Ejemplo n.º 1
        /// <summary>
        /// Attempts to relink unreal property data and object pointers in binary when cross porting an export
        /// </summary>
        public static List <string> RelinkAll(IDictionary <IEntry, IEntry> crossPccObjectMap, bool importExportDependencies = false)
            var relinkReport = new List <string>();
            //relink each modified export

            //We must convert this to a list, as this list will be updated as imports are cross mapped during relinking.
            //This process speeds up same-relinks later.
            //This is a list because otherwise we would get a concurrent modification exception.
            //Since we only enumerate exports and append imports to this list we will not need to worry about recursive links
            //I am sure this won't come back to be a pain for me.
            var crossPCCObjectMappingList = new OrderedMultiValueDictionary <IEntry, IEntry>(crossPccObjectMap);

            //can't be a foreach since we might append things to the list
            // ReSharper disable once ForCanBeConvertedToForeach
            for (int i = 0; i < crossPCCObjectMappingList.Count; i++)
                (IEntry src, IEntry dest) = crossPCCObjectMappingList[i];
                if (src is ExportEntry sourceExport && dest is ExportEntry relinkingExport)
                    relinkReport.AddRange(Relink(sourceExport, relinkingExport, crossPCCObjectMappingList, importExportDependencies));

Ejemplo n.º 2
        public static void Serialize <TKey, TValue>(this SerializingContainer2 sc, ref OrderedMultiValueDictionary <TKey, TValue> dict, SerializeDelegate <TKey> serializeKey, SerializeDelegate <TValue> serializeValue)
            int count = dict?.Count ?? 0;

            sc.Serialize(ref count);
            if (sc.IsLoading)
                dict = new OrderedMultiValueDictionary <TKey, TValue>(count);
                for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
                    TKey key = default;
                    serializeKey(sc, ref key);
                    TValue value = default;
                    serializeValue(sc, ref value);
                    dict.Add(key, value);
                for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
                    var key = dict[i].Key;
                    serializeKey(sc, ref key);
                    var value = dict[i].Value;
                    serializeValue(sc, ref value);
Ejemplo n.º 3
        private static List <string> relinkPropertiesRecursive(IMEPackage importingPCC, ExportEntry relinkingExport, PropertyCollection transplantProps,
                                                               OrderedMultiValueDictionary <IEntry, IEntry> crossPCCObjectMappingList, string prefix,
                                                               bool importExportDependencies = false)
            var relinkResults = new List <string>();

            foreach (UProperty prop in transplantProps)
                //Debug.WriteLine($"{prefix} Relink recursive on {prop.Name}");
                if (prop is StructProperty structProperty)
                    relinkResults.AddRange(relinkPropertiesRecursive(importingPCC, relinkingExport, structProperty.Properties, crossPCCObjectMappingList,
                                                                     $"{prefix}{structProperty.Name}.", importExportDependencies));
                else if (prop is ArrayProperty <StructProperty> structArrayProp)
                    for (int i = 0; i < structArrayProp.Count; i++)
                        StructProperty arrayStructProperty = structArrayProp[i];
                        relinkResults.AddRange(relinkPropertiesRecursive(importingPCC, relinkingExport, arrayStructProperty.Properties, crossPCCObjectMappingList,
                                                                         $"{prefix}{arrayStructProperty.Name}[{i}].", importExportDependencies));
                else if (prop is ArrayProperty <ObjectProperty> objArrayProp)
                    foreach (ObjectProperty objProperty in objArrayProp)
                        int    uIndex = objProperty.Value;
                        string result = relinkUIndex(importingPCC, relinkingExport, ref uIndex, objProperty.Name, crossPCCObjectMappingList, prefix, importExportDependencies);
                        objProperty.Value = uIndex;
                        if (result != null)
                else if (prop is ObjectProperty objectProperty)
                    int    uIndex = objectProperty.Value;
                    string result = relinkUIndex(importingPCC, relinkingExport, ref uIndex, objectProperty.Name, crossPCCObjectMappingList, prefix, importExportDependencies);
                    objectProperty.Value = uIndex;
                    if (result != null)
                else if (prop is DelegateProperty delegateProp)
                    int    uIndex = delegateProp.Value.Object;
                    string result = relinkUIndex(importingPCC, relinkingExport, ref uIndex, delegateProp.Name, crossPCCObjectMappingList, prefix, importExportDependencies);
                    delegateProp.Value = new ScriptDelegate(uIndex, delegateProp.Value.FunctionName);
                    if (result != null)
Ejemplo n.º 4
        private static List <string> RelinkToken(Token t, byte[] script, ExportEntry sourceExport, ExportEntry destinationExport,
                                                 OrderedMultiValueDictionary <IEntry, IEntry> crossFileRefObjectMap, bool importExportDependencies = false)
            var relinkFailedReport = new List <string>();

            Debug.WriteLine($"Attempting function relink on token at position {t.pos}. Number of listed relinkable items {t.inPackageReferences.Count}");

            foreach ((int pos, int type, int value) in t.inPackageReferences)
                switch (type)
                case Token.INPACKAGEREFTYPE_NAME:
                    int newValue = destinationExport.FileRef.FindNameOrAdd(sourceExport.FileRef.GetNameEntry(value));
                    Debug.WriteLine($"Function relink hit @ 0x{t.pos + pos:X6}, cross ported a name: {sourceExport.FileRef.GetNameEntry(value)}");
                    script.OverwriteRange(pos, BitConverter.GetBytes(newValue));

                case Token.INPACKAGEREFTYPE_ENTRY:
                    relinkAtPosition(pos, value, $"(Script at @ 0x{t.pos + pos:X6}: {t.text})");


            void relinkAtPosition(int binaryPosition, int uIndex, string propertyName)
                string relinkResult = relinkUIndex(sourceExport.FileRef, destinationExport, ref uIndex, propertyName,
                                                   crossFileRefObjectMap, "", importExportDependencies);

                if (relinkResult is null)
                    script.OverwriteRange(binaryPosition, BitConverter.GetBytes(uIndex));
Ejemplo n.º 5
        public static List <string> Relink(ExportEntry sourceExport, ExportEntry relinkingExport, OrderedMultiValueDictionary <IEntry, IEntry> crossPCCObjectMappingList, bool importExportDependencies = false)
            var        relinkFailedReport = new List <string>();
            IMEPackage sourcePcc          = sourceExport.FileRef;

            //Relink stack
            if (relinkingExport.HasStack)
                byte[] stack = relinkingExport.GetStack();

                int    uIndex       = BitConverter.ToInt32(stack, 0);
                string relinkResult = relinkUIndex(sourceExport.FileRef, relinkingExport, ref uIndex, "Stack: Node",
                                                   crossPCCObjectMappingList, "", importExportDependencies);
                if (relinkResult is null)
                    stack.OverwriteRange(0, BitConverter.GetBytes(uIndex));

                uIndex       = BitConverter.ToInt32(stack, 4);
                relinkResult = relinkUIndex(sourceExport.FileRef, relinkingExport, ref uIndex, "Stack: StateNode",
                                            crossPCCObjectMappingList, "", importExportDependencies);
                if (relinkResult is null)
                    stack.OverwriteRange(4, BitConverter.GetBytes(uIndex));


            //Relink Properties
            PropertyCollection transplantProps = sourceExport.GetProperties();

            relinkFailedReport.AddRange(relinkPropertiesRecursive(sourcePcc, relinkingExport, transplantProps, crossPCCObjectMappingList, "", importExportDependencies));

            //Relink Binary
                if (relinkingExport.Game != sourcePcc.Game && (relinkingExport.IsClass || relinkingExport.ClassName == "State" || relinkingExport.ClassName == "Function"))
                    relinkFailedReport.Add($"{relinkingExport.UIndex} {relinkingExport.FullPath} binary relinking failed. Cannot port {relinkingExport.ClassName} between games!");

                if (ObjectBinary.From(relinkingExport) is ObjectBinary objBin)
                    List <(UIndex, string)> indices = objBin.GetUIndexes(relinkingExport.FileRef.Game);

                    foreach ((UIndex uIndex, string propName) in indices)
                        string result = relinkUIndex(sourcePcc, relinkingExport, ref uIndex.value, $"(Binary Property: {propName})", crossPCCObjectMappingList, "",
                        if (result != null)

                    //UStruct is abstract baseclass for Class, State, and Function, and can have script in it
                    if (objBin is UStruct uStructBinary && uStructBinary.ScriptBytes.Length > 0)
                        if (relinkingExport.Game == MEGame.ME3)
                            (List <Token> tokens, _) = Bytecode.ParseBytecode(uStructBinary.ScriptBytes, sourceExport);
                            foreach (Token token in tokens)
                                relinkFailedReport.AddRange(RelinkToken(token, uStructBinary.ScriptBytes, sourceExport, relinkingExport, crossPCCObjectMappingList,
                            relinkFailedReport.Add($"{relinkingExport.UIndex} {relinkingExport.FullPath} binary relinking failed. {relinkingExport.ClassName} contains script, " +
                                                   $"which cannot be relinked for {relinkingExport.Game}");

                    relinkingExport.setBinaryData(objBin.ToBytes(relinkingExport.FileRef, relinkingExport.DataOffset + relinkingExport.propsEnd()));

                byte[] binarydata = relinkingExport.getBinaryData();

                if (binarydata.Length > 0)
                    switch (relinkingExport.ClassName)
                    //todo: make a WwiseEvent ObjectBinary class
                    case "WwiseEvent":
                        void relinkAtPosition(int binaryPosition, string propertyName)
                            int    uIndex       = BitConverter.ToInt32(binarydata, binaryPosition);
                            string relinkResult = relinkUIndex(sourcePcc, relinkingExport, ref uIndex, propertyName,
                                                               crossPCCObjectMappingList, "", importExportDependencies);

                            if (relinkResult is null)
                                binarydata.OverwriteRange(binaryPosition, BitConverter.GetBytes(uIndex));

                        if (relinkingExport.FileRef.Game == MEGame.ME3)
                            int count = BitConverter.ToInt32(binarydata, 0);
                            for (int j = 0; j < count; j++)
                                relinkAtPosition(4 + (j * 4), $"(Binary Property: WwiseStreams[{j}])");

                        else if (relinkingExport.FileRef.Game == MEGame.ME2)
                            int parsingPos = 4;
                            int linkCount  = BitConverter.ToInt32(binarydata, parsingPos);
                            parsingPos += 4;
                            for (int j = 0; j < linkCount; j++)
                                int bankcount = BitConverter.ToInt32(binarydata, parsingPos);
                                parsingPos += 4;
                                for (int k = 0; k < bankcount; k++)
                                    relinkAtPosition(parsingPos, $"(Binary Property: link[{j}].WwiseBanks[{k}])");

                                    parsingPos += 4;

                                int wwisestreamcount = BitConverter.ToInt32(binarydata, parsingPos);
                                parsingPos += 4;
                                for (int k = 0; k < wwisestreamcount; k++)
                                    relinkAtPosition(parsingPos, $"(Binary Property: link[{j}].WwiseStreams[{k}])");

                                    parsingPos += 4;


                    case "DominantDirectionalLightComponent":
                    case "SphericalHarmonicLightComponent":
                    case "DominantPointLightComponent":
                    case "StaticLightCollectionActor":
                    case "DominantSpotLightComponent":
                    case "DirectionalLightComponent":
                    case "StaticMeshCollectionActor":
                    case "TerrainWeightMapTexture":
                    case "PhysicsAssetInstance":
                    case "PointLightComponent":
                    case "ShadowMapTexture2D":
                    case "SpotLightComponent":
                    case "LightMapTexture2D":
                    case "SkyLightComponent":
                    case "TextureFlipBook":
                    case "BrushComponent":
                    case "FaceFXAnimSet":
                    case "TextureMovie":
                    case "AnimSequence":
                    case "RB_BodySetup":
                    case "MorphTarget":
                    case "ShadowMap1D":
                    case "WwiseStream":
                    case "WwiseBank":
                    case "Texture2D":
                        //these classes have binary but do not need relinking

                        if (binarydata.Any(b => b != 0))
                            relinkFailedReport.Add($"{relinkingExport.UIndex} {relinkingExport.FullPath} has unparsed binary. " +
                                                   $"This binary may contain items that need to be relinked. Come to the Discord server " +
                                                   $"(click ME3Tweaks logo in main window for invite) and ask devs to parse this class.");

            catch (Exception e) when(!App.IsDebug)
                relinkFailedReport.Add($"{relinkingExport.UIndex} {relinkingExport.FullPath} binary relinking failed due to exception: {e.Message}");

Ejemplo n.º 6
        private static string relinkUIndex(IMEPackage importingPCC, ExportEntry relinkingExport, ref int uIndex, string propertyName,
                                           OrderedMultiValueDictionary <IEntry, IEntry> crossPCCObjectMappingList, string prefix, bool importExportDependencies = false)
            if (uIndex == 0)
                return(null); //do not relink 0

            IMEPackage destinationPcc = relinkingExport.FileRef;

            if (importingPCC == destinationPcc && uIndex < 0)
                return(null); //do not relink same-pcc imports.
            int sourceObjReference = uIndex;

            //Debug.WriteLine($"{prefix} Relinking:{propertyName}");

            if (crossPCCObjectMappingList.TryGetValue(entry => entry.UIndex == sourceObjReference, out IEntry targetEntry))
                uIndex = targetEntry.UIndex;

                //Debug.WriteLine($"{prefix} Relink hit: {sourceObjReference}{propertyName} : {targetEntry.FullPath}");
            else if (uIndex < 0) //It's an unmapped import
                //objProperty is currently pointing to importingPCC as that is where we read the properties from
                int n         = uIndex;
                int origvalue = n;
                //Debug.WriteLine("Relink miss, attempting JIT relink on " + n + " " + rootNode.Text);
                if (importingPCC.IsImport(n))
                    //Get the original import
                    ImportEntry origImport         = importingPCC.GetImport(n);
                    string      origImportFullName = origImport.FullPath;
                    //Debug.WriteLine("We should import " + origImport.GetFullPath);

                    IEntry crossImport          = null;
                    string linkFailedDueToError = null;
                        crossImport = EntryImporter.GetOrAddCrossImportOrPackage(origImportFullName, importingPCC, destinationPcc);
                    catch (Exception e)
                        //Error during relink
                        DebugOutput.StartDebugger("PCC Relinker");
                        DebugOutput.PrintLn("Exception occured during relink: ");
                        DebugOutput.PrintLn("You may want to consider discarding this sessions' changes as relinking was not able to properly finish.");
                        linkFailedDueToError = e.Message;

                    if (crossImport != null)
                        crossPCCObjectMappingList.Add(origImport, crossImport); //add to mapping to speed up future relinks
                        uIndex = crossImport.UIndex;
                        // Debug.WriteLine($"Relink hit: Dynamic CrossImport for {origvalue} {importingPCC.GetEntry(origvalue).FullPath} -> {uIndex}");
                        string path = importingPCC.GetEntry(uIndex) != null?importingPCC.GetEntry(uIndex).FullPath : "Entry not found: " + uIndex;

                        if (linkFailedDueToError != null)
                            Debug.WriteLine($"Relink failed: CrossImport porting failed for {relinkingExport.ObjectName.Instanced} {relinkingExport.UIndex}: {propertyName} ({uIndex}): {importingPCC.GetEntry(origvalue).FullPath}");
                            return($"Relink failed for {prefix}{propertyName} {uIndex} in export {path}({relinkingExport.UIndex}): {linkFailedDueToError}");

                        if (destinationPcc.GetEntry(uIndex) != null)
                            Debug.WriteLine($"Relink failed: CrossImport porting failed for {relinkingExport.ObjectName.Instanced} {relinkingExport.UIndex}: {propertyName} ({uIndex}): {importingPCC.GetEntry(origvalue).FullPath}");
                            return($"Relink failed: CrossImport porting failed for {prefix}{propertyName} {uIndex} {destinationPcc.GetEntry(uIndex).FullPath} in export {relinkingExport.FullPath}({relinkingExport.UIndex})");

                        return($"Relink failed: New export does not exist - this is probably a bug in cross import code for {prefix}{propertyName} {uIndex} in export {relinkingExport.FullPath}({relinkingExport.UIndex})");
                //It's an export
                //Attempt lookup
                ExportEntry sourceExport  = importingPCC.GetUExport(uIndex);
                string      fullPath      = sourceExport.FullPath;
                int         indexValue    = sourceExport.indexValue;
                IEntry      existingEntry = destinationPcc.Exports.FirstOrDefault(x => x.FullPath == fullPath && indexValue == x.indexValue);
                existingEntry ??= destinationPcc.Imports.FirstOrDefault(x => x.FullPath == fullPath);
                if (existingEntry != null)
                    //Debug.WriteLine($"Relink hit [EXPERIMENTAL]: Existing entry in file was found, linking to it:  {uIndex} {sourceExport.InstancedFullPath} -> {existingEntry.InstancedFullPath}");
                    uIndex = existingEntry.UIndex;
                else if (importExportDependencies)
                    if (!crossPCCObjectMappingList.TryGetValue(sourceExport.Parent, out IEntry parent))
                        parent = EntryImporter.GetOrAddCrossImportOrPackage(sourceExport.ParentFullPath, importingPCC, destinationPcc, true, crossPCCObjectMappingList);
                    ExportEntry importedExport = EntryImporter.ImportExport(destinationPcc, sourceExport, parent?.UIndex ?? 0, true, crossPCCObjectMappingList);
                    uIndex = importedExport.UIndex;
                    string path = importingPCC.GetEntry(uIndex)?.FullPath ?? $"Entry not found: {uIndex}";
                    Debug.WriteLine($"Relink failed in {relinkingExport.ObjectName.Instanced} {relinkingExport.UIndex}: {propertyName} {uIndex} {path}");
                    return($"Relink failed: {prefix}{propertyName} {uIndex} in export {relinkingExport.FullPath}({relinkingExport.UIndex})");
