Ejemplo n.º 1
        /// <summary>
        /// Load a level. <remarks>Calls OnLevelLoadEvent.</remarks>
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>The loaded level</returns>
        //TODO: Load all the types of levels (old mcforge, new mcforge, fcraft, minecpp, etc...)
        public static Level LoadLevel(string levelName)
            if (FindLevel(levelName) != null)

            string Name       = "levels/" + levelName + ".cw";
            Level  finalLevel = new Level(new Vector3S(32, 32, 32));

            finalLevel.Name = levelName;
                if (File.Exists(Name))
                    finalLevel.CWMap = new ClassicWorld(Name);

                    finalLevel.Settings = new Metadata();                                 // -- Create our HC Specific finalLevel.Settings
                    finalLevel.CWMap.MetadataParsers.Add("MCForge", finalLevel.Settings); // -- Register it with the finalLevel.CWMap loader
                    finalLevel.CWMap.Load();                                              // -- Load the finalLevel.CWMap

                    finalLevel.Settings = (Metadata)finalLevel.CWMap.MetadataParsers["MCForge"];

                    // -- Creates HC Metadata if it does not exist.
                    if (finalLevel.Settings.perbuild == null)
                        finalLevel.Settings.perbuild = 0;

                    if (finalLevel.Settings.pervisit == null)
                        finalLevel.Settings.pervisit = 0;

                    Level.OnAllLevelsLoad.Call(finalLevel, new LevelLoadEventArgs(true));
                    Logger.Log("[Level] " + levelName + " was loaded");
            catch (Exception e)
                Logger.Log(e.Message); Logger.Log(e.StackTrace);
            } return(null);
Ejemplo n.º 2
        /// <summary>
        /// Load a level. <remarks>Calls OnLevelLoadEvent.</remarks>
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>The loaded level</returns>
        //TODO: Load all the types of levels (old mcforge, new mcforge, fcraft, minecpp, etc...)
        public static Level LoadLevel(string levelName)
            if (FindLevel(levelName) != null)
                return null;

            string Name = "levels/" + levelName + ".cw";
            Level finalLevel = new Level(new Vector3S(32, 32, 32));
            finalLevel.Name = levelName;
                if (File.Exists(Name))
                    finalLevel.CWMap = new ClassicWorld(Name);

                    finalLevel.Settings = new Metadata(); // -- Create our HC Specific finalLevel.Settings
                    finalLevel.CWMap.MetadataParsers.Add("MCForge", finalLevel.Settings); // -- Register it with the finalLevel.CWMap loader
                    finalLevel.CWMap.Load(); // -- Load the finalLevel.CWMap

                    finalLevel.Settings = (Metadata)finalLevel.CWMap.MetadataParsers["MCForge"];

                    // -- Creates HC Metadata if it does not exist.
                    if (finalLevel.Settings.perbuild == null)
                        finalLevel.Settings.perbuild = 0;

                    if (finalLevel.Settings.pervisit == null)
                        finalLevel.Settings.pervisit = 0;

                    Level.OnAllLevelsLoad.Call(finalLevel, new LevelLoadEventArgs(true));
                    Logger.Log("[Level] " + levelName + " was loaded");
                    return finalLevel;
            catch (Exception e)
                Logger.Log(e.Message); Logger.Log(e.StackTrace);
            } return null;
Ejemplo n.º 3
        /// <summary>
        /// Load a level.
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>The loaded level</returns>
        public static Level LoadLevel(string levelName)
            string Name = "levels\\" + levelName + ".lvl";
            Level finalLevel = new Level(new Vector3S(32, 32, 32));
            finalLevel.Name = levelName;
            try {
                BinaryReader Binary = null;
                try {
                    Binary = new BinaryReader(File.Open(Name, FileMode.Open));
                catch { return null; }

                using (Binary) {
                    long v = Binary.ReadInt64();
                    if (v != 28542713840690029) //The magic number
                        Logger.Log("Not a new MCForge Level! Attemping to load old MCForge level format!", Color.Red, Color.Black);
                        FileStream fs = File.OpenRead(Name);
                        try {
                            GZipStream gs = new GZipStream(fs, CompressionMode.Decompress);
                            byte[] ver = new byte[2];
                            gs.Read(ver, 0, ver.Length);
                            ushort version = BitConverter.ToUInt16(ver, 0);
                            if (version == 1874) //Is a old MCForge level!
                                #region Old MCForge Level
                                ushort[] vars = new ushort[6];
                                byte[] rot = new byte[2];
                                byte[] header = new byte[16]; gs.Read(header, 0, header.Length);

                                vars[0] = BitConverter.ToUInt16(header, 0); //X
                                vars[1] = BitConverter.ToUInt16(header, 2); //Z
                                vars[2] = BitConverter.ToUInt16(header, 4); //Y
                                vars[3] = BitConverter.ToUInt16(header, 6); //SpawnX
                                vars[4] = BitConverter.ToUInt16(header, 8); //SpawnZ
                                vars[5] = BitConverter.ToUInt16(header, 10); //SpawnY

                                rot[0] = header[12]; //SpawnHeading
                                rot[1] = header[13]; //SpawnYaw

                                finalLevel.Size = new Vector3S((short)vars[0], (short)vars[1], (short)vars[2]);

                                finalLevel.SpawnPos = new Vector3S((short)vars[3], (short)vars[5], (short)vars[4]);

                                finalLevel.SpawnRot = new byte[2] { rot[0], rot[1] };

                                finalLevel._TotalBlocks = finalLevel.Size.x * finalLevel.Size.z * finalLevel.Size.y;
                                byte[] blocks = new byte[finalLevel.Size.x * finalLevel.Size.z * finalLevel.Size.y];
                                gs.Read(blocks, 0, blocks.Length);
                                finalLevel.Data = new byte[finalLevel._TotalBlocks];
                                for (int x = 0; x < finalLevel.Size.x; x++)
                                    for (int y = 0; y < finalLevel.Size.y; y++)
                                        for (int z = 0; z < finalLevel.Size.z; z++)
                                            try { finalLevel.SetBlock(x, y, z, (byte)OldMCForgeToNewMCForge.Convert(blocks[finalLevel.PosToInt((ushort)x, (ushort)y, (ushort)z)])); } //Converts all custom blocks to normal blocks.
                                            catch { continue; }
                        catch { return null; }
                    else //Is a new MCForge level!
                        #region New MCForge Level
                        string s = Binary.ReadString();
                        int x = Convert.ToInt32(s.Split('@')[0]);
                        int y = Convert.ToInt32(s.Split('@')[1]);
                        int z = Convert.ToInt32(s.Split('@')[2]);
                        finalLevel.Size = new Vector3S((short)x, (short)z, (short)y);

                        s = Binary.ReadString();
                        x = Convert.ToInt32(s.Split('!')[0]);
                        y = Convert.ToInt32(s.Split('!')[1]);
                        z = Convert.ToInt32(s.Split('!')[2]);
                        finalLevel.SpawnPos = new Vector3S((short)x, (short)z, (short)y);

                        s = Binary.ReadString();
                        int heading = Convert.ToInt32(s.Split('~')[0]);
                        int yaw = Convert.ToInt32(s.Split('~')[1]);
                        finalLevel.SpawnRot = new byte[2] { (byte)heading, (byte)yaw };

                        int count = Binary.ReadInt32();

                        for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) //Metadata for blocks
                            string key = Binary.ReadString();
                            string value = Binary.ReadString();
                            finalLevel.ExtraData[key] = value;

                        finalLevel._TotalBlocks = Binary.ReadInt32();
                        int ByteLength = Binary.ReadInt32();
                        byte[] b = Decompress(Binary.ReadBytes(ByteLength));
                        finalLevel.Data = new byte[finalLevel._TotalBlocks];
                        finalLevel.Data = b;
                        try {
                            string EOF = Binary.ReadString();
                            if (EOF != "EOF") {
                                return null;
                        catch { Binary.Dispose(); return null; }
                return finalLevel;
            catch (Exception e) { Logger.Log(e.Message); Logger.Log(e.StackTrace); } return null;
Ejemplo n.º 4
        /// <summary>
        /// Load a level. <remarks>Calls OnLevelLoadEvent.</remarks>
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>The loaded level</returns>
        //TODO: Load all the types of levels (old mcforge, new mcforge, fcraft, minecpp, etc...)
        public static Level LoadLevel(string levelName)
            if (FindLevel(levelName) != null)

            string Name       = "levels/" + levelName + ".lvl";
            Level  finalLevel = new Level(new Vector3S(32, 32, 32));

            finalLevel.Name = levelName;
            try {
                BinaryReader Binary = null;
                try {
                    Binary = new BinaryReader(File.Open(Name, FileMode.Open));
                catch { return(null); }

                using (Binary) {
                    long v = Binary.ReadInt64();
                    if (v != MAGIC_NUMBER) //The magic number
                        return(new MCForgeOldMap().Load(levelName, Name));
                    else //Is a new MCForge level!
                        #region New MCForge Level
                        byte version = Binary.ReadByte();
                        if (version == 1)
                            string s = Binary.ReadString();
                            int    x = Convert.ToInt32(s.Split('@')[0]);
                            int    y = Convert.ToInt32(s.Split('@')[1]);
                            int    z = Convert.ToInt32(s.Split('@')[2]);
                            finalLevel.Size = new Vector3S((short)x, (short)z, (short)y);

                            s = Binary.ReadString();
                            x = Convert.ToInt32(s.Split('!')[0]);
                            y = Convert.ToInt32(s.Split('!')[1]);
                            z = Convert.ToInt32(s.Split('!')[2]);
                            finalLevel.SpawnPos = new Vector3S((short)x, (short)z, (short)y);

                            s = Binary.ReadString();
                            int heading = Convert.ToInt32(s.Split('~')[0]);
                            int yaw     = Convert.ToInt32(s.Split('~')[1]);
                            finalLevel.SpawnRot = new byte[2] {
                                (byte)heading, (byte)yaw

                            int count = Binary.ReadInt32();

                            for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)     //Metadata for blocks
                                string key   = Binary.ReadString();
                                string value = Binary.ReadString();
                                finalLevel.ExtraData[key] = value;

                            finalLevel._TotalBlocks = Binary.ReadInt32();
                            int    ByteLength = Binary.ReadInt32();
                            byte[] b          = Decompress(Binary.ReadBytes(ByteLength));
                            finalLevel.Data = new byte[finalLevel._TotalBlocks];
                            finalLevel.Data = b;
                            try {
                                string EOF = Binary.ReadString();
                                if (EOF != "EOF")
                            catch { Binary.Dispose(); return(null); }
                        //TODO: Move to HandleMetaData
                Level.OnAllLevelsLoad.Call(finalLevel, new LevelLoadEventArgs(true));
                Logger.Log("[Level] " + levelName + " was loaded");
            catch (Exception e) {
                Logger.Log(e.Message); Logger.Log(e.StackTrace);
            } return(null);
Ejemplo n.º 5
        /// <summary>
        /// Load a level. <remarks>Calls OnLevelLoadEvent.</remarks>
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>The loaded level</returns>
        //TODO: Load all the types of levels (old mcforge, new mcforge, fcraft, minecpp, etc...)
        public static Level LoadLevel(string levelName) {
            if (FindLevel(levelName) != null)
                return null;

            string Name = "levels/" + levelName + ".lvl";
            Level finalLevel = new Level(new Vector3S(32, 32, 32));
            finalLevel.Name = levelName;
            try {
                BinaryReader Binary = null;
                try {
                    Binary = new BinaryReader(File.Open(Name, FileMode.Open));
                catch { return null; }

                using (Binary) {
                    long v = Binary.ReadInt64();
                    if (v != MAGIC_NUMBER) //The magic number
                        return new MCForgeOldMap().Load(levelName, Name);
                    else //Is a new MCForge level!
                        #region New MCForge Level
                        byte version = Binary.ReadByte();
                        if (version == 1)
                        	string s = Binary.ReadString();
                        	int x = Convert.ToInt32(s.Split('@')[0]);
                        	int y = Convert.ToInt32(s.Split('@')[1]);
                        	int z = Convert.ToInt32(s.Split('@')[2]);
                        	finalLevel.Size = new Vector3S((short)x, (short)z, (short)y);

                        	s = Binary.ReadString();
                        	x = Convert.ToInt32(s.Split('!')[0]);
                        	y = Convert.ToInt32(s.Split('!')[1]);
                        	z = Convert.ToInt32(s.Split('!')[2]);
                        	finalLevel.SpawnPos = new Vector3S((short)x, (short)z, (short)y);

                        	s = Binary.ReadString();
                        	int heading = Convert.ToInt32(s.Split('~')[0]);
                        	int yaw = Convert.ToInt32(s.Split('~')[1]);
                        	finalLevel.SpawnRot = new byte[2] { (byte)heading, (byte)yaw };

                        	int count = Binary.ReadInt32();

                        	for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) //Metadata for blocks
                        		string key = Binary.ReadString();
                        		string value = Binary.ReadString();
                        		finalLevel.ExtraData[key] = value;

                        	finalLevel._TotalBlocks = Binary.ReadInt32();
                        	int ByteLength = Binary.ReadInt32();
                        	byte[] b = Decompress(Binary.ReadBytes(ByteLength));
                        	finalLevel.Data = new byte[finalLevel._TotalBlocks];
                        	finalLevel.Data = b;
                        	try {
                        		string EOF = Binary.ReadString();
                        		if (EOF != "EOF") {
                        			return null;
                        	catch { Binary.Dispose(); return null; }
                        //TODO: Move to HandleMetaData
                Level.OnAllLevelsLoad.Call(finalLevel, new LevelLoadEventArgs(true));
                Logger.Log("[Level] " + levelName + " was loaded");
                return finalLevel;
            catch (Exception e) { 
                Logger.Log(e.Message); Logger.Log(e.StackTrace); } return null;