protected override void Execute(CodeActivityContext executionContext)
            ITracingService             tracer         = executionContext.GetExtension <ITracingService>();
            IWorkflowContext            context        = executionContext.GetExtension <IWorkflowContext>();
            IOrganizationServiceFactory serviceFactory = executionContext.GetExtension <IOrganizationServiceFactory>();
            IOrganizationService        service        = serviceFactory.CreateOrganizationService(context.UserId);

                tracer.Trace("ProcessingOnChange:Execute - Manage Creation/Update/Deletion of related Artifacts");

                // an exectute multiple of artifacts to update that runs after processing
                var artifactsToUpdate = new ExecuteMultipleRequest()
                    Settings = new ExecuteMultipleSettings()
                        ContinueOnError = true,
                        ReturnResponses = false
                    Requests = new OrganizationRequestCollection()

                Entity entityTarget = (Entity)context.InputParameters["Target"];
                var    fullEntity   = service.Retrieve(entityTarget.LogicalName, entityTarget.Id, new ColumnSet(true));

                var    incidentId         = Guid.Empty;
                var    contactId          = Guid.Empty;
                var    accountId          = Guid.Empty;
                string artifactLookupName = "";

                switch (fullEntity.LogicalName)
                // Case is the Main entity for Artifact
                case Incident.EntityLogicalName:
                    artifactLookupName = "mcs_caseid";
                    incidentId         = fullEntity.Id;
                    contactId          = fullEntity.Contains("primarycontactid") ? ((EntityReference)fullEntity["primarycontactid"]).Id : Guid.Empty;
                    accountId          = fullEntity.Contains("customerid") ? ((EntityReference)fullEntity["customerid"]).Id : Guid.Empty;

                // Related Parent
                case Account.EntityLogicalName:
                    artifactLookupName = "mcs_accountid";
                    accountId          = fullEntity.Id;
                    contactId          = fullEntity.Contains("primarycontactid") ? ((EntityReference)fullEntity["primarycontactid"]).Id : Guid.Empty;

                    using (var xrm = new CrmServiceContext(service))
                        // Find first created Child Incident to relate Artifact
                        var a = xrm.IncidentSet.Where(x => x.CustomerId.Id == fullEntity.Id)
                                .OrderBy(x => x.CreatedOn)
                                .Select(x => new Incident()
                            Id = x.Id

                        if (a != null)
                            incidentId = a.Id;

                // Related Parent
                case Contact.EntityLogicalName:
                    artifactLookupName = "mcs_contactid";
                    contactId          = fullEntity.Id;
                    accountId          = fullEntity.Contains("parentcustomerid") ? ((EntityReference)fullEntity["parentcustomerid"]).Id : Guid.Empty;

                    using (var xrm = new CrmServiceContext(service))
                        // Find first created Child Incident to relate Artifact
                        var c = xrm.IncidentSet.Where(x => x.PrimaryContactId.Id == entityTarget.Id)
                                .OrderBy(x => x.CreatedOn)
                                .Select(x => new Incident()
                            Id = x.Id

                        if (c != null)
                            incidentId = c.Id;

                // Related Child
                    // Retrieve WF arguments
                    artifactLookupName = ArtifactLookupSchemaName.Get(executionContext);
                    var caseLookup = CaseLookupSchemaName.Get(executionContext);

                    if (caseLookup == null || artifactLookupName == null)

                    tracer.Trace("ProcessingOnChange:Execute - Find parent Case using lookup " + caseLookup);
                    // if we have the proper workflow arguments retrieve and set the incidentid, accountid, and contactid associated
                    // with this related record
                    incidentId = ((EntityReference)fullEntity[caseLookup]).Id;

                    using (var xrm = new CrmServiceContext(service))
                        var e = (from c in xrm.IncidentSet where c.Id == incidentId
                                 select new Incident()
                            PrimaryContactId = c.PrimaryContactId,
                            CustomerId = c.CustomerId

                        accountId = e.CustomerId != null ? e.CustomerId.Id : Guid.Empty;
                        contactId = e.PrimaryContactId != null ? e.PrimaryContactId.Id : Guid.Empty;

                // Find existing Artifacts related to the triggering Entity specified in the Artifact by the artifactLookupName
                tracer.Trace("ProcessingOnChange:Execute - Find Related Artifacts for " + artifactLookupName);

                List <mcs_artifact> existingArtifacts;
                using (var xrm = new CrmServiceContext(service))
                    existingArtifacts = xrm.mcs_artifactSet.Where(x => ((EntityReference)x[artifactLookupName]).Id == fullEntity.Id)
                                        .Select(x => new mcs_artifact()
                        mcs_artifactid     = x.mcs_artifactid,
                        mcs_ArtifactType   = x.mcs_ArtifactType,
                        mcs_ArtifactRuleId = x.mcs_ArtifactRuleId,
                        mcs_Association    = x.mcs_Association,
                        mcs_AccountId      = x.mcs_AccountId,
                        mcs_Contactid      = x.mcs_Contactid,
                        mcs_CaseId         = x.mcs_CaseId

                tracer.Trace("ProcessingOnChange:Execute - initialize Artifact Service");
                var artifactService = new ArtifactService(service, fullEntity, artifactLookupName, accountId, contactId, incidentId);

                tracer.Trace("ProcessingOnCreation:CreateRequiredDocs Number of Artifact Rules =" + artifactService.ArtifactRules.Count());

                foreach (mcs_artifactrule r in artifactService.ArtifactRules)
                    tracer.Trace("ProcessingOnCreation:CreateRequiredDocs Number of Found Rules Specifier =" + r.mcs_QuestionIdentifier + " = " + r.mcs_SuccessIndicator);

                var nonApplicableArtifactRuleIds = new List <Guid>();

                // Note:  entityTarget ONLY includes the fields that have just been modified
                // For any reconciliation we would need the use the fullEntity with all Attributes
                // and we would not want to filter out null Question Identifiers for anything missed during an OnCreate.
                var processingItems = from a in artifactService.ArtifactRules.Where(x => x.mcs_QuestionIdentifier != null)
                                      join b in entityTarget.Attributes on a.mcs_QuestionIdentifier equals b.Key.ToString()
                                      select new { a, b };

                tracer.Trace("ProcessingOnCreation:CreateRequiredDocs Number of ProcessingItems =" + processingItems.Count());

                foreach (var item in processingItems)
                    // if we don't have a question identifer move on to the next processing item because artifact rules with no
                    // question identifier only matter in the context of a create event not update
                    if (item.b.Value == null)

                    var    attribute      = item.b;
                    var    artifactRule   = item.a;
                    string attributeText  = "";
                    string attributeName  = "";
                    int    attributeValue = new int();

                    attributeName = attribute.Key.ToString();
                    // we do not have artifact rules based on state or status reason, move to the next processing item
                    if (attributeName == "statuscode")
                    if (attributeName == "statecode")

                    // get the attribute text and value based on what type the attribute value is
                    switch (attribute.Value)
                    case OptionSetValue o:      // get the text value of selected item
                        attributeValue = o.Value;
                        attributeText  = ArtifactService.GetOptionSetText(entityTarget.LogicalName, attributeName, attributeValue, service);

                    case EntityReference eRef:
                    case null: continue;

                        attributeText = attribute.Value.ToString();

                    // Find any existing Artifacts against this rule.
                    IEnumerable <mcs_artifact> existingArtifactsforRule = existingArtifacts.Where(x => x.mcs_ArtifactRuleId.Id == artifactRule.Id);
                    var alreadyExists = existingArtifactsforRule.Count() > 0;

                    // C# 7.0 pattern matching.. This allows us to use both string and integer values of option sets
                    switch (artifactRule.mcs_SuccessIndicator)
                    // if we can parse from the string the success indicator is an optionsetvalue
                    case string s when int.TryParse(s, out int i):
                        // if the question identifier equals the success indicator and does not already exist create the artifact
                        if (attributeValue == i)
                            if (!alreadyExists)
                                tracer.Trace("ProcessingOnChange:Execute - CreateArtifact text =" + attributeValue + "Specifier =" + i);
                        // if the question identifier does not equal the success indicator add to list of potential artifacts that need
                        // to be deleted
                            tracer.Trace("ProcessingOnChange:Execute - AddtoDeleteList text =" + attributeValue + "Specifier =" + i);

                    // if we have a string value in the success indicator
                    case string s:
                        // if the question identifier equals the success indicator and does not already exist create the artifact
                        if (attributeText == s)
                            if (!alreadyExists)
                                tracer.Trace("ProcessingOnChange:Execute - CreateArtifact text =" + attributeText + "  Specifier =" + s);
                        // if the question identifier does not equal the success indicator add to list of potential artifacts that need
                        // to be deleted
                            tracer.Trace("ProcessingOnChange:Execute - AddtoDeleteList text =" + attributeText + "  Specifier =" + s);


                    default:     // Skip to next Rule if this doesn't match

                    // If we didn't just create a new Artifact or add this Artifact Rule to the nonApplicable list, consider updating the Artifact if something has changed.

                    // Check if attribute is a specifier

                    if (attributeName == artifactRule.mcs_Specifier)
                        // loop through the collection of Artifacts for this rule
                        foreach (var artifact in existingArtifactsforRule)
                            // instantiate an update object for document in question
                            var updateArtifact = new mcs_artifact()
                                mcs_artifactid = artifact.Id

                            tracer.Trace("ProcessingOnChange:Execute - GetAssociationByRule ");
                            var association = artifactService.GetArtifactAssociationByRule(artifactRule);

                            tracer.Trace("ProcessingOnChange:Execute - Done ");

                            var dirty = false;

                            if (artifact.mcs_Association != association)
                                updateArtifact.mcs_Association = association;
                                dirty = true;

                            // Update Links if they don't already exist
                            if ((artifact.mcs_AccountId == null || artifact.mcs_AccountId.Id != accountId) && accountId != Guid.Empty)
                                updateArtifact.mcs_AccountId = new EntityReference("account", accountId);
                                dirty = true;
                            if ((artifact.mcs_Contactid == null || artifact.mcs_Contactid.Id != contactId) && contactId != Guid.Empty)
                                updateArtifact.mcs_Contactid = new EntityReference("contact", contactId);
                                dirty = true;

                            if ((artifact.mcs_CaseId == null || artifact.mcs_CaseId.Id != incidentId) && incidentId != Guid.Empty)
                                updateArtifact.mcs_CaseId = new EntityReference("incident", incidentId);
                                dirty = true;

                            if (dirty)
                                var updateReq = new UpdateRequest()
                                    Target = updateArtifact


                    // Update any changed Artifacts
                tracer.Trace("Artifact ProcessingOnChange:Execute - Delete any related Artifacts that are no longer applicable");

                // for matches between the existing artifacts and our nonapplicable artifact rules delete the artifact
                (from a in existingArtifacts
                 join b in nonApplicableArtifactRuleIds on a.mcs_ArtifactRuleId.Id equals b
                 select a.Id).ToList().ForEach(x => service.Delete(mcs_artifact.EntityLogicalName, x));

                // throw (new Exception("testing"));
            catch (SoapException e)
                throw new InvalidPluginExecutionException(e.Detail.InnerXml);
            catch (Exception e)
                throw new InvalidPluginExecutionException(e.Message);
Ejemplo n.º 2
        protected override void Execute(CodeActivityContext executionContext)
            ITracingService             tracer         = executionContext.GetExtension <ITracingService>();
            IWorkflowContext            context        = executionContext.GetExtension <IWorkflowContext>();
            IOrganizationServiceFactory serviceFactory = executionContext.GetExtension <IOrganizationServiceFactory>();
            IOrganizationService        service        = serviceFactory.CreateOrganizationService(context.UserId);

                var targetName = context.PrimaryEntityName;

                tracer.Trace("ProcessingOnCreation:Execute retrieve triggering entity to process Artifacts for " + targetName);

                // retrieve all attributes from triggering entities because any field can be configured as a Question Identifier
                var targetEntity = service.Retrieve(targetName, context.PrimaryEntityId, new ColumnSet(true));

                var accountId          = Guid.Empty;
                var contactId          = Guid.Empty;
                var incidentId         = Guid.Empty;
                var artifactLookupName = "";

                switch (targetName)
                // Assuming that the Parent Account and Contact will be created in advance of any incident.

                case "account":
                    artifactLookupName = "mcs_accountid";
                    accountId          = targetEntity.Id;
                    contactId          = targetEntity.Contains("primarycontactid") ? ((EntityReference)targetEntity["primarycontactid"]).Id : Guid.Empty;

                case "contact":
                    artifactLookupName = "mcs_contactid";
                    accountId          = targetEntity.Contains("parentcustomerid") ? ((EntityReference)targetEntity["parentcustomerid"]).Id : Guid.Empty;
                    var account = service.Retrieve("account", ((EntityReference)targetEntity["parentcustomerid"]).Id, new ColumnSet(new[] { "primarycontactid" }));
                    contactId = account.Contains("primarycontactid") ? ((EntityReference)account["primarycontactid"]).Id : Guid.Empty;

                case "incident":
                    incidentId         = targetEntity.Id;
                    artifactLookupName = "mcs_caseid";
                    accountId          = targetEntity.Contains("customerid") ? ((EntityReference)targetEntity["customerid"]).Id : Guid.Empty;
                    contactId          = targetEntity.Contains("primarycontactid") ? ((EntityReference)targetEntity["primarycontactid"]).Id : Guid.Empty;

                // Below handles custom related records based on workflow input parameters
                    // Retrieve WF arguments
                    artifactLookupName = ArtifactLookupSchemaName.Get(executionContext);
                    var caseLookup = CaseLookupSchemaName.Get(executionContext);

                    if (caseLookup == null || artifactLookupName == null)

                    // if we have the proper workflow arguments retrieve and set the incidentid, accountid, and contactid associated
                    // with this related record
                    incidentId = ((EntityReference)targetEntity[caseLookup]).Id;
                    using (var xrm = new CrmServiceContext(service))
                        var e = (from c in xrm.IncidentSet
                                 where c.Id == incidentId
                                 select new Incident()
                            PrimaryContactId = c.PrimaryContactId,
                            CustomerId = c.CustomerId

                        accountId = e.CustomerId != null ? e.CustomerId.Id : Guid.Empty;
                        contactId = e.PrimaryContactId != null ? e.PrimaryContactId.Id : Guid.Empty;

                // Instantiate helper object
                var artifactService = new ArtifactService(service, targetEntity, artifactLookupName, accountId, contactId, incidentId);

                // Create Artifact based on target Entity and Artifact Rule
                foreach (var rule in artifactService.ArtifactRules)
                    // if the question identifier is null then in the context of a create this is a what is called a static rule
                    // which means that the artifact gets created regardless of any criteria on create of the targetEntity
                    if (rule.mcs_QuestionIdentifier == null)
                        tracer.Trace("ProcessingOnCreation:CreateRequiredDocs create new artifact with no Question Identifier");
                    else if (targetEntity.Contains(rule.mcs_QuestionIdentifier))
                        tracer.Trace(targetEntity.LogicalName + "Check This Question Identifier " + rule.mcs_QuestionIdentifier + " against " + rule.mcs_SuccessIndicator);

                        string attr;
                        string attrLabel = "";

                        // get the appropriate attribute values based on what type of field the question identifier is
                        if (targetEntity[rule.mcs_QuestionIdentifier] is OptionSetValue)
                            attr      = ((OptionSetValue)targetEntity[rule.mcs_QuestionIdentifier]).Value.ToString();
                            attrLabel = ArtifactService.GetOptionSetText(targetEntity.LogicalName, rule.mcs_QuestionIdentifier, Convert.ToInt32(attr), service);
                        else if (targetEntity[rule.mcs_QuestionIdentifier] is bool)
                            attr = ((bool)targetEntity[rule.mcs_QuestionIdentifier]).ToString();
                            attr = (string)targetEntity[rule.mcs_QuestionIdentifier];

                        tracer.Trace("attr = " + attr);

                        // if the attribute value is equal to the success indicator add the required doc to the context for creation
                        if (attr == rule.mcs_SuccessIndicator || attrLabel == rule.mcs_SuccessIndicator)
            catch (Exception e)
                throw new InvalidPluginExecutionException(e.Message);