = false;

            if (CalendarEventBO != null)
                List <BO.FreeSlots>     currentEventSlots = new List <BO.FreeSlots>();
                CalendarEventRepository calEventRepo      = new CalendarEventRepository(_context);
                currentEventSlots = calEventRepo.GetBusySlotsByCalendarEvent(CalendarEventBO) as List <BO.FreeSlots>;

                if (currentEventSlots.Count > 0)
                    DateTime dtStartDate = currentEventSlots.Min(p => p.ForDate);
                    DateTime dtEndDate   = currentEventSlots.Max(p => p.ForDate).AddDays(1);

                    List <BO.StartAndEndTime> busySlots = new List <BO.StartAndEndTime>();

                    if (IMEVisitBO.PatientId != null)
                        var result = calEventRepo.GetBusySlotsForPatients(IMEVisitBO.PatientId.Value, dtStartDate, dtEndDate);
                        if (result is BO.ErrorObject)
                            busySlots = result as List <BO.StartAndEndTime>;
                    if (busySlots != null && busySlots.Count > 0)
                        foreach (var eachDayEventSlot in currentEventSlots)
                            DateTime ForDate = eachDayEventSlot.ForDate;
                            foreach (var eachEventSlot in eachDayEventSlot.StartAndEndTimes)
                                DateTime StartTime = eachEventSlot.StartTime;
                                DateTime EndTime   = eachEventSlot.EndTime;
                                var      StartAndEndTimesForDate = busySlots.Where(p => p.StartTime.Date == ForDate).ToList();
                                if (StartAndEndTimesForDate.Count > 0)
                                    var StartAndEndTimes = StartAndEndTimesForDate.Where(p => p.StartTime >= StartTime && p.StartTime < EndTime).ToList();

                                    if (StartAndEndTimes.Count > 0)
                                        DateTime?checkContinuation = null;
                                        foreach (var eachSlot in StartAndEndTimes.Distinct().OrderBy(p => p.StartTime))
                                            if (checkContinuation.HasValue == false)
                                                checkContinuation = eachSlot.EndTime;
                                                if (checkContinuation.Value != eachSlot.StartTime)
                                                    return(new BO.ErrorObject {
                                                        errorObject = "", ErrorMessage = "The patient dosent have continued free slots on the planned visit time of " + checkContinuation.Value.ToString() + ".", ErrorLevel = ErrorLevel.Error
                                                    checkContinuation = eachSlot.EndTime;
                                        //return new BO.ErrorObject { errorObject = "", ErrorMessage = "The patient dosent have free slots on the planned visit time of " + ForDate.ToShortDateString() + " (" + StartTime.ToShortTimeString() + " - " + EndTime.ToShortTimeString() + ").", ErrorLevel = ErrorLevel.Error };
                                    //return new BO.ErrorObject { errorObject = "", ErrorMessage = "The patient is not availabe on " + ForDate.ToShortDateString() + ".", ErrorLevel = ErrorLevel.Error };

            IMEVisit IMEVisitDB = new IMEVisit();

            using (var dbContextTransaction = _context.Database.BeginTransaction())
                bool IsEditMode             = false;
                bool IsAddModeCalendarEvent = false;

                IsEditMode = (IMEVisitBO != null && IMEVisitBO.ID > 0) ? true : false;
                string patientContactNumber = null;
                User   patientuser          = null;

                if (IMEVisitBO.PatientId == null && IMEVisitBO.ID > 0)
                    var IMEvisitData = _context.IMEVisits.Where(p => p.ID == IMEVisitBO.ID).Select(p => new { p.PatientId, p.CaseId }).FirstOrDefault();

                    patientuser = _context.Users.Where(usr => usr.id == IMEvisitData.PatientId).Include("ContactInfo").FirstOrDefault();
                else if (IMEVisitBO.PatientId != null && IMEVisitBO.PatientId > 0)
                    patientuser = _context.Users.Where(usr => usr.id == IMEVisitBO.PatientId).Include("ContactInfo").FirstOrDefault();

                if (patientuser != null)
                    patientUserName      = patientuser.UserName;
                    patientContactNumber = patientuser.ContactInfo.CellPhone;

                CalendarEvent CalendarEventDB = new CalendarEvent();
                #region Calendar Event
                if (CalendarEventBO != null)
                    bool Add_CalendarEventDB = false;
                    CalendarEventDB = _context.CalendarEvents.Where(p => p.Id == CalendarEventBO.ID &&
                                                                    (p.IsDeleted.HasValue == false || (p.IsDeleted.HasValue == true && p.IsDeleted.Value == false)))

                    if (CalendarEventDB == null && CalendarEventBO.ID <= 0)
                        CalendarEventDB     = new CalendarEvent();
                        Add_CalendarEventDB = true;
                    else if (CalendarEventDB == null && CalendarEventBO.ID > 0)
                        return(new BO.ErrorObject {
                            errorObject = "", ErrorMessage = "Calendar Event details dosent exists.", ErrorLevel = ErrorLevel.Error

                    //if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(patientUserName) == false && dictionary.ContainsKey(patientUserName))
                    //    if (CalendarEventDB.EventStart != CalendarEventBO.EventStart.Value) sendNotification = true;

                    CalendarEventDB.Name                = IsEditMode == true && CalendarEventBO.Name == null ? CalendarEventDB.Name : CalendarEventBO.Name;
                    CalendarEventDB.EventStart          = IsEditMode == true && CalendarEventBO.EventStart.HasValue == false ? CalendarEventDB.EventStart : CalendarEventBO.EventStart.Value;
                    CalendarEventDB.EventEnd            = IsEditMode == true && CalendarEventBO.EventEnd.HasValue == false ? CalendarEventDB.EventEnd : CalendarEventBO.EventEnd.Value;
                    CalendarEventDB.TimeZone            = CalendarEventBO.TimeZone;
                    CalendarEventDB.Description         = CalendarEventBO.Description;
                    CalendarEventDB.RecurrenceId        = CalendarEventBO.RecurrenceId;
                    CalendarEventDB.RecurrenceRule      = IsEditMode == true && CalendarEventBO.RecurrenceRule == null ? CalendarEventDB.RecurrenceRule : CalendarEventBO.RecurrenceRule;
                    CalendarEventDB.RecurrenceException = IsEditMode == true && CalendarEventBO.RecurrenceException == null ? CalendarEventDB.RecurrenceException : CalendarEventBO.RecurrenceException;
                    CalendarEventDB.IsAllDay            = CalendarEventBO.IsAllDay;

                    if (IsEditMode == false)
                        CalendarEventDB.CreateByUserID = CalendarEventBO.CreateByUserID;
                        CalendarEventDB.CreateDate     = DateTime.UtcNow;
                        CalendarEventDB.UpdateByUserID = CalendarEventBO.UpdateByUserID;
                        CalendarEventDB.UpdateDate     = DateTime.UtcNow;

                    if (Add_CalendarEventDB == true)
                        CalendarEventDB = _context.CalendarEvents.Add(CalendarEventDB);

                    //#region send SMS notification
                    //    if (sendNotification)
                    //    {
                    //        if (patientContactNumber != null && patientContactNumber != string.Empty)
                    //        {
                    //            string to = patientContactNumber;
                    //             //string body = "Your appointment has been scheduled at " + CalendarEventBO.EventStart.Value + " in " + _context.Locations.Where(loc => loc.id == patientVisitBO.LocationId).Select(lc => lc.Name).FirstOrDefault();
                    //            string body = "";
                    //            string msgid = SMSGateway.SendSMS(to, body);
                    //        }
                    //    }
                    //catch (Exception) { }
                    if (IsEditMode == false && IMEVisitBO.CalendarEventId <= 0)
                        return(new BO.ErrorObject {
                            errorObject = "", ErrorMessage = "Please pass valid Calendar Event details.", ErrorLevel = ErrorLevel.Error
                    CalendarEventDB = null;

                #region IME Visit
                if (IMEVisitBO != null && ((IMEVisitBO.ID <= 0 && IMEVisitBO.PatientId.HasValue == true) || (IMEVisitBO.ID > 0)))
                    bool Add_IMEVisitDB = false;
                    IMEVisitDB = _context.IMEVisits.Where(p => p.ID == IMEVisitBO.ID &&
                                                          (p.IsDeleted.HasValue == false || (p.IsDeleted.HasValue == true && p.IsDeleted.Value == false)))

                    if (IMEVisitDB == null && IMEVisitBO.ID <= 0)
                        IMEVisitDB     = new IMEVisit();
                        Add_IMEVisitDB = true;
                        sendMessage    = true;
                    else if (IMEVisitDB == null && IMEVisitBO.ID > 0)
                        return(new BO.ErrorObject {
                            errorObject = "", ErrorMessage = "Patient Visit doesn't exists.", ErrorLevel = ErrorLevel.Error

                    IMEVisitDB.CalendarEventId = (CalendarEventDB != null && CalendarEventDB.Id > 0) ? CalendarEventDB.Id : ((IMEVisitBO.CalendarEventId.HasValue == true) ? IMEVisitBO.CalendarEventId.Value : IMEVisitDB.CalendarEventId);

                    if (IsEditMode == false && IMEVisitBO.CaseId.HasValue == false)
                        int CaseId = _context.Cases.Where(p => p.PatientId == IMEVisitBO.PatientId.Value && p.CaseStatusId == 1 &&
                                                          (p.IsDeleted.HasValue == false || (p.IsDeleted.HasValue == true && p.IsDeleted.Value == false)))
                                     .Select(p => p.Id)
                                     .FirstOrDefault <int>();

                        if (CaseId == 0)
                            return(new BO.ErrorObject {
                                errorObject = "", ErrorMessage = "No open case exists for given patient.", ErrorLevel = ErrorLevel.Error
                        else if (IMEVisitBO.CaseId.HasValue == true && IMEVisitBO.CaseId.Value != CaseId)
                            return(new BO.ErrorObject {
                                errorObject = "", ErrorMessage = "Case id dosent match with open case is for the given patient.", ErrorLevel = ErrorLevel.Error
                            IMEVisitDB.CaseId = CaseId;
                        IMEVisitDB.CaseId = IMEVisitBO.CaseId.HasValue == false ? IMEVisitDB.CaseId : IMEVisitBO.CaseId.Value;

                    IMEVisitDB.PatientId  = IsEditMode == true && IMEVisitBO.PatientId.HasValue == false ? IMEVisitDB.PatientId : (IMEVisitBO.PatientId.HasValue == false ? IMEVisitDB.PatientId : IMEVisitBO.PatientId.Value);
                    IMEVisitDB.EventStart = IMEVisitBO.EventStart;
                    IMEVisitDB.EventEnd   = IMEVisitBO.EventEnd;

                    IMEVisitDB.Notes                   = IMEVisitBO.Notes;
                    IMEVisitDB.VisitStatusId           = IMEVisitBO.VisitStatusId;
                    IMEVisitDB.TransportProviderId     = IMEVisitBO.TransportProviderId;
                    IMEVisitDB.DoctorName              = IMEVisitBO.DoctorName;
                    IMEVisitDB.VisitCreatedByCompanyId = IsEditMode == true ? IMEVisitDB.VisitCreatedByCompanyId : IMEVisitBO.VisitCreatedByCompanyId.Value;

                    if (IsEditMode == false)
                        IMEVisitDB.CreateByUserID = IMEVisitBO.CreateByUserID;
                        IMEVisitDB.CreateDate     = DateTime.UtcNow;
                        IMEVisitDB.UpdateByUserID = IMEVisitBO.UpdateByUserID;
                        IMEVisitDB.UpdateDate     = DateTime.UtcNow;

                    if (Add_IMEVisitDB == true)
                        IMEVisitDB = _context.IMEVisits.Add(IMEVisitDB);
                    if (IsEditMode == false && IsAddModeCalendarEvent == false)
                        return(new BO.ErrorObject {
                            errorObject = "", ErrorMessage = "Please pass valid Patient Visit details.", ErrorLevel = ErrorLevel.Error
                    IMEVisitDB = null;



                if (IMEVisitDB != null)
                    IMEVisitDB = _context.IMEVisits.Include("CalendarEvent")
                                 .Where(p => p.ID == IMEVisitDB.ID &&
                                        (p.IsDeleted.HasValue == false || (p.IsDeleted.HasValue == true && p.IsDeleted.Value == false)))
                                 .FirstOrDefault <IMEVisit>();
                else if (CalendarEventDB != null)
                    IMEVisitDB = _context.IMEVisits.Include("CalendarEvent")
                                 .Where(p => p.CalendarEvent.Id == CalendarEventDB.Id &&
                                        (p.IsDeleted.HasValue == false || (p.IsDeleted.HasValue == true && p.IsDeleted.Value == false)))
                                 .FirstOrDefault <IMEVisit>();

            if (sendMessage == true)
                    IdentityHelper identityHelper = new IdentityHelper();
                    User           AdminUser      = _context.Users.Include("ContactInfo").Include("UserCompanies").Include("UserCompanies.company")
                                                    .Where(p => p.UserName == identityHelper.Email && (p.IsDeleted.HasValue == false || (p.IsDeleted.HasValue == true && p.IsDeleted.Value == false)))

                    User patientInfo = _context.Users.Include("ContactInfo").Include("UserCompanies").Include("UserCompanies.company")
                                       .Where(p => p.id == IMEVisitBO.PatientId && (p.IsDeleted.HasValue == false || (p.IsDeleted.HasValue == true && p.IsDeleted.Value == false)))

                    User ancillaryInfo = _context.Users.Include("ContactInfo").Include("UserCompanies").Include("UserCompanies.company")
                                         .Where(p => p.UserType == 5 && p.UserCompanies.Where(p1 => p1.CompanyID == IMEVisitBO.TransportProviderId && (p1.IsDeleted.HasValue == false || (p1.IsDeleted.HasValue == true && p1.IsDeleted.Value == false))).Any() == true && (p.IsDeleted.HasValue == false || (p.IsDeleted.HasValue == true && p.IsDeleted.Value == false))).FirstOrDefault();

                    List <User> lstStaff = _context.Users.Include("ContactInfo").Include("UserCompanies").Include("UserCompanies.company")
                                           .Where(p => p.UserType == 2 && p.UserCompanies.Where(p1 => p1.CompanyID == IMEVisitBO.VisitCreatedByCompanyId && (p1.IsDeleted.HasValue == false || (p1.IsDeleted.HasValue == true && p1.IsDeleted.Value == false))).Any() && (p.IsDeleted.HasValue == false || (p.IsDeleted.HasValue == true && p.IsDeleted.Value == false)))
                                           .ToList <User>();

                    //string VerificationLink = "<a href='" + Utility.GetConfigValue("PatientVerificationLink") + "/" + invitationDB_UniqueID + "' target='_blank'>" + Utility.GetConfigValue("PatientVerificationLink") + "/" + invitationDB_UniqueID + "</a>";
                    string MailMessageForPatient   = "<B> New Appointment Scheduled</B></ BR >Medical provider has schedule a patient visit with Doctor: " + IMEVisitBO.DoctorName + "<br><br>Thanks";
                    string MailMessageForAdmin     = "<B> New Appointment Scheduled</B></BR>A new Appointment schedule for patient : " + patientInfo.FirstName + " " + patientInfo.LastName + " is schedule with doctor:" + IMEVisitBO.DoctorName + "<br><br>Thanks";
                    string MailMessageForAncillary = "<B> New Appointment Scheduled</B></BR>A new Appointment schedule for patient : " + patientInfo.FirstName + " " + patientInfo.LastName + " is schedule with doctor:" + IMEVisitBO.DoctorName + "<br><br>Thanks";

                    string NotificationForPatient   = "Medical provider has schedule a patient visit with Doctor: " + IMEVisitBO.DoctorName;
                    string NotificationForAdmin     = "New Appointment schedule for patient : " + patientInfo.FirstName + " " + patientInfo.LastName + " is schedule with doctor:" + IMEVisitBO.DoctorName;
                    string NotificationForAncillary = "New Appointment schedule for patient : " + patientInfo.FirstName + " " + patientInfo.LastName + " is schedule with doctor:" + IMEVisitBO.DoctorName;

                    string SmsMessageForPatient   = "<B> New Appointment Scheduled</B></ BR >Medical provider has schedule a patient visit with Doctor: " + IMEVisitBO.DoctorName + "<br><br>Thanks";
                    string SmsMessageForAdmin     = "<B> New Appointment Scheduled</B></BR>A new Appointment schedule for patient : " + patientInfo.FirstName + " " + patientInfo.LastName + " is schedule with doctor:" + IMEVisitBO.DoctorName + "<br><br>Thanks";
                    string SmsMessageForAncillary = "<B> New Appointment Scheduled</B></BR>A new Appointment schedule for patient : " + patientInfo.FirstName + " " + patientInfo.LastName + " is schedule with doctor:" + IMEVisitBO.DoctorName + "<br><br>Thanks";

                    string MailMessageForStaff  = "<B> New Appointment Scheduled</B></BR>A new Appointment schedule for patient : " + patientInfo.FirstName + " " + patientInfo.LastName + "<br><br>Thanks";
                    string NotificationForStaff = "New Appointment schedule for patient : " + patientInfo.FirstName + " " + patientInfo.LastName;
                    string SmsMessageForStaff   = "<B> New Appointment Scheduled</B></BR>A new Appointment schedule for patient : " + patientInfo.FirstName + " " + patientInfo.LastName + "<br><br>Thanks";

                    #region  patient mail object

                    BO.EmailMessage emPatient = new BO.EmailMessage();
                    if (patientInfo != null)
                        emPatient.ApplicationName = "Midas";
                        emPatient.ToEmail         = patientInfo.UserName;;
                        emPatient.EMailSubject    = "MIDAS Notification";
                        emPatient.EMailBody       = MailMessageForPatient;

                    #region patient sms object
                    BO.SMS smsPatient = new BO.SMS();
                    if (patientInfo != null)
                        smsPatient.ApplicationName = "Midas";
                        smsPatient.ToNumber        = patientInfo.ContactInfo.CellPhone;
                        smsPatient.Message         = SmsMessageForPatient;

                    #region  admin mail object
                    BO.EmailMessage emAdmin = new BO.EmailMessage();
                    if (identityHelper != null)
                        emAdmin.ApplicationName = "Midas";
                        emAdmin.ToEmail         = identityHelper.Email;
                        emAdmin.EMailSubject    = "MIDAS Notification";
                        emAdmin.EMailBody       = MailMessageForAdmin;

                    #region admin sms object
                    BO.SMS smsAdmin = new BO.SMS();
                    if (AdminUser != null)
                        smsAdmin.ApplicationName = "Midas";
                        smsAdmin.ToNumber        = AdminUser.ContactInfo.CellPhone;
                        smsAdmin.Message         = SmsMessageForAdmin;

                    #region  Ancillary mail object
                    BO.EmailMessage emAncillary = new BO.EmailMessage();
                    if (ancillaryInfo != null)
                        emAdmin.ApplicationName = "Midas";
                        emAdmin.ToEmail         = ancillaryInfo.UserName;
                        emAdmin.EMailSubject    = "MIDAS Notification";
                        emAdmin.EMailBody       = MailMessageForAncillary;

                    #region Ancillary sms object
                    BO.SMS smsAncillary = new BO.SMS();
                    if (ancillaryInfo != null)
                        smsAdmin.ApplicationName = "Midas";
                        smsAdmin.ToNumber        = ancillaryInfo.ContactInfo.CellPhone;
                        smsAdmin.Message         = SmsMessageForAncillary;

                    NotificationHelper nh = new NotificationHelper();
                    MessagingHelper    mh = new MessagingHelper();

                    #region Patient
                    nh.PushNotification(patientInfo.UserName, patientInfo.UserCompanies.Select(p => p.Company.id).FirstOrDefault(), NotificationForPatient, "New Appointment Schedule");
                    mh.SendEmailAndSms(patientInfo.UserName, patientInfo.UserCompanies.Select(p => p.Company.id).FirstOrDefault(), emPatient, smsPatient);

                    #region admin and staff
                    if (AdminUser.UserType == 4 || AdminUser.UserType == 3)
                        nh.PushNotification(AdminUser.UserName, AdminUser.UserCompanies.Select(p => p.Company.id).FirstOrDefault(), NotificationForAdmin, "New Appointment Schedule");
                        mh.SendEmailAndSms(AdminUser.UserName, AdminUser.UserCompanies.Select(p => p.Company.id).FirstOrDefault(), emAdmin, smsAdmin);
                        foreach (var item in lstStaff)
                            #region  staff mail object
                            BO.EmailMessage emStaff = new BO.EmailMessage();
                            emAdmin.ApplicationName = "Midas";
                            emAdmin.ToEmail         = item.UserName;
                            emAdmin.EMailSubject    = "MIDAS Notification";
                            emAdmin.EMailBody       = MailMessageForStaff;

                            #region admin sms object
                            BO.SMS smsStaff = new BO.SMS();
                            smsAdmin.ApplicationName = "Midas";
                            smsAdmin.ToNumber        = item.ContactInfo.CellPhone;
                            smsAdmin.Message         = SmsMessageForStaff;

                            nh.PushNotification(item.UserName, AdminUser.UserCompanies.Select(p => p.Company.id).FirstOrDefault(), NotificationForStaff, "New Appointment Schedule");
                            mh.SendEmailAndSms(item.UserName, AdminUser.UserCompanies.Select(p => p.Company.id).FirstOrDefault(), emStaff, smsStaff);
                        foreach (var item in lstStaff)
                            #region  staff mail object
                            BO.EmailMessage emStaff = new BO.EmailMessage();
                            emAdmin.ApplicationName = "Midas";
                            emAdmin.ToEmail         = item.UserName;
                            emAdmin.EMailSubject    = "MIDAS Notification";
                            emAdmin.EMailBody       = MailMessageForStaff;

                            #region admin sms object
                            BO.SMS smsStaff = new BO.SMS();
                            smsAdmin.ApplicationName = "Midas";
                            smsAdmin.ToNumber        = item.ContactInfo.CellPhone;
                            smsAdmin.Message         = SmsMessageForStaff;

                            nh.PushNotification(item.UserName, AdminUser.UserCompanies.Select(p => p.Company.id).FirstOrDefault(), NotificationForStaff, "New Appointment Schedule");
                            mh.SendEmailAndSms(item.UserName, AdminUser.UserCompanies.Select(p => p.Company.id).FirstOrDefault(), emStaff, smsStaff);


                    #region Ancillary
                    if (IMEVisitBO.TransportProviderId != null)
                        nh.PushNotification(ancillaryInfo.UserName, ancillaryInfo.UserCompanies.Select(p => p.Company.id).FirstOrDefault(), NotificationForAncillary, "New Appointment Schedule");
                        mh.SendEmailAndSms(ancillaryInfo.UserName, ancillaryInfo.UserCompanies.Select(p => p.Company.id).FirstOrDefault(), emAncillary, smsAncillary);

                catch (Exception ex)

            var res = ConvertIMEvisit <BO.IMEVisit, IMEVisit>(IMEVisitDB);
Ejemplo n.º 4
        public T ConvertEOvisit <T, U>(U entity)
            if (entity is EOVisit)
                EOVisit EOVisit = entity as EOVisit;

                if (EOVisit == null)

                BO.EOVisit EOVisitBO = new BO.EOVisit();
                EOVisitBO.ID = EOVisit.ID;
                EOVisitBO.CalendarEventId         = EOVisit.CalendarEventId;
                EOVisitBO.DoctorId                = EOVisit.DoctorId;
                EOVisitBO.PatientId               = EOVisit.PatientId;
                EOVisitBO.VisitCreatedByCompanyId = EOVisit.PatientId;
                EOVisitBO.InsuranceProviderId     = EOVisit.InsuranceProviderId;
                EOVisitBO.VisitStatusId           = EOVisit.VisitStatusId;
                EOVisitBO.EventStart              = EOVisit.EventStart;
                EOVisitBO.EventEnd                = EOVisit.EventEnd;
                EOVisitBO.Notes = EOVisit.Notes;

                EOVisitBO.IsDeleted      = EOVisit.IsDeleted;
                EOVisitBO.CreateByUserID = EOVisit.CreateByUserID;
                EOVisitBO.UpdateByUserID = EOVisit.UpdateByUserID;

                if (EOVisit.Doctor != null)
                    BO.Doctor doctorBO = new BO.Doctor();
                    using (DoctorRepository patientRepo = new DoctorRepository(_context))
                        doctorBO         = patientRepo.Convert <BO.Doctor, Doctor>(EOVisit.Doctor);
                        EOVisitBO.Doctor = doctorBO;

                if (EOVisit.Patient != null)
                    BO.Patient PatientBO = new BO.Patient();
                    using (PatientRepository patientRepo = new PatientRepository(_context))
                        PatientBO         = patientRepo.Convert <BO.Patient, Patient>(EOVisit.Patient);
                        EOVisitBO.Patient = PatientBO;

                if (EOVisit.Company != null)
                    BO.Company CompanyBO = new BO.Company();
                    using (CompanyRepository companyRepo = new CompanyRepository(_context))
                        CompanyBO         = companyRepo.Convert <BO.Company, Company>(EOVisit.Company);
                        EOVisitBO.Company = CompanyBO;

                if (EOVisit.InsuranceMaster != null)
                    BO.InsuranceMaster InsuranceMasterBO = new BO.InsuranceMaster();
                    using (InsuranceMasterRepository InsuranceMasterRepo = new InsuranceMasterRepository(_context))
                        InsuranceMasterBO         = InsuranceMasterRepo.ObjectConvert <BO.InsuranceMaster, InsuranceMaster>(EOVisit.InsuranceMaster);
                        EOVisitBO.InsuranceMaster = InsuranceMasterBO;

                if (EOVisit.CalendarEvent != null)
                    EOVisitBO.CalendarEvent = new BO.CalendarEvent();

                    using (CalendarEventRepository calEventRep = new CalendarEventRepository(_context))
                        EOVisitBO.CalendarEvent = calEventRep.Convert <BO.CalendarEvent, CalendarEvent>(EOVisit.CalendarEvent);


Ejemplo n.º 5
        public override object SaveEOVisit <T>(T entity)
            BO.EOVisit       EOVisitBO        = (BO.EOVisit)(object) entity;
            BO.CalendarEvent CalendarEventBO  = EOVisitBO.CalendarEvent;
            BO.Doctor        DoctorBO         = EOVisitBO.Doctor;
            string           doctorUserName   = string.Empty;
            bool             sendNotification = false;
            bool             sendMessage      = false;

            if (CalendarEventBO != null)
                List <BO.FreeSlots>     currentEventSlots = new List <BO.FreeSlots>();
                CalendarEventRepository calEventRepo      = new CalendarEventRepository(_context);
                currentEventSlots = calEventRepo.GetBusySlotsByCalendarEvent(CalendarEventBO) as List <BO.FreeSlots>;

                if (currentEventSlots.Count > 0)
                    DateTime dtStartDate = currentEventSlots.Min(p => p.ForDate);
                    DateTime dtEndDate   = currentEventSlots.Max(p => p.ForDate).AddDays(1);

                    List <BO.StartAndEndTime> busySlots = new List <BO.StartAndEndTime>();

                    if (EOVisitBO.DoctorId != null)
                        var result = calEventRepo.GetBusySlotsForDoctors(EOVisitBO.DoctorId.Value, dtStartDate, dtEndDate);
                        if (result is BO.ErrorObject)
                            busySlots = result as List <BO.StartAndEndTime>;

                    foreach (var eachDayEventSlot in currentEventSlots)
                        DateTime ForDate = eachDayEventSlot.ForDate;
                        foreach (var eachEventSlot in eachDayEventSlot.StartAndEndTimes)
                            DateTime StartTime = eachEventSlot.StartTime;
                            DateTime EndTime   = eachEventSlot.EndTime;
                            var      StartAndEndTimesForDate = busySlots.Where(p => p.StartTime.Date == ForDate).ToList();
                            if (StartAndEndTimesForDate.Count > 0)
                                var StartAndEndTimes = StartAndEndTimesForDate.Where(p => p.StartTime >= StartTime && p.StartTime < EndTime).ToList();

                                if (StartAndEndTimes.Count > 0)
                                    return(new BO.ErrorObject {
                                        errorObject = "", ErrorMessage = "The Doctor dosent have free slots for EO visit time on " + ForDate.ToShortDateString() + " (" + StartTime.ToShortTimeString() + " - " + EndTime.ToShortTimeString() + ").", ErrorLevel = ErrorLevel.Error

            EOVisit EOVisitDB = new EOVisit();

            using (var dbContextTransaction = _context.Database.BeginTransaction())
                bool IsEditMode             = false;
                bool IsAddModeCalendarEvent = false;

                IsEditMode = (EOVisitBO != null && EOVisitBO.ID > 0) ? true : false;
                string doctorContactNumber = null;
                User   doctoruser          = null;

                if (EOVisitBO.DoctorId == null && EOVisitBO.ID > 0)
                    var EOvisitData = _context.EOVisits.Where(p => p.ID == EOVisitBO.ID).Select(p => new { p.DoctorId }).FirstOrDefault();

                    doctoruser = _context.Users.Where(usr => usr.id == EOvisitData.DoctorId).Include("ContactInfo").FirstOrDefault();
                else if (EOVisitBO.DoctorId != null && EOVisitBO.DoctorId > 0)
                    doctoruser = _context.Users.Where(usr => usr.id == EOVisitBO.DoctorId).Include("ContactInfo").FirstOrDefault();

                if (doctoruser != null)
                    doctorUserName      = doctoruser.UserName;
                    doctorContactNumber = doctoruser.ContactInfo.CellPhone;

                CalendarEvent CalendarEventDB = new CalendarEvent();
                #region Calendar Event
                if (CalendarEventBO != null)
                    bool Add_CalendarEventDB = false;
                    CalendarEventDB = _context.CalendarEvents.Where(p => p.Id == CalendarEventBO.ID &&
                                                                    (p.IsDeleted.HasValue == false || (p.IsDeleted.HasValue == true && p.IsDeleted.Value == false)))

                    if (CalendarEventDB == null && CalendarEventBO.ID <= 0)
                        CalendarEventDB     = new CalendarEvent();
                        Add_CalendarEventDB = true;
                    else if (CalendarEventDB == null && CalendarEventBO.ID > 0)
                        return(new BO.ErrorObject {
                            errorObject = "", ErrorMessage = "Calendar Event details dosent exists.", ErrorLevel = ErrorLevel.Error

                    //if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(doctorUserName) == false && dictionary.ContainsKey(doctorUserName))
                    //    if (CalendarEventDB.EventStart != CalendarEventBO.EventStart.Value) sendNotification = true;

                    CalendarEventDB.Name                = IsEditMode == true && CalendarEventBO.Name == null ? CalendarEventDB.Name : CalendarEventBO.Name;
                    CalendarEventDB.EventStart          = IsEditMode == true && CalendarEventBO.EventStart.HasValue == false ? CalendarEventDB.EventStart : CalendarEventBO.EventStart.Value;
                    CalendarEventDB.EventEnd            = IsEditMode == true && CalendarEventBO.EventEnd.HasValue == false ? CalendarEventDB.EventEnd : CalendarEventBO.EventEnd.Value;
                    CalendarEventDB.TimeZone            = CalendarEventBO.TimeZone;
                    CalendarEventDB.Description         = CalendarEventBO.Description;
                    CalendarEventDB.RecurrenceId        = CalendarEventBO.RecurrenceId;
                    CalendarEventDB.RecurrenceRule      = IsEditMode == true && CalendarEventBO.RecurrenceRule == null ? CalendarEventDB.RecurrenceRule : CalendarEventBO.RecurrenceRule;
                    CalendarEventDB.RecurrenceException = IsEditMode == true && CalendarEventBO.RecurrenceException == null ? CalendarEventDB.RecurrenceException : CalendarEventBO.RecurrenceException;
                    CalendarEventDB.IsAllDay            = CalendarEventBO.IsAllDay;

                    if (IsEditMode == false)
                        CalendarEventDB.CreateByUserID = CalendarEventBO.CreateByUserID;
                        CalendarEventDB.CreateDate     = DateTime.UtcNow;
                        CalendarEventDB.UpdateByUserID = CalendarEventBO.UpdateByUserID;
                        CalendarEventDB.UpdateDate     = DateTime.UtcNow;

                    if (Add_CalendarEventDB == true)
                        CalendarEventDB = _context.CalendarEvents.Add(CalendarEventDB);

                    #region send SMS notification
                    //    if (sendNotification)
                    //    {
                    //        if (doctorContactNumber != null && doctorContactNumber != string.Empty)
                    //        {
                    //            string to = doctorContactNumber;
                    //            string body = "Your appointment has been scheduled at. ";

                    //            string msgid = SMSGateway.SendSMS(to, body);
                    //        }
                    //    }
                    //catch (Exception) { }
                    if (IsEditMode == false && EOVisitBO.CalendarEventId <= 0)
                        return(new BO.ErrorObject {
                            errorObject = "", ErrorMessage = "Please pass valid Calendar Event details.", ErrorLevel = ErrorLevel.Error
                    CalendarEventDB = null;

                #region EO Visit
                if (EOVisitBO != null && ((EOVisitBO.ID <= 0 && (EOVisitBO.DoctorId.HasValue == true || EOVisitBO.PatientId.HasValue == true)) || (EOVisitBO.ID > 0)))
                    bool Add_EOVisitDB = false;
                    EOVisitDB = _context.EOVisits.Where(p => p.ID == EOVisitBO.ID &&
                                                        (p.IsDeleted.HasValue == false || (p.IsDeleted.HasValue == true && p.IsDeleted.Value == false)))

                    if (EOVisitDB == null && EOVisitBO.ID <= 0)
                        EOVisitDB     = new EOVisit();
                        Add_EOVisitDB = true;
                        sendMessage   = true;
                    else if (EOVisitDB == null && EOVisitBO.ID > 0)
                        return(new BO.ErrorObject {
                            errorObject = "", ErrorMessage = "Patient Visit doesn't exists.", ErrorLevel = ErrorLevel.Error

                    EOVisitDB.CalendarEventId = (CalendarEventDB != null && CalendarEventDB.Id > 0) ? CalendarEventDB.Id : ((EOVisitBO.CalendarEventId.HasValue == true) ? EOVisitBO.CalendarEventId.Value : EOVisitDB.CalendarEventId);

                    EOVisitDB.DoctorId  = IsEditMode == true && EOVisitBO.DoctorId.HasValue == false ? EOVisitDB.DoctorId : (EOVisitBO.DoctorId.HasValue == false ? EOVisitDB.DoctorId : EOVisitBO.DoctorId.Value);
                    EOVisitDB.PatientId = IsEditMode == true && EOVisitBO.PatientId.HasValue == false ? EOVisitDB.PatientId : (EOVisitBO.PatientId.HasValue == false ? EOVisitDB.PatientId : EOVisitBO.PatientId.Value);

                    EOVisitDB.InsuranceProviderId = IsEditMode == true && EOVisitBO.InsuranceProviderId.HasValue == false ? EOVisitDB.InsuranceProviderId : (EOVisitBO.InsuranceProviderId.HasValue == false ? EOVisitDB.InsuranceProviderId : EOVisitBO.InsuranceProviderId.Value);
                    EOVisitDB.EventStart          = EOVisitBO.EventStart;
                    EOVisitDB.EventEnd            = EOVisitBO.EventEnd;

                    EOVisitDB.Notes         = EOVisitBO.Notes;
                    EOVisitDB.VisitStatusId = EOVisitBO.VisitStatusId;

                    EOVisitDB.VisitCreatedByCompanyId = IsEditMode == true ? EOVisitDB.VisitCreatedByCompanyId : EOVisitBO.VisitCreatedByCompanyId.Value;

                    if (IsEditMode == false)
                        EOVisitDB.CreateByUserID = EOVisitBO.CreateByUserID;
                        EOVisitDB.CreateDate     = DateTime.UtcNow;
                        EOVisitDB.UpdateByUserID = EOVisitBO.UpdateByUserID;
                        EOVisitDB.UpdateDate     = DateTime.UtcNow;

                    if (Add_EOVisitDB == true)
                        EOVisitDB = _context.EOVisits.Add(EOVisitDB);
                    if (IsEditMode == false && IsAddModeCalendarEvent == false)
                        return(new BO.ErrorObject {
                            errorObject = "", ErrorMessage = "Please pass valid Patient Visit details.", ErrorLevel = ErrorLevel.Error
                    EOVisitDB = null;



                if (EOVisitDB != null)
                    EOVisitDB = _context.EOVisits.Include("CalendarEvent")
                                .Where(p => p.ID == EOVisitDB.ID &&
                                       (p.IsDeleted.HasValue == false || (p.IsDeleted.HasValue == true && p.IsDeleted.Value == false)))
                                .FirstOrDefault <EOVisit>();
                else if (CalendarEventDB != null)
                    EOVisitDB = _context.EOVisits.Include("CalendarEvent")
                                .Where(p => p.CalendarEvent.Id == CalendarEventDB.Id &&
                                       (p.IsDeleted.HasValue == false || (p.IsDeleted.HasValue == true && p.IsDeleted.Value == false)))
                                .FirstOrDefault <EOVisit>();

            if (sendMessage == true)
                    IdentityHelper identityHelper = new IdentityHelper();

                    User AdminUser = _context.Users.Include("ContactInfo").Include("UserCompanies").Include("UserCompanies.company")
                                     .Where(p => p.UserName == identityHelper.Email && (p.IsDeleted.HasValue == false || (p.IsDeleted.HasValue == true && p.IsDeleted.Value == false)))

                    int currentCompanyType = _context.Companies.Where(p => p.id == EOVisitBO.VisitCreatedByCompanyId).Select(p1 => p1.CompanyType).FirstOrDefault();

                    List <User> lstStaff = _context.Users.Include("ContactInfo").Include("UserCompanies").Include("UserCompanies.company")
                                           .Where(p => p.UserType == 2 && p.UserCompanies.Where(p1 => p1.CompanyID == EOVisitBO.VisitCreatedByCompanyId && (p1.IsDeleted.HasValue == false || (p1.IsDeleted.HasValue == true && p1.IsDeleted.Value == false))).Any() && (p.IsDeleted.HasValue == false || (p.IsDeleted.HasValue == true && p.IsDeleted.Value == false)))
                                           .ToList <User>();
                    User patientInfo = _context.Users.Include("ContactInfo").Include("UserCompanies").Include("UserCompanies.company")
                                       .Where(p => p.id == EOVisitBO.PatientId && (p.IsDeleted.HasValue == false || (p.IsDeleted.HasValue == true && p.IsDeleted.Value == false)))

                    User doctorInfo = _context.Users.Include("ContactInfo").Include("UserCompanies").Include("UserCompanies.company")
                                      .Where(p => p.id == EOVisitBO.DoctorId && (p.IsDeleted.HasValue == false || (p.IsDeleted.HasValue == true && p.IsDeleted.Value == false))).FirstOrDefault();

                    InsuranceMaster insuranceInfo = _context.InsuranceMasters
                                                    .Where(p => p.Id == EOVisitBO.InsuranceProviderId && (p.IsDeleted.HasValue == false || (p.IsDeleted.HasValue == true && p.IsDeleted.Value == false))).FirstOrDefault();

                    string MailMessageForPatient  = "<B> New Appointment Scheduled</B></ BR >Medical provider has scheduled a visit with Insurance Company: " + insuranceInfo.CompanyName + "<br><br>Thanks";
                    string NotificationForPatient = "Medical provider has scheduled a visit with Insurance Company: " + insuranceInfo.CompanyName;
                    string SmsMessageForPatient   = "<B> New Appointment Scheduled</B></ BR >Medical provider has scheduled a visit with Insurance Company: " + insuranceInfo.CompanyName + "<br><br>Thanks";

                    string MailMessageForDoctor  = "Appointment has been scheduled with Insurance Company: " + insuranceInfo.CompanyName + "<br><br>Thanks";
                    string NotificationForDoctor = "Appointment has been scheduled with Insurance Company: " + insuranceInfo.CompanyName;
                    string SmsMessageForDoctor   = "Appointment has been scheduled with Insurance Company: " + insuranceInfo.CompanyName + "<br><br>Thanks";

                    string MailMessageForStaff  = "";
                    string NotificationForStaff = "";
                    string SmsMessageForStaff   = "";
                    if (currentCompanyType == 2)
                        MailMessageForStaff  = "<B> New Appointment Scheduled</B></BR>A new Appointment schedule for patient : " + patientInfo.FirstName + " " + patientInfo.LastName + "  with Insurance Company" + insuranceInfo.CompanyName + "<br><br>Thanks";
                        NotificationForStaff = "New Appointment schedule for patient : " + patientInfo.FirstName + " " + patientInfo.LastName + "  with Insurance Company" + insuranceInfo.CompanyName;
                        SmsMessageForStaff   = "<B> New Appointment Scheduled</B></BR>A new Appointment schedule for patient : " + patientInfo.FirstName + " " + patientInfo.LastName + "  with Insurance Company" + insuranceInfo.CompanyName + "<br><br>Thanks";
                        MailMessageForStaff  = "<B> New Appointment Scheduled</B></BR>A new Appointment schedule for doctor : " + doctorInfo.FirstName + " " + doctorInfo.LastName + "  with Insurance Company" + insuranceInfo.CompanyName + "<br><br>Thanks";
                        NotificationForStaff = "New Appointment schedule for doctor : " + doctorInfo.FirstName + " " + doctorInfo.LastName + "  with Insurance Company" + insuranceInfo.CompanyName;
                        SmsMessageForStaff   = "<B> New Appointment Scheduled</B></BR>A new Appointment schedule for doctor : " + doctorInfo.FirstName + " " + doctorInfo.LastName + "  with Insurance Company" + insuranceInfo.CompanyName + "<br><br>Thanks";

                    #region  patient mail object
                    BO.EmailMessage emPatient = new BO.EmailMessage();
                    if (patientInfo != null)
                        emPatient.ApplicationName = "Midas";
                        emPatient.ToEmail         = patientInfo.UserName; //patientInfo.UserName;
                        emPatient.EMailSubject    = "MIDAS Notification";
                        emPatient.EMailBody       = MailMessageForPatient;

                    #region patient sms object
                    BO.SMS smsPatient = new BO.SMS();
                    if (patientInfo != null)
                        smsPatient.ApplicationName = "Midas";
                        smsPatient.ToNumber        = patientInfo.ContactInfo.CellPhone;
                        smsPatient.Message         = SmsMessageForPatient;

                    #region  doctor mail object
                    BO.EmailMessage emDoctor = new BO.EmailMessage();
                    if (doctorInfo != null)
                        emDoctor.ApplicationName = "Midas";
                        emDoctor.ToEmail         = doctorInfo.UserName; //doctorInfo.UserName;
                        emDoctor.EMailSubject    = "MIDAS Notification";
                        emDoctor.EMailBody       = MailMessageForDoctor;

                    #region doctor sms object
                    BO.SMS smsDoctor = new BO.SMS();
                    if (doctorInfo != null)
                        smsDoctor.ApplicationName = "Midas";
                        smsDoctor.ToNumber        = doctorInfo.ContactInfo.CellPhone;
                        smsDoctor.Message         = SmsMessageForDoctor;

                    NotificationHelper nh = new NotificationHelper();
                    MessagingHelper    mh = new MessagingHelper();

                    if (currentCompanyType == 2)   // 2 attorney
                        #region Patient
                        nh.PushNotification(patientInfo.UserName, AdminUser.UserCompanies.Select(p => p.Company.id).FirstOrDefault(), NotificationForPatient, "New Patient Registration");  //patientInfo.UserName for Patient user email
                        mh.SendEmailAndSms(patientInfo.UserName, AdminUser.UserCompanies.Select(p => p.Company.id).FirstOrDefault(), emPatient, smsPatient);

                        foreach (var item in lstStaff)
                            #region  staff mail object
                            BO.EmailMessage emStaff = new BO.EmailMessage();
                            emStaff.ApplicationName = "Midas";
                            emStaff.ToEmail         = item.UserName;
                            emStaff.EMailSubject    = "MIDAS Notification";
                            emStaff.EMailBody       = MailMessageForStaff;

                            #region admin sms object
                            BO.SMS smsStaff = new BO.SMS();
                            smsStaff.ApplicationName = "Midas";
                            smsStaff.ToNumber        = item.ContactInfo.CellPhone;
                            smsStaff.Message         = SmsMessageForStaff;

                            nh.PushNotification(item.UserName, item.UserCompanies.Select(p => p.Company.id).FirstOrDefault(), NotificationForStaff, "New Appointment Schedule"); //item.UserName
                            mh.SendEmailAndSms(item.UserName, item.UserCompanies.Select(p => p.Company.id).FirstOrDefault(), emStaff, smsStaff);
                    else   // medical provider
                        #region Doctor
                        nh.PushNotification(doctorInfo.UserName, AdminUser.UserCompanies.Select(p => p.Company.id).FirstOrDefault(), NotificationForDoctor, "New Appointment Schedule");  //doctorInfo.UserName
                        mh.SendEmailAndSms(doctorInfo.UserName, AdminUser.UserCompanies.Select(p => p.Company.id).FirstOrDefault(), emDoctor, smsDoctor);

                        foreach (var item in lstStaff)
                            #region  staff mail object
                            BO.EmailMessage emStaff = new BO.EmailMessage();
                            emStaff.ApplicationName = "Midas";
                            emStaff.ToEmail         = item.UserName;
                            emStaff.EMailSubject    = "MIDAS Notification";
                            emStaff.EMailBody       = MailMessageForStaff;

                            #region staff sms object
                            BO.SMS smsStaff = new BO.SMS();
                            smsStaff.ApplicationName = "Midas";
                            smsStaff.ToNumber        = item.ContactInfo.CellPhone;
                            smsStaff.Message         = SmsMessageForStaff;

                            nh.PushNotification(item.UserName, item.UserCompanies.Select(p => p.Company.id).FirstOrDefault(), NotificationForStaff, "New Appointment Schedule");
                            mh.SendEmailAndSms(item.UserName, item.UserCompanies.Select(p => p.Company.id).FirstOrDefault(), emStaff, smsStaff);
                catch (Exception ex)

            var res = ConvertEOvisit <BO.EOVisit, EOVisit>(EOVisitDB);
Ejemplo n.º 6
        public override T Convert <T, U>(U entity)
            if (entity is Notification)
                Notification notification = entity as Notification;

                if (notification == null)

                BO.Notification notificationBO = new BO.Notification();
                notificationBO.ID         = notification.Id;
                notificationBO.CompanyId  = notification.CompanyId;
                notificationBO.LocationId = notification.LocationId;
                notificationBO.StartDate  = notification.StartDate;
                notificationBO.EndDate    = notification.EndDate;
                notificationBO.IsViewed   = notification.IsViewed;

                notificationBO.CreateByUserID = notification.CreateByUserID;

                if (notification.IsDeleted.HasValue)
                    notificationBO.IsDeleted = notification.IsDeleted.Value;
                if (notification.UpdateByUserID.HasValue)
                    notificationBO.UpdateByUserID = notification.UpdateByUserID.Value;

                //if (notification.Company != null)
                //    BO.Company boCompany = new BO.Company();
                //    using (CompanyRepository cmp = new CompanyRepository(_context))
                //    {
                //        boCompany = cmp.Convert<BO.Company, Company>(notification.Company);
                //        notificationBO.Company = boCompany;
                //    }
                //if (notification.Location != null)
                //    BO.Location boLocation = new BO.Location();
                //    using (LocationRepository cmp = new LocationRepository(_context))
                //    {
                //        boLocation = cmp.Convert<BO.Location, Location>(notification.Location);
                //        notificationBO.Location = boLocation;
                //    }

            else if (entity is CalendarEvent)
                CalendarEvent CalendarEventDB = entity as CalendarEvent;

                if (CalendarEventDB == null)

                BO.CalendarEvent CalendarEvent = new BO.CalendarEvent();
                using (CalendarEventRepository calEventRep = new CalendarEventRepository(_context))
                    CalendarEvent = calEventRep.Convert <BO.CalendarEvent, CalendarEvent>(CalendarEventDB);

